Oswestry Life April 2023

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• Interiors & Home Lagom your life THE MOST WIDELY DISTRIBUTED FREE PUBLICATION IN OSWESTRY • Taste of Oswestry Eat out locally www.oswestry.life ISSUE 72 APRIL 2023 ANNIVERSARY YEAR • Blue Mood Indigo denim • Interiors Parisian styling 2017-2023 84 PAGE BUMPER ISSUE
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Joint Managing Directors David Lee-Birch david@oswestrylife.co.uk

Tracy Leonard tracy@oswestrylife.co.uk

Editor Victoria Jane McKenna victoria@oswestrylife.co.uk

Production Designer Aileen Selkirk aileen@oswestrylife.co.uk

Regular contributors Graham Mitchell, Dr Paul Middleton, Rebecca Evans, Stephanie Dhillon, Louise Idoux, Claire Arnold

Accounts and Distribution info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Advertising info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Contents Oswestry Life is published by DTS Media. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect those of DTS Media. The reproduction of any material in this magazine is forbidden without the written consent of the publisher. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, DTS Media can in no way accept liability for omissions or incorrect insertions or any consequences arising from use of this publication. © DTS Media Ltd. 2023 Printed by Pensord Press - When you have finished with this publication please recycle
McKenna EDITOR APRIL COVER Street Circus BusEaster Saturday 8th April. The Bailey Head. grahamsfmitchell PEFC/16-33-447 Local news 5 Britain in Bloom 8 Oswestry BID update 10 Minutes with the MP 14 Adrenaline Sporting Events 19 Whittington Music Festival 22 Food & Drink - Recipe 23 A Taste of Oswestry 24 Culture 32 Fashion - Blue Mood 34 Hope House 41 Health pages 42 Community - The Day Centre Club 47 In Focus with Graham Mitchell 54 Home - A Touch of Velvet 58 Property Spotlight 60 Property News 67 Interiors - Pared back Parisian 71 Gardening 75 Puzzle page 82 Welcome to the April issue! Let’s hope we avoid April snow and have more April showers. What a busy month ahead we have across the community. Local businesses Fix Auto (p.16) and Visiting Angels (p.43) celebrate business birthdays. There are some interesting charity themed stories from Adrenaline Sporting Events (p.19),
to Oswestry Life Welcome Victoria Jane
4 | Oswestry life

Local pub winning across the county

Grace Goodlad and Duncan Borrowman are celebrating winning two awards from the Shrewsbury & West Shropshire Campaign for Real Ale: Pub of the Year and Market Towns Pub of the Year. It is the sixth consecutive year the pub has won the Market Towns award, having won every year since it opened, but only the second time it has won the overall award, beating Shrewsbury and rural pubs.

Landlady Grace Goodlad said, “It is extra special winning an award from CAMRA as it is judged by consumers, who not only judge how good your beer and cider is, but also look at cleanliness, community support and customer service. It was great to hear that the knowledge of our staff particularly impressed the judges.”

Landlord Duncan Borrowman said, “Coming just days after the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) announced that we are finalists for UK’s Best Craft Beer Pub or Bar - Rural award for the fifth time has really lifted our spirits in what is a difficult time for pubs. Next week we head to Liverpool for the SIBA awards ceremony, then we will have CAMRA presenting us with a shield and after that CAMRA will judge us against the best in Telford & East Shropshire for who they say is the best in Shropshire. We have our fingers crossed!”

Local Group Looking for Singers

Local ladies, Michelle, Jacqui and Jan have put together a new singing group, the Rolling Tones. Open to both men and women aged 16 and over, the trio are on the hunt for singers and a Music Director.

Michelle said, “We have formed choirs in the past, but this time we want to move in a different direction, and away from the title of ‘choir’. The types of music we intend to sing will be a huge variety from musical hits, jazz, rock and roll and much more.

“We want a music group that stands apart from others; that will have audiences singing along, dancing and clapping. We are also looking for individuals who can play an instrument to join us, we are at least looking for piano, guitar and drums, and happy to consider more.”

If you’re interested, contact Michelle on 07858 542200.

Friendship Bench donated to The Meadows Primary School

British Log Cabins of Welshpool, have helped pupils and teachers at The Meadows Primary School fulfil a dream this February by presenting the school with a bespoke, handcrafted, solid log ‘Friendship Bench’. It’s a place where children can sit if they feel lonely or have no one to talk to at playtime - it being the cue for others to join them and start up a friendship. Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 was 6-12 February and this year’s theme was ‘Let’s Connect’, so the school was keen to get the bench in place to support the work they did to promote this theme.

The School Council initially requested the friendship bench some years ago, but PTA raised funds were always destined for other activities to support the children’s learning, so when Greg Arnold, a parent at the school, and Site Manager for British Log Cabins, suggested the company could make and donate one for them, Headteacher Mrs Morris, jumped at the chance.

The handcrafted bench, which was made from a western red cedar log, was chainsaw carved and planed before being oiled to protect it from the weather. It’s now sited on the edge of the playground for the children to enjoy.

Oswestry life | 5 Local news
PHOTO COURTESY BAILEY HEAD LTD. Duncan Borrowman and Grace Goodlad celebrating their win.

Fundraiser Challenge for Midland Air Ambulance

This year the Borderland Mountain Bike Challenge takes place on Saturday 13 May, starting at Rhiwlas Village Hall. Raising money for the Midland Air Ambulance, the 22-mile challenge takes riders over natural trails, green lanes, and farm tracks, on private land in the foothills of the Berwyn Mountains and is available to riders of all levels of competence. However, it’s not for the faint hearted as there is around 300 meters of tarmac and probably no more than

OTC welcomes Shropshire Cycle Hub

Shropshire Cycle Hub has been announced as the new tenant of Cross Market Hall, in the centre of Oswestry.

Cross Market Hall is owned by Oswestry Town Council and following extensive renovations during the past year, the Council is delighted to welcome new tenants into the historic building.

Built in 1842 and after an extension in 1848, the building became home to Powis and Cross Markets in 1849.

Shropshire Cycle Hub, founded in 2020, is a community charity focused on improving access to healthy sustainable transport across the county. Its objective is to help people overcome all types of barriers to enable them to benefit from the many advantages of cycling for transport or leisure. It hopes to achieve a 5-fold increase in the number of bike journeys by 2025 to help towards a sustainable net zero carbon Shropshire by 2030.

The charity, which already has a successful hub in Shrewsbury, has donated over 1500 bikes across Shropshire and currently operates the Oswestry Rickshaw service.

that on level ground. Some may wish to ease the pain by entering on their E-bikes and they are very welcome. You just need a bike, a helmet and the heart of a lion!

Sponsors for the event are DairiPak, Aico, Mule Cycles and Organic Energy from Shrewsbury.

If you want to join the team, visit www.borderland-mtb-challenge.org

Help at home

If you could do with some help with your housework, laundry and ironing – or perhaps a hand to tidy up the garden – a local charity is ready to help.

Chris Jennings, Chief Executive of Shropshire Cycle Hub explained further, “We have big plans for our new Oswestry Hub. Oswestry’s Rickshaw will be based at the hub, and we will continue to offer rides and deliveries to residents, visitors and commercial customers – all with the aim of reducing traffic in our town and offering service with a smile. This in turn can help to improve mental and physical well-being and reduce carbon emissions in the town.”

“We will offer second hand bikes for sale and on long-term loan, provide organised cycle rides to people of all ages and abilities, educational events, e-cargo bike deliveries and be a drop-in meeting point for the community offering refreshments.”

Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin is reaching out to older people in the Oswestry area and across the whole of the county, offering its Help at Home service. Anyone over the age of 60 may be eligible. Alongside the help with the chores, the scheme also provides companionship.

The scheme employs a team of caring, well-trained Home Support Workers. All come with good references and all are checked with the Disclosure & Barring Service (previously the Criminal Records Bureau).

They carry out everyday tasks that an older person may find difficult to manage and wherever possible the same support worker will visit each time to provide continuity.

For further details, telephone 01743 233788 or email enquiries@ageukstw.org.uk

6 | Oswestry life Local
Dari-Pak Challenge Group From left to right: James Bell, Anna Morris, Jay Moore – Oswestry Town Mayor, Mark Fermor, Paul Kalinauckas and Chris Jennings

Oswestry in UK finals

During last year’s success in the regional competition, Heart of England in Bloom, Oswestry won Gold and was the overall winner in the large town category. So, this year the judges felt Oswestry was worthy of being put forward for the UK finals.

As part of its activities, Oswestry in Bloom runs a local competition every year where residents are invited to enter their gardens across numerous categories. These are then judged by Margaret Thrower, daughter of Percy Thrower. An awards ceremony is then held to present certificates and trophies to category winners

The Oswestry in Bloom committee and volunteers are working hard to help make Oswestry look ‘blooming lovely’ for the Britain in Bloom judges visit in August. They are always looking for volunteers to

help in whatever way they can, however small. Gardening and “growing together” has its benefits because being part of a group, it is much more fun and sociable, plus the benefits of being outdoors, along with the appreciation of the local community and wildlife. Find out all about Oswestry in Bloom on the new website www.oswestryinbloom.wordpress.com or if you are interested in being involved, contact Louise Humphreys on 01691 680222, email louisehumphreys@oswestry-tc. gov.uk

8 | Oswestry life Britain In Bloom
PHOTOS © GRAHAM MITCHELL Flowers around Town 2022 Jubilee Theme Cae Glas Park
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Oswestry BID Update on Church Street Enhancements

Planned enhancements to Church Street have faced a series of challenges, say the town’s Business Improvement District (BID), but they will go ahead. The plan is set to include extensions to pavements, street furniture with garden planters, seating, and a one-way system to improve safety for pedestrians while making for a more attractive place to shop and dwell in town.

A spokesperson for BID said, “This project has been extremely challenging, but we are committed to bringing it to fruition. We all want to see the end of the Hog barriers put down during Covid to provide social distancing and create a temporary one-way system on this section of Church Street.

“But following the lifting of Covid restrictions, safety concerns were raised by Highways about the speed of vehicles travelling through and overtaking, especially worrying during the nighttime when people are walking home. This is why the Hogs were left in place - to ensure public safety until more permanent improvements were made.

“Now given the clear safety benefits provided by the temporary road layout, it was decided to consider making the one-way traffic regulation order permanent - a period of consultation then followed. BID were also exploring how Church Street could be improved with more pedestrian space, to calm the traffic and ensure safety, whilst enhancing the street scene. These ideas were run past both Oswestry Town Council and Shropshire Council at the Future Oswestry Group meetings.

“BID also initiated a series of useful onsite meetings with Shropshire Council Highways, Environmental Associates (Designers), WSP, and Kier. Various proposals were made, though

meeting the demands of Highways regulations, funding and resource proved challenging. However, BID continued to research similar projects around the UK bringing to light several innovative, workable case studies with street scenes significantly improved without hitting the boundaries of highways legislation.”

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council Cabinet member for growth, regeneration and housing commented, “The current set up on Church Street is to protect members of the public and align with health and safety requirement for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. We understand the public want to see change and are investigating several alternatives for the interim period before permanent works are established.”

Oswestry Town Council is extremely pleased that a solution has been found. A spokesperson for the council said, “The temporary solution, whilst necessary, was in place for far too long and generated significant public dissatisfaction. We would like to thank Oswestry BID for their persistence and look forward to seeing the improvements which will make Church Street a more pleasant place to spend time in.”

Oswestry BID Manager, Adele Nightingale, accepts that delays to the scheme have been very frustrating, but is determined that the

outcome will be welcomed, and a vast improvement on before.

“We’re going as quickly as we can,” she said. “The new street layout must meet a series of important checks, as with any highways scheme, all of which takes time, including stringent highways regulations, conservation requirements, consideration of drainage solutions, re-designing the drains to fit with the new scheme, and a topographical survey in co-operation with a number of partners in the public and private sector. The current positions of the loading bay and Blue Badge bay will remain as part of the new layout.

“BID secured £70,000 from the Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) funding for the planters and street furniture, which have been purchased and are in storage ready for installation. We’re at the stage where technical drawings are being drafted, so the work can be planned and begun. We’re working with Shropshire Council to ensure that work takes place alongside resurfacing and relining to minimise disruption.

“Once designs and dates for works have been confirmed, BID will update through the press and on social media platforms. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience. We’re on the final lap now, so here’s to a rejuvenated Church Street in the upcoming months,” she added.

Oswestry BID Ltd, Suite 3, Salop House, Oswestry SY11 2NR

Telephone: 01691 700365

Email: adele.nightingale@oswestry4bid.co.uk

Web: oneoswestry.co.uk

10 | Oswestry life
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Oswestry life | 11 EC Hollywell 27-41 Beatrice Street, Oswestry SY11 1q E Tel: 01691 653449 email: sales@echollywell.co.uk visit our website at www.echollywell.co.uk FREE dElivERy* HugE cHoicE oF soFas and cHaiRs availablE FR om stock Ec Holly WEll Est.1957 *Within 100 miles

Oswestry Slimming World members get active

Members of Oswestry Slimming World groups have started to become more active by going on Sunday morning walks. Their consultant, Claire Morris, decided to help members come together every Sunday so they could build up their activity.

Some of her members were new to the area and didn’t feel confident about going out on their own so Claire organised the Cabin Lane Walk and Talk group.

