AweSome Magazine Issue no.9 April 2016

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| Awesome | April



It’s good to have options

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| Awesome | April


| Awesome | April

Inside 6

Korean Cuisine


Life is what you make


Reasons to visit Tanga


Star model Daxx


Awesome Jokes


6 Successfull habits you need to develop daily

Art Director & Design Msumari, James V.


It starts with giving Online publication at awesomeadvertisingmagazine

Publisher AweDin Group Limited Mabatini Rd, Kijitonyama P.O. Box 79422 Dar es salaam Editors Rumisho Shikonyi Malika Nginilla Sales & Marketing Office: +255 688 569 169 Seuri Kuoko: +255 712 011 332 Abisalom Katuma: +255 684 671 814


| Awesome | April


| Awesome | April

Awesome facts about Korean Culture


You may arrive up to 30 minutes late without giving offence. Remove your shoes before entering the house. The hosts greet each guest individually. The host pours drinks for the guests in their presence. The hostess does not pour drinks. The hosts usually accompany guests to the gate or to their car because they believe that it is insulting to wish your guests farewell indoors. Send a thank you note the following day after being invited to dinner.

Korean Cuisine

Korean cuisine • •

A blend of nature and cultural traditions originating from nomadic traditions The healthiest foods on earth with emphasis on using vegetables and less oils

Oktopbang is a Korean BBQ and a full course meals Restaurant and Mediterranean Bar with a varied array of banchan side dishes. Our cuisine is largely based on meats, vegetables and rice. Kimchi and pumpkin soup is always served at every meal. Common used ingredients include Sesame oil, doenjangjigae, soy sauce, Korean red pepper, salt, garlic, ginger, yukgaejang and many more delightful ingredients. The experience in Oktopbang will be worth your time and Money from the tantalizing BBQ to the very tasty food well prepared by our master chef. In ocktopbang you can take part in making you making your meal right on your table with assistance from our well trained waiters and waitresses.


We have different varieties of preparations in our barbecue menu including Oktopbang special beef steak, Beef with black pepper, Soused fat beef slices, Barbecue bacon, Bulgogi, Chicken wings and chicken gizzards also available For sea food barbecue we have, Baby Squid and Prawns.

Vegetables for barbecue

Fragrant-flowered Garlic, Sweet Potato, Irish potato, Mushroom

Main course

Teppanyaki Beef Tendon, Korean Topkki( rice cake), Slated Tofu, Spicy stir fried Octopus and Squid, Dolsot Bibimbap, Beef curry stew with rice, Fried rice mixed with kimchi.


A beautiful outdoor set-up offers a unique outdoor experience will you dine with family and friends. At oktopbang you can also enjoy an awesome sports experience by watching your sports games in our well placed screens in the bar lounge.

Value for service

Whether you are at the bar watching sports game and enjoying Margarita and Beer or outside in the plush garden or in the main restaurant having your meal, good time and satisfaction is guaranteed. 8% discount on your bills

Opening Time

Lunch 11:30am - 2:30pm Dinner 06:00pm - 11:00pm Closed on Monday at Lunch time, only open at Dinner time.


Sushi, Salmon sashimi and Tuna sashimi and Noodles with free vegetables, fruits and tea.

By Oktobang Restaurant


| Awesome | April


| Awesome | April



ello my wonderful readers, it’s another day again we meet here at this AweSome magazine column. l want to appreciate all my readers who follow up on my articles, thank you for the love and support and l hope you will continue being inspired. Everyone has an idea of life but few people understand the meaning of life. One of the worst things is getting to your 50s and start to regret and wonder how you spent your early years. We cannot fix our past mistakes, but we can make better choices that will make us not to repeat old mistakes. What am l talking about? Life which is a gift God has given to you but what you use it for is a gift to yourself. My heart sheds tears every time l see young men and women wasting their lives away and then after put the blame on other people. l challenge you today, I as a young man, l can realise the difference and make a change, why not you? Put God first in everything you do and God bless you. Until next time;

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| Awesome | April

Tanga Reasons to visit


.The Gallanos Hot Springs It’s located 3 kilometers from the Amboni Caves. The springs are rich in minerals and many come from far to soak in the therapeutic water. The walk to the springs is through fields and forests.

Tanga is a historical town with buildings dating back to the Germans (1881-1916) and the British (1916-1961). Many of the buildings have been torn down, but quite a few still remain. Some of the attractions in the Tanga Region are:

1 2

.A guided tour around the city of Tanga to the colonial buildings such as the Bombo Hospital and the Katani Sisal House, and the various markets for arts and crafts.

.The Amboni Caves The most extensive limestone caves in East Africa. About one kilometer stretch of the caves can be explored with a local guide. Parts of the caves have not yet been investigated. It is said the caves extend to Mount Kilimanjaro on one side and to the coast on the other side.


.Totem Island Totem Island is located off the Tanga Habour, about a 20 minute boat ride. A great place to relax on the beach, swim, fish and explore the island. The Portuguese, Germans and Arabs have all been inhabitants of Totem Island in the past. Your guide will give you more information.


