News4U October 2021

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6 Sorry, didn't Mean to Scare You

BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 42 Exploring Small Business 44 Wobble Bone


The Oldé Courthouse Catacombs & House of Lecter

Prepare to Enter the Dungeon of Darkness!


10 12 16 17 18 20


MercyMe at the Ford Center

Exclusive Interview with Guitarist Barry Graul

Whose Live Anyway? at the Victory Theatre Exclusive Interview with Comedian Greg Proops

for KING & COUNTRY at the Ford Center Exclusive Interview with Singer Joel Smallbone

17th Annual SWIRCA BrewFest

The Tri-State's Favorite Sampling Event Returns!

REO Speedwagon at the Owensboro Sportscenter Exclusive Interview with Founding Member Neal Doughty

22 Clean Bite Life 23 Coupons


24 In Town & Around 30 Music: Stories from the Stage 31 Rock & Metal Profs 32 Film: Regional Horror Wrap-Up 33 Books: The Notes Will Carry Me Home 34 Screen Time 35 True Crime Junkie 36 TikTok: Our Favs of the Month


37 Tell Us about Your Tattoos 38 From Addiction to Recovery 40 Romain Subaru presents: What Inspires You? 46 VHS Animal Spotlight 47 VHS Adoption Spotlight 48 Tri-State Pet Pics 58 Ask an Attorney 60 Mug Shots


50 As I Type This... 50 Tri-State Politics 51 Maybe I'm Just Getting Old 52 When Late Night Thoughts are Bourne 53 Bridging the Gap

REVIEWS 54 Music 56 Beer

WWE Friday Night Smackdown at the Ford Center Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Bianca Belair

Established in 1991 by Publisher Brian Bennett Operations Manager Joshua Adams Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis Account Representatives TJ Tanoos

Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artist Kelsey H. & Bailey R. Contributors

Jasmine Bennett, Freddie Bourne, Paul Bragin, Russ Finn, Johnny Fletcher, Barold Hume, Marisa Patwa, Lindsay Rasure, Lane Siesky

News 4U is published monthly and is distributed throughout the tri-state. For information about advertising, subscriptions, distribution or guides & lists, call (812) 426-6398 or write us at 125 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 510 Evansville, IN 47711. News 4U is published by EMG Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of the magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products, services or opinions within. Advertisers are responsible for content of their ads.

4 | OCTOBER 2021


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oo!! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you but it's that time of year

haunted houses in the nation, according to creator Phil Wolter,

again - you know, ghosts and goblins and all that jazz. With

can lay claim to such a long, sustained run. So be sure to come

the turning of the season comes the creepiness of Halloween, a

out and experience The Dungeon of Darkness (this year's

favorite holiday for all the dark and disturbed members of our

terrifying theme) in downtown Evansville - open throughout

community. I kid - you're all wonderful people, I'm sure. And for

October. And if you're looking for more entertainment options

my money, it makes total sense to celebrate the macabre right

this month, there's a host of great concerts and shows headed

before the weather turns truly miserable; it's a precursor to the

our way, including MercyMe (Ford Center, 10/9), Village

horrors that await as the cool days of November slowly give way

People (Victory, 10/9), Gary Levox (Victory, 10/15), Whose Live

to the chill of December and beyond. Yes, I'm complaining about

Anyway (Victory, 10/17), for KING & COUNTRY (Ford Center,

winter - again - before it's even arrived. Anyone who's been

10/24) and Joe Bonamassa (ONEP, 10/25) - not to mention the

bored enough to read this monthly piece knows that I seemingly

first day of November sees REO Speedwagon hit the stage at

have nothing better to talk about. However, this month I do.

the Owensboro Sportscenter followed by WWE Friday Night

Because the Olde Courthouse Catacombs and House of Lecter

Smackdown at the Ford Center on November 5. We've got

are back for the 42nd consecutive year, continuing to provide

several related interviews inside so start flipping and dig in!

the tri-state with tons of scary fun for the whole family. No other

6 | OCTOBER 2021


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Enter the Dungeon of Darkness at your peril for some good old-fashioned Halloween fun at the tri-state's favorite haunted houses! For the 42nd consecutive year, Phil Wolter - with more than a little help from a huge cast of actors and support staff - has created a haunted house experience like no other. The tri-state scare master knows how to send chills up your spine yet keep you highly entertained at the same time. In fact, his primary goal is to make sure that all of the customers who walk through the doors of the Oldé Courthouse Catacombs (4th & Vine) and House of Lecter (325 Main St.) get their money's worth and then some, always aiming to provide "some good old-fashioned Halloween fun." And he's quite confident that the Dungeon of Darkness - this year's creepy theme - is truly something special. According to Wolter, the Dungeon of Darkness is a hybrid sort of show based on characters and elements from a few prominent horror films. For instance, those brave enough to enter will come face-to-face with alien creatures from "A Not So Quiet Place" - and the imposing specter of the masked "Michael" will appear when you least expect him, leading up to a dramatic, thundering electrocution scene as he attempts to fry the heck out of his victim. "He's up to his old mischief," Wolter notes. "You know the tricks he likes to play." The third part of this year's theme is centered around the spooky twin girls from an iconic 1980 film that is still giving people nightmares. "I've been toying with the idea for over 40 years now," Wolter says. And it's finally coming to fruition as these disturbing characters will be freaking everyone out wherever they turn up - sometimes as holograms, sometimes in live-action sequences. As Wolter notes with unabashed excitement, "they'll be a very big part of the show."

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So gather up all your courageous friends and head to the Oldé Courthouse Catacombs and House of Lecter in downtown Evansville - just two blocks apart. Keep in mind that with an unlimited pass you can go through the attractions as many times as you like on the night of your visit. "That is providing you're still alive," Wolter adds with a sinister laugh. *Rest assured that Covid protocols will be in place to keep everyone safe.

October S




















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Guitarist Barry Graul on still being the "new guy," his love of disco, the edgy production of "Blessed" and more 20 years on the from the major label release of "I Can Only

core message of faith, hope and love.

Imagine" - a defining song of the Christian music genre that became a crossover hit and changed the course of MercyMe's

Guitarist Barry Graul kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the

career - the award-winning band is not only still thriving but

show at the Ford Center.

continuing to create hugely affecting, influential anthems that speak to the hearts of everyday people going through life's constant struggles. And there's no better example of that than "Say I Won't," the emotionally-charged single that preceded this year's Inhale (Exhale). Inspired by the story of Gary Miracle who

Within the band you have seniority and yet, technically, you're

still the "new guy" despite 17 or so years of service to date. How has your relationship with MercyMe evolved over time?

When I joined MercyMe, I had been a sideman for quite some

worked for the band for many years,

time, playing for a lot of other bands

it details his battle to find purpose

and artists and so, joining MercyMe

after going into septic shock at the

was like a family. You know,

beginning of 2020 and losing all four

growing up in a family dynamic,

limbs. Singer Bart Millard delivers a

there are so many things that you

truly powerful vocal performance,

navigate through. And I think it's

gifting listeners the key to a joyful

kind of been the same thing for me,

existence: "Learn what it means to live

too, although I jumped right in with

and not just be alive."

both feet and was really excited to, you know, find my place. When

And yet, Inhale (Exhale) - apart from a

you're a sideman, it's just a paying

few heavy ballads - finds MercyMe in a rather funky mood, eager

gig from show to show and tour to tour. With a band, you get to

to shake off the pandemic rust. Reportedly, the band's motto in

sink your teeth in. But, you know, once in a while they still call me

the studio was, "If it doesn't rip their heart out, it should make

the "new guy" [laughs]. We gotta hire somebody else.

them dance." That's abundantly clear on "Brand New" featuring disco diva Gloria Gaynor and the Nile Rodgers/Chic homage "Whiplash" - both proving that the boundaries of Christian music are increasingly being pushed aside, making way for the likes of MercyMe to craft wide-ranging albums while still retaining the

10 | OCTOBER 2021


There's been a lot of talk about the dance tracks on the new

album. Is that a style of guitar playing that's always been in your repertoire?

I'll say, personally for me, as a guitarist and where I came from, I


grew up playing in cover bands in the late 70's which took me into the disco era, so we were playing everything from disco to hard rock. And so I cut my teeth and learned everything there was to learn musically about different genres of music from just playing in that cover band because you pretty much had to become a chameleon. I gravitated towards that style of music [disco], anyway. I mean, even though I loved rock and grew up going to all the rock shows and definitely have a lot of rock in my playing, I like the funky stuff, too, because it's what moves you a lot of times. So when songs get started for a record that lean that way, I'm all about it. Really, the thrust behind the record was, 'Let's just make people dance a little bit,' because it's been a rough season the last year and a half of just watching people online do sappy songs. You know, let's get away from that. I mean, we definitely have our heartfelt moments on this record but we just wanted you to get caught at a red light dancing. "Blessed" is perhaps the most unexpected song on the album - almost like techno gospel.

I like that - yeah, you kind of nailed it. I think it's current-sounding because it's probably so polished but it definitely has a gospel feel to it as well. And that song took awhile to rein in production-wise and direction a little bit. We're going to do it live and we've even stepped it up a little bit and made it a little more edgier. It's definitely going to have its place. We had a little choir come in and sing on it, too - those are the vocals that you hear - because we don't have that in our back pocket [laugh]. Well, Bart does, but the rest of the guys...I'd be faking it. You should hire the choir full-time and then you'll no longer be the "new guy."

[Laughs] Exactly! I think "Blessed" is great because I love earthy, swampy music - and Bart does, too, and Mike [Scheuchzer]. And so it kind of leans that direction, too, but like you said, it's definitely got the tech side to it. The band's humor is also on display with the likes of "Hurry Up and Wait" - a welcome bit of levity after all the pandemic downers.

And that's one of the things that Bart's been saying live, actually, in some of our shows lately. Through the whole pandemic when we're watching all these Zoom concerts or whatever, online concerts, it was so gut-wrenching all the time because people were going nuts locked up in their homes. Bart said it's like watching The Notebook 11 times. Please, no more [laughs].


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Comedian Greg Proops on the longevity of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, the freedom of the stage version, the problem with modern baseball and more

ahead of the show at the Victory. Considering how many shows you're used to performing each year - whether as a stand-up comic or with Whose Live Anyway? - you must be desperate to get that rush of adrenaline again after such a long layoff.

It's like a junkie - we have to fill that giant void inside of us; all comedians can only be assuaged by the shallow approval of an audience's laughter every 15-30 seconds to fill the gaping hole inside our souls. So I've been going out of my mind not being on stage. And, of course, I don't think I'll hate the guys for at least a few weeks. It seems like the stage presentation of the show allows for a lot more freedom - and, as a result, is even funnier without some

of the TV constraints and the ever-looming buzzer that the host presides over.

