h, how I have been waiting to try this place out! I was already a massive fan of the owner’s restaurant on the east side of town, Pangea, so the anticipation to try 2nd Language was palpable. I’ve been checking
out their menu for awhile and all their pictures look absolutely stunning. And let me assure you, the food looks every bit that good in person, too.
This was a lunchtime trip and I’m glad
view straight into the kitchen, which is
I went during that time of the day
a ballsy move for any restaurant owner.
because I imagine this place is packed
This bold statement wasn’t lost on me
in the evening. When I pulled into
and I appreciate that someone is so
the parking lot, it was just a gravel lot
confident in their kitchen standards
which wasn't a huge deal, given there
that patrons are allowed to peek in
isn’t much open parking downtown;
at any time - which is similar to the
it was just nice to have somewhere
confidence on display at Pangea. We
to park. I was also a little confused
need more places with these standards
because the “front” door was actually
for sure. I did check out the bathroom
on the side of the building because
and it was just as clean as anywhere
there were renovations going on in
else in the restaurant and smelled nice.
the front lobby area. As I walked in, I didn’t see any signs directing me
Now on to the food...I ordered one of
where to go and the reception area
my all-time favorite appetizers, Gyoza.
was up and around the corner. Maybe
I had tried the ones at Pangea before
a sign or moving the hosting stand
and loved their chili oil drizzled on top,
during renovations might help clear up
so when 2nd Language brought the
confusion…or maybe I’m just an old-
plate out with a cup of that same oil,
timer that needs help finding my toes
I was extremely happy! A little bit will
in my shoes.
take you a long way with this oil so take it easy. But these Gyozas were packed
20 | JULY 2022
Regardless, let me tell you, the dining
with flavor and as juicy as possible in
room is gorgeous! The color schemes,
a dumpling. I’m being literal when I
artwork, and furniture meld together
say they were bursting with juiciness.
beautifully and nearly everyone has a
Delicious - and I will certainly order