“It’s been so lovely getting to know my members better and seeing them getting fitter every week. The members have made new friends and it’s been an honour showing them how beautiful Oswestry really is. There’s some incredible scenery just out of town and we’re all loving challenging ourselves to get up the hills more quickly every week,” Claire explained.

“Within Slimming World, we have our fantastic Food Optimising plan

which focuses on making healthy food choices but alongside that, we have our Body Magic plan too which encourages members to become more active. The health benefits from activity are second to none and the members who’ve joined us on our walks have said that their mental wellbeing has improved vastly since starting it.“

One member, Clare Davies, said,

“Sunday was the only day I didn’t have to set my alarm so I just used to lie in bed watching TV. Since starting the Walk and Talk group, I’ve been far more productive on a Sunday as it sets me up for the day and I feel amazing.”

For more information about joining Slimming World in Oswestry visit www.slimmingworld.co.uk

Monday: Morning and Evening 9am, 10.30am, 5.30pm and 7pm

Saturday: Morning 8.30am and 10am

For more information call CLAIRE on 07882 174539

12 | Oswestry life The Eastern Oswestry Community Centre, Cabin Lane, Oswestry
There’s some incredible scenery just out of town and we’re all loving challenging ourselves to get up the hills more quickly every week
Oswestry life | 13 Kitchens, Bedrooms, Home Office & Bathrooms www.coloursupplies.com Whittington Road, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1HZ Tel: 01691 658444 Email: kitchens.oswestry@coloursupplies.com 0% finance we offer

Minutes with the MP

I have a huge amount of correspondence from people across North Shropshire every week on all sorts of issues. From housing and healthcare to energy, education and the environment.

One issue that has been raised with me repeatedly in recent months is crime. Several communities have reported a rise in anti-social behaviour, drugs and theft.

I have been in close contact with local police officers regarding these problems, which are often linked. I believe visible community policing is crucial to clamping down on these criminals and for this we need more bobbies on the beat. It is not fair if people are choosing to avoid certain areas at certain times because they are fearful of running into the same troublemakers.

Police officers across the region put in a huge amount of hard work but unfortunately the number of local bobbies and community stations has declined in recent years.

Tackling crime in areas like North Shropshire can only be done with a bank of local officers to rely on, otherwise it is too late by the time police are able to travel the long distances needed to arrive at a scene.

At a public meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner, it was clear that residents in Oswestry want the force to take local issues seriously and not dismiss rural crime as insignificant. Again, it is not fair for yobs in rural areas to be allowed to go unpunished as resources are focused on larger towns and cities. I have made this point clearly to senior officers.

Behind many of these problems is the national issue of county lines, where drugs gangs from across the country exploit vulnerable youngsters in places like Oswestry, Ellesmere and Whitchurch.

To tackle this effectively, we need schools, councils, carers and health workers to work closely together to protect the local population.

However, at the centre of any approach must be much more proactive community policing.


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14 | Oswestry life
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Milestones all round for fix auto

Llanymynech based Pant Motor Bodies Ltd now trades as Fix Auto Oswestry and Wrexham and are celebrating their 50th anniversary. The Oswestry firm is run by Managing Director

Lee Hitch, Group Bodyshop Director

Richard Edwards, Group Operations Manager Shane Price and Bodyshop Manager Oswestry Neil Andrews. Matthew Marubbi is Bodyshop Manager for the Wrexham site.

Specialising in accident repair for all vehicle types (including light commercial vans and motorhomes), they employ 48 members of staff across two sites; and, with a real focus on the future of the business, are currently training six apprentices. The business covers Shropshire, large parts

of mid and north Wales, Chester and surrounding areas, the Wirral and Crewe.

The business has a long history in the area and Pant Motor Bodies was originally established by Robin and Ann Hitch in the village of Pant, hence the name!

Working for most leading insurance companies and approved for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Honda, Renault, Suzuki and Hyundai, Fix Auto also carry out private customer repairs and can provide four-wheel alignment, ADAS, air conditioning, vehicle diagnostics, valet, wheel refurbishment, plus many other services.  They run a fleet of 73 courtesy car and two courtesy vans so customers are never without a vehicle.

The business has a long history in the area and Pant Motor Bodies was originally established by Robin and Ann Hitch in the village of Pant, hence the name! Pant Motor Bodies started in 1973 in very primitive conditions in a small, corrugated tin shed, which was capable of holding four cars and was owned by local businessman Mr Norman Francis, who was a television engineer. Robin rented the building for £6 per week.

Robin’s background has always been in the accident repair business, serving his apprenticeship at a company in Walsall called S. MacNeillie & Son, which is still going today and where a young apprentice was always trained to a very high standard.

In 1977, the business had grown and bigger premises were necessary to accommodate more vehicles and staff. They eventually found one in Llanymynech, which is where you will still find them today.

16 | Oswestry life
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Fix Auto team Ann and Robin Hitch pictures ©graham mitchell

Pant Motor Bodies joined a franchise called Fix Auto in 2011 due to the insurance industry driving relationships with groups rather than individual body shops. Then in 2015, they expanded out to Wrexham and moved to a larger site in 2017. This enabled them to provide a much better service with 2 locations for all customer and work providers. The business is still owned and run by the family, with son Lee now at the helm.

“To celebrate the anniversary, we are planning a couple of social events with our staff, plus we want to feature 50-year branding on all our courtesy vehicles, recovery vehicles and signage,” said Lee.

“During March we celebrated several amazing staff milestones, which include Neil Mcardle, Richard Edwards and Peter Hayward who have been with us for 40 years. Wendy Williams, Paul Robertson, Gary Staley and Peter Morris have all worked here for 30 years and for Neil Andrews, Roy Millington, Mike Talbot, Karl Evans and Gary Edwards it’s been 20 years. A number of other staff who

have already passed these milestones and I estimate we have over 800 years of staff experience within the company.

“We have to keep our workshops up to date and recently invested in some new equipment which includes a hunter 4-wheel alignment system, a wheel alignment ramp, Glue dent pulling system for both sites, Hella ADAS system for both sites, Stanner Quick Pull Jig and we are now looking to invest in new spray booths at our Oswestry site. We want to provide the best service we can for our customers and this means investing back into the business.”

Oswestry life | 17
Contact Oswestry on 01691 830793 email oswestry@fixauto.co.uk www.fixautooswestry.co.uk  Contact Wrexham on 01978 661507 email wrexham@fixauto.co.uk visit www.fixautowrexham.co.uk
Awardwinningbodyshops FIXAUTOlifetimeguaranteeonrepairs years 50 Celebrating of exceptional service 1973-2023
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Fitness, fun and fundraising

Oswestry based Alan Lewis, is the owner of Adrenaline Sporting Events. Now, you may be aware of the company since Alan organises and runs the Oswestry 10K and Santa Run. The Adrenaline branding can be seen on the start line along with local business sponsors. But what is the motivation behind the brand? We asked Alan what inspired him to start such a unique business.

In 2011, Alan was an athlete competing in Triathlons representing Great Britain around the world and he made it to the ITU World Championship Grand Final in Beijing, finishing an impressive 11th in his category. Alan then decided to take a step back and in 2014 he started holding sporting events that committed all the takings to local charities.

“I was so happy that we could raise so much money and help local charities that in 2019, I decided to create a business that would support me and continue to promote and create fundraising opportunities,” Alan said.

Despite the pandemic, Alan has seen great success with the business growing organically and the Oswestry 10K model being requested for Brynkinalt, Welshpool and Newtown.

Alan explained, “All of the business partners are local, and I always encourage them to take part in the event, rather than just provide branding for us. They can present trophies and

there’s free entry for their employees who wish to take part. I want them to be involved because they are another important part of the event.

“We have a core group of local charities we fundraise for; Hope House, Lingen Davies, Midlands Air Ambulance and The Movement Centre. A lot of people know someone who has been touched by these charities, I want to support them. For last year’s Oswestry 10K, I changed the route to go past Hope House so the staff and children could watch and feel some inclusion. I had no idea how much of a positive impact doing that would have on them.”

It takes a lot of time and energy to organise the events. Usually, road management is required and holds a lot of responsibility. Alan works tirelessly before the event and on the day to ensure a smooth and safe event.

“Because we have lots of outside visitors coming into the event locations, I feel responsible to put on a good show and showcase each town/area where the run or ride is. The medals are key and always heavy and detailed. Each event has its own medal

to reflect local history or something significant about the area, for example Oswestry has Wilfred Owen in the medal design,” Alan told us.

“I’ve always put emphasis on the importance that the last runner across the finish line is as important as the first. I can proudly say that we now have a 50/50 split of men and women across the running events. This is a significant achievement because in the industry, more men sign up for events than women. It’s always been like that.”

Adrenaline isn’t just about running though. Alan now holds events across cycling including a ladies only bike ride and a mountain bike festival. More recently, the organised talks with top athletes have become popular and are growing organically. Guests have been treated to Olympic Cyclist Ed Clancy MBE, Olympic Triathlete Alistair Brownlee OBE and Olympic Endurance Cyclist Dame Laura Kenny. 2023 is already busy for Alan with 11 events lined up, more talks in the pipeline and the Adrenaline running team putting in their training plans to participate in the running events. Another project of Alan’s is helping a team of individuals who needed support and advice with their running journey, across training and nutrition.

“The events wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of the volunteers’ time and all the supporters. We can have up to 3000 spectators which generates a lot of extra income for the economy and charities, which is great.”

To find out more visit www.adrenalinesportingevents.co.uk or follow on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Oswestry life | 19
Left: Alan Lewis with Neil Lloyd from FBC Manby Bowlder. Right:Ladies only bike ride.
20 | Oswestry life INDOOR MARKET WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Parking available adjacent to Powis Hall OUTDOOR MARKET WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Good Friday Family Day 7TH APRIL 9AM UNTIL 3PM Lots of family activities on the Bailey Head with games, rides, entertainment, face painting and Easter Hunt etc. Free prizes. Artisan Market 28TH APRIL 9AM UNTIL 3PM a collection of quality local craft and food producers Oswestry Market Events @OswestryTC Tel: 01691 680222 FREE Admission Located at the back of Morda Primary School SY10 9NR EASTER FUN DAY Saturday 1st April 11am-2pm MORDA PRE-SCHOOL Free Shows | Stalls | Attractions Fire Brigade | Bouncy Castle | Prize Raffle and so much more
Oswestry life | 21 Games and fun activities for the family Explore our outlets, open to the public 7 days a week! • Garden Centre and Gift Shop • Vintage Advantage Charity Shop • The Walled Garden Café • The Orangery Restaurant • Woodland Walk Whittington Road, Gobowen SY11 3JA www.derwen.ac.uk 01691 661234 Sat 27 & Sun 28 May 2023 Children’s inflatable fun Local Craft & Food Stalls Derwen Fete Take part in our legendary Duck Race!

World Class Music Festival in Whittington

If you are thinking: ‘How can a small place like Whittington possibly have a world-class music festival?’, you wouldn’t be alone, but you would be wrong. Thanks to the energetic, creative and highly respected Artistic Director, Sophia Rahman, the festival, which has celebrated cellist Steven Isserlis as its Honorary Patron, regularly attracts international stars. Roderick Williams OBE, Baritone, will be singing at the Coronation service a fortnight before he comes to Whittington.

This year, from 17-21 May, you will hear music by Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Dvořák and Vaughan Williams, as well as by female composers such as Clara Schumann, Rebecca Clarke and Rachel Stott and seldom-heard works like Villa Lobos’s Bachianas Brasilieras No 5 for soprano and 8 cellos (well, 7 cellos and a double bass). You will be transported to India with a medley of Bollywood and Bengali melodies played by jazz duo Zoe and Idris Rahman.

Whittington is a hidden gem, as the excited comments of last year’s audience members show: ‘The programming and the quality of performance

were outstanding. The sheer joy of the performers was infectious’… ‘A total success. Brilliantly organized with some amazing performances in a beautiful building’… ‘All the concerts were excellent. They should have been a sell-out. Sophia Rahman is an exceptional person and you are very lucky to have her’.

But don’t take their word for it - experience the festival for yourself. Seats are numbered and tickets costing £18 are available from www.whittingtonmusicfestival.org. uk, where you will also find full details of artists and the programme. Admission is free for anyone aged 25 and under. See you there!

Classical • Film • Song

15 International


with Roderick Williams OBE Baritone

Whittington International Chamber Music Festival takes place each May and brings International musicians to Shropshire for 5 days of concerts. For programme and tickets visit the website


22 | Oswestry life
St John The Baptist Church
Whittington,Oswestry, SY11 4df
Last year’s festival

Jersey royals, sizzling scallops and chirozo

A versatile ingredient, known for their flaky skins, nutty flavour and creamy consistency, Jersey Royals are available from now until July each year.

Serves 2

Preparation time 30 minutes

Cooking time 12-15 minutes


• 3 tsp olive oil

• 225g Jersey Royal potatoes, sliced or cubed

• 2 spring onions, cut diagonally

• 25g chorizo, chopped

• 8 scallops

• Salt and black pepper

• 25g butter

• ½ tsp lemon zest

• 2 sprigs of lemon thyme

• A handful of rocket


• Heat 2 tsp of the oil in a small frying pan, add the potatoes and fry, turning regularly, for 7-8 minutes until just tender and golden. Add the spring onions and chorizo and cook for a couple of minutes more until the chorizo has released its oil and the spring onions are wilted. Remove from the pan, set aside and keep warm. Wipe out the pan with kitchen paper.