Oh yeah, I think it's a lot freer when there's just the four of us. We don't have to stand where the camera blocking is and we don't have to worry about any kind of, you know, editing or any of that kind of jazz that goes along with TV. So I think we feel

It goes without saying that we're all in need of a good laugh

a lot more elated to get out there and just kick it. You know,

right about now - more so than ever, frankly, considering the

when we do the live show we're really trying to give it a lot of

events of the last 18 months or so. Could it get any worse? But

energy and make each other laugh - that's the main thing. And

mercifully, like superheroes swooping in to save the day, the cast

not to blow the gig or anything, but the buzzer isn't something

of Whose Live Anyway? - Greg Proops, Ryan Stiles, Jeff B. Davis

the host is necessarily controlling. Because there's such a thing

and Joel Murray - is returning to Evansville to turn our frowns

as producers and stuff like that, too. And also they'll censor us if

upside down with a night of genius-level improv comedy. The

it gets a little too crazy for the network. That doesn't happen on

group's previous visit to the Victory Theatre in 2018 received a

stage. Although we're pretty family-friendly as you recall. We try

standing ovation and for good reason.

to keep it - what do we call it - "PG."

For those out of the loop, Whose Live Anyway? is the stage version of the long-running TV show, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, a British creation that eventually made its way across the pond and has continued to flourish on the CW here in America; in fact, the show was just picked up for an 18th season that begins October 9. And in case you were wondering, all four members of the stage presentation have been involved with the TV version for many, many years - so we're talking seasoned improv comics at the top of their games with one goal in mind: to make each other laugh. Proops kindly spoke with News 4U

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To what do you attribute the ongoing success of the TV show? 18 seasons is almost unheard of - only a handful of shows have ever managed to last that long.

Well, it's pure virtuosity, obviously [laughs]. We're on as long as, like, a sporting show's been on or the Today show or something. I don't think there's anything else that's on television that's run that long. Maybe the Tonight Show. I think part of it is that the danger and the excitement of improv is actually captured and translated on the TV show. There's been a load of improv shows on TV and they don't make it happen. And part of that is a condition of how we shoot it and how it's edited. The games are absolutely played fair and square the way you see them - and when we do a live taping we get up and play 27, 28 games in an hour and a half, two hours. And we play them at a live show pace; we go boom, boom, boom - we don't sit around and goof in between shows. So you're really getting, basically, a live show taped. And I think the other thing is the cast. We're talking about people that have been on the show for 20 years. So there's continuity that you don't have on any other show except Guiding Light or General Hospital or something. They could have changed us all out 15 years ago - or when they brought it back to the CW they could have changed the whole cast out and gone, 'Look, it's the new Whose Line with new cast members!' But I don't think that would have played. Look, now we're into generations, because every high school in the country since 20 years has started an improv group. We literally get everybody from teenagers to old people at our shows. On a completely different topic, Don Mattingly - an Evansville native

- recently stated that the modern game of baseball "sometimes is unwatchable" for various reasons. You're a huge fan of the sport. If you could change something, what would it be?

Oh, the owners; I don't think they understand why people like baseball and I don't think they ever have. I understand what he's saying, but I disagree. I think when you've got [Shohei] Ohtani and [Mike] Trout and...I mean, look at my Giants this year. We weren't supposed to compete and we're the best team in the National League. So there's always that awesome element in baseball where...clearly, it should have been the Dodgers. And it isn't. But the owners treat the minor leaguers really poorly and right now I'm sure you've been following the controversy over their housing and them having to collect airline miles so they can use them. And I just think that's terribly unfair - there's no way to make baseball any better unless you can really focus on the minor leagues and the farm system. The foundation of everything is bringing in new talent. And I think they're really cheapskates in that way and I don't really appreciate it.


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Joel Smallbone talks "Relate," avoiding "Hallmark" moments, the status of the group's Civil War-based film project and more

That pandemic-timed release really showed what for KING & COUNTRY stand for when you get past the technological bells and whistles. At the heart of every Smallbone project is a simple desire to bring people together - something that's perfectly encapsulated in "Relate," a new song written to help heal the growing divide in this country. It's a precursor to the duo's upcoming fifth studio album which promises to be every bit as conceptually far-reaching as ever. As Joel Smallbone explains, "where we started with it and where we ended were two drastically different places - but that was what was so beautiful about it." The latest single "Relate" is a great example of how the

band keeps up with cutting edge production techniques. Are you always keeping an ear out for what's new or do you simply record in your own bubble?

Good question. You know what's interesting? Luke's probably more of a prolific radio listener than I am. Like, he'll turn on pop radio and whatnot. I stay pretty isolated half deliberately in that I know my own proclivities to kind of chase the next shiny toy. And also, for me - everyone's

Australian-born brothers Joel and Luke Smallbone -

different, some people need to do it, some people thrive

better known as for KING & COUNTRY, an incredibly

off of it - it actually hurts my own intuition to pay too much

ambitious duo that's changed the face of Christian

attention to other people. What's really fun with this new

music - are constantly looking to broaden their horizons,

record is that we've just kind of come in with a blank slate.

whether in terms of ground-breaking artist collaborations,

And then we just stayed attentive to one another through

cutting-edge studio productions or sweeping cinematic

the process. I don't know how it happens in music, but it

creations, including both

sort of finds its own way


and if you stay attentive

videos and epic film work

to it long enough - I think

such as 2016's Priceless.

that's the key of writing and



recording - you'll see the

happens on a small scale

path sort of quietly laid out

with this band. But this

for you.


drive to push the envelope Lyrically, you often address

has been the Smallbones'

big issues in society - such

key to success and drawn


icons like country star Dolly Franklin


orbit. The former lent her 2018's monumental Burn the Ships while the latter worked


you avoid over-simplifying


golden vocals to a re-imagined "God Only Knows" from


divide in "Relate." How do

Parton and gospel legend Kirk


three minute song?

a complex problem in a

Like making it a hallmark card? Right [laughs]? It's tough

his magic on the brothers' 2020 conciliatory single,

because - like, I envy hip-hop artists because they have all


this bandwidth to really get into, like, the nuance and say it in a minute and 30 seconds. But the way we write, you only

16 | OCTOBER 2021



have...interestingly enough, if you notice on "Relate," you don't even have a bridge on this song. You've got, like, a couple verses and a couple choruses and you've sort of done your job. One thing that we always - and I love that you pick this stuff up because it just encourages us that we're not nuts for thinking through all this...but we want to stay away from just good sentiment, A - but B, we also want to stay away from being commentators. Because commentators are usually the ones that are sort of up in the ivory tower, if you will, away from the action, looking down on it and critiquing the mistakes. And we're just not those guys, because we're in it - we're in life. We're in family life; we're in social life; we're in American life - and worldwide, watching what's going on around the world. And when you start writing from experience I think it


grounds it in a bit of empathy and a bit of compassion. The last time we spoke with you, Luke mentioned a major film

project in the works about two brothers on opposite sides of the Civil War. Where does that project stand at the moment?

Man, you know this better than anyone, but if you think that music has been punched in the gut by the pandemic, I mean, film has had a similar thing happen. I flew to LA, you know - I met with Lionsgate [Motion Picture Group]. I mean, this was like at the beginning of March [2020] - we were scouting in Romania to shoot. And the music's been written, the script's been done. It's such feels like, actually, a bit of an important piece, particularly with some of the racial layers in this country with George Floyd and Brianna Taylor and so on. So we're retooling, really. It's still very much a conversation, it's still on the docket - we just need to let the dust settle a little bit and reevaluate. Touring-wise, is the plan to come back around again after the album gets released?

We're going to make a few announcements here pretty shortly; I'd get my hand slapped if I said too much. But we're really excited to hit the road and kind of circle around "Relate" - which is in many ways kind of an answer to "Together." It's like, ok, we're in this together but what do you do when you get together [laughs]? You can't just, like, tolerate each other - you have to show compassion and empathy and learn how to relate to each other. And so that's exciting to get that thought and idea out to people in a very real way. We're also gearing up for this sort of arena, very elaborate Christmas tour which we weren't able to do last year. And then the top of next year feels like it's really going to ramp into, from what it looks like, some new projects that we're very excited to share.

For tickets and more info, visit The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. in downtown Evansville.


A tri-state tasting tradition returns with over 300 craft beers, wines and liquors to sample Add SWIRCA BrewFest to the list of local events that were sorely missed in 2020. Somehow summer just didn't seem the same without the annual tasting event at historic Bosse Field - the opportunity for patrons to sample over 300 craft beers, wines and liquors always draws a big crowd from all over the tri-state and, ultimately, benefits the amazing work that SWIRCA & More does in our community to help individuals maintain their independence in the face of disabilities and aging. We can all drink to that! But thankfully, 2021 sees the return of this cherished event - a little later in the year than normal but every bit as anticipated. In addition to the wide-ranging selection of craft beers, wines and liquors on tap, food from local vendors will be available to sample and purchase, plus look forward to music and yard games, too. And of course, Bosse Field remains a truly scenic spot for a big event considering all the history of the ball park; it's the perfect backdrop for a crisp October night spent with a few thousand friends. General admission tickets are $35 up through October 15 or $45 the night of the event and include entrance into the festival, a souvenir tasting glass, unlimited beer and wine samples, spirits tasting and more. VIP tickets include an extra hour of tasting, a VIP entrance line, access to the exclusive VIP area with special food and private bar, a souvenir tasting glass, and premium parking.

For tickets and more info, visit Patrons must be 21+ to attend with a valid ID. Bosse Field is located at 23 Don Mattingly Way in Evansville. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

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music remains the same - as classic and timeless as ever. Doughty, along with frontman Cronin, bassist Bruce Hall, guitarist Dave Amato and drummer Bryan Hitt, continue to "keep the fire burnin'" - to quote the band's 1982 lead single off of Good Trouble - playing to multiple generations of fans all over the U.S. and beyond. And this tour, which acknowledges the lasting legacy of REO's biggest album, is no exception. As Doughty explains, "it's a mix of Hi Infidelity and, you know, love ballads all the way to good ol' rock & roll. So, it's a pretty broad spectrum of music." As a founding member of a band that formed in 1967, you've

had a front row seat to some of the biggest moments in music. Have you considered writing a book?

You know, I have not, but Kevin actually is writing one. It's partly his life story and the band's life story and, you know, behind the scenes on writing some of the songs. He's not sure when

Founding member Neal Doughty on being pals with Styx, the overwhelming nature of the Hi Infidelity success, crafting keyboard solos and more

he'll finish it; he didn't even realize that he had started to write

1981 was a fantastic year for pop and rock music with

things we did. I told him, 'Go ahead and put anything you want

seemingly no end of huge albums - from Journey's Escape

about me [in the book].' I am remarried and my wife knows

to Styx's Paradise Theater - dominating the charts. But none

everything - so I got nothing to hide [laughs].

a book until he was sitting on the bus writing things down on the laptop and suddenly realized he was writing a book. Yeah, whenever that comes out it will be very interesting. I imagine he's got stories for days...

