Ave Maria College Vidian 2000

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Edge of Tomorrow Competition Winners

Year 7 English, Shakespeare's Romeo and

Australian English Schools Competition -

Juliet with Mrs Pam Peace

High Distinction Certificate

Janelie Micallef, Maria Caratozzolo,

Nicole Scicluna, Year 9

Ashley McCloud 7N

The start of every school year promises

English Week provided an opportunity for

provide them with yet another experience

so much, and the year 2000 certainly

intellectual stimulation as well as great

of live theatre. The Year 9 students

brought with it many expectations. The

fun. There were a number of‘literary’

enjoyed scenes from Romeo and Juliet,

English Faculty has begun the new

activities for both staff and students.

while the Year 10 students experienced

Noni Brislin 9T, Katherine Vassallo 8R,

Justine Garcia, Allyce Ferns, Taryn Collier,

Tara Tories, Vanessa Surface, Catherine Blackmore

century in a positive manner. As

always, we have been working to encourage a love of reading, writing and

learning in general.

In the area of curriculum we have

The Writing Competition invited the students to display their talents as wordsmiths, and comment on the theme -

"The Edge of Tomorrow".

rhe reorganisation of courses in both

Ashley McCloud - Year 7

SACs rather than CATs. Change has not

school during Book Week. Ms Terry organised workshops by authors, Simon

Higgins and Barry Carrozzi, and Myron Lysenko, the poet.

Katherine Vassallo - Year 8

Once again this year all students in Year 7

English and Literature. Teachers and

students have had to come to terms with

by the authors and poet who visited our

Callery, the College Teacher-Librarian, We congratulate the winners:

implemented the changes to VCE required by rhe Board of Studies. This has meant

Macbeth. Another opportunity to enrich our students’ use of language was offered

Noni Brislin - Year 9

to 9 participated in the Australian Schools

A highlight of English Week was the

English Competition. Nicole Scicluna,

been the special precinct of senior subjects.

English Quiz which pitted the students

Year 9 was awarded a High Distinction

The Curriculum Standards Framework 11

against the teachers in a ‘ Mastermind’

Certificate, 13 students received

document has seen the re- writing of all

meets ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?’

Distinction Certificates and 49 students

Year 7 to 10 courses. Teachers have spent

type of challenge. It was ably hosted by

achieved Credit Certificates.

many hours developing units of work

rhe talented and hilarious Frances Henry

Congratulations to all these students and

which will allow students to achieve rhe

and Natalie Nisbet.

their students.

The Flying Bookworm Theatre Company

Ms Rosanna Fimiani

specified Outcomes. However, it has nor been all serious work.

returned to enhance our students’

The joint celebration of Book Week and

understanding of Shakespeare, and to

English Coordinator


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