• Dry the scallops with kitchen paper and season with salt and pepper. Heat the remaining oil in the pan until hot, add the scallops and sear them for a minute until just beginning to brown, then turn them and cook for a further 30 seconds. Remove from the heat, add the butter, lemon zest and thyme, allowing the butter to melt and coat the scallops. Spear the scallops onto skewers (allowing 2 per skewer).

• Spoon the potato mixture onto 2 warm plates, add 2 scallop skewers per portion, drizzle over the buttery juices before serving and scatter around the rocket.

For more Jersey Royal recipe inspiration, visit www.jerseyroyals.co.uk.

Oswestry life | 23
Food & Drink

Contemporary fine dining in a spectacular hillside setting

Three miles from Oswestry, just over the Old Racecourse, Pen-y-Dyffryn Hotel and Restaurant has been owned by the Hunter family for over 35 years now. Second generation Charlotte and Tommy, along with their team of young and local staff, maintain its reputation as one of Shropshire’s topquality restaurants. It is the longest established AA Two Rosette restaurant in the whole of Shropshirecontinuously for over 20 years now. It has also been in the Good Hotel Guide for over 25 years.

Dining in the “Seasons Restaurant”, with its huge, south-facing sash windows, is central to the Pen-y-Dyffryn experience. This is contemporary fine dining at its best, with the emphasis on healthy and locally sourced ingredients. There is always a choice of four dishes at each course, including at least one vegetarian dish. Vegans, Coeliacs and special diets can also be catered for, as everything is freshly

prepared each day.

Head Chef Lewis Barton and Sous Chef Sean Bateman, with the help of their young kitchen brigade, make it their business to change the menu every single day of the year. It also varies in accordance with the changing seasons. Every night is surprise night!

Is there a bar?

Of course! And a long wine list, majoring on New World wines. Enjoy a cocktail or a Shropshire Gin and Tonic by the fire, or relax in one of the two stylish Summerhouses overlooking the spectacular hills that surround Pen-y-Dyffryn. Sunsets are a must.

The restaurant is open seven days a week from 6.30pm, and light lunches and afternoon tea and scones are also available. Pen-y-Dyffryn is always busy, so booking is advised.

Pen-y-Dyffryn is perfect for romantic occasions, special occasions, or just to treat your loved one. You could also book one of the luxurious bedrooms, several with private patios and others with double spa baths. Now that is a treat!

Follow on instagram pen_y_dyffryn_hotel or Facebook Pen-y-Dyffryn Hotel for our latest offers. Or our webpage www.peny.co.uk.

contemporary fine dining at its best with


Vegans, Coeliacs and special diets can all be catered for, as everything is freshly prepared each day

24 | Oswestry life 35 WILLOW STREET | OSWESTRY | SHROPSHIRE | SY11 1AQ | TEL: 01691 659499
a taste of oswestr y
Tel 01691 653700 | Email stay@peny.co.uk | www.peny.co.uk FFOR D CEFN MA ENGLAND WALE WAENGLAND LE ENGLAN 54B 8 0
Hotel and Restaurant
Oswestry, SY10 7JD.
the emphasis on healthy and locally sourced

Simla Tandoori

At the Simla Tandoori Restaurant in Beatrice Street, Oswestry, you’ll find out why customers keep coming back. The relaxed atmosphere and delicious Indian and Bangladeshi food are the order of the day.

George, owner of the Simla, focuses on great, fresh ingredients to create the most authentic flavours. Established in 1976, the family run business is open Tuesdays to Sundays, 5pm-11pm and provides takeaways as well as the option to dine in the smart restaurant, which was fully refurbished

your meal.

If you are tempted to try some beautifully cooked cuisine, we recommend the Makhani Chicken - Tikka chicken cooked in cream and ghee, with cinnamon and light spices. Cooked in a rich tomato and coconut sauce. For those with a more traditional taste, try the vegetable Biriyani or Bhuna.

You will find all of your favourite side dishes such as Peshwari Naan, Vegetable Bhajee or maybe you prefer Bombay Potato. Either way, the Simla strives to deliver and exceed your expectations.

Customers return to the Simla because the staff are focused on providing an excellent experience and perfectly cooked food every time. If you have dietary requirements, the staff will take that into account and discuss your options with you.


Fat Rabbit

Fat Rabbit is an independent, award-winning cafe in the heart of Oswestry’s pedestrianised market quarter.  The popular family run plant-based eatery was established by founder Linda Clark in 2016 with help from her two children Fred and Martha.

Since that time the doors have barely closed, even during lockdown. Owner Linda, took the decision to start making and selling healthy and delicious takeaway meals which were collected, delivered and enjoyed every week.

Linda said, “At one point I couldn’t keep up with the demand, the support was over-whelming.” This has now developed into a frozen food range sold instore or through their website.

“We have also started growing the outside catering

side of the business for cakes, weddings, corporate events and even film and tv sets which is great fun.”

As a popular spot for locals and visitors alike, Fat Rabbit is also keen for muddy boots and furry companions, there’s always a bowl of water and dog biscuits on hand, as well as books and activities for younger customers.

You can enjoy Japanese dumplings and noodles in the secret garden at the back, sit out front with a coffee and a slice of homemade cake whilst taking in the hustle and bustle of the street market, or relax inside and enjoy a Fat Rabbit Blackbean burger with locally produced house salad, whilst viewing exhibitions featuring local artists.

Opening hours are 9.30am-4pm Monday to Saturday, but over the summer this extends to Sundays. It’s always a good idea to check their social media or website for extra events such as supper clubs, creative writing groups and the upcoming Fermented Foods workshop where people can learn about and take away a jar of gut-boosting Kimchi.

For more details go to www.fatrabbitvegan. com or fatrabbitfood on Instagram

Sustainability is at the heart of the business, and all takeaway packaging is plastic-free, meals are made with ingredients that are organic and/or local. Described by the Sunday Observer as ‘a place to hang out’ and The Telegraph reviewed that ‘culinary class [was] to be found at plantbased cafe the Fat Rabbit’. All this and a friendly welcome are to be found at 39 Bailey Street, Oswestry.  After all, its finally spring, the perfect time for rabbits. Especially fat ones!

in our garden
nutritious meals
drinks to takeaway or to relax

Niche Patisserie

Welcome to the flavours and incredible “works of art” created by Niche Patisserie and prepared for you by the only pastry team in Oswestry.

There is always the daily aroma that comes with the array of viennoiserie, and the artisan bread freshly baked everyday accompanied with speciality Coffee, Tea and Valrhona Hot Chocolate at the Niche bakery lounge. Then be prepared to step up to the firstclass level of patisserie in Oswestry with the Niche Afternoon Tea experience.

Niche is a family business of three dedicated owners, Samantha and Michael run the front of house areas and the commercial arm of the business, whilst the pastry team is headed up by Adam Cleal, Semifinalist from “Bake Off The Professionals” 2019.

Niche is something very special in Oswestry, and as our guests have recently said, “We cannot believe this beautiful patisserie is in Oswestry we are so lucky”, “We had an Afternoon Tea experience like no

other around, it was better than some of our London experiences, very high-end quality.”

Niche has the patisserie and baking skills that you would except in a high-end establishment, everything is handcrafted in house by the team then beautifully showcased in one of Oswestry’s oldest buildings, The Black Gate, circa 1621.

Front of house and service is under the steady control of Samantha, an expert in delivering the class of service and “attention to detail” you would expect from one of the finest Afternoon Tea experiences in Shropshire. Sit back relax and enjoy the sumptuous delicacies Niche brings to you and let your taste buds explode with flavours that just say wow!!

We are now holding monthly workshops, covering an array of bakery and patisserie skills throughout the next few months. Please get in touch and follow our social media pages for more information.


Henlle Heights Coffee Lounge, Restaurant and Bar

Nestling in beautiful woodland, surrounded by mature trees and manicured parkland this stunning tetradecagon building encloses a coffee lounge, restaurant and bar. Sit back and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and good company in a truly unique setting where a very warm welcome is always assured.

Henlle Hall luxury woodland accommodation has won an award every year for the past 10 years, and is also the flagship for Hoseasons ‘Magnificent’ category which was launched this year. Relax and enjoy the beautiful woodland views with a cup of coffee or unwind with friends and enjoy the atmosphere in this truly tranformational setting.


Monday & Tuesday - Open for coffee, refreshments and cake – Kitchen closed Wednesday – Saturday - Lunch 11am - 3pm, Dinner 4pm – 9pm (Last food order 8:30pm) Sunday – Sunday lunch 12 noon to 4pm.

28 | Oswestry life HEIGHTS HENLLE Coffee Lounge, Restaurant and Bar Telephone: 01691 662000 henllehall.com HENLLE HALL | HENLLE LANE | SY10 7AX - JUST OFF THE A483 BYPASS a taste of oswestr y ST M RT NS M T OAD N GOBOWEN

Old School House

We hope when you walk through the door at Old School House, you feel like you’ve arrived somewhere special. A warm welcome, and a friendly smile, creative and well-executed menus, quirky surroundings, make Old School House the perfect spot for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Enjoy a glass of wine in our south-facing, walled courtyard, or grab some locally-produced gelato and walk to the park which is just a stone’s throw away. As if that wasn’t enough to entice you in, we are still pinching ourselves after winning the Good Food Award this year! This prestigious award is given to the best restaurants in the UK for service and food standards, so as a young business, we are really proud to have achieved this.

If you have an event in mind, whether it be a wedding reception, birthday, christening, or just a get together with friends, we can certainly help with that. Exclusive venue hire and catering packages to suit all budgets, in a relaxed, historical, town centre location. We opened a second venue at Oswestry Indoor

Market at the end of 2022, we’re looking forward to a busy spring up there. You will find some firm favourites from the OSH menu to eat in or take away, as well as freshly made barista coffee, teas, luxury hot chocolates, and gelato!

Old School House, St Oswalds Grounds, Oswestry

Monday & Tuesday- CLOSED

Wednesday & Thursday 10am - 4pm

Friday 10am - 10pm

Saturday 9am - 10pm

Sunday 10am -3pm

Email oldschoolhouseoswestry@yahoo.com

Facebook @oldschoolhouse

Bailey Street, Oswestry

Go to our website or social media for opening hours: www.fatrabbitvegan.com

Old School House

Brynhafod Playing Field OSWALD PLACE ENGLIS WELSHWALLS UP PER CHUR CH STR EET CHURCH STREET UPPER BROOK STREET LOWERBROOKSTREET B4580 WILLOWSTREET SMITHFIELDRO WELSHWALLS P P P CASTLE VIEW BRYNHAFODLANE BRYNHAFOD ROAD LLANFORDARISE OAKSTREET CHAPELSTREET CA CHURCHSTREET NEW STREET BAIL EY STRE ET ALBIONH CROSS S 07934 089185 oldschoolhouseoswestry@yahoo.com @oldschoolhouse and @hayes_kitchen. @Old School House a taste of oswestr y Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Snacks Vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options
Café • Restaurant • Bar • Events

Oswestry Indoor Market

Oswestry indoor market is a world of options when it comes to food, with street food on offer, deli’s, home baked goods, coffee, café’s and now able to serve alcohol on the premises. There is live music on the last Friday of every month and seating outside to soak up the atmosphere.


Ian Sherwan has been based at the market for a long time. Bringing fresh fish all the way from Fleetwood Docks in Lancashire, every Wednesday and Saturday, he will always have something to sort you out for supper. You can’t beat fresh!

Honeycomb Cottage

Debbie sells an assortment of mouth watering cakes, savouries and fresh bread. You will find her new deli area loaded with treats to take home and also lunch time items such as sandwiches, soups and jacket potatoes made to order. Make sure you visit so you don’t miss out.

The Black Forest Deli

Opened August 2019 and run by Ian Kavanagh. Specialising in German meats, beers and store cupboard items, you’ll find everything you need for a home cooked meal. Ian also smokes foods himself, with smoked garlic and cheese now available at the deli. You are also able to drink in or takeaway your German beers.

Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass is a unique bar located at the very centre of the indoor market.You can sit and enjoy a glass of wine, beer or cocktail whilst enjoying the market ambience. Don’t forget the indoor market is open late on the last Friday of every month where you can enjoy live music, food and refreshments.

Hatters Coffee Shop

Based at the front of the indoor market, this coffee shop is a great place to meet with friends and enjoy a drink whilst looking over the market square. Already well known for their refreshments and light bites, Hatters recently expanded inside with their central bar (Through The Looking Glass) providing comfortable inside seating.

Hayes Kitchen

Hayes Kitchen specialise in delicious street food including many exciting breakfast options as well as lunch time delights such as enchilada and burrito’s. They cater for gluten free and vegan diets. You won’t be disappointed

Raya’s Kitchen

Based upstairs in the market, is where you can grab a hearty meal or even a traditional breakfast. Home-cooked food is so comforting, and you can’t beat a family favourite. There’s plenty of space with indoor seating.