I think the statute of limitations has run out on all of the naughty

were bigger than Hi Infidelity, the




from REO Speedwagon, an Illinois-based band that had previously



with radio hits like "Ridin' the Storm Out" and "Roll with the Changes." However, the


Hi Infidelity was just one of

many huge albums that ruled 1981, including fellow Illinois

band Styx's Paradise Theater. And yet there was seemingly never any competitiveness.

To this day we're really good


friends with Styx - toured

ballad "Keep on Loving You"

with them on and off for 25

- the first single taken from

years. They're probably our

Hi Infidelity - would skyrocket

best buddies in the whole

the group to unimaginable

business. But, you know, there

heights, reaching


was Journey and Foreigner

one and kick-starting a period of immeasurable popularity that

and all the so-called "arena rock gang" - and we all knew each

founding member and keyboardist Neal Doughty now refers to

other. There was no competition; we just all liked what each

as "a little frightening."

other was doing. And there was plenty of room for all of us to tour the country. It's not like there was only enough audience for

Four decades later, REO now calls California home but the

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one band. There might have been some friendly competition,

All New

maybe; for awhile Hi Infidelity would be number one for a week and then Styx would have the number one spot - but then we would get it back. We sometimes kid them about that. To this day, that's a real brotherhood,

Bourbon Series

the REO/Styx thing. Our manager calls it "one plus one equals three."

Oct. 21 7 p.m.

On Hi Infidelity, in particular, you have a number of great keyboard solos

using organ, piano and synthesizer. Did you simply hear what needed to be added to the songs and tell the band or did they tend to leave a

Bourbon Tasting, Food Trucks & Music

You know, for various reasons I wasn't in the studio all the time for the

Roger Kalia, Conductor

section of each song open for you to insert your magic?

basic tracks [on that album]. But they always left a space for a keyboard

Musician Spotlight

solo. So, I got to really hear that album start to finish with a lot of the keyboards not on there yet. And I could hear exactly places where I wanted to add something. That solo in "In Your Letter" I literally wrote that in my head when I was walking around my neighborhood. And I just walked in [to the studio] and played it once and the band stood up and applauded; they were all in the control room. The song itself is kind of a throwback honoring the old 50's songs and so I tried to keep the solo in that same vein. Even though that wasn't the biggest hit on that record, I still love that solo.

2021-2022 Season

As a prominent keyboard player in a huge classic rock band in 1981, how did you view the British takeover of "new wave" bands that created

songs based solely around synthesizers - The Human League, Soft Cell, etc. - at the time?

I mean, I liked it - I liked the Euro-pop stuff. I loved The Human League - I actually predicted that their first song ["Don't You Want Me"] was going to be a hit; I had a bet going with my manager on that one. But I couldn't picture REO being nothing but synthesizers. I've always used them for sweetening and for some solos. Otherwise, we wouldn't really be a classic rock band which is what we are today. How did the massive success of Hi Infidelity affect you personally? Was it everything you had ever dreamed of - or kind of overwhelming?

It was actually a little frightening. You know, they say success will change you, but actually, I think it changes everybody around you. People that weren't even that big of a friend, all of a sudden they are. And I got a little overwhelmed by that whole thing. And you just think, 'This can't be me' you get a little bit of the imposter syndrome. Gosh, why are there 40,000 people at this concert and it's just us? It's the same band, you know? It got a little too unreal. I was never really comfortable with the band being that huge. It's just an out-of-body experience; suddenly everything changes, everything about your whole life changes. But I got over it, of course [laughs]. And we've done a few good things since then.

For tickets and more info, visit The Owensboro Sportscenter is located at 1215 Hickman Ave. in Owensboro, KY. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

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Bianca Belair on the impact of female wrestlers, showcasing her ESTs, the big rematch with Becky Lynch and more Seeing stadiums across the country once again packed full of passionate professional wrestling fans cheering on their heroes - and gleefully loathing their nemeses - is proof that there's a

on the athletic side of wrestling but how difficult was it to learn the entertainment aspects of the WWE?

It's been very easy for me to, you know, learn the athletic part.

light at the end of the tunnel. After all, there are few things more

So that was very easy to translate over and I've been coached

American than the WWE. The long-running company keeps

my whole life. You know, being coachable played a lot into my

producing a brilliant cast of characters to mix it up in the ring

success here. The harder part for me was just kind of learning

for our enjoyment, including rising star Bianca Belair whose

everything else that went along with it, from getting comfortable

unmatched athleticism, power and charisma earned her an ESPY

talking in front of people to learning about having a presence,

Award for "Best WWE Moment" - an

the traveling, the grind of everything -

honor shared with fellow wrestler

learning the performance aspect of it,

Sasha Banks. Together, they became

because it is sports entertainment. You

the first black women to main event

get the best of both worlds where you get

Wrestlemania, proving that the

the sports like watching a football game,

ladies can both move the needle

but you also have the entertainment like

and fill the seats.

watching a movie or a soap opera, so that was part of the learning curve for me.

Belair emerged the victor in that bout,




Smackdown Women's Champion a title she held up until late August when Becky Lynch reappeared at SummerSlam and defeated Belair in 26 stunning seconds. By fan

Your rise to the top of the WWE has inspired young girls and women alike from all backgrounds - to become fans of

wrestling and to get involved in the sport. That must be really satisfying.

You know, it's been an amazing time with

demand, a rematch was then set

the WWE; there's been a lot of women

for September 26 at Extreme Rules.

that have trail-blazed the way for us so we

We'll see how this extreme drama

can walk on this road now and do what

has played out when Belair and

we do. Women are showcased on main

the biggest names in the WWE

event levels and we're main events on a

converge on the Ford Center for an unforgettable Friday Night Smackdown on November 5.

weekly basis - we're main event-ing on Wrestlemania and winning ESPYs like Sasha and I did. And so I think from that it is drawing in more of the female audience. You

Belair kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the big event.

know, it's really cool to look out in the audience and see little girls that are dressed like me - that we are having that impact on little

You come from a track & field background so you had a leg up

20 | OCTOBER 2021


girls but also women; it doesn't stop with age. It's so diverse and


it's really cool to see that impact that we're having. You always seem to be adding new moves to your repertoire - in fact, you recently did a back-flip off of an office desk in the ring. Are you constantly looking for ways to one-up your opponents and surprise the audience with your athleticism?

Yeah, I'm always trying to push myself to be the absolute best version of myself - that's why I call myself the "EST of WWE." You know, I call myself the strongest, the fastest, the roughest, the toughest, the quickest, the greatest, the best. Anytime I'm in the ring I'm trying to showcase one of my ESTs - I'm always going to bring something new to the table and just, you know, show people that I don't just talk about it. Is there a particular WWE format that you feel best suits your skill-set?

For instance, you've excelled at the Royal Rumble, lasting almost an hour and winning your most recent match.

I think I do very well in the Royal Rumble match because I'm a very well-rounded athlete; I can use my speed, my agility, my power, my strength. You know, I can use my speed to duck and evade getting tossed out of the ring. But I can also use my power and my strength to throw girls over the top ropes. And Hell in the Cell... I had my very first Hell in the Cell match this year with Bayley, and I think you have to be really tough to be in a Hell in the Cell match and I won that match, so I think anything that highlights my ESTs, that's what I thrive in. At a recent contract signing you were called a "flash in the pan" by

Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks said that you have a "stank braid."How do you respond?

For me, words are one thing, actions are another. You know, for Sasha to call my braid "stank"... you know, I fully expected it; it left a scar on her [laughs]. I would say that my actions mean more than her words. And as far as Becky saying that I'm a "flash in the pan," you know, if you look at my journey, I'm a very quick learner. I've succeeded very, very quickly. And it only took me two times to win a Royal Rumble and then my first Wrestlemania main event I won. So, Becky Lynch may have gotten me once, but she won't get me twice. Our rematch is definitely going to last longer than 26 seconds. Just a thought - for the rematch, what if you were to display a big digital clock set on 26 seconds and that's how long it takes you to walk into the ring? Kind of like, 'I own it, now let's go.'

[Laughs] That would be very cool. Like, 'I'm taking back my power!'


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| 21


CLEAN BITE LIFE Healthy Cooking with Lindsay Rasure


1 package of bacon (Pederson Farms)

4 eggs (Vital Farms) OR 8 egg whites

½ c. shredded cheddar cheese (Grazers Raw Milk Cheddar Cheese*)

1/3 c. cottage cheese (Good Culture - do not use fat free, stick with low fat or whole)

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. black pepper

¼ tsp. onion powder

¼ tsp. smoked paprika


Silicon molds (Amazon)

Instant pot


My kids are obsessed with egg bites when we are traveling. I am not a huge fan of the price tag or some of the ingredients in the commercially available options. I started searching copycat recipes and found one that seemed promising. I tweaked the recipe to my liking; so now I have a great option without some of the ingredients from which I prefer to steer clear such as: canola oil, cottage cheese containing added flavors, carrageenan, and a variety of different gums. I used pastureraised eggs, organic no sugar bacon, raw milk cheddar cheese, and grass fed cottage cheese.

Cook bacon (however you like) and let cool. After cooling chop ½ of the bacon into small pieces like bacon bits. (If you’re doubling the recipe you’ll use all the bacon.)


In a blender add your eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, salt, black pepper, onion powder, and smoked paprika. Blend until everything is combined.


Spray the silicon molds with cooking spray (I use 100% pure avocado oil). Pour the egg mixture into the silicone molds about ¾ of the way.


Top the egg mixture with the bacon bits.


Pour 1.5 c. of water into the bottom of the Instant pot.


Place the trivet into the instant pot. Cover the silicon mold with foil and place the silicon mold into the instant pot. (If you’re doubling the recipe you can stack silicon molds. Just cover both with foil.)


Put the lid on the instant pot and seal the vent. Select manual for 9 minutes. After the 9 minutes are up let the instant pot naturally release for an additional 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes are up release any additional pressure and take out the egg bites.


