After many months of hard work we bring to you our third issue. As we get closer to
our first year we take a moment to look back at our accomplishments, we have learned
a lot and grown in this journey. In our last edition we understood the responsibility we
have as media and the impact our words can have, that is why in this issue we decided
to focus on a big issue in our community, mental health. It is very important to examine
the way we treat others and to stand up when someone else is being attacked, and that
is the message we want to transmit.
We hope you enjoy reading our magazine as much as we enjoyed making it and that
the resource we bring to you can be beneficial. As always, we would love to hear from
you so don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you miss us in-between
issues, check out our brand new website, with exclusive content, an event calendar,
photo galleries, and more. And remember, if you’d like to join our team we are always
looking for youth just li