Oswestry Indoor
| Oswestry | SY11 1PZ | Tel: 07764772969 For more information visit www.oswestrymarket.co.uk or Facebook @oswestrytownmarket
Bailey Head
Through the Looking Glass

Food & Drink

Raspberry Simnel Cake


• Line a 20cm loose-bottomed baking tin with parchment. Roll out a third of the marzipan to a 20cm circle – you can use the base of the tin to cut round. Wrap the remainder and any offcuts and set aside.

• Preheat the oven to 170°C / fan 150°C / gas mark 3.

Serves 10

Preparation time 30 minutes

Cooking time 1½ hours


• 500g ready-made marzipan

• 150g raspberries, plus 11 for the top (about 50g)

• 200g self-raising flour, plus 1 tbsp

• 175g butter

• 175g caster sugar

• 3 medium eggs plus an egg yolk, beaten

• 50g ground almonds

• 150g sultanas

• 1 egg white, lightly beaten to loosen

• Toss the 150g raspberries in the extra 1 tbsp of flour and set aside. Beat together the butter and sugar until pale and creamy, then gradually whisk in the eggs and the extra yolk. If the mixture begins to curdle add 1 tbsp of flour and mix in. Sift the flour over the mix and fold in gently until smooth. Fold in the ground almonds, sultanas and floured raspberries.

• Scrape half the cake mixture into the tin and carefully lay the marzipan round on top. Add the remaining mixture, level the top and bake in the preheated oven for around 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes until golden and a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 15 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

• Roll out half the remaining marzipan to a circle and sit it on top of the cooled cake. Shape 11 balls from the leftover amount and arrange in a circle on top.

• Preheat the grill to medium. Brush the cake all over with the egg white and then place under the grill or use a cook’s blow torch to brown gently. Remove from the grill, leave to cool and then decorate with the fresh raspberries.

• The cake keeps well in airtight container for up to 5 days without the extra berries on top. Alternatively, freeze the cake before adding the marzipan top for up to a month.

For more sweet and savoury recipes starring British berries – strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries – visit www.lovefreshberries.co.uk.

This classic bake with a berry twist is the perfect finishing touch when the family gather for a celebratory Easter feast – or just when it’s time for tea!


Each Slow Dusk

A murder mystery set in Oswestry! A body is discovered at the foot of the Wilfred Owen statue in Cae Glas Park in the middle of town. Detective Chief Inspector Gary Probert - temporarily transferred, against his will, from Telford to Oswestryunexpectedly finds himself heading up a baffling investigation.

DCI Probert is determined to solve the crime before his superiors call him back to Telford at Christmas but time is running out for him. In the meantime, he starts to fall in love with his new home. And then there’s his new running partner, the attractive Elizabeth with her lovely hair and firm views.

Surge (15)


Ben Whishaw is possibly most well-known nowadays as the voice of Paddington Bear in 2014 and 2017’s excellent family films, or as Q in the last three James Bond films. In 2020’s astonishing thriller ‘Surge’ he is on screen virtually every second of a frantic 90 minutes and gives an award winning and career best performance too.

Whishaw plays Joseph, a security guard at a London airport with an uneventful life. He’s a tightly coiled spring, his job at the airport is a series of stressful and hurried interactions with the public and his relationship with his parents is highly strained. One day he simply cracks, leaves his job in the middle of a shift and sets out on a day long spree of rule breaking, encompassing everything from fare dodging to bank robbery.

What makes ‘Surge’ so gripping is the sense of movement and momentum created by Whishaw and first time director Aneil Karia. This a film that is always going somewhere. Like a pinball, Joseph ricochets off situations and crises large and small, his frustration at the world around him almost unbearable. Such is the sense of propulsion created that even a scene where he is stymied by a minimum charge for a credit card purchase and an out of order cash machine while trying to buy a TV cable, is as thrilling as any bank heist. Your awareness that here is a man with boundaries has you watching with a sense of growing unease at what might follow, and by the time he slumps onto the floor at his second bank robbery of the day and the credits roll, you may well feel a sense of relief. I did. Unpredictable, exciting and moving, ‘Surge’ is a worthy film of the month.

Dave Andrews is Reader and Writer in Residence at Oswestry Library. Each Slow Dusk is his twelfth book and his story-telling experience certainly shows. He cleverly combines a carefullyworked crime novel with a tale of growing romance as DCI Probert tries to come to terms with his past. A masterful story and it’s a delight to read about familiar landmarks in a book which is a very positive advert for our town.

£9.99 in local outlets or from the author at daveauthor54@gmail.com


Nesting Time

In a corner of my garden where it’s quiet and undisturbed, Such commotion and excitement and fluttering of birds

Gathering twigs and twill and twine, Dried grasses and soft moss to line, Yes, you’ve guessed, it’s nesting time!

From the ash tree, to the conifers, where the ivy clings the wall

Hydrangea, purple Clematis and Honeysuckle tall,  When you’ve found your ideal mate You’ve got to find the ideal place

To build your nest at nesting time.

In a cosy nest they lay their eggs.The waiting has begun.

Then chicks begin to crack their shells and pop out one by one!

Gathering titbits in their bills,

They’ve got some hungry tums to fill, No time to rest, it’s nesting time!

32 | Oswestry life BOOK REVIEW EDITOR’S CHOICE Culture
Oswestry life | 33 HAIRSTYLIST & COLOURIST HBA 2023 Finalist 18 years in the industry working for Toni and Guy Wella Master Colour Expert specialising in Balayage, Cutting and Hair Extensions Based in Hair & Beauty at No 6 in Whittington For all bookings and enquiries please call 07814 382594 hair by Becky hairbybecky_oswestry We offer: Hygienist Appointments • Sedation Teeth Straightening & Teeth Whitening Botox • Implants • Crowns & Bridges Dentures • Fillings • Veneers Open: Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm 2pm – 5pm Call or e-mail for an appointment 5-7 Willow Street, Oswestry SY11 1AF T: 01691 658114 E: pm@thepearldental.com Initial Dental Examination Including X-Rays Only £35

Blue Mood

the mood for Spring/Summer 23 is indigo denim. this makes life easy because most of us have some in the wardrobe! but how to make it more interesting? Add different textures in the form of cable knits, embroidery and prints like this…

Fashion 34 | Oswestry life V by Very Skirt £28, www. V ery.c O .uk


Denim Plait Pocket Jacket £75, www.oliverbonas.com; Cable Cardigan in China Blue £32, www.cottontraders.com; Cream Relaxed Trousers £139.99 www2.hm.com


High-Waisted Flared Denim Jeans £18, www.primark.com; Talitha Print Blouse £55, www.monsoon.co.uk

e vening

Embellished Denim Blouse £119.99, www2.hm.com; Black Loungewear Trousers £49.99, www2.hm.com; Gianetta gold £80, www.dunelondon.com

Oswestry life | 35

Book Appointments

Telephone: 01691 897 199



How often do you give your pets opportunities to make their own decisions? Generally, we tell them when to eat, where to walk, when they can go outside and who they can interact with.

However, by giving them choices, our pets are likely to be happier and more relaxed. Control is necessary for their well-being. Too little control can make an animal feel helpless and anxious. Greater control is empowering and promotes greater resilience in pets to cope with the stresses in life.


Choices can include multiple sleeping places, den spots to retreat to for a feeling of security, and food and toy options. In a secure outside area, allow your pet the chance to move freely between the house and the yard. To protect your lawn from being dug up, offer them a designated sandpit as an alternative spot.



Whether you are already a seasoned raw feeder or interested in switching your animals to a raw diet then we have everything you need and much more. As well as our large range of top quality raw minces, chunks and bones we also supply air dried chews and natural treats as well as herbal supplements to complement a natural diet.


■ Less Sensitivities

■ Great for allergy sufferers

■ Smaller less odorous poop


■ Clean teeth & breath

■ Shiny healthy coat

Unit 10 Radfords Field, Maesbury Rd, Oswestry SY10 8RA 07403737806


Follow us on Facebook and instagram

Pets need both physical and mental exercise to feel their best. Dogs get a lot more out of walks when they can go at their own pace and sniff without being dragged away. If they want to change pace, then speed up or slow down with them! When you reach a street corner, let them choose whether to turn left or right.


Let your pet select their own toy. Note through their body language if they want to run, retrieve or just sniff. LET THEM SAY NO THANKS

More choice is important when it comes to discomfort, fear, and anxiety. Forcing them into a situation heightens their stress levels, which can lead to aggressive behaviour. Licking lips, yawning, and the tail tucked between their legs around a child indicates they want more space and not interaction. The same applies when petting your pet. Let them move away if they are not comfortable.

Ultimately, as sentient creatures, you can empower your pets by offering them choices.

36 | Oswestry life Paws fOr Thought ws
Rebecca Evans of Knowing NosesBotanical Self-healing for Animals
Pet Pet
Visit our Website themarkettownvet.co.uk 36 | Oswestry life
Health Plans


Enrolling now Book a FREE taster class

Eleanor Moss School of Dance o ers ballet classes for children ages 3+ in various venues around the Oswestry/ Wales border area.

Students can attend classes with the aim of completing recognised Royal Academy of Dance exams or just for fun!

Contact us to find out more or to book a taster class email: elliemossdance@gmail.com


Pin T Massageong

Therapeutic & Relaxing Massages

Thai Traditional Massage

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Open Monday to Sunday 10am to 9pm

Puppy and Dog Trainer covering Oswestry and surrounding areas

1:1 Sessions

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“Listens to exactly what you are needing help with and very patient” Jade, Oswestry

“Made good progress and left us with training to do. Can’t wait for the next sesson.” Linda, Trefonen

www.brighterbarks.com 07730 034421


Instagram: @brighterbarks

Oswestry life | 37
Bailey Street, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1PX


Current Scams

Diet pills scam

Which? reports that fraudsters are using ‘Dragons’ Den’ branding – and personalities - to promote fake diet pills. Social media, online adverts and scam emails try to trick people into ordering ‘miracle’ pills saying that women lose over a stone in a month without dieting or exercising.

If you click links, you are taken to another website asking for your personal information. If you enter your details, you’ll be giving them to scammers.

Email scams

Be wary of emails asking you to reset a password or confirm a security upgrade. You can do a web search to see if it is a scam. If you still think it’s real, contact the company independently – without using any links in the email.

What’s a Sextortion Scam?

Hackers send emails saying they have compromising images of you from your webcam or information on you visiting adult websites. They threaten to release this to your friends and family unless you pay them Bitcoin. They often quote a password which is a real password you have used (but probably a long time ago). What do I do?

Firstly, check that the password the scammer quotes isn’t current anywhere. You can securely check with the password tool on https://haveibeenpwned.com/ - this is run by Troy Hunt, one of the most respected names in the security industry. Check your email address while you are there.

Run a full scan of your computer to check for any malware. Report it to https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-phishing

If you have been affected by a scam help is out there. Victim Support has a free confidential helpline 0808 168 9111 and so does Mind 0300 123 3393.

Sign up for Which? scam alerts: https://campaigns. which.co.uk/scam-alert-service/

Find details of recent scams here: www.actionfraud. police.uk and on Facebook page: Rainford-it-stay safe online. Read the blog on our website www.rainford-it.co.uk, call 07552 863996

All your IT in one place, we are Mac specialists

38 | Oswestry life
OPEN 10am-2pm | Monday to Friday FIND US AT: 24 West View CHIRK Wrexham LL14 5HL
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John, Logan and Dane of family business, Rainford IT
01691 774778
Need a lift to work? We accept early morning bookings


A friendly local taxi service operating in Oswestry and surrounding areas


We will now be accepting bookings for up to 8 seats with our new driver starting in a Ford Minibus. We strive to o er the best service possible in Oswestry and this addition will increase our availability to larger groups or weddings wanting to get home!

The driver/vehicle will be available Thursday-Saturday evenings subject to availability.

We accept card payments in all our vehicles

Bookings@oswaldscars.co.uk 01691 596 596

Oswestry life | 39
40 | Oswestry life Oswestry_Life_Full_Page_GIW.indd 1 01/02/2023 09:36


Oswestry-based Hope House Children’s Hospices are a lifeline to families in Shropshire, Cheshire, Mid and North Wales whose child is diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.

Their specialist nursing care and support is provided free of charge whenever and wherever it is needed - but this work is only made possible by the charity’s incredible supporters and their generous donations, including Gifts in Wills.

Director of Fundraising Simi Epstein explained, “Gifts in Wills are crucial to Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith because they help us to plan for the future and provide vital care for seriously ill local children for many years to come. We are so grateful to everyone who leaves us a gift because we would be lost without them.

“Having a Will in place is important too because it gives you peace of mind knowing that your wishes are clear. If you would like to leave a gift to charity in your Will, you can leave a specific item or a cash gift, but you can also leave a share of your estate, such as 1% so that those closest to you still inherit 99%.”

Every gift left in a Will makes a huge difference. Together they fund almost half of all the care that Hope House Children’s Hospices provide to children and families, from respite stays, crisis care and symptom

management, to end of life care and bereavement counselling.

Ben and Georgie’s daughter Freya (pictured) has needed Hope House since she was a baby. They say that for them, and many other families, the hospice is quite simply a lifeline.

The couple met Sian, Hope House’s neonatal link nurse, after Freya was diagnosed with Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy. Sian works closely with local neonatal and midwifery units supporting families whose babies are diagnosed with life-threatening conditions before or after birth.