Turn the silicon mold(s) onto a plate and the egg bites should pop right out! Enjoy! Egg bites will keep in the fridge for about 5 days. When you reheat I highly suggest only 50% power if using a microwave. This will help maintain a texture similar to those found in the store or coffee shops. Enjoy trying different flavor combinations and saving your wallet some cash by making them at home! Recipe tweaked from: https://amindfullmom. com/instant-pot-egg-bites/

For more recipes or meal ideas you can follow Lindsay Rasure on Instagram: @cleanbitelife or her Facebook group: Clean Bite Life


Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

| 23



IN TOWN & AROUND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: The Honey Vines 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- 8th Anniversary Celebration w/ Hudsy Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Bishop 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Cynthia Murray KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Stoney Wayne 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- DJ Chidi

& DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Stoney Wayne 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Top Dead Center

West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Bingo 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 2:00 PM Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents: Broadway's Back 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: Monte Skelton 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 12:00 PM Garvin Park -- ParksFest feat. Fantastic Negrito, Black Joe Lewis & The Honey Bears & More 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Soul in the Pocket 6:30 PM Lincoln Amphitheatre (Lincoln City) -- Wreking Crue: a Tribute to Motley Crue wsg Vulture 7:00 PM Beaver Dam Amphitheater -Marshall Tucker Band w/ Colt Ford Carson's Brewery -- 8th Anniversary Celebration w/ Better Than Nothin' Band Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Cage Willis 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Cynthia Murray KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke

MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- West Side Bud's Club feat. Tailgate Unplugged West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Prizes 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Night

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- West Side Bud's Club feat. On Tap Project West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- College Night w/ Brad Lemmons KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ

24 | OCTOBER 2021

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- West Side Bud's Club feat. Scott Winzinger West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- General Trivia WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- West Side Bud's Club feat. Drew Aud


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Linda Sublett 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Toran 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Insulated KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/

Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Death Mountain Spiders 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 West Franklin Street -- 2021 Fall Festival 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Monte Skelton 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Brandon McCarty Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness Ford Center -- Mercyme Victory Theatre -- Village People 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- The Never Ending 80's 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Tailgate Revival KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Tom Small 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- DJ McNaughty Neon Party plus 2 Outdoor Stages SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: The Sidemen 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ


MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Prizes 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Night TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Music Bingo WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Bingo 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill --

26 | OCTOBER 2021

College Night w/ Brad Lemmons KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: 2 Miles Back 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Hudsy Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness Victory Theatre -- Rascal Flatt's Gary LeVox 8:00 PM


Bokeh Lounge -- My Posse in Effect 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Elliott Sublett KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Little by Little 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents: Literature in Music 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- The BackBeats 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA

KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Kyle Paisley & The Print SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: The Hip Replacements 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ Victory Theatre -- Whose Live Anyway? MONDAY, OCTOBER 18

7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Prizes 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Night TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Poetry Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- TV Trivia WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Science w/ a Twist Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Bingo 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -College Night w/ Brad Lemmons KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM

Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Jarod Heim 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness Victory Theatre -- The #IMOMSOHARD Getaway Tour 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bokeh Lounge -- Them Dirty Roses Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Dan Hall KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve

Dance Therapy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 4:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Pet Costume Contest w/ It Takes A Village 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Hogmaw 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Monte Skelton 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Dan Hall KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Tom Small 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- DJ McNaughty SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: Side by Side

5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness Ford Center -- For KING & COUNTRY "Relate" Tour KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ MONDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Prizes 8:00 PM Old National Events Plaza -- Joe Bonamassa 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Night TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Artist of the Month: John Fuchs (live on stage) KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

| 27


6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Music Trivia WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Bingo 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -College Night w/ Brad Lemmons KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Angel Rhodes 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Metal Show w/ Ratking, 138: The Misfits Tribute and Jason Breeze & The Misery Collective Orchestra ($5) 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- On Tap Project KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 5:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Summer of Funk

28 | OCTOBER 2021


Music Series presents Off the Record 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Stephen Horning 6:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Halloween Party & Costume Contest 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Me to the Weekend w/ DJ Sup3rman 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Halloween Bash w/ DJ Cliffy D plus costume contest & giveaways KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Death Mountain Spiders 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Halloween Bash w/ Calabash (costume contest) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:00 PM Owensboro Sportscenter -- REO Speedwagon "Hi Infidelity 40th Anniversary" Tour

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

| 29






a new band - Love and War - that was itching to get out on

It's been awhile since we highlighted a "story from the stage"

prove it. So through their agent the four members booked a

by a local musician, but guitarist Nick Hamilton truly lays claim

gig many hours away in Jackson, Mississippi, at a bar called

to one of the most incredible tales from his many years as an

Montana's Rock N Roll Rodeo (with a name like that the guys

unstoppable force in the tri-state music scene and beyond.

knew a wild night was ahead). But despite the excitement,

Long considered one of the area's most talented musicians,

after logging hundreds of miles en route to the venue, Love

the Memorial High School grad can shred with the best of

and War were beat. Rather than hang out at Montana's that

the road. They rocked, plain and simple, and were ready to

them, having played a central role in

night - the gig was scheduled for the

such influential bands as Nobody's

following evening - and get a taste of

Cousin and Chet & The Molesters - both

what was in store, the band opted to

wildly popular acts that routinely drew

head to a local hotel and regroup. Best.

big crowds to Evansville and regional

Decision. Ever.

music venues in the 90's and 2000's. Just how good is Hamilton? Well, try

The next day, Hamilton and the rest of

this on for size: he was once in the

the band returned in the afternoon to

running to become the replacement

meet bar manager Ron Johnson and

guitarist for Def Leppard following the

get everything set up for the big Love

unfortunate passing of Steve Clarke.

and War debut. But unnervingly, they

Seems he made it to the final three can-

were greeted by a swarm of cops and

didates but ultimately lost out to Vivian

crime scene tape cordoning off the

Campbell - who Hamilton greatly ad-

area. It was then that the guys were

mires so no hard feelings, you know?

informed of what had taken place the previous night in their absence: a triple homicide. Johnson and two others had

Now, coming achingly close to joining one of the biggest

been gunned down and killed by 32-year-old Alan Dorris -

rock bands of the last four decades clearly qualifies as a story

who then continued his murderous rampage in Greenville

worth highlighting and yet, Hamilton experienced something

where two more victims were located. Hamilton, of course, felt

even crazier prior to the formation of Nobody' Cousin. In a

absolutely terrible about the loss of life; but naturally, he and

nutshell, he cheated death. Here's how it went down...

his bandmates couldn't help but wonder what might have been. As Hamilton noted to the cops at the time, "We could

It was the summer of 1993 and Hamilton had just formed

have gone in there and gotten killed."


30 | OCTOBER 2021





Associate professors at Owensboro Community College and Pellissippi State Community College, respectively, Alschbach and Lewis host the popular podcast The Rock & Metal Profs: The History & Philosophy of Rock & Metal. Now they're bringing their keen insights to the pages of News 4U with a monthly deep dive into some of the best bands of the rock/metal genre and thoughts on music in general.


brought both melody and sheer fury to his playing. Slash

We are always amazed how often we come to an episode

Jimmy Page triple-tracked in the studio, layering different

with a decided-on topic, just to find ourselves talking

guitars and tones to create a musical landscape that most

about two different things. Earlier this year, we dedicated

musicians can only envy. For Yngwie Malmsteen, it is

an episode to “Guitar Gods.” Simple subject, right? Well,

both technical mastery and incredible showmanship. The

what we found was that Matt defined “Guitar God” in terms

tradition of rock guitar players innovating and raising the

of shred-masters like Randy Rhoads, Yngwie Malmsteen

bar is unique to the genre - it is what makes rock and metal

and Vinnie Moore, while Court focused on the flash and

so extraordinary!

glitz of C.C. Deville, Bruce Kulick, and Slash. Sure, we

agreed that there is room for both types of guitar gods,

Court agrees with Matt’s insights, but also wants there to be

but it illustrated two important lessons. First, we can use

room for those who might not be as technically proficient,

the same phrase (like “guitar god”) yet have completely

yet gods nonetheless. Marty Friedman and Tony MacAlpine

different understandings of what the phrase means.

are undeniable shred-masters, and the rhythms and feeling

Second, though there are objective measures of what

of Bruce Kulick, Adrian Smith, and Orianthi are to be envied

might be used to determine who is the greatest guitar god

by all guitarists. Yet, there should be room in the pantheon

of all, like precision, speed, and accuracy, there’s a lot more

for Ace Frehley, C.C. Deville, and Keith Richards, simply

that goes into being a “true” guitar god.

because of how their playing and antics make you feel.

For Matt, it’s about speed, complexity, melody and

What about you? Who is your guitar god? Is it based on

originality - the players who did it first, redefining what

ability, precision, speed, or an experience at a live show?

was possible on the guitar. For example, Eddie Van Halen

Drop us a line on Facebook and Let us know who is in your

took fretboard tapping to an entirely new level, composing


plays with a swagger and style that no one has mastered.

entire pieces on the neck of the guitar! Randy Rhoads

The Rock & Metal Profs podcast is available on iTunes, Google and Spotify.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

| 31



13 Slays Till X-Mas and Unlisted Owner reaching new audiences as Halloween approaches

Two regional horror films that we've been tracking here at News 4U are, quite appropriately, ramping up at the scariest time of year. 13 Slays Till X-Mas and Unlisted Owner - produced out of Owensboro and Vincennes, respectively - have both made major waves since being released, garnering write-ups and reviews on some of the most respected horror movie-themed websites around the world. And this month there's even more to celebrate. 13 Slays Till X-Mas will have a Lexington premiere at the 13th annual

Scarefest on October 24 at 7 p.m. followed by a Q&A with cast and crew (location: LexLive Theater). In addition, the film is set to be a part of this year's OMG!Con at the Owensboro Convention Center. There will be a screening on October 30 at 7 p.m. with producers P.J. Starks and Eric Huskisson serving as featured guests at the event. The two are scheduled to hold a seminar about producing horror films on Halloween. For more info, visit both events' websites and Facebook pages. Unlisted Owner just keeps on keeping on. Truly, Jed Brian has done wonders

promoting his directorial debut; the film even landed on Amazon's Top 10 "hot new horror releases" awhile back. And just in time for Halloween, this found-footage blood bath is being given the Director's Cut treatment with nine minutes of additional footage. Available to buy or rent on Amazon on October 12.

For more info, follow 13 Slays Till X-Mas and Unlisted Owner on Facebook.

32 | OCTOBER 2021



THE NOTES WILL CARRY ME HOME Area author curates an anthology of writings on music in association with the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Joshua Britton may have recently relocated to Louisville,

lovely poetry inspired by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, for

Kentucky, but his heart remains in this little community of ours

example, and Britton himself examines how legendary film

where he spent the last six years working as a professional

director Stanley Kubrick spotlighted the world's greatest

musician in collaboration with the Evansville Philharmonic

composers in movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and A

and other area orchestras. Long story short, he truly misses

Clockwork Orange - this engaging "love letter to Evansville

us. But Britton's connection to southern Indiana hasn't

and the arts" also touches on Irish music, choir music in Africa,

been completely severed; in fact, with a new book set to be

the history of radio, the field of musicology and much more.

released this month at the EPO Classics concert on October 16, he's as in the mix as ever, brilliantly bringing together his

Quite fittingly, this illuminating collection of writings will

two greatest passions: music and writing.

see release at the Evansville Philharmonic's October 16 Classics concert at the Victory Theatre entitled Literature in

An idea that was brewing in the back of Britton's mind for

Music, showcasing the inexorable link between the two art

some time, The Notes Will Carry Me Home features writings

forms. The program's two main pieces, "Romeo & Juliet" and

on music from 28 tri-state authors, including EPO Music

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - both based on beloved

Director Roger Kalia and Conductor Laureate Alfred Savia.

