Bluebeam Revu
by: Jim Coppinger
Bluebeam Revu for the Design World B
luebeam Revu is one of the most used software systems in the construction world. It handles QTO, estimating, redlining, as-builts, and even file collaboration between office and field with a simple to use interface. With all those features, you can see why it’s ubiquitous in the construction arena, but in the design world, it’s often overlooked as just a “construction tool” which is a huge mistake. Bluebeam Revu has some incredibly useful features for architects and engineers that can save you a lot of time and make it easier to interact with clients, design partners, and contractors alike. In this article, I want to cover a few of the tools that are focused on making life easier for those of us in the design world. I can’t cover them
all, because Bluebeam has a host of tools that we all need at our fingertips, but I want to touch base on the ones that can have the largest, and most immediate, positive impact on your daily work process.
Batch Sign & Seal
AUGIWorld Magazine | October 2021