Georgie said, “Sian was one of the first people we met who really understood our situation and took the time to learn about us. She told us about everything that Hope House could help with such as respite care and symptom management for Freya, sibling support for Freya’s older sister Ella, and counselling too.

“On our first visit we had a lovely five days being able to relax and enjoy being together as a family. That was the first time we really bonded with Freya and felt like parents instead of carers. It was

also the first time we saw her smile.

“The nursing at Hope House is so different to a hospital because every child has their own nurse and they really get to know your child. Very quickly they become like our extended family.

“Now Hope House is our first port of call when we are worried about something. It is so reassuring to have that support at the end of the phone whenever we need advice.

“Freya isn’t expected to live a full life and we just don’t know how long we have got with her. It does make us value every day more and want to get the best out of every moment. But there is no way we could do that without the help of the Hope House team, they really are amazing.”

You can read more about Freya and the other brave children who have been helped by Hope House at hopehouse.org.uk/family-stories.

Oswestry life | 41
Freya Cuddles at Hope House
Every gift left in a Will makes a huge difference. Together they fund almost half of all the care that Hope House Children’s Hospices provide to children and families

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Why does medicine have so many difficult words in it? I hear you ask. In times gone by there was so little Doctors could effectively do to treat illness that they needed to sound learned – most were Greek and Latin scholars as part of their training. Much of their language still persists today but thankfully, there is more effective treatment for gallstones.

Find us on Twitter & Facebook @shirestairlifts

Find us on twitter & Facebook @shirestairlifts

Do you have gallstones? About 1 in 10 of you reading this should answer “yes” but almost all of you don’t know the stones are there! Thankfully most of these stones will not cause trouble either. But for some of us they will: gallstones form mostly in the gall bladder which connects to your gut. If they try and move, you get biliary colic which is a spasmodic, painful experience. If they get stuck en-route you may go yellow or jaundiced. Sometimes they cause gall bladder inflammation and then more pain and a temperature can occur.

Diet can alleviate the symptoms of gallstones and the “Eatwell Guide” gives some more guidance

When I was a medical student many of the ways we were told to remember things would now be seen as inappropriate: so, here goes! We were told the 6 Fs of gallstones: they occurred in the fair, fertile, female of 40-50yrs old who was overweight! Like most of these memory guides it is not always true - slim patients and men do get gallstones.

40 years ago, the mainstay of treatment was removal of the gallbladder by surgery that involved a large cut and an hour operation. Most of us as junior doctors spent an hour pulling on a retractor to hold the liver out of the way – it made your arms ache and the consultant usually shouted at you at least once as you “sagged” a little! Thankfully it is now done with key-hole surgery and leaves a minimal scar.

Diet can alleviate the symptoms of gallstones and the “Eatwell Guide” gives some more guidance and nhs. uk will tell you more about cholelithiasis – don’t I sound clever!

42 | Oswestry life WE CAN HELP Chiropractic & Massage Clinic Gobowen NeckstiffnessJawproblems Migraineprevention Cervicogenicheadaches Shoulder problemsMusclespasms Jointpain Footproblems Hipandkneepain SciaticaAcuteand chronicbackpain health

Visiting Angels Celebrate First Year

A couple who launched a new in-home care company in north Shropshire with a mission to raise the standards of the care industry both for care staff and those who receive care in their own homes, have recently celebrated their first year in business.

Mark Goodall and Nicky Sealey set up the care company Visiting Angels North Shropshire after Nicky worked in the care sector business for over 15 years. The couple aim to provide a standard of care that reflects their own strong family values.

Visiting Angels North Shropshire Co-Director and registered Care Manager, Nicky Sealey, explained that Visiting Angels is a leading national care provider which had established a reputation as a

trailblazer in reforming the modern social care industry.

“Working with Visiting Angels to set up our own business under its brand has given us the chance to align our own values and experiences with a leading care provider’s mission.

“We are delighted to be celebrating our first year in Oswestry and very proud of how the team has grown. 11 months ago, there was two of us and now there are nearly 30. We are looking forward to supporting clients in the community and growing our team further.”

Co-Director, Mark Goodall added, “It’s a wonderful place to be – we have encountered all walks and generations of life, we are really pleased to be part of the local community.”

• Diet monitoring, planning and preparing meals.

• Light housekeeping.

• Assistance with shopping, errands and appointments.

• Assistance with personal care, bathing and dressing.

• Reminders to take medicines, drink and eat regularly.

• Companionship, taking time to listen and chat.

• Help staying active in the community and attending social functions.

Our caregivers are excellent people with the right mix of skills, experience, and a true caring nature, so that they can provide consistently superior home care. Our Angels are available to support your needs in North Shropshire so get in touch today.

Oswestry life | 43
would you need chemical storage? This type of storage is ideal for farmers needing to store chemicals safely and meets current Health and Safety regulations. Advertisement feature WE PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL HOMECARE IN A RANGE OF SERVICES: Exceptional home care visits from exceptional carers Find out more about how a Visiting Angel can help. Call 01691 888 558 northshropshire@visiting-angels.co.uk
It’s a wonderful place to be – we have encountered all walks and generations of life, we are really pleased to be part of the local community.

a family company specialising in all aspects of mobility and Disability aids

Healthy Focus Benefits of being a book worm

research shows that regular reading improves brain connectivity; increases your vocabulary and comprehension; empowers you to empathize with other people; aids in sleep readiness; reduces stress; lowers blood pressure and heart rate; fights depression symptoms and prevents cognitive decline as you age. So, what could be better than popping along to the library to pick up a good read? if you fancy listening to a good story instead, dave andrews, oswestry library’s Reader/writer in Residence will be telling his story of trekking to everest Base Camp on 26 april. Contact the library to register (event is free). Books aloud – we read, you relax - is another regular free event in the library held every month with staff and volunteers reading great stories and poems for adults.

Booka Bookshop holds events around oswestry with april bringing writer and broadcaster Mike Parker on the 5th as he talks about his new book All the Wide Border, a timely meditation on identity and belonging, following the scenic route along the england-wales border. Tristan Gooley on the 12th as he talks about his latest book How to Read a Tree. on the 13th nilopar Uddin presents her brilliant debut novel The Halfways and finally the 26th is an evening with three bestselling crime authors lisa Jewell, Clare Mackintosh and louise Candlish coming together to talk about the art of successful crime writing and their latest novels. Tickets are available for all events at www.bookabookshop.co.uk/events.

Further afield in Ludlow, the Guinness World Record Breaking Jenny Graham, is presenting her debut novel First Coffee, Then The World, which documents her solo lap of the planet by bike, 18,000 miles in 124 days! Thurs 20 april.


with lots of products on show, visit our local showroom where our specialist advisers offer a friendly expert service

Finally (i just love this idea!), shropshire Cat Rescue organises Book Buddies – you get to read to the cats in their retirement home. a great way to help boost young readers confidence.

www.shropshirecatrescue.org.uk/events, call 01743 872857.

have a happy healthy month 01691 701 007

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44 | Oswestry life
Stair lift referral S • Mobility in S urance Service S on M obility product S S C ooter / wheelC hair hire
44 | Oswestry life
r epair S on M obility product S
Oswestry life | 45 Are you struggling with Back & Neck Pain? Sports Injuries? Joint & Muscle Pain? Headaches? Womens Health Issues? Grumpy Babies & Children? Sleep, Stress or Nutrition Concerns? Hands-on Cranial & Structural Osteopathic Care & Lifestyle Medicine Advice to support your family’s optimal health Claire Arnold Registered Osteopath & Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner Simon Gow Registered Osteopath, Personal Trainer & Medical Acupuncturist We can Help Call 07792 367507 Based at Oswestry Herbarium & Massage Centre, 15 Albion Hill themeadowsosteopathclinic-clairearnoldosteopath.com Microsuction Ear Wax Service The cost for this procedure is £60.00 EAR WAX TROUBLE? Sister Kate can help Sister Kate specialises in micro suction treatments to help patients remove excessive ear wax that is causing a blockage that has resulted in hearing loss or is causing unpleasant feelings in the ear. The Fort, Artillery Business Park, Oswestry SY11 4AD Alongside our main clinic in Oswestry, we now have monthly clinics available in Shrewsbury, Wem, Whitchurch, Newtown and Aberystwyth too. Please email, call or visit the website to book today: Tel: 01691 888192 Email: kate@sister-kate.co.uk www.sister-kate.co.uk Please note that it is the same cost for one or both ears SisterKate HearingcareHummingbirdrecommends forallyourhearingaidsolutions. We’re all ears & ready to help. A local, independent, family run hearing care service that you can rely on. We provide the very best hearing aid devices from all leading manufacturers at the most competitive prices. Our services include: • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids • Earwax Removal In partnership with Request a FREE hearing health check and hearing aid consultation today. Free Hearing Tests 2 Month Money Back Trial Oswestry Clinic: 01691 654 327 | enquiry@hbhearingcare.co.uk | www.hummingbirdhearingcare.co.uk Free After Care Service Price Match Guarantee 5 Year Warranty


The Humble Daisy

The humble and always cheerful garden daisy, so familiar to us all, and a common feature of our lawns, is much more than just this as it has a long history of interest and can even be used as a food, as well as a remedy.

Although the common Daisy (Bellis perennis) is no longer in vogue with modern herbal medicine, it still has its uses and is used by homeopaths.

The primary use of the flower heads is as a good alternative to the well-known alpine remedy; Arnica. Arnica is famous for its help with bumps, bruises, knocks and swellings. Our own indigenous lawn Daisy does all of this too, but is more easily accessible to us. By soaking the flower heads in oil or adding the extract to ointments and creams or even just bruising the leaves and flowers and rubbing the juice where it is needed is very helpful and soothing. Used externally, the oil or juice can be helpful when applied to varicose veins too. This may not make visible, bulging ones disappear, but could help stabilise existing ones and prevent further deterioration or worsening.

Safe for children and adults, but caution is

always used in early pregnancy. It may be prescribed following childbirth or surgery.

The flowers and leaves are safe to consume, so may be added to salad and stews. The flower buds can be pickled in brine, vinegar or oil as an alternative to capers (this can also be done with dandelion buds).

As a flower remedy, Daisy is said to help clarify the mind and help with concentration, aiding the ability to absorb information and organise things. In the future, we may even use it for ADHD, but more research is needed.

So next time you are muttering about having too many daisies in your lawn and you no longer have time to make a daisy chain, think of the many amazing uses of this tiny plant, quietly growing and giving relief if needed.

Recruiting Now

Children’s Residential Support Workers

We are looking for responsible, caring, hardworking individuals to join our already excellent team.

Ideally with residential care experience and awareness of child protection & safeguarding but training will be given. Competitive salary, excellent training and performance bonuses.

46 | Oswestry life
Louise Idoux MSc. MNIMH Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, Oswestry Herbarium, tel 01691 656934
further information please contact us on Tel. 01743 884644 www.uniquecaregroup.co.uk Changing young people’s lives for the better

The Day Centre Club Oswestry

It’s nearly seven years since the first independent day centre for older people in the Oswestry area opened. At that time, there was a severe lack of local support for the older generation and their families.

Sue Jones, Manager and Founder of the Day Centre Club said, “With encouragement from my partner, family, and friends I choose to make a difference to the lives of older people and the Day Centre Club was born out of that vision.

“Previously, I had worked for Social Services and a not-for-profit organization for 30 years, managing their day centre for 15 of those. That establishment closed and moved to new premises to concentrate on nursing care.

“Having experience in all aspects of caring for older people, day care was what I passionately believed in, and still do. Oswestry at this point, had no separate day care provision with the only option being placement in a residential home for the day.”

The Day Centre Club offers a unique experience, which keeps provision personal and familiar with only a small team of staff. This enables those who attend to recognize familiar faces, build rapport and trusting relationships, which is especially important for those who have Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or other forms of memory loss.

Sue also has an activity provider qualification and has a real passion for arts and crafts. By consulting with families and care providers on background information, life experiences, work and hobbies, Sue can tailor activities to the individual or group.

Activities are always fun and enjoyable with the day centre instilling a firm belief that laughter is life’s great medicine. By staying physically and mentally active, it provides a great boost to the mind and body, with improved spatial awareness and motor skills which

Refreshments are provided throughout the day with tea and toast in the morning, a locally sourced homely hot lunch, and a midafternoon treat of tea and cake

may prevent trips and falls.

Day care also provides respite for care givers, prevents social isolation and gives a sense of inclusion and self-worth.

“I wanted the day centre to give

families and care givers a complete break for the day. Refreshments are provided throughout the day with tea and toast in the morning, a locally sourced homely hot lunch, and a mid-afternoon treat of tea and cake,” Sue said.

“I can’t believe it’s seven years since the Day Centre Club opened. When my friend and colleague Gill retired and Lesley joined the team, I said to Lesley ‘this is the best job ever’ and she agrees. For the past seven years that I’ve been registered, I have agreed contracts with Shropshire Council and in recent years Powys Council, of which I’m so proud.”

“The Day Centre Club Oswestry is based at the Morda and Sweeney Social Club, who I would like to thank immensely for their help and support.