Shakespeare works - will serve as the perfect soundtrack to

The former reflects on "the difficulties of navigating an

the unveiling of The Notes Will Carry Me Home which has

orchestra season through a worldwide pandemic" while the

received full support from Kalia. It was he who suggested

latter considers the legacy he left behind after three decades

Britton make the book's release official at the EPO's

at the podium. But that's just a sampling of what's between


the covers. Primarily focused on classical music - there's

*In addition to the Classics concert this month, the EPO begins an all-new Bourbon Series on October 21 at the Dusty Barn Distillery, featuring bourbon tasting, food trucks and music. For tickets and more info, visit For more info about Joshua Britton, visit The Notes Will Carry Me Home is released through Bird Brain Publishing. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • OCTOBER 2021

| 33


Screen Time

with Marisa Patwa



Halloween has been a part of the spooky season since 1978. The film made Jamie Lee Curtis a true scream queen. And she’s back once again fighting for her life as Laurie Strode, sister of infamous serial killer Michael Myers. Michael and his ghostwhite mask are iconic. Halloween Kills is also nostalgic. In the latest installment, Strode leads a blood-thirsty mob hoping to end her sibling’s murderous crusade once and for all. Will they get their vengeance or become his next victims?

DUNE (10/22)

This remake of the 1980's apocalyptic film is just like Ryan Gosling’s dreary Blade Runner 2049 - not necessary. The original film made Kyle MacLachlan a true icon of the 1980's. But Timothee Chalamet doesn't really need a role like this to cement himself in the Hollywood canon; it is another version of the prowess he brought to King Louis in Netflix’s The King. He is a leading man whether it’s romance or action. This action film is jam-packed with A-list stars, too. Jason Momoa, Oscar Issac, Javier Barden and Josh Brolin all appear.


Daniel Craig is back as Bond for the last time. And No Time to Die gives us exactly what we want from the 007 spy franchise. UE alum Rami Malek plays villain Lyutsifer Safin, armed with dangerous technology. Lea Seydoux plays the exotic beauty and love interest, Dr. Madeleine Swann. Ben Winshaw adds comedic relief as dorky MI6 agent Q. Naomi Harris keeps Bond straightened out as tenacious secretary Eve Moneypenny. In the film, Bond is actually out of active service and enjoying a sun-baked life. That all changes when an old friend from the CIA tracks him down and asks him to save the world one last time. What’s most exciting is Captain Marvel’s Lashana Lynch taking over the reins of 007.

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Anna Taylor-Joy is back in another transcending role. This time, she’s knocking us out with her glamorous, swinging 60's singer, Sandie. Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer, played by newcomer Thomasin McKenzie, ends up inhabiting her body in a twist of fate. Elosie sucks up the juices of the decade, where life seems all gravy and groovy. That’s where the naughty sorcery begins. The Crown’s dashing Matt Smith also stars. The brilliant and clever Edgar Wright directs this salacious psychological horror film. Ready for fright night?




CHRISTOPHER COLEMAN Many of you are probably familiar with the infamous Chris

could not get enough of; he even planned for a future

Watts case that grabbed the headlines a few years ago,

together with his mistress. Just one problem: like Watts,

primarily due to the unthinkable nature of the crime which

Coleman was hamstrung by his family - not to mention that

involved the murders of Watts' pregnant wife Shanann and

divorce didn't play well in his Christian community. Feeling

two innocent young daughters, Bella and Celeste. The idea

boxed in, Coleman devised a sick scheme to rid himself of

that a seemingly mild-mannered husband with no history

responsibility and be free to carry on with Lintz at will.

of violence could resort to such extremes confounded and captivated, frankly - the nation as details of the triple

In November 2008, Coleman began sending himself

homicide slowly came to light. What could possibly have

hateful, threatening messages targeting his family via the

driven Watts to do it? Eventually, his affair with co-worker

email address These fictional

Nichol Kessinger was uncovered - a secret obsessive

threats reportedly alluded to his association with the Joyce

relationship that ultimately drove him to wipe out his family

Meyer empire, one in particular stating, "tell Joyce to

for the sake of autonomy. Media coverage of the crime and

stop preaching the bullsh*t or Chris and his family will be

the trial that followed was off

killed." In addition, Coleman

the charts, but interestingly,

claimed to have received

there was a strikingly similar

disturbing letters through

- and equally shocking - case

the mail. Cut to the morning

from nine years prior that

of May 5, 2009 - Coleman

received far less attention.

left his home early in the morning to workout at a

The case in question also

local gym. At 6:43 a.m. he

centered around a "Chris" -

called his neighbor, police

Christopher Coleman from


Columbia, Illinois, who, like

and asked him to check on

Watts, was white, in his early

Sheri, stating that he had

thirties and married with

been unable to reach her by

two young children. The two

phone. Barlow duly walked

men even looked similar

over to the Coleman home

with short-cropped hair and



and was met by a horrific

bulbous heads. Employed as a bodyguard for world-

scene: 11-year-old Garrett, 9-year-old Gavin and Sheri

famous Christian televangelist Joyce Meyer, Coleman was

were all found strangled to death. On the walls Barlow

reportedly well-liked and respected - but in private he had

noted similarly threatening messages spray-painted in red.

started to lead a double life at odds with the teachings of the church.

Still, Coleman's attempts to pin the murders on a fictional individual ultimately failed and he was sentenced to three

It all began when Coleman's wandering eye focused on his

life sentences. However, in March 2019 a judge granted

wife Sheri's best friend from high school, Tara Lintz. Soon

the opportunity for a new trial on the grounds of ineffectual

the pair was engaged in an illicit affair that Coleman simply


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OF THE MONTH Looking for someone new to follow? We've got a few sweet recommendations for you!


Liam Donafee @liamslunchbox

Tired of normal cooking channels that get way too serious and take the grunge out of cooking? LiamsLunchBox is the exact opposite of every cooking channel you've ever seen. It's filled with things like Fruity Pebbles and Marshmallow Prosciutto, steaks cooked in a drying dishwasher and generally weird, disgusting and stupid videos that you'll never get tired of shaking your head and laughing at!


Barstool Sports @barstoolsports

Whether you like sports or not, go give this page a follow. Some of the funniest stuff you'll see out there and definitely the lighter side of sports. From bloopers to outtakes...even catch a waitress balancing a cup and pouring coffee in it, lol. It'll be a follow you check every time you're on.


Zachariah @zzachariah

I was roped in by one of Zachariah's Target visits and now I can't stop following his life journey. From IBS to Dunkin Donuts, his perspective on daily things we all experience is absolutely hilarious. My favorite so far has been his Blooming Onion Maker purchase from a thift store. He just recently got verified on TikTok so he's definitely someone to follow!

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Tattoos r

tell u s

ut yo o b a u

featuring Matt Ingles

FRONT FOREARM: Is there any more significant moment than when we're born into this world? I had a clock with my time of birth etched into my front forearm to commemorate the exact moment I entered the rat race. INNER FOREARM: This section of my arm is mostly dedicated to my girls - my daughter Kennedy and wife Allison. They mean the world to me so I wanted to show my love by inking Kennedy's bday and placing roses to symbolize how much I adore both of them. There's also cards and dice, etc., to remind myself that life is a constant gamble. SHOULDER: The beautiful woman on my shoulder was inspired by my lovely wife and represents the way I wished she gazed upon me. Ha! I also have my cousin's initials and birth year mixed in as a tribute to a man who was more like a brother to me. He left us too soon due to an unfortunate heroin OD. BACK OF SHOULDER: Here I have an eye watching with a crow in it just in case I miss something. It's always good to have someone looking out for you and this gives me comfort that I'm protected from every direction.

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TO RECOVERY Community members share their stories of leaving drugs behind and setting off on the path to redemption

Hi, my name is Rikki and I'm an addict. My story isn't an easy one to tell, but I believe it needs to be told. I started using at the young age of 13. I was partying (drinking and smoking weed) before I even started high school. By 19, I was doing just about any drug I could get my hands on - pills, meth, K2, etc. Meth quickly became my drug of choice and my life started to tragically spiral out of control. I no longer cared about anything or anyone else. I used to live and lived to use. In July of 2017, I got arrested with over 10 grams of "ice." This was my second dealing case and as crazy as it may sound, it saved my life. I graduated Drug Court in April and I now have a life worth living. I have an amazing sponsor and N.A. family who truly care about me, a gorgeous and healthy 2-year-old daughter, and a much stronger connection with my Higher Power (aka God). I pray for the addicts still suffering and I share my experience, strength and hope with anyone willing to listen.


I have been in recovery on various integrated paths since March of 1987 and have worked with, or in, the courts for over 25 years in child welfare or juvenile and adult criminal justice. I am also a certified peer recovery specialist, community health worker, yoga practitioner and teacher, and student of integrated health & wellness and Eastern holistic practices. I am also a trained peer specialist, facilitator, and trainer in community health, mental health, and addiction, so I would love to give input in relation to my personal and professional perspectives. I think the main thing to remember is that we need to decrease the stigma of mental health and addiction - which often run hand in hand. Poverty and generational cycles of trauma also play a huge part in why people try to use substances or other activity to numb the pain. I also think that although the baseline is getting abstinent or stable from a harm reduction standpoint in recovery and sobriety, in the long run it's about how to grow and sustain a healthy body, mind, and spirit, which is often a challenge for us all, whether we are in "recovery" or not. In fact, perhaps we are all in recovery from something, even if it is from our own thinking and way of responding to, and in, the world.

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Subaru is much more than just a car company. In addition to building great, longlasting vehicles designed to keep you and your family safe, they are focused on making the world a better place through the SUBARU LOVE PROMISE. It's a simple but impactful vision to show love and respect to all people at every interaction with Subaru. With the help of retailers like Romain, the company is setting an example for others to follow, partnering to address pressing issues including the environment, the health and wellness of our communities, world hunger, the pursuit of knowledge and the safety and health of all animals. Romain Subaru is pleased to present the fifth in a series of local profiles focused on community leaders who are a positive force and a prime example of what can be achieved when everyone works together for the common good.

SUBARU LOVES PETS featuring Tangila Smith

Executive Director, It Takes A Village No-Kill Rescue

10 years ago, Tangila Smith decided it was time to make a

And once it's ready for adoption you do have that first option to

difference in the lives of local animals, stepping up to volunteer as

adopt. Businesses can support us by sponsoring events that we

a foster for adoptable dogs at It Takes A Village No-Kill Rescue on

have - and we do have kennels that we look for sponsorship for.

