Ave Maria College Vidian 2000

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Melissa Ferrera 11K - in the kitchen at

Sarah Upton 10P - on work experience at

Stacey Burdak 10G - on work experience

Centra, Melbourne Airport

Lort Smith Animal Hospital

at the Department of Gastroenterology &

“The VET course I have chosen to do this

"At Lort Smith I watched surgery, sat in on

year has increased my knowledge of the

consultations and fed and looked after the

hospitality industry. Whilst being very

cats and dogs. It was really good."

challenging at times I can say I have

Nutrition at the Royal Children's Hospital "The work experience at Royal Children's

Hospital gave me the chance to observe medical procedures. I went on rounds with

enjoyed the work I have been doing. This

medical staff and cared for the children in

will be the career path I am sure to follow."

the Paediatric ward."



Vocational Education & Training

The Careers Education program ran very

This year has seen one student, Melissa

much along the same lines as last year.

Ferrera 1 IK undertake a VET in Schools

Year 10 students participated in Work

program. Melissa elected to undertake the

Experience, a Careers Seminar and Careers

Certificate II Hospitality (Operations)

Education classes before having to make

which was offered by Ave Maria College in

VCE subject selections. Their choices for

partnership with Kangan Batman Institute

work experience again showed a very

of TAPE. The program included study via

diverse range of interests but with graphic

the TAFE’s virtual campus Internet site

design, law, veterinary nursing and

and classes in the commercial kitchens of

childcare amongst the most popular

the TAFE. Melissa also undertook a two-

choices. Some other placements included:

week work placement at Centra

The Sound of Music; Marine &

Melbourne Airport where she worked in

Freshwater Resources Institute, Ludwig

catering and gained a great deal of

Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne

experience. Work placement is different

Private Hospital, Ansett Australia, Victoria

to work experience in that students are

Police, General Aviation Maintenance,

expected to put into practice the skills they

HMAS Cerebus, the Family Court of

have already learnt within the course.

Australia and IBM. There was plenty of

Melissa was given a particularly wide range

positive feedback from employers and

of tasks and the Work Placement

reports of terrific experiences from the

Coordinator commented that Melissa had

girls on their return to school.

obviously demonstrated a very competent

Our senior students have made good use

skill level and a real aptitude for the job.

of the Careers Office and our resources arc expanding at a rapid rate. There seems to

46 Ave Maria - Vidian 2000

be no shortage of occupational information both on line and in brochures and directories. Our most frequently used

resources have been our Job Guides, OZJAC and the Career Easy program, as

well as University and TAFE handbooks.

The girls have had information sessions

and attended counselling appointments to

help them make the all-important decisions about their lives, post secondary

school. There have also been many careers seminars conducted by industry and

attended by our girls in their spare time, revealing interests in medical science, engineering and rhe sports industry.

Ms Janet Jensen

Careers Counsellor

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