Ave Maria College Vidian 2000

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Under the able direction of Mrs Lydia

Year 7 Haiku Poetry: Food Webs in the

In Science, we studied a range of new

Roper-Willis and with the support and

home Uninvited guests, Creeping,

topics that opened our eyes. Generics

efforts of the Science Faculty, we have

crawling through rhe house. Where is all

gave us understanding of how we inherit

completed another successful year at Ave

the food?

characteristics, and how diseases are

Maria College.

Jessica Taylor

Everyone has worked hard to present

and homozygous, and yet studied these

coursework in a stimulating and

engaging manner, always striving to use a variety of assessment tasks to cater for

inherited. We learnt new (and big) words like autosomal recessive, heterozygous

Looking and searching,

concepts through making vegetable

people! Studying species survival and

These creatures scavenge for dinner,

chemicals in the environment gave us a


How long will they wait?

great opportunity to take an excursion to

Activities undertaken to enhance and

Georgia Turville

rhe range of interests displayed by our

CERES Community Environment Park. develop student interest and challenge

The weather was gorgeous and many informative experiments were conducted

their thinking included:

Big, big harvestmen, Melbourne Zoo - Year 7 Holding babies in their mouths.

Art Gallery of Victoria -Year 9

Eating when they're gone.

to give us a more complete view of how humans impact the environment. To

finish rhe semester, we left the earth and looked amongst the stars. We studied the

life of stars (such as our sun), and

Science Works - Year 8

Vanessa Surace CERES -Year 10

compared different theories of how the

universe exists. Uninvited house guests,

Alyssa Donald 10C

Marine Studies Centre at Queenscliff Looking to eat other pests,

Year 1 1 Biology Many students also participated in the

Using mortein gets rid of them.

Recently we added a little bit of drama to

Krystal Nasr

our Science class. We were given the task

Australian Schools Science Competition

of putting on a role-play on disease. We

and performed very well.

The role of Science in Society has never been more important with huge advances

in Medicine, Genetics and Technology. It is imperative that our students are given

the opportunity to discuss and

ended up with people having babies,

Year 10 Excursion to CERES

extremely geeky professors and covered

The Year 10 "Earth, Universe and Life"

with weird looking spots. Anyone

Science class went to CERES community

watching may have thought what has this

environmental park for some insight into

have to do with science! But behind rhe

water quality, in particular the state of

scenes a lot of hard work went into

the Merri creek.

researching the cause of certain diseases

and how to treat them. Watching these

investigate these areas and are aware of

We studied rhe lower catchment area and

the implications. The Human Genome

conducted physical and chemical tests to

performances was a lot of fun. Performing

project has been of particular interest to

see if the water was polluted. We also

our role-play on Malaria was one of the

both Year 12 and Year 10 classes studying

studied how the creek changed over the

best projects of rhe year.

Genetics. It has led to wide discussion

past few decades and the diversity of

and analysis.

species found in the surrounding area.

From this research we have gained an understanding of rhe great impact

Students at various levels have shared

human activity has on rhe Merri creek

their experiences and contributed rhe

and the environment surrounding it.

following reflections.

Thanks to Mr Dunlop, Mrs Gianni and

Mrs Maria Gianni

Mrs Brasher.

Science Coordinator (Term 4)

Becci Prenc 10R

60 Ave Maria - Vidian 2000

Jacinta Nash 8B

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