Evansville's east side. And right out of the gate she was smitten by Loula, a loving pit bull that Smith helped find a forever home. The experience inspired her to get more involved with the organization, eventually becoming a full-time employee and "putting her heart

Can you share an example of an animal that has benefited from the services of ITV?

One dog in particular was hit by a car. Multiple specialists told us

and soul into saving dogs" - particularly pit bulls like Loula who

to go ahead and euthanize him because he'd never be able to

are often viewed unfairly as being naturally aggressive. Smith

walk. But we didn't give up - we took him to other vets and got

now serves as Executive Director for ITV, working to further its

him the care that he needed and today he's adopted and running

mission of helping animals regardless of their breed, location or

around on three legs.

circumstances. What inspires you to be a part of It Takes A Village No-Kill Rescue?

What excites you about the future of ITV?

Our long-term goal is to have a larger facility to hold more

I get to come to work every day and improve the lives of the

animals. Currently we have two facilities - we were able to open

animals in our care and look forward to finding them homes.

up a second facility in Spencer County - so we have about 250-300 animals in our care right now. Most of them are in foster homes -

How can the community help to further the mission of ITV?

The public can help us by volunteering at fundraiser events

we have cats, dogs, and right now we have four rabbits. And we have taken in pigs that needed help, even ducks.

or donating their time to come in and help us take care of the animals that are in our facility. Also, people can help by fostering. We pay for all the vet needs and any care that the animal needs.

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For more info, visit or call 812-909-1306. ITV is located at 1417 N. Stockwell Rd. in Evansville.

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with Elaina Adams

When reflecting on our lives, we tend to ponder our most significant accomplishments before anything else. Yet, we often take life's small moments for granted. From family game night to cooking dinner with the people we love, these are the “little things” they always say makes life worth living. So why not document our fondest memories? If not for ourselves, then for future generations. That's the goal of photographer Amanda Day. Amanda discovered a love for photography five years ago when she began doing it for her friends and family. In March of last year, she turned her passion into a business called Livin Imagery. Amanda specializes in at-home sessions, which she believes adds a personalized touch to the average family photo. "A home is filled with things you love, which makes everything a perfect prop," she said. And there’s no need to worry about your whiny husband or spirited children complicating the shoot. From Amanda’s experience, a family getting photographed in their own space is just more comfortable than in other environments. It’s important to point out, however, that Livin Imagery isn’t just about family photos. Amanda recently expanded her shutterbug repertoire into travel photography. Over the summer, she ventured out on a month-long trip across the western part of the United States, visiting various destinations throughout Utah, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada. When Amanda told me of her experience, I couldn't help but be a bit jealous. She witnessed jaw-dropping scenery, met incredible people, and captured every moment of it, too. Ugh, all I did was study for my real estate license. Amanda also works with local businesses. She understands the importance of showing customers that you're more than just a faceless product. Professional photography is a valuable investment for companies of all sizes to establish or recreate their brand. Plus, having incredibly awesome photos of the thing you're most passionate about is never a bad thing. When Amanda and I got together earlier this month, she showed me the importance of editing, taking me through her process, which she says is an integral part of her photography. At first glimpse, her images are absolutely stunning, so full of character, color, and creativity. It's astounding just how much of her artistic sensibility goes into every aspect of the process. It's truly inspiring. If you're thinking about scheduling a photo shoot or this article inspired you to do so, look no further. Amanda was also kind enough to offer a complimentary 8x10 to anyone who books a session in October. The offer is valid for sessions scheduled now until the end of the year. So head to and get to booking! Also, be sure to check her out on Facebook (Livin Imagery LLC) and Instagram (livin.imagery). I'm looking forward to seeing all those photos of you guys reading my monthly column. We all know what a special time that is!

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Tri-state business owner celebrating one-year anniversary of popular dog bone product with special offers for returning customers and more

It's been a very exciting 12 months for Henry Wolf and his in-demand canine chew creation. Still at the helm of Briton Mold & Engineering in Henderson after four decades, the longtime business owner has been molding dog bones for over 10 years but really hit pay dirt with his latest design - which came to him after he noticed how a piece of chain link he was playing with wobbled and spun around. Inspiration struck and the Wobble Bone - which comes in an oval or buckle design (two sizes) and both bacon and peanut butter flavors - was born. What's truly remarkable is just how far-reaching this unique product has proven to be over the last year. Wolf has seen sales from dog owners as far away as Australia, Iceland, England and Canada as well as most of the 50 states - not to mention that the Wobble Bone has blown-up on TikTok with viral videos detailing just how entertaining (and safe) it is for furry friends of all ages and breeds. Simply put, you can't ask for better promotion of a product. So to thank all of the dog owners out there that have made the Wobble Bone's first year on the market such a resounding success, Wolf will be offering special discounts to returning customers who order from the website ( and might even offer by-appointment-only visits to his office for even deeper discounts. In addition, Wolf is marking the Wobble Bone anniversary with a brand new product - the Fancy Bone - which, like the other designs, comes in two sizes and two flavors, bacon and peanut butter. He's looking to really push this latest creation which seems guaranteed to be a hit with dogs everywhere. So whether you're new to the Wobble Bone or an existing customer, be sure to check out the website soon for all the latest developments and help Wolf celebrate the product's anniversary by ordering this highly entertaining chew for your furry friend today (you can even get it personalized). And as noted, if you're already a devotee of the Wobble Bone, you can look forward to special discounts as well!


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be we’ll he h t n ith t h mo Eac king in w latest chec for the nd to a VHS news ever d goo find fur e of m help for so ique n s u e ore idents. hom m their der res ol and

SALLY: Hey beagle lovers! Sally is an

8-year-old sassy senior beagle looking for

LITTLE DEBBIE: Meet longtime resident,



a home to live out her golden years. She is


a strong-willed "granny dog" that will sit on

kittens - Cosmic Brownie, Nutty

a walk if she doesn't like the direction you

Buddy, Swiss Roll, Zebra Cake

are heading. But just because she knows

and Star Crunch - have all found

what she wants, it doesn't mean she's not

homes. This 3-year-old momma

sweet! She will snort like a pig for attention

of all things sweet, however, is still

and loves getting pets. She would prefer an

waiting for her own adoption day.

adult-only home, has lived with other dogs

Little Debbie’s adoption fee is $70

and cats and is house-trained. To adopt

and includes her spay, microchip

Sally, visit

and vaccines. Come meet her at River Kitty Cat Cafe!

STEVIE NICKS: Stevie Nicks is a 2-month-

old Lionhead and wouldn't you love to love her? Despite her small size, she doesn't fear anything! She is curious, active, and loves to explore the unknown. Lionheads like her have a lot of fur, so she will need a home that will brush her frequently. Friendly dogs don't seem to bother her, as she's lived with them in the past. This sweet and adventurous bun's adoption fee is $50 and includes her spay and microchip.

400 Millner Industrial Drive | 2 blocks west of Garvin Park in Evansville 812-426-2563 | Adoption Hours: Tues-Sat 12-6pm |

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Evansville's Medora Webster is no stranger to animals, having grown up with "a little bit of everything," including cats, snakes, turtles and guinea pigs. But no dogs, interestingly. So when she and her husband suffered the tragic loss of their daughter in July, Webster's first inclination was to seek out a furry friend from the Vanderburgh Humane Society - an organization that she had worked with as a Girl Scout volunteer for many years. As she notes, the couple had "a lot of love left to give" but felt it was too soon to adopt a child. Thankfully, the universe pointed them to the perfect dog at the VHS to help heal their wounded souls. "What's funny is that her name is "Lady May" - which is the name of our first dance song [from our wedding]," Webster explains, recalling how she and her husband knew it was fate when they came face-to-face with an adorable 5-year-old hound mix at the shelter. "We walked out and were like, 'This is the dog we're getting - she's an absolute sweetheart.'" After clearing the adoption with their apartment complex, the couple signed the papers at the VHS and headed home with Lady May, excited to welcome her into the family. According to Webster, Lady May was a little anxious the first night in her new forever home, uncertain about the couple's cat who didn't particularly approve of this unexpected visitor. However, by the second night there was harmony - or at least a truce as the two pets took to simply ignoring each other. Now Lady May is "really settled in" and loves nothing more than being a big old lapdog, always craving attention from the couple - something she has no trouble receiving considering her incredibly sweet disposition. Let's just say that the universe truly found the ideal dog for this loving household.

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AS I TYPE THIS... with Barold Hume

Though I prefer to remain an enigma, I have dropped a few personal

And speaking of the G.O.A.T. of tennis, as I type this, Djokovic is

nuggets into this column over the last year or so to keep things

getting ready to take on "The Octopus" - that's crafty, long-limbed

interesting. Or at least that's how I see it - perhaps interesting is too

Russian Daniil Medvedev, by the way - in the finals of the US Open. At

strong of a word. But I digress. Back in August I let slip that I am a big

stake is the rarest of opportunities for "Nole" to complete the Grand

fan of professional tennis. By the looks of me what did you expect?

Slam (winning all four major championships in a calendar year). Hasn't

That I spend all my hard-earned News 4U money on UFC pay-per-

been done on the men's side since Rod "The Rocket" Laver in 1969. So

views? Most of those fights are over in the blink of an eye, anyway, so

it's kind of a big deal, you know? Also a big deal is the latest attempt

that's a waste of cash. I'd much rather dig into a five set, four-plus hour

by the Republicans to derail Roe v. Wade - this time in Texas where

marathon between two of the ATP's best. That's dedication to a sport,

subtlety and nuance went out the window a long time ago. Naturally,

by the way. Who needs quick-fire three-minute rounds of brawling

the left is up in arms. But the Democrats are also drawing the ire of

when the major championships of tennis offer brutally-long, drama-

their pals across the political aisle with a bunch of newly-proposed

filled battles that really build up the calluses on the brain. Hey, Conor

vaccine mandates. As always, it's a love fest in Washington and across

McGregor doesn't have a clue what real pain is - try slugging it out

the nation - harmony abounds! Actually, the last time I can recall a true

with Novak "Nole" Djokovic on court and then get back to me. Trust

period of togetherness was post-9/11, but it took four hijacked planes

me, his quads would explode and he'd be crying "uncle!" like a little

and the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans to achieve it. Now we're

baby. Over the top? Fair enough.

so divided that the loss of 600,000 Americans to an unprecedented pandemic has only driven the wedge in further. "Uncle!"



with Bryan Fox

The walls are closing in on Vanderburgh County. That's at least according to the newest Covid map. Have you seen that thing? All of Vandy's neighboring counties are shaded red - the worst color you can be if you're talking about Covid. For now Vanderburgh is still in the orange, but it seems our luck is about to run out. So what could this mean for the city of Evansville and residents within a hundred mile radius who patronize our city? Assuming Vandy gets to



the red level, will there be another lockdown? Will masks be required everywhere like before? What could possibly be in store for our great community? In defense of Mayor Winnecke and any future decisions, his hands are