For more information visit www.daycentreoswestry.co.uk

Oswestry life | 47
48 | Oswestry life Buckley / Wrexham / Oswestry Enquiries: 01492 535184 www.northwalesmusictuition.co.uk North Wales Music Tuition Centres Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation No.1156684 CHILDREN FROM FIVE / ADULTS WELCOME M OST INSTRUMENTS & VOICE 3 x FREE ‘Triple Try’ lessons w ith your ‘Trial ’ package! Buckley / Wrexham / Oswestry Enquiries: 01492 535184 www.northwalesmusictuition.co.uk North Wales Music Tuition Centres Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation No.1156684 CHILDREN FROM FIVE / ADULTS WELCOME M OST INSTRUMENTS & VOICE 3 x FREE ‘Triple Try’ lessons w ith your ‘Trial ’ package! Open Space Studios First Floor, Oswestry Library, Arthur St, SY11 1JN Performing Arts School Learn to Sing, Dance & Act For Children aged 4-18 years Stagecoach builds confidence in every child forming Tel: 01743 540123 | Mobile: 07718892738 Web: stagecoach.co.uk/Oswestry find your perfect course DEWCH O HYD I’CH CWRS PERFFAITH wgu.ac.uk #bepartofIT byddwch yn rhan ohono choose BE PART OF IT

Don’t dismiss taking on a legal claim even if your business may not be awash with formal paperwork as you could still come out with a victory.

That’s the advice of Oswestrybased legal experts after a tenant farmer in England won a legal case against electrical contractors who significantly damaged a field, meaning he couldn’t plant crops due to the damage.

Stewart Smith, a commercial and agricultural property solicitor at Lanyon Bowdler in Oswestry, said the case was a good example of a legal victory despite a lack of formal documentation as evidence.He said: “The case centred around the damage done to a field by electricity contractors who continued to work despite poor weather conditions and drove outside the area identified in the wayleave agreement

“Because of the damage, the farmer was unable to plant the potato and spring barley crops which were planned for that season, resulting in considerable loss of earnings.

“What was interesting in this case was that the

defendant argued that the lack of documentary evidence meant the farmer could not prove he was intending to plant these particular crops in that particular field.

“However, after hearing the claimant during crossexamination, the judge found him to be honest and reliable, and was satisfied that he had proved his claim on the balance of probabilities.

“The judge accepted that although the farmer did not have many documents, due to his largely informal and ‘paper light’ business, that did not mean he could not prove his claim.

“The farmer was able to demonstrate to the judge that he knew his business very well, having farmed for 40 years, and was able to explain that a lot of his decisions were based on his experience and local knowledge.”

Stewart added: “The case concluded with the farmer being awarded a five-figure sum for loss of profit, and just goes to show that it’s always worth considering a legal case even if you are worried you don’t have enough formal documentation to prove it.”

For more advice about any legal issues, contact Lanyon Bowdler in Oswestry on 01691 652241 or visit www.lblaw.co.uk

advertisement feature
Our People, Your Team. Find Us: 39 - 41 Church Street, Oswestry, SY11 2SZ Tel: 01691 652241 • info@lblaw.co.uk • www.lblaw.co.uk Shrewsbury • Bromyard • Conwy • Hereford • Ludlow • Oswestry • Telford
Farmer wins five-figure compensation claim for damaged field
Oswestry life | 49
Stewart Smith


Company car benefits and exemptions from April 2023

Most employers and employees are aware of the additional costs of providing company cars and the tax implications they create. However, for many employees the attraction of having a company car means that despite any tax disadvantages, this remains a popular option.

Where employees are provided with fuel for their own private use by their employers, the car fuel benefit charge is applicable. The fuel benefit charge is determined by reference to the CO2 rating of the car, applied to a fixed amount. The car fuel benefit charge will increase in 202324 to £27,800 (from £25,300). The fuel benefit is not applicable when the employee pays for all their private fuel use.




The car fuel benefit charge will increase in 2023-24 to £27,800 (from £25,300). The fuel benefit is not applicable when the employee pays for all their private fuel use.

The standard benefit charge for private use of a company van will increase to £3,960 (from £3,600). A company van is defined as ‘a van made available to an employee by reason of their employment’. There is an additional van fuel benefit charge for a van with significant private use. The limit will increase in 2023-24 to £757 (from £688). If private use of the van is insignificant, then no benefit will apply.

Benefits that are exempt from tax include:

Cars available for business journeys only

It has generally been established that to qualify for VAT recovery the car must not be available for any private use.

The car should only be available to staff during working hours for employment related duties or to travel to a temporary workplace.

Cars adapted for an employee with a disability

These cars are exempt if the only private use is for journeys between home and work and for travel to workrelated training.

‘Pool’ cars

Employers are not required to pay or report on ‘pool’ cars. These are cars that are shared by employees for business purposes only, and normally kept on the business premises.

Privately owned cars

Employers do not have to pay anything on cars that directors or employees own privately.

50 | Oswestry life
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What does your mortgage future look like?

Mortgage Consultant

The last year has seen cost of living at the centre of many discussions. Mortgage costs are no exception here and we have seen both rate increases and reductions over this time. Homeowners who might have been on a “tracker deal” (following the Bank of England Base Rate or their current lenders Standard Variable Rate) will have seen their monthly repayments steadily increase, almost every month.

However, our clients are still thinking and talking about moving home, extending, or modernising the interior. We are also still helping many young people buy their first home.

What are the next steps?

Understanding your options when considering a new mortgage is key to getting the right deal for you and your future. We continually meet mortgage borrowers who are looking at the next step. We sit down and work out what you can do now and in the future. This will allow you to then either view properties in confidence of what you can afford or to meet builders and architects safe with the knowledge of what your affordable budget is.

Reviewing your current mortgage rate, the same way you review other household finances, could also be beneficial. If you have not reviewed your mortgage

deal in the last 18-24 months, we could help reassess your affordability and the feasibility of reducing your mortgage term with the aim to be mortgage-free earlier than planned.

Those who are wanting to help their loved ones onto the property ladder can benefit from joint meetings and are a great way of finding out and understanding what options are available for all parties, especially with the term “bank of Mum and Dad” being referred to more now than ever!

Looking forward to your new home?

Looking for your first home is an exciting step in the adulthood journey. My advice to first time buyers is to discuss your mortgage options before you begin viewing properties with a mortgage consultant who is able to look at a wide range of mortgage lenders to get the very best deal that’s out there for you. Don’t restrict yourself to just looking at banks or a single lender’s options - each lender is different in their approach as to how much they will let you borrow. We can help match you to the right lender and review your budget planning moving forward to ensure you are comfortable with your future costs.

If you would like to know more about your options, then please do not hesitate to call 01978 311611 or email jonathan.peatfield@sjpp.co.uk.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

We offer a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the market, which lenders make available to mortgage intermediaries, for which we will be paid a procuration fee by the lender.


Oswestry life | 51 SJP approved on 10/03/2023 01978 311611 jonathan.peatfield@sjpp.co.uk www.hadlowedwards.co.uk
describe St. James's
Hadlow Edwards is a trading name of Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd. Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles 'Partner' and 'Partner Practice' are
marketing terms used to
representatives. What does your mortgage future look
Your home may be repossessed if you do
keep up repayments on your mortgage.
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Support your local independent businesses


Katie Millard

Smoking cessation. Weight management. Anxiety & Depression. Phobias. Stress 07912 435221


Amber’s Cleaning Services

Domestic and Commercial Professional Cleaning Services with competitive rates. One off deep cleans/End of Tenancy cleans. Daily/Weekly/ Fortnightly clean. Offices and building sites

T: 07955 022129 E:amber123nicole@gmail.com

The Bee’s Knees

A shop buzzing with bee-utiful things. Women’s clothing, handbags, jewellery, seasonal gifts, quality preloved clothing, artwork from local artist. Pop in and treat yourself. 07870 280690

Clean & Gleam

Give your oven a little TLC with Clean & Gleam! Professional oven cleaning services covering Oswestry & surrounding areas. 07866 472083 / 07791 655559 www.facebook.com/cleanandgleamovens

Devilishly Delightful

Fresh, delicious, sweet and tasty homemade bakes and treats

Made to order and delivered to your door Follow me on Facebook or contact me on 07496 454113 for more info

Dogz Dinnerz

Foods and supplies for all your pets at the best prices.

Oswestry Indoor Market Hall, Oswestry Tel: 07368 104980


Heatwave Hair & Beauty

All aspects of hairdressing services and beauty and holistic treatments in a friendly salon environment. Hair and beauty appointment offers a few days a week with our trainee 01691 659968

Herd Milk

Taste the difference! Delicious, whole milk and yoghurt, fresh from the cows in our grassfed herd. Bring a bottle or buy one from us.

Drenewydd Farm, Whittington Road, SY11 4NB


J&I Carpets

Over 30 rolls of carpet in stock! Many roll ends half price! Vinyls, LVT, Blinds and Curtains. A family business est. 1982. Victoria Road, Oswestry www.jandicarpets.co.uk 01691 656843

Micky Finn Quality Fish

Highest Quality Fresh from Fleetwood EVERY morning! If you have not enjoyed your fish we will refund. Powis Market Hall Oswestry

Wednesday and Saturday 7.30-12

Ian: 07966 201696 Erin 07742 248269

Nails & Lashes by Amy

Specialising in Nail & Lash services

Day & evening appointments available

Home based salon in St Martins

Facebook & Instagram - Nailslashesbyamy Call 07507453080

Nu U Beauty

Delay the signs of ageing. Specialist in CACI non-surgical face lift, Microdermabrasion & Collagen Lift. Over 20yrs beauty experience. Facials are my passion.

www.nuubeauty.com 07506 078265

Obertelli Play Therapy

Delivering therapy to children. Supervision and therapeutic consultation available. For a free initial discussion please contact: Gina Obertelli 07974 506910 Ginaobertelli@aol.com

Page Detailing

Local car detailing service offering a mobile service within a 25 mile radius of Oswestry. Electric and outside tap are needed for this service. Call 07701 382865

Park Gate Florist

A busy florist in the centre of Oswestry. Available for weddings, funerals. Bouquets and arrangements for any occasion 01691 679898

Email: parkgate35a@hotmail.co.uk

Pippo’s Bakery

Specialising in designing bespoke celebration cakes and cupcakes for your special occasion. Always unique, always yum! Contact us at pipposbakery@gmail.com or via Facebook. com/pipposbakery

Radiance Aesthetics

Performed by a qualified, practicing nurse, fully insured. I specialise in a variety of treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the skin. Check out my facebook page, DM or ring/txt 07599477838 to book your consultation or treatment .

Siop Cwlwm

“Y Gorau o’r Gororau”

Welsh Shop situated at 33 Bailey Street and online. Welsh books, cards, music, homeware & gifts Probably the only Welsh shop outside Wales! www.siopcwlwm.co.uk Tel: 01691 680401

Simla Tandoori Restaurant

Proudly serving the best Indian cuisine since 1976 to the local community 42, Beatrice St, Oswestry. 01691 659880


Sun City

Stand-ups, Lie-downs and Infrared Sunbeds. Open 7 days a week

A member of The Sunbed Association. Telephone 01691 661115


Theodore’s Box

We are a family run business passionate about finding the perfect gift for your needs. We have an ever expanding range of personalised products that cater for all special occasions


Time Invaders

Oswestry’s Comic Shop a treasure trove of comics, annuals, collectables and Warhammer stockists with American Coffee Cafe. All dog friendly & always a warm welcome. Tel 07946550916 www.timeinvaders.co.uk

52 | Oswestry life
★ Eat local ★ Spend
★ Shop local
local ★ Enjoy local

Focus on… Spring

Time to celebrate some warmer days and the spring flowers emerging around Oswestry and the local area.

54 | Oswestry life
through the lens of Graham Mitchell
Oswestry life | 55


56 | Oswestry life Extension Work Warmer Roofs Composite Doors UPVC Soffits & Facias Lock Repairs Kitchen Fitting & Building Maintenance ALL WORK GUARANTEED Tel: 01691 661311 Mob: 07815 753361 shauningram@hotmail.co.uk www.shelfbankwindows.co.uk FIND US ON GOOGLE FAMILY RUN BUSINESS ESTABLISHED SINCE 2001 Extension Warmer Composite UPVC Soffits Lock Kitchen Fitting Tel: 01691 661311 Mob: 07815 753361 shauningram@hotmail.co.uk Hillside House, Monkmoor Road, Oswestry, Shropshire ESTABLISHED FAMILY RUN ALL WORK www.shelfbankwindows.co.uk FIND US ON GOOGLE SHELFBANK –Windows & Conservatories– -Windows & ConservatoriesSHELFBANK Hillside House, Monkmoor Road, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 2DA Office: 01691 831529 E: info@pivotalplumbingandheating.co.uk W: www.pivotalplumbingandheating.co.uk BOSCHWORCESTERACCREDITED INSTALLER Get peace of mind with a guarantee of up to 12 years on selected boiler models CONTACT US NOW ON: OSWESTRY 01691 674126 beacongaragedoors.co.uk With professional installations, services and top quality customer care to homeowners throughout the region, we pride ourselves on the quality of our service and competitive prices. We are a family-owned business with over 20 years experience in the industry SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND REPAIR OF ALL TYPES OF GARAGE DOORS

Snuggle down with irresistable velvet

Softly inviting and with a lavish feel, you can’t beat velvet as a means of adding classic chic and a warm welcome to an interior.

Subtle texture and gorgeous colours

• A touch of velvet can transform a room in an instant. Its soft drape highlights the shape of upholstered furniture, looks and feels wonderful on a headboard, and makes a luxurious throw or cushion cover. Even a tiny accessory such as a trim on a lampshade contributes to the layering of texture that brings subtle pleasure to your space.

