News4U August 2022

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August shows feature inspiring female athletes, a superhero lawyer and a return to a mythical world




II, while their wives build the aircrafts

jump from clone to superhero in She Hulk.

dive back into the mythos of the Game of

they fly in. Some were even selected to

Her ability to play infinite carbon copies

Thrones phenomena. The realm of royal

play professional baseball. Batter up:

with different personalities in Orphan Black

politics made famous by George R. R.

A League of Their Own. This baseball

makes her the perfect person to take on

Martin books has turned people around

comedy shot in Evansville in the early

the titular role of the hulk's cousin who gets

the world into die-hard fans. The HBO

90s is being turned into a television

her powers after a blood transfusion gone

show based on his novels turned into a

series - just in time for the film’s 30th

wrong. Or right if you want to turn green

cultural sensation, popularizing everything

anniversary. It's pitch-perfect timing.

and grow to 6’7". It’s been long overdue

from Direwolf mugs to Dothraki tattoos.

As a woman who's always been more

for more Marvel female characters to get

It turned actors like Sophie Turner, Maise

posh than sporty, this movie was truly

their own starring roles and Disney+ is

Williams, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington

impactful on my childhood. Watching

finally catching up, recently churning out

into household names - the latter of which

Geena Davis, Rosie O’Donnell, and

several female-centric shows and films from

is getting his own spin-off, a little whisper

Madonna play these fierce baseball

Wanda Vision to Ms. Marvel. Here, Maslany

told me. HBO first tried to release a prequel

players in a man’s world made me feel

plays Jennifer Walters, a lawyer by day and

starring Stranger Things' Jamie Campbell

like I could swing a bat - and I'm passing

green-skinned, butt-kicking superhero

Bower, but strangely, it was pulled. Matthew

that gift of female empowerment down

at night. Mark Ruffalo also drops in his

Smith and Olivia Cooke are now getting

to my daughter who recently saw the

cerebral Bruce Banner while The Good

the chance to take us back to Westeros,

film for the first time. The new series is

Place's Jameela Jamil turns evil as her rival

showing the beginnings of the Targaryen

produced by Broad City's Abbi Jackson,

Titania. Soon we'll find out if She Hulk can

Civil War. Will this second attempt at a

who also stars in it. Get ready to step up

win her case in court and help save the

prequel work? Will it be any match for the

Men go off to fight and die in World War

to the plate! Amazon Prime 8/12

The versatile Tatiana Maslany is making the

world. Disney+ 8/17

It’s finally time to take a gold-dipped sword

original? Only the Mad King can tell us. HBO MAX 8/21

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