MAYBE I'M JUST GETTING OLD... with Johnny Fletcher

APOSTROPHE CATASTROPHES (The Death of Proper Grammar, Pt. 2) Sure, I could have come up with an entirely new subject for my column

grammatical errors happening over and over again in today's social

this month but after the frenzied response to September's "The Death

media-driven society. I mean, I could but where's the fun in that? And

of Proper Grammar" there was no other option but to give the people

speaking of fun, let's discuss the proper use of an apostrophe. My main

(that's you, by the way) what they want. And what they clearly wanted

point: an apostrophe is not used to denote the plural form of a word

was more snarky comments about how social media has ruined our

- instead, it's primarily used to denote possession or in the context

ability to write well. But first I'd like to point out some more things at

of a contraction. Here's a perfect example: I was walking through my

which I suck (I previously noted my complete lack of mechanical know-

neighborhood the other day and noticed that a family had their name

how) to show that I'm really no better than anyone else in the whole

professionally etched into a huge slab of granite near the front door of

scheme of themes. (It's called humility and more folks should try it.)

the house. The stone read "The Cox's" - which is straight-up wrong and

For example, cards and board games are not my strong suit. No joke, I

"The Coxes" (correct plural form) should get their money back pronto.

once lost a game of checkers to my four-year-old cousin. Let's just say I

Or how about this common mistake: restaurants advertising food/drink

was more than a few years older than him at the time. Also, reversing in

specials on "Friday's" - [buzzer sound] thanks for playing. Unless it's

my compact car is an increasingly challenging scenario - and yet, I see

THIS Friday's special then an apostrophe has no business entering the

truck drivers maneuvering 72-feet long semis in and out of tight spaces

equation. Is any of this making sense? More importantly, is anyone still

all day, every day. So who am I to talk?

awake? I know, proper grammar is the least of everyone's worries at the moment, but to my mind we need to start small and work our way up to

Still, I can no longer sit by and remain silent when I see the same

the big stuff. I've got to take things slow in my old age, ok?

tied by the feds and the state. Biden's decision to require employees

a press conference to put all of Eville's worries to rest. Kind of like the

of large employers to get vaccinated will surely be struck down by the

one he held with councilman Alex Burton to prevent any rioting over last

Supreme Court. That's a no brainer and should have minimal effect on

summer's racial protest.

Evansville in the long run. The most likely scenario is that Winnecke will encourage residents and As for the state, Governor Holcomb has his own problems with

businesses to mask up. There will be no lockdowns, no orders to get

Indianapolis. He's constantly at odds with an attorney general who

vaccinated, no arrests for not complying. This will appease his base by

wants his job and the GOP-dominated General Assembly over executive

"encouraging" instead of ordering and it will keep his detractors at bay

powers. With Biden embarrassing his voters once again and Holcomb

as well by saying Covid is still a problem.

currently fighting other battles, this one might fall into Winnecke's lap. At this stage in his career, Winnecke knows when to play ball and when Always the pragmatist and knowing full well a vaccination mandate

to take his ball and leave. Holding a press conference would put out any

would end him politically, don't look for that to happen. Instead, expect

fires before they spread.

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with Freddie Bourne

Your master’s degree doesn’t give you permission to be a jerk I think it goes without saying that your credentials don’t

people that kept me going when they very well could have written me off. I like to think that I've grown up since then, no longer acting like I'm bigger than I am.

make up who you are. Sure, maybe it makes up the amount of money you can potentially make. Or more likely, money

Mind you, I don’t disagree with the “fake it till you make it”

lost due to incurring debt and overconfidence. To each their

mentality. But I don’t agree with being completely fake all


together. I see this a lot in the local art scene here - people posting events like they are selling out arenas and putting

I notice that many people still claim entitlement due to their

out records like they are U2. It’s an accomplishment, no

status, popularity or the amount of success that they have -

doubt. But what are you trying to prove?

the amount of accomplishments they can list on a resume, followed by a laundry list of people they know to impress

Is there an overarching conclusion you’re trying to reach,


to “show them” when you don’t know who “they” are? How about try being you - without the excess crap. Face value

And for what? I’ve been guilty of this and I’m ashamed of it.

with emotions, fears, and genuine connection.

In high school, I always planned on going off to college but my best friends weren’t that inclined. When I had thoughts

By the way, my friends that my mother was concerned about

of laying low after senior year, my mother enforced this

now own houses, two cars each, and make close to $100,000

mentality that I was “going places” while my friends were not.

a year with no college degrees. And yet, I didn’t know that

I didn’t truly believe it. But I acted like it. A lot.

information until I asked them - they never shoved it in my in my car that I’m barely going to make the monthly payment

come home for college breaks because I started believing

on because I love take-out sushi too much to watch my

in the lie that I was better than them.

finances responsibly.

When my mom passed, the people that she loved but

Sorry, mom. You weren’t always right.

thought that I was “better than” in terms of success are the

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face. Meanwhile, I am typing this column for a free magazine I ended up dismissing my friends’ growth when I would



with Jasmine Bennett


It is no surprise that social media is one of the main things Gen Z is known for. From Twitter to TikTok to Instagram, there is a new platform waiting to be discovered, used, and abused by Gen Zers. In this month’s column, we’ll explore how to use your Instagram the Gen Z way.


Instagram is all about having an aesthetic way to display life’s moments. These moments can include, but are not limited to, fun parties you went to, getting your hair done, your dog’s birthday, and so much more. No matter what moments you wish to display there is one critical thing to posting photos: your feed. Your feed is basically the way your photos mesh together when someone is looking at your Instagram profile. Someone who has an aesthetic feed may post photos with a certain color scheme or use the same filter on all of their photos to make them look similar. Instagram pages that don’t have an aesthetic feed will often look thrown together and include pics of anything and everything. They often disregard a color scheme or fail to use a similar filter for each photo. Feeds aren’t a necessity, but can help your Instagram profile look sleeker, cleaner, and more organized.


Stories are separate from the photos you post to your Instagram profile. Stories can be videos/photos you post that last for 24 hours. This is so you can stay updated on what everyone’s doing at the moment and let everyone know what you’re doing at the moment. It is a more convenient way to display tiny life moments that may not make it to your actual feed. For instance, if you were making peach cobbler and wanted to show your followers the steps you're taking to make it, you might post a story including pictures, videos, or commentary on what you’re doing. This can then be viewed by your followers for 24 hours and then it goes into your archives.

FOLLOWER S/FOLLOWING Followers are the people who follow your profile in order to stay updated with whatever you post. Followers are able to view and interact with your photos, videos, stories, and reels that you post. For Gen Z, having more followers means you are more popular. More people are viewing your content which means you are getting more interaction from others. When you follow someone, it means you are following their profile in order to stay updated with their posts and content. You can follow as many people as you want on Instagram. However, for Gen Zers it’s better to follow less people than the number of followers you have. This is another tip to making your profile look more popular than it is. If you find yourself wondering what the meaning of everyday words are or thinking that TikTok is the sound a clock makes, head on back to this column as we bridge the gap between Gen Zers and the rest of the world.

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DRAKE Certified Lover Boy Ovo Sound/Republic Records

LORDE Solar Power Universal

Drake is back - and he’s on a hot streak.

Lorde has proven she’s one of the

This sixth studio album sold over 500K units in just one week. It also broke Apple Music and Spotify records by having the largest streaming debuts of an album in 24 hours. We’re talking bangers back-to-back. The collaborations on the album are also fresh. Travis Scott, Jay-Z, Future, 21 Savage, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Kid Cudi and Ty Dolla Sign all pop-off. Jay-Z and Drake give us all of the high-roller vibes with “Love All.” The bougie music video features Drake in his signature hoodie look in an aquarium while Jay-Z is posted up at a high-stakes poker table with Khalid intently smoking cigars. Queen B herself even materializes like magic. Other songs to instantly add to the carride-to-the-club playlist include “Champagne Poetry,” “Race My Mind,” “N 2 Deep,” “Fountains” and “Get Along Better.” Somehow, Drake keeps getting better. - Marisa Patwa

“Royals” of the music industry since she was only 16 in 2013. Her debut album was an instant classic - the soundtrack to my summer as a 19-year-old in LA. Her sky-rocketing climb continued with the follow-up, Melodrama, in 2017. Now, she’s 24. This third studio album is a reflection of what she’s done during her sabbatical. Jack Antonoff, a hit-making producer and musician, flexes his musical genius as her collaborator, and the dynamic duo is back at it. Displayed is a different version of Lorde. “Solar Power” radiates charisma and soulful energy. Gone are the grunge synths - now replaced with sun-soaked acoustics. I never imagined Lorde as a Beach Boy. Somehow she masters this new happy sound with ease, as if it’s been her identity all along. The New Zealand singer also dropped a downsized EP version of this album, singing in Maori. Other standouts include “Dominoes,” “Big Star,” and “Mood Ring.” While this psychedelic pop album is not as magnetic as her previous ones, it is still a stellar way to cool down in the warmer months. Like eating lemon-flavored shaved ice. - Marisa Patwa

ONE REPUBLIC Human Mosley Music Group/Interscope Records One Republic’s Ryan Tedder has the kind of soothing voice that could lull you to sleep. But in the best way. Ever since Gossip Girl - the original - showcased Tedder and Timbaland’s perfect storm collaborating on “Apologize” back in 2007, I’ve been locked in. I was even lucky enough to see the band in Indianapolis a few years back. Whether live or in studio, Tedder crams a symphony of emotions into each ballad as if it’s the last time he’ll be able to make your heart pulsate. This fifth studio album from One Republic is a true treat. While the band members are creative lyrical geniuses, it's also nice to hear earworm “Somebody to Love” featured. The song was written and showcased on NBC's Songland, which features Tedder as a judge. It perfectly fits their sound. Other knockouts to get in your feels, too, include “Run,” “Better Days,” and “Rescue Me.” - Marisa Patwa

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Parlophone/BMG Records Nearly 50 years into their career, Iron Maiden continues to produce new music, much to the chagrin of some long-time Maiden fans. Social media was awash in whiners when Senjutsu dropped on 9/3. Complaints ranged from “it sounds just like their last album” to “why are the songs so long?” Keep in mind that all of these grievances were offered up on Maiden fan pages! Those same critics rushed to download the album when it was released, and every single one of them purchased the record to complete their collection. Ignore the naysayers! Senjutsu is a really good Iron Maiden album. Yes, it’s another Maiden album produced by the same six guys, so it’s not that surprising that it has a distinct sound and cadence. As for long songs, yes, Iron Maiden write really long songs…since 1984 (see “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”). Get the album and decide for yourself. Standouts are “The Writing on the Wall,” “The Parchment” and “Days of Future Past.” - Matt Alschbach


