Netflix serves up scary monsters and delicate matters of the heart this month
high for time-traveling back to the 80's
made into seven movies, but never has it
Austen's 1817 novel Persuasion. Dakota
but volume one of season 4 elevated it
been fleshed out into a television show.
Johnson stars as Anne Elliot, a young
to the galaxy. We were given so many
Netflix is giving fans of the action-packed,
woman who is faced once again with
memorable moments - from Max’s run
monster-filled terror a chance to bask in
the handsome and dashing man who
through Vecna’s hellscape trying to escape
the beautiful horrors of this wasteland. The
got away, Frederick Wentworth, played
her own depression and save her life to
show is pieced together from the past and
by Cosmo Jarvis. Like many of Austen’s
the Dungeons & Dragons side-by-side
the future, taking place three decades after
heroines, Anne, the middle daughter
scene with Lucas playing basketball then
the discovery of the Umbrella Corporation’s
of a wealthy family on the brink of
the kids riding bicycles on both ends of
T-Virus, which jump-started the apocalypse
bankruptcy, is clever and at odds
each world trying to get back to each
in 2022. Charlie’s Angels breakout star
with modern society’s standards and
other. The biggest revelations were how
Ella Balinska is taking the reins in the new
sensibilities. Throw an old flame into the
big, bad Vecna - played by the wickedly-
iteration and she's totally up for the physical
mix and this show is going to be fire.
talented Jamie Campbell Bower - came to
and emotional challenges of this role. The
Pretty Rich Asians’ Henry Golding also
be and our mind-bending heroine Millie
British beauty plays Jade Wesker, who's
adds flavor to the cast as one of her
Bobby Brown’s El origin story. We were left
fighting for her life in a world seething with
relatives. This is the modern twist on a
with a juicy cliffhanger at the end of the
bloodthirsty zombies in London 2036, all
classic tale of romance, in the vein of the
first volume and now all of our questions
while being haunted by the demons of her
gorgeous diversity of Bridgerton which
will be answered and then some as the
past. She must reckon with the sins of her
featured a black leading man in season
kids - now teens - face-off for the last time
father, virologist Albert, who is touted as the
one and Indian leading woman in
in Hawkins, Indiana. I’m not ready for the
most dangerous villain in Resident Evil lore
season two. I love that we are continuing
and figure out what happened to her sister
to break barriers in these matters of the
Stranger Things has been setting the bar
magic to end. Netflix 7/1
The popular video game has been
Billie. Netflix 7/14
Get ready for a fresh take on Jane
heart. Netflix 7/15
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