Globally sweet orange is commonly referred to as orange because it is the most commonly grown type in the world. Overtime, new varieties have been developed scientifically through mutation and methods of grafting to get new characteristics in the developed variety. In India, quite a few varieties of Mandarin are widely grown across various states followed by the varieties of sweet oranges known by different names regionally, having distinct physical characteristics.
Figure 10: Commonly known varieties in India( Source: Google images, Author)
3.2 LOCATION MAPPING 3.2.1 Production globally According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) statistics, 75 million tonnes of oranges were produced globally over 4.5 billion hectares of land in 2018. Oranges are the most cultivated fruit trees in the world.World orange production is dominated by North America, South America and Asia. The leading producers of oranges include countries like Brazil- on the 1st position, China- on the 2nd position, followed by India on the 3rd position. The dominance of countries like Brazil is due to the Sweet orange production which has more shelf life than Mandarins.
Figure 11: Share of continents in orange production( Source: FAO)
This above and the following data is collected from FAO in the year 2018-2019