• Velvet is fabulous in intense, bold colours, but feels especially ‘now’ in secondary colours such as mustard, teal and fuchsia. It’s best not to mix these two palettes; take inspiration from magazines, online sources or even paint charts if you’re in doubt about combining two or more shades.

• Create interest by including varied types of velvet – such as crushed, embossed, chiffon or devoré – as accents in different parts of your decorative scheme.

• The name velvet actually comes from an old French word, velu, meaning ‘shaggy’, and doesn’t refer to the type of fabric as such, but to its pile weave. Velvet was originally made from silk (which looks and feels beautiful, and has a price tag to match), but these days it’s more commonly made from silk mixed with rayon, cotton or synthetic fibres, sometimes with added stretch.

Easy Squish velvet quilt in dusty pink, £225, loaf.com.

Zyla velvet accent chair in petrol blue, £700, sazy.com. These pretty cushions have relaxed floppy edges, wooden buttons and are squishily soft. Easy Squish scatter cushions in velvet, from £29 each, loaf.com.

▲ This eye-catching high-backed chair will update any interior. It features a combination of mustard velvet upholstery with a gold-coated iron frame. Velvet mustard high-backed chair, £899, theforestandco.com.

Rivington marine blue 50x50cm cushion, £125, woodchipandmagnolia.co.uk.

▼ Walter rechargeable table lamp with 20cm empire shade in ruby silk, £115, pooky.com.

58 | Oswestry life
58 | Oswestry life
▲ Velvet Helmsley Snuggler, £1,971, sofasandstuff.com.
Oswestry life | 59 Our market leading Guardian Warm Roof enables you to transform your conservatory into an all year round living space by completely replacing the old roof T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ PAS:2016 Certified ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS A LOCAL FAMILY-RUN BUSINESS TEL: 01691 674759 MOBILE: 07514 732585 thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate, Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5RL THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS • GUTTERING • BIFOLDING DOORS • CLADDING • RUBBER ROOFS • WINDOWS • DOORS • CONSERVATORIES • WARM ROOFS • FASCIA

Barn Conversion with views

Woodhill, Nr Trefonen

A wonderful opportunity to purchase a superb fourbedroom barn conversion in a pleasant and sought after rural location. The accommodation provides, reception hall, cloakroom, utility room, living room with feature fireplace, dining room, kitchen, ground floor bedroom with ensuite. First floor: three further bedrooms, dressing room and bathroom, neatly landscaped gardens and parking.

Asking Price £675,000. For viewings call Halls on 01691 670320 or email oswestry@hallsgb.com

Ideal Retirement Bungalow

Bryn Issa, Lower Minster, Oswestry

Being well located on the fringe of the town centre, on an established residential estate and affording similar style dwellings, this detached two-bedroom bungalow offers an ideal opportunity to acquire a well-placed home. Benefitting from an attached external single garage, scope for workshop/office space and a full width conservatory with views over the enclosed landscaped garden. Available with no onward chain and offering scope for some minor improvements, this property would provide an ideal retirement bungalow with easily maintained grounds.

Asking Price £247,500. For viewings call Morris Marshall & Poole on 01691 679595 or email oswestry@morrismarshall.co.uk



Saturday 15th April from 10am - 2pm



60 | Oswestry life Property Spotlight
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62 | Oswestry life


64 | Oswestry life

Commins, Llanrhaeadr - Unique, versatile property which includes a large three bedroom cottage with rooms below, converted chapel currently used as succesful self contained holiday accomodation and outbuildings. Situated just outside the village of Llanrhaedr Ym Mochnant towards the famous Waterfall in the stunning Tanat Valley.

The Hollow, Whitehurst - Delightful 16th century country cottage set in an idyllic rural setting within the good-sized grounds. Originally part of the Chirk Castle estate, this half-timbered property is full of character yet has been updated by the present owners to create a very comfortable rural retreat

Hendy, Llwynmawr - Truly delightful detached country cottage dating back to 1625 which is full of character and original features and enjoys open panoramic views to the rear over the Ceiriog Valley and hills beyond. The property has been lovingly maintained. Three/ four bedrooms, landscaped gardens, driveway and garaging.

Vron, Llanrhaeadr - Traditional country cottage with good sized accommodation and large gardens in an elevated position. The Tanat valley is truly picturesque with rolling hillside and stunning scenery. offering two reception rooms, family kitchen, bathroom, sun room and three bedrooms

Lutton Close, Oswestry - Immaculate, spacious town house with four good sized bedrooms, open plan kitchen/ living area, enclosed landscaped rear garden and offroad parking for three vehicles along with a garage.  The property is set in a sought-after location backing onto open countryside.

Oakwood Close, Whittington - Three bedroom semi detached property in a tucked away, quiet, sought after location. The property also benefits from additional piece of land suitable as a completely private garden, additional parking or space for a home office or greenhouse.

Bryn Gwyn, Trefonen - Detached former farmhouse dating from 1810. As well as including a detached stone barn perfect for conversion subject to the necessary planning consent, the property offers flexible accommodation with five bedrooms and three reception rooms with views over open countryside.

Bryn Rhosyn, Porth-y-Waen - Spacious stunning four double bedroom detached bungalow with views across the open countryside.  The property has been tastefully decorated throughout. To the front of the property is a driveway providing ample off-road parking, spacious rear garden, patio area and lawned gardens.

Meirion House, Llanrhaeadr - Superbly proportioned property set in the the popular and picturesque Tanat Valley. The property has many attractive character features including a large vaulted lounge, three spacious bedrooms and a well-appointed kitchen with log burning stove. The gardens are a lovely place to relax and entertain.

Oswestry life | 65 4 Willow St, Oswestry, SY11 1AA Phone 01691 679 631 Email sales@townandcountryoswestry.com www.townandcountryestateagents.co.uk £395,000 £595,000 £298,850 £350,000 £599,999 £260,000 £309,950
£495,000 £375,000
52   | Oswestry life Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments website: www.m-d.co.uk email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool, SY21 8NN Web: www.m-d.co.uk Email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool SY21 8NN We sell park homes for the over 50s retired and semi retired Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 or 07773336633 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments Prices Start From Only £99,950 • Part exchange scheme available • All homes are brand new with a 10 year warranty
The park is a secure gated site with CCTV
We have 4 show homes available for viewing and ready for immediate occupation

Town & Country support local charities

Oswestry Town & Country estate agents have been spending their spare time fundraising for local charities. The team behind the efforts are Director Richard Ellis, Office Manager Emma Thompstone, Lettings Manager Devon Gregory and Sales Advisors Ken Williams, Wendy Jones and Anna Jones.

Director Richard said, “Over the last few months we have been able to support Hope House by donating 240 selection boxes at Christmas to the children and their families. We also supported Natalie Rowlands with Usborne Books, where we donated the money needed to allow 16 schools local to Oswestry, to have sets of books delivered to them.

“We don’t have a JustGiving link set up but try and support local charities in other ways. As a result, we don’t set any fundraising targets but just try and raise as much as we can, and we are fortunate that we can do that. The Macmillan Coffee Mornings we hold at the office always go down well.

“I would also like to thank my wife Debbie and children, Owen, Harvey, Jack and Ruby, who very much get involved where they can with many of the events.”

Every year, the Oswestry based staff like to take part in the Brynkinalt 5K and the Santa Run and sponsor the

Property Spotlight

Extended Detached Cottage

Llynclys, Oswestry

Woodheads are delighted to present to the sales market this fantastic extended three bedroom detached cottage originally built in 1868. The property benefits an ideal location being close to road connections yet set near a nature reserve. In brief, the accommodation affords; entrance hall, bathroom, open plan sitting/living room, conservatory, kitchen and utility. To the first floor the property offers a shower room and two bedrooms with a further bedroom on the second floor with cloakroom. Externally the property provides off road parking, garage, and a well-kept rear garden.

OIRO £525,000. For viewings call Woodheads on 01691 680044 or email sales@woodheadsalesandlettings.com

medals in aid of the Movement Centre. There are a multitude of ways of supporting charities and Town & Country certainly have fun whilst fundraising. Maybe it’s time to pop into the agents for a slice of cake next Macmillan coffee morning?

Oswestry life | 67 Property news
5 YEAR GUARANTEE Allumroll Garage Doors Contact us 01691 674222 07967 672053 sales@allumroll.com www.allumroll.com
68 | Oswestry life 68 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 69 Finance Now Available CoNtACt us 01691 650567 windows@malcolmlewis.co.uk Finance available through Kanda from 11.9% APR Kanda is a trading name of Kanda Products & Services Ltd, company registered in England and Wales (No.11220984) with registered office at Kanda Products & Services Ltd, 17 High Street, Forward House, Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England, B95 5AA. Kanda Products & Services is authorised by the FCA. Registration number 920795 Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM PREMIUM 3.4M ANTHRACITE £1,990 GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M 01691 450 028 www.garolla.co.uk 9.8 out of 10 4.8 out of 5 BESPOKE ELECTRIC DOORS MANUFACTURED IN THE UK FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION
70 | Oswestry life www.rocheawnings.com Al-fresco Living Showroom Visit our extensive showroom and find your perfect awning or glass room - Everyone welcome! Unit 4 - 5 Artillery Business Park, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4AD Call 01691 672 465 www.rocheawnings.com Al-fresco Living Showroom Visit our extensive showroom and find your perfect awning or glass room - Everyone welcome! Unit 4 - 5 Artillery Business Park, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4AD Call 01691 672 465


Pared back


Keep it chic with Parisian styling but you don’t need to be ornate by any means. A glimmer is enough and keeping to the same colour palette maintains that sophistication we so strive for.

clO ckwise fr O m ab O ve: French Style Louis Armchair Solid Oak £525 from La Residence Interiors  www.laresidenceinteriors.co.uk; Lexington Pink Satin Stitch Egyptian Cotton Sateen Luxury Bed Linen £35 from The Fine Cotton Company www.thefinecottoncompany.com; Distressed French Bedside Lamp £58 from French Bedroom www.frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk; Broncho Sham - Pink £16.99 from Wayfair www.wayfair.co.uk; Masala Chai Full Length Mirror £795 from French Bedroom www.frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk

Oswestry life | 71

clO ckwise fr O m ab O ve: Toile Story Chest of Drawers £895 from French Bedroom  www.frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk

Pair of Audrey Wall Lights £99 from French Bedroom www. frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk

Hays Rug - Grey £189 from Shimu  www.shimu.com

Bastile Bedside Table in Weathered Oak £375 from Loaf www.loaf.com

House of Valois Upholstered French Bed £2295 from French Bedroom  www.frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk

72 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 73 Finance Now Available CoNtACt us 01691 650567 windows@malcolmlewis.co.uk Finance available through Kanda from 11.9% APR Kanda is a trading name of Kanda Products & Services Ltd, company registered in England and Wales (No.11220984) with registered office at Kanda Products & Services Ltd, 17 High Street, Forward House, Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England, B95 5AA. Kanda Products & Services is authorised by the FCA. Registration number 920795

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74 | Oswestry life
Scan here

April in the garden

April is here, and your motto must be “Be Prepared”. The weather can be so unpredictable: from heavy frosts to heatwaves. So, get ready with fleece and cloches as well as watering cans. Also make sure roses and climbers are well supported to protect for gusty winds.

Warmer weather mixed with April showers also means that slugs and snails will delight in munching through the new succulent growth that is appearing. Take special care in protecting hostas, lettuce and delphiniums.

Everyone’s thoughts now turn to the summer plants and here a decision must be made. Although propagating plants from seeds is satisfying, those with little time or with small gardens may find that ready-grown plants are an easier and sometimes a more economical choice. You can buy plug plants (small and needing to he be potted up immediately) or wait a while and buy larger specimens for planting straight out. If you only want a couple of cucumber plants, for example, then it makes sense to buy them in late May/June rather than buy a packet containing dozens of seeds.

Plants respond to a gradual increase in pot size, so your small seedlings need to be potted on a couple of times before ending up in the hanging basket, container, or flower bed. The reason is that plants dislike a large

volume of soil around their roots because they cannot absorb water from all of it and, therefore, it is liable to remain wet. This can result in root rot and the possible death of the plant. Smaller moves allow plants to put out new roots quickly.

As flower plants like petunias and fuchsias get bigger, pick out growing tips. It may seem cruel, but it encourages a bushier, stronger plant. Another handy hint is to inspect your roses and bend vertical growth into horizontal. An upright branch will usually produce a flower at the tip, a horizontal branch will produce flowers along its length.

If you are like me your windowsills will be filling up with new seedlings, next to egg-boxes filled with chitting potatoes. These shoots will give the tubers a head start when they are planted out.

Oswestry life | 75
Mobile: 07583 732234 E: themuckshifter@outlook.com www.themuckshifter.com Transformative consultative competitive Best
Window sills full
company around for “Muck Aways”! Recently used The Muck Shifter to dig out footings, in a very tricky, and challenging, area of our property! All staff worked extremely hard, the work was completed to a very high standard, and our property was left tidy, and in good order! Would highly recommend Will and his team! Mrs Davies
skilled local tradesman in Oswestry and surrounding area, With 15 years’ experience in heavy plant operation and muck aways. The Muckshifter believes in good old-fashioned valueshonesty, attention to detail, professionalism and delivering our client expectations.