KANYE WEST Donda GOOD Music/Def Jam Recordings

RORY D'LASNOW Songs from an Empty Room EP Self-Released

After multiple delays, three separate album

New Jersey singer-songwriter D’Lasnow’s

release parties, and a series of performance

new five-track extended play fills the “empty

art stunts, Kanye West finally releases Donda -

room” with a bountiful amount of Americana

a Christian rap album (with no swearing) about

emotion in both his vocal performances and

his mother, the late Donda West. The ambitious project is full of great songs

production choices in instrumentation. Opening track “Where You Belong”

and production and features some of the most inspired lyrics of West's

sounds like a song that Ed Sheeran should be writing as opposed to his

career. The only criticism I have is that Donda can be quite monotonous, as

current The Weeknd tribute fare. Subtle guitar-picking, mixed with some

the songs do little to differentiate themselves over the album's nearly two-

reverb and warm analog atmosphere allows D’Lasnow’s voice to become

hour runtime. While Donda is not West's best, it's a step up from his last few

the star of the record right from the get-go, though the song sounds more

releases and easily his best since 2013's Yeezus. - Russ Finn

like a conclusion. “Forgotten” continues the same pace, before diving into percussion and a more live-band feel reminiscent of Lifehouse-meets-

WARMER MILKS Soft Walks Sophomore Lounge

Ryan Star. Standout track “Power of My Love” steers away from the vibe

Formed in Jeffersonville, Indiana, Warmer Milks

keep you in my heart/ When I feel like giving up." Be prepared to fall in love

quietly released their country-rock opus Soft Walks in 2008. Though the album generated little buzz upon its release, it has now found a home on Louisville label Sophomore Lounge. Thankfully, the label is reissuing Soft Walks 13 years after its initial release with a vinyl pressing and an updated cover by Robert Beatty. On Soft Walks, Warmer Milks deliver a niche indie-country sound with luscious, dreamy instrumentation. At their most country-sounding, they come across like a Neil Young cover band that only plays deep cuts. Outside their country-esque tunes, the band dips into avant-garde and noise rock. This cult album is only getting a limited release; if you need your fix of artsy alt-country, Soft Walks is for you. - Russ Finn

MEN WITHOUT HATS Again (Part 1) Sonic Envy To paraphrase the opening line of Canadian synth-pop band Men Without Hats' enduring 80's megahit, "Safety Dance," you can laugh if you want to...but they're back and it's about time the music industry gave them some respect. Much like peers Devo are perceived as a sort of novelty act based on the wackiness of "Whip It," MWH have been stigmatized by the overwhelming popularity of one silly song that merely scratches the surface of a truly varied catalog. No matter, frontman Ivan Doroschuk just keeps delivering the goods to the faithful. And with Again (Part 1), a covers EP serving as a precursor to a brand new original album, he's brought his brother/founding member Colin back into the fold to pay homage to artists and bands that inspired them, including

David Bowie, Lou Reed and The Rolling Stones. Wha-ho!! - Johnny Fletcher

of the first-half of the project to hints of mid-2010's punk-rock with a more passionate and sincere core of clean vocals and an empowering message to his late father: “And I have come this far/ And when the times get tough I with D’Lasnow. - Freddie Bourne

Blues with Bragin


The Music Gets Us Thru ManHatTone Records

A blues journeyman who's toured and recorded with the legends of the genre, guitarist Brad Vickers returns with another great collection of good-time tunes. The album opens with “Dumb Like a Fox,” an upbeat polka and zydeco-inspired offering. “Take It Slow” features Mikey Junior playing masterful harmonica as Vickers sings about not rushing things. “Please Don’t Say” is a waltz ballad that sounds like something from the 1950s with saxophones from V.D. King and Jim Davis. Charlie Burnham offers a great violin performance on “Big Wind” as Margey Peters sings about her troubles disappearing. “I’ll Never Let You Go” is a toe-tapper with stellar clarinet playing from Davis. The surf-tinged “The Music Gets Us Thru” sounds like a party with top-notch piano playing from Dave Keyes. “Now It’s Time for Me to Sing the Blues” features Peters singing heavy lyrics about going through difficult times. Bill Rankin’s fast-paced drumming on “What in the World” pairs well with King and Davis on saxophones. Peters sings about losing a friend on “Grab My Car Keys” as Vickers accompanies her on the bottleneck guitar. “I’ll Be Sittin’, I’ll Be Rockin’” gives King a chance to shine on the accordion. The album closes with “When I Am Drinking,” a song about keeping a woman at the forefront of your mind while enjoying a beverage. - Paul Bragin

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OCTOBER BEER REVIEWS This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 10 Liquor Locker locations. Visit our website at KONA PIPELINE












This pours a clear, light honey hue with a rapidly dissipating head expected from a cider. Crisp notes of tart apple on the nose have you expecting a typical dry cider, but once it hits the palate you are hit with the sweetness from its honey infusion. Distinct notes of honey and beeswax complement the apple, making this an uncommon, and pleasing, cider.

A thin white head appears on this cider but vanishes immediately. The scent of apples comes first, with some honey present. A burst of carbonation hits the tongue with the first taste, followed by apples. A pleasant honey flavor comes through in the finish. Cider lovers should drink this seasonal offering during late summer. Pair it with a cheese plate, breakfast or your favorite apple dessert. Also add it as an ingredient in apple desserts.

I'm not normally a fan of the cider beers, but I like this one. It's light, crisp and refreshing with a pleasing taste of honey. Unlike most ciders out there, this one is pretty sweet while the others are generally sour and that's what turns me off. This is easy to drink, and I may have to purchase more of this to have on hand.

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This porter pours an expected black hue with a creamy tan head. Notes of coffee are distinct on the nose, along with the malty richness typical of a porter. On the palate the coffee continues, along with a pronounced malty sweetness. Lightly carbonated, full-bodied and well-balanced, this is a great beer for a cool fall day, the coffee complementing without overpowering.

A thick tan head tops this beer and evaporates slowly. The scent of coffee used during brewing fills the nose, with some roasted malt present. The coffee flavors continue while drinking the beer, but stop short of overwhelming the palate. Coffee aficionados should try it. Drink it with breakfast or pair it with hearty dishes like stew or pot roast. It might also pair well with chocolate and coffee desserts and work as an ingredient in them.

This is a very dark brown beer with good carbonation that leaves a creamy brown head. The aroma is big with coffee, then some roasted malt and chocolate - but it's the coffee that stands out. The flavor is similar to the aroma with strong, bitter coffee. A very nice coffee porter this is my favorite Kona beer.


This Oktoberfest pours a caramel hue with a nice tan head. Sweet and malty on the nose with notes of molasses. Malty and smooth on the palate, this full-bodied marzen is perfectly balanced. It finishes very smooth, begging another drink. Check this one out if you like the Oktoberfest style. You won't be disappointed.

A decent white head forms on this Oktoberfest style beer when poured into a traditional beer mug. A generous amount of malt controls the scent profile. More malt flavors coat the tongue with the first sip of the beer and continue during the finish. People who like beers with a lot of malt should try this seasonal during its limited release. Serve it with German dishes like pork rouladen, spätzle or soft pretzels.

This is a pretty dark beer - almost brown in color - that's a solid Oktoberfest with its sweet malts and the marzen characteristics. I consider the flavor of this beer on the lighter side of the Oktoberfests but that's just fine with me. It goes down smooth - perfect to drink around the campfire.


LAGUNITAS MAXIMUS immediately. Orange and grapefruit lead the way to subtle floral notes. The big hop bill is wellbalanced with enough malty sweetness to make it smooth and pleasing on the palate. It finishes with a satisfying, almost imperceptible hop bitterness. Give this Imperial IPA a try, but at 9% ABV, maybe just one.


Pouring a clear amber hue with a thin white head, this big IPA explodes with hop aromas

A thick white head rests on this IPA. Fruity hop notes dominate the scent. More hop flavors, especially pine, present themselves with the initial tasting and stay for an extended period of time during the long finish. People who like hoppy

beer with a high alcohol content should try this. Pair it with barbecue, grilled meats, salmon, wild game or peppery cheeses like Monterrey jack or pepper jack.


This is a dark, amber-colored beer with decent carbonation. It's one of the smoothest and best IPAs I've ever had with a sweet hops flavor that's very appealing. Overall, it's extremely smooth and easy to drink. Most IPAs hammer you over the head with hops, but I really like this one as the hops flavor is more subtle.


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Focusing on personal injury, civil litigation, whistleblower claims and workers' compensation law, Siesky Law Firm strives to provide excellent legal services while remaining client and community centered. The Evansville-based trio of top attorneys - including Lane Siesky, Daniel Gearhart and Douglas Briody - boasts years of invaluable experience inside and outside the courtroom. Highly-respected with an impeccable track record, the firm's aggressive representation of its clients continues to benefit the community in myriad ways.


I was out jogging on city sidewalks and rammed my foot into a raised (square) section of concrete which caused me to hurtle forward and land sprawled out on the pavement, injuring myself in the process and requiring medical attention. Is there any legal recourse in a situation such as this in terms of poor maintenance of sidewalks or does a city bear no responsibility for lack of upkeep of public areas?


This is a great question and a situation that we see on a routine basis. When someone is injured on a public sidewalk, the City, landowner (even an adjacent landowner) and/or construction company that worked on the portion of the sidewalk in question may be liable for injuries and damages. Even before one analyzes the merits of such an accident claim, certain time deadlines must be observed. Indeed, when the City is a potential responsible party, a statute known as the Indiana Tort Claims Act (“ITCA”) is invoked. Under the ITCA, notice (that complies with the specific requirements of the ITCA) must be provided to the proper authorities within as little as 180 days of the accident. If this notice requirement is not sufficed, then any claim against the City or other Governmental entity or agency could be forever time-barred! Most people are not aware of this time deadline or notice requirement. In addition to the notice requirement, the general two year statute of limitations would apply to the City and any other defendant, such as a private landowner. So the claims would either need to be settled with a check in hand or a lawsuit filed within two years of the accident. As to whether the City, a private landowner and/or construction company is legally responsible, this is a complex question and involves immunity issues under the ITCA, premise liability law in Indiana as to private landowners, evidence as to notice of the defect and the foreseeability of harm. Whether it is fair or not, such a routine situation becomes a very complex legal question when attempting to preserve your claims, comply with deadlines and then assess who may be legally responsible for the injuries and damages. Therefore, if you have been injured and wish to preserve your claims you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer for a consultation.

Disclaimer: The above information provided by Siesky Law Firm, PC, is not legal advice and should not be taken as legal advice. Application of the law is highly fact sensitive and readers should consult with an attorney on legal matters.

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