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Our expert lawyers continue to provide support guidance and advice on all legal matters


Authorised & Regulated by the SRA No. 51566

with GHP Legal’s Sophie Bebbington

Can I challenge aunt’s Will as I believed she would leave me more?

Q: My aunt was incapacitated for several years before her death. With no children or partner, my parents looked after her and had power of attorney over her affairs and my father was executor of her Will. I know they sold off valuable possessions of hers and kept the money. When she died last year, my father told me she left me £40,000, which he has just paid me. My aunt however told me I would receive more than that. As I believe my parents syphoned off her assets can I contest the Will?

A: Generally, there are two reasons for contesting a Will. Firstly, if the Will is invalid; for example, it was not created correctly, or the deceased had insufficient mental capacity when it was drawn up, or someone had tried to influence decisions about its content. And secondly, if it does not make ‘reasonable financial provision’ for someone who was financially dependent on the deceased; this would normally be a spouse, civil partner or ex-spouse or ex-civil partner who has not remarried, or a cohabitant, child or someone the deceased raised as a child.

If a grant of probate has not yet been obtained a caveat can be entered to stop it being issued, allowing time for investigations to be made regarding the claim and protecting the estate meanwhile. However, once a grant of probate has been obtained the executor can access and distribute the estate assets, which is the stage that your aunt’s Will would appear to be at. Once the assets have been distributed, even if you could justify bringing a claim, it would be more difficult and costly to contest the Will. Therefore, it is important to put the executor on notice of any claim as soon as possible. In respect of claims for “reasonable financial provision”, you only have 6 months from the date that probate was granted to make the claim, so it always advisable to seek legal advice.

This question has been answered by Sophie Bebbington, a Legal Executive with GHP Legal.  If you would like to speak to someone about this or any other legal matter it is still possible, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that we continue to offer our high levels of service to our clients. Where possible, we ask that you communicate with us by phone or email. If you have a new enquiry or for an appointment visit www. ghplegal.com or contact one of our offices: Wrexham 01978 291456, Llangollen 01978 860313, Oswestry 01691 659194

76 | Oswestry life Q&A
Acc ident & Inj ury Agric ultu re & Estates Business Struc ture & Issue s Chil dren Clin ic al Negligenc e Co mpany & Co mme rc ial Co mmerc ial Pro perty Co urt o f Pro tec tio n Cri me & Regulatory Employment Law Family & Matrimo nial Li tigatio n & Dispute Reso lutio n M ental Hea lth Priso n Law Pro fessio nal Neglig enc e Pro bate, Wills, Tax & Trust Resi denti al Property Spinal Inj uries Accident & Injury Agriculture & Estates Business Structure & Issues Children Clinical Negligence Company & Commercial Commercial Property Court of Protection Crime & Regulatory Employment Law Family & Matrimonial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Mental Health Prison Law Professional Negligence Probate, Wills, Tax & Trust Residential Property Spinal Injuries



As you near retirement age, planning for your future can feel like a daunting task. However, there are ways to help boost your retirement income. Here, independent financial adviser and director at Belgrave Wincham, Craig Roberts, shares his expert tips and strategies to help grow your pension pot.

Review your pension

Start by assessing how your pension is currently performing. Take a moment to consider if the level of risk and prospective return aligns with your life circumstances. If you’re thinking long-term and are comfortable with taking on additional risk, it may be worthwhile considering investing in higher-growth assets for potentially greater gains.

Check your self-assessment tax return

For those earning over £50,271 a year and paying into a pension, check if you can claim back higherrate tax relief via self-assessment. It’s one of the biggest benefits of paying into a pension, but many higher-taxpayers don’t realise that it doesn’t always happen automatically.

Maximise other savings

Pensions are often the best option for retirement savings, but they’re not always suitable, or possible, depending on your circumstances. In some cases, there are excellent alternatives such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) that are well worth exploring.

Bring your pensions together

Consolidating your pensions into one plan may enable you to access a wider choice of investments and save more money. There are, however, potential downsides so always seek professional advice from a regulated independent financial adviser to ensure it’s the right choice for you.

Company pensions

As a director of a limited company, extracting profits in a tax-efficient way can be challenging. However, making pension contributions is one of the few strategies that can help you achieve this goal and offers an excellent way to save for your future.

Our team at Belgrave Wincham take the time and complexity out of pension and retirement planning for you. Call 01691 886554 to arrange your free 60-minute consultation.


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H e l p a n d S u p p o r t

E n d p o i n t M a n a g e m e n t

S e c u r e D a t a E r a s u r e S e r v i c e s

B e s p o k e I T S u p p o r t a n d S e r v i c e s

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N e t w o r k I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a b l i n g

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f r e e 2 0 m i n u t e c o n s u l t a n c y c h a t a t

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Oswestry life | 77
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Where help is on hand locally Classifieds 78 | Oswestry life ACCOUNTANTS BUSINESS SERVICES DOG GROOMING BLINDS ELECTRICIANS FLOORING ANTIQUES/CLEARANCE ELECTRICIANS Unit 6, Maes y Clawdd Industrial Estate, Maesbury Road, Oswestry, SY10 8NN Office: 01691 681051 Steve: 07813 815333 Dan: 07976 526189 sales@pureelectrics.com www.pureelectrics.com • Periodic testing & inspection • Fuse board upgrades • Smoke alarms • Outside security lighting • Extensions & conversions • Kitchens & bathroom refurbishments • Free Quotations • Solar PV Installations • Battery Storage Systems • Electric Vehicle Charging Points YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIANS e: matt@mattowenelectricalservices.co.uk @mattowenelectricalservices All electrical work covered (at no extra cost) by the ECA Guarantee of Work Scheme for up to six years and a limit of £50,000 Electrical certification in line with the current 18th edition wiring regulations BS7671 DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL • FAULT FINDING • NEST PRO INSTALLER: SMART THERMOSTATS, VIDEO DOORBELLS, SMOKE / CO ALARMS AND CCTV • HAVE A RENTAL PROPERTY?: WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THE NEW ELECTRICAL SAFETY REGULATIONS • GENERAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS • TESTING, INSPECTION AND ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION • ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORTS (EICRS - ALSO KNOWN AS LANDLORD SAFETY CERTIFICATES) Tel: 07837 839698 Call: 07762 278533 jayne@daintypaws.info www.daintypaws.info MOBILE DOG GROOMING MOBILE DOG GROOMING antiques collectables and memorabilia We are a family run business which carefully sources and supplies antiques, memorabilia and sought a er collectables. We are currently looking for new stock! For a quotation or any further information on any of our services please give us a call on 07719 748913 or email collectables@btinternet.com www.clivescollectables.co.uk @collectables247 I / clivescollectablesw Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work Karndean Design Flooring • LVT All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com www.hayward ooring.co.uk Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work Karndean Design Flooring • LVT All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com www.hayward ooring.co.uk Domestic and Commercial All Preparation Work • Karndean Design Flooring • LVT • All Vinyls • Safety Flooring Coved and Capped • Carpets • All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Tel: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@icloud.com www.haywardflooring.co.uk 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Oswestry 01691 676 262 Buy 4 Vertical blinds/ Roller blinds Fitted from £199 Find us in Oswestry Indoor Market FREE QUOTES SENSIBLE PRICES
FOOT CARE GARDENING SERVICES MARTIAL ARTS FOOT CARE ELECTRICIANS GARAGE DOORS HANDYMAN & GARDEN SERVICES HANDYMAN SERVICES FOR A FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIMATE PLEASE RING 01691 610335 OR MOBILE 07961 057068 Need help to finish those little jobs? ❱ Flat Pack assembly ❱ Plumbing ❱ Decorating ❱ Shed re-roofing ❱ General DIY jobs ❱ Garden maintenance Contact Steve today for availability FB - Oswestry Handyman & Gardening Services E - oswestryhandyman@outlook.com Mobile - 07870280747 Fully insured with references available Competitive rates AJ GARDENING SERVICES Patios. fencing Grass, hedge cutting & tree works Turfing All rubbish removed Anthony J Sudlow 07952 823078 For an appointment, please contact Lisa on 07891087394 E: tanatfootcare@hotmail.com TANAT FOOT CARE Registered Foot Health Practioner TREATMENTS IN A MODERN CLINIC SITUATED IN LLANYBLODWEL, 6 MILES SOUTH WEST OF OSWESTRY Toenail trimming Callus Cracked heels Corns/ verrucas Diabetic foot care Ingrowing toenails Fungal nail Athlete’s foot DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL • Electric Vehicle Charging Points Installed • Rewires/Extensions • Periodic Testing and Inspection • General Electrical Work • Fuse Board Upgrades • Landlord Safety Checks • Free Estimates ALL WORK IS CERTIFICATED & FULLY TESTED CONTACT STUART 07710 664 254 pandselectrical27@gmail.com P and S Electrical Contractors Ltd Nail cuts • Fungal nail Diabetic foot care • Callus removal Ingrowing toenail • ickened nails Corn/Verrucae treatment Call Claire on 07857 306159 to book Foot health practitioner ARRIDGE GARAGE DOORS TOP BRANDS • BIG DISCOUNTS • NATIONWIDE Suppliers of: Hormann, Garador, Carteck, Fort, Novoferm, SWS, Wisniowski, Cedar Door, Aluroll, Gliderol, Alutech and Ryterna 01691 670394 www.arridgegaragedoors.co.uk EST 1989 Arridge Garage Doors Since 1989 •Top Brands •Discounted Supply to trade and retail •Quality installation service available sales@arridgegaragedoors.co.uk arridgegaragedoors.co.uk • 01691 670 394 REVIEWS 4.82 Rating www.tagb-taekwondo.co.uk IMPROVE YOUR: FLEXIBILITY | CONFIDENCE CO-ORDINATION PHYSIQUE FITNESS | SELF CONTROL HEALTH Whether your goal is self defence, physical conditioning or you just want to have fun and meet new friends, our quality professional Tae Kwon Do instruction could well provide you with just the results you are looking for. NEW STARTERS GET THEIR Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint FIX IT DON’T BIN IT! www.thehandymanalan.co.uk Call Alan for a professional and reliable free quote E: alanthehandyman60@gmail.com Years of experience Tel: 07977 093490 Oswestry life | 79 Where help is on hand locally Classifieds




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Opening Lyrics

Can you name ten songs from their opening lines and the years in which they were first UK top ten hit singles? Note that each opening line starts with the song title, which has been replaced by question marks.

1. ???, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better - 1968

2. ???, makes me feel sad for the rest - 1977

3. ???, you should have stayed at home yesterday - 1980



1. Loans God made for boats (8)

9. Keep account half hour after huntsman’s cry (5-2)

10. Game fashioned from a table leg (9)

11. Intrinsic nature of poor sense before religious body (7)

12. Roam about with upset rodent catcher (9)

14. She’s on the sheltered side (3)

15. Irate bid to modify bitter verbal attack (8)

17. Footwear hits hard (5)

21. Coffer for the lungs? (5)

23. Foreign relation (Asian) (8)

24. Electrically-charged particle seen in visions (3)

27. Wins coins in a state (9)

29. I can’t recall having it (7)

30. Tourer can be such a storyteller (9)

31. Detains differently as an alternativae (7)

32. Abnormal side buds settled down (8)


2. Approaches a snare in the wrong way (5)

3. Undisguised container upset (8)

4. Church tower sharply sloping before the French (7)

5. Girls after good spectacles (7)

6. City of wild cats’ sounds (5)

7. Bless one poorly filleted (8)

8. Single explosive device (1-4)

13. Tune I compose to connect (5)

16. Rod to drink in? (3)

18. Applauds one hundred circuits (5)

19. A coiner’s revised outline (8)

20. Colour annoyed medics (3,5)

22. Trip set out for racing adviser (7)

23. Ahead, to where nurses might be found? (7)

25. Dormant form of nitre (5)

26. Hangs round to grind the teeth (5)

28. Eminent number reduced by little Theodore (5)

4. ???, but I’m holding on, I’m gonna be your number one - 1980

5. ???, it’s a soul companion, you can feel it everywhere - 1992

6. ???, the rain is gone - 1972

7. ???, true care, truth brings - 2000

8. ???, the fascist regime1977

9. ???, when two hearts are caring - 1958

10. ???, something deep inside - 1995

from the inside), 6. one from… Simon Le Bon and Sting, 7. 24, 8. Daylight robbery, 9. This badge (“Mama take this badge from me, I can’t use it anymore”), 10. How Much Is That Doggie in The Window?

QUIZ: 1. Rod Hull (on the TV show Emu’s World), 2. Experience, 3. Raspberry

15 Alder, 19

82 | It’s beautiful
CROSSWORD: Across: 8 Napoleon, 9 Prompt, 10 Reassemble, 11 Play, 12 Ale, 13 Grudge, 16 Nail, 17 Always, 18 Hour, 21 Alga, 22 Morsel, 23 Riga, 24 Peered, 26 Tap, 27 Kiwi, 28 Threadbare, 31 Casino, 32
Down: 1
6 Compensate, 7 Speaking, 14
25 Errata, 29 Ruby, 30 Bait.
Beret (by Prince), 4. Battenberg cake, 5. b) a keyhole (it is only opened
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