.Tongoni Ruins 17 Kilometers south of Tanga City. In the 15th Century it was a prosperous trade center established by the Shirazi of Persia. Vasco da Gama is said to have visited Tongoni in April 1498.


. Pangani village is a great place for diving, snorkeling, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing and fishing.

By Panori Hotel


| Awesome | April


Star model


anzania imebarikiwa na wanamitindo wengi lakini ni wachache ambao wamefanikiwa kufika level za kimataifa .........hili likanipa hamasa kutaka kujua mawili matatu ambayo hawa wanamitindo wanafanya yatofauti kabisa lakini siku ya mwisho ni kusababisha ulimwengu wa fashion kukua . Hivyo basi kutokana na technology nikaweza kufanya online interview na Ally Hassan aka Daxx ambaye Mtanzania ambaye anafanya shughuli zake sana nchini Afrika Kusini chini ya ice models na major model management New york Marekani.... DAXX ameweza kushinda kama nwanamitindo bora wa kiume kwa Africa Mashariki katika Abryanz style and fashion awards 2015 huko nchini Uganda hivyo napenda kutoa pongezi zangu za kutosha .... na baada ya salamu hivi ndivo mazungumzo yetu yaliendelea .

1. Daxx ni nani? Daxx ni mtu ambaye hana hofu ya kufanya kile anachotaka na ni mtu ambaye daima hujaribu kujifunza jambo jipya ,maisha mapya ,utamaduni mpya na siku zote yupo simple na fresh. 2. Kitu gani unakipenda katika fashion?

Ninachopenda kuhusu fashion inanipatia nafasi ya kuwa balozi wa muonekano mzuri ,kwani wakati wote naonekana

Na Liliane Masuka (Dada fashoni)

fresh pia nahamasisha watu kwani fashion ni uhuru ,pia fashion imenifungulia milango mingi sana ya kukutana na watu mbali mbali kwa mfano JANUARY nitakuwa narudi New York kuanza mkataba wangu wa modelling na kampuni moja kubwa ya modelling ya kimataifa.

3. Mafanikio kwako ni nini? Mafanikio ni ile hali ya kupambana na kufanya unachopenda, kupitia mengi na kujifunza , kufanya kazi kwa bidii ,kuweka heshima mbele na kuwa makini. MFANO kwa sasa najivunia kazi yangu maana nimesimama kama model pekee wa kiume kutoka Tanzania ambaye anafanya vizuri katika level za kimataifa 4. Ni nini ambacho kinakupa msukumo kupambana na maisha?

Mama yangu , Yeye ni Mtu pekee ambaye hunifanya nifanye kazi kwa bidii sababu ni mwanamke wa kipekee.

5. Jukwaa gani la fashion ambalo unalipenda sana?

Jukwaa langu ninalolipenda sana ni African Fashion International (Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Africa) 6. Ni njia zipi unazotumia kuhakikisha

unajua miendendo ya fashion zinazoendelea?

Mara nyingi natengenezaga trends zangu mwenyewe lakini pia naangalia vipindi vya fashion. 7. Mipango yako ndani ya miaka

mitano ijayo?

Mpango wangu mkubwa katika kipindi cha miaka mitano ijayo ni kuwa mfanya biashara mkubwa wa nguo nina zotengeneza na brand yangu ya Daxx. Mafunzo kutoka kwa Daxx • Onodoa hofu na shaka katika lolote unalotaka fanya • Fanya kitu kinachokupa furaha na amani maishani mwako kwa bidii zako zote, hiki ndo kipimo kikuu cha mafanakio • Kuwa na malengo maishani


| Awesome | April


| Awesome | April

AweSome Jokes

Buroo The Preacher

A Buroo said: “If I had all the beer in the world, I’d take it and throw it into the river”. And the congregation cried,”Amen!” “And if I had all the wine in the world, I’d take it and throw it in the river”. And the congregation cried, “Amen!” “And if I had all the whiskey and rum in the world, I’d take it all and throw it in the river”. Again the congregation cried, “Amen!” The Buroo sat down. The deacon then stood up& said: “For our closing hymn, let’s turn to page 126 of our hymn books and sing, ‘We shall drink from that river”. THE CONGREGATION SCREAMED HALLELUJAH!

Buroos wife and Her daughters

A Mom was lucky enough to see her three daughters get married in the same year, so she whispered to each of them “After your weddings, text me your first night experience and don’t forget to text it in a coded way!”

being a digital woman listened to a Vodacom radio jingle and heard “ongea deileee….piga dakika kumi, ongea kwa masaa mawili bure” She also went to a shop a read Sprite poster written “Tii Kiu Yako” she thought aloud “not too bad for them at their age” A few days later, her third daughter’s text comes in “Fast Jet DAR-MWZ”. So Mama calls Fast Jet information desk to inquire about their DAR-MWZ flight. She was told, “Its 2 times daily, 7 days a week and the flight duration is 75 minutes to and fro!” Mama throws herself in the air, lands, slumps and faints shouting...”Yeeeleeeeuuwiiii! Kiruuuuu! this one will kill my daughter 90 Years Old Secrete Someone asked an old man, “Even after 90 years, you still call your wife ‘Darling’, ‘Honey’, ‘Love’. What’s the secret?”OLD MAN: I forgot her name 10 years ago and I’m scared 2 ask her. - See more at:

After a week, the first daughter sent ‘VODACOM’ in a sms 2 her Mom, while a week later the second sent “SPRITE”’. Their Mom

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| Awesome | April



| Awesome | April



or over 10 years I have been fascinated to find out why other people are successful while others fail despite the fact that they are probably living in the same neighborhood? One of the answers that I find is habit. Success is the result of what we do on daily basis. I found out Successful people simply have successful habits and unsuccessful people have unsuccessful habits. What you do on daily basis can make you successful or unsuccessful. It’s all about a routine. As Aristotle, the prominent Greek philosopher and a scientist, once said, “95% of everything you do is the result of habit” When it comes to habit, there are two key rules to remember: the first rule is ‘to form good habits and make them your masters rather than allowing bad habits to form’. The second rule is that ‘good habits are hard to form but easy to live with while bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with’. Brian Tracy, the popular motivational speaker and author, discovered that all habits are learned and they can also be unlearned. That means you can simply replace a bad habit with a good habit that has a more powerful positive impact on your life.

How do you develop Successful habits? It’s simple. By repetition! Make it a routine. Almost everything you do from the time you get up in the morning is habit. Start thinking about what would be the best habits to have every day. The following are the 6 successful habits that I recommend to you that you need to develop on daily basis.

1. Daily goal setting and goal orientation: You do become what you think about most of the time and you do achieve what you think about most of the time and this is why all successful and wealthy people think about their goals most of the time. Think about your goals constantly even when you’re driving or talking to other people. When you go to sleep at night think about your goals for the coming day and make a list each day of all the goals you are going to accomplish that day. One good way to plan your goals is to keep a journal and write down your goals on a regular basis.

2. Be results oriented: Results oriented people are always thinking about the most important things that they can do right now to achieve their most important results. Successful people make a list of everything they have to do and before they start working they set priorities on the list. A great and life changing way to become results oriented is to look at your to-do list and ask yourself that if you could only do one thing on the list before you are called out of the town for a month what activity would you want to complete? Put a circle around that activity, start working on it immediately and discipline yourself to work non-stop until you finish that one activity.

3. Be people oriented:

it but the trick is to do it anyway even when you don’t feel like it. If you do this you will eventually develop the self-discipline that will make everything else possible and take you closer to your goals. Develop these successful habits and you will not have to worry about your success anymore.

Home Work Ask yourself ‘what is the one habit that you should start to develop right now that will help you more than any other habit to achieve your most important goals?’ Whatever it is, start practicing this habit every day until it becomes automatic and easy. Remember. It takes only 21 days to develop a new habit.

You need to understand that everything you have achieved or want to achieve in life is going to be with the help, support or cooperation of people. So ask always yourself what other people want or need from you and how you can help them so that they will want to help you back. Successful salespeople, for instance, are always thinking about their customers, about who their customers are, what they want, how they can help them the most and how they can help them even more.

4. Stay health oriented: Your health is very important and to be health oriented you need to start by eating the right foods in the right proportions, exercising daily and getting lots of rest. Remember that to be successful in our competitive world you need a lot of energy and the best way to get this energy and to replenish it, is to take good care of yourself through a balanced diet and daily exercise.

5. Stay honest: This is one of the most crucial habits of successful people. To be successful, you must be trustworthy and the best way to do this is to always tell the truth no matter what. Honesty really is the best policy. It is this successful habit that will ensure the span of your success.

6. Self-discipline: This is the foundation successful habit that makes everything else possible. The best definition of self-discipline, according to Brian Tracy is: “Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” Anybody can do it when they feel like

Anthony LUVANDA Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur +255 754 088 461


| Awesome | April



iving is a very powerful word which can give you power, influence, love, a quality relationship and fulfillment in general if you understand it right. Given that its a very powerful word and it can give you all of the above its one of the very misunderstood concept in today’s opportunistic world. Our parents, religious leaders, politicians, business owners, leaders from all levels from different fields have been a major influence to their followers either positively or negatively. We were taught since childhood at Sunday school that giving is all about money. For you to be considered as a giver you must give money. And to make it sound powerful and more compelling we were told that blessings come to those who give. They sometimes don’t mention exactly what you should give but if you look in their eyes you can see some notes and coins running around and its usually manifested at the end. Don’t get me wrong here, I am not saying giving money is wrong, but is it all we can give? What about time, our skills, our talents, etc. Moving even further, we all have heard or have read somewhere this statement “If you give you will Receive” the statement is 100% true but do we really understand it? What does a business person think when he wants to start or expand the business? Giving or Receiving? Do they think about reaching more people touching more lives and solving more problems with their products or service?

What about when a guy wants to propose to a beautiful lady, do they usually think about giving more love more affection more time and more of everything nice or they just think about receiving all of that? I am a business consultant, a trainer especially in the area of customer service marketing and sales. Every time I meet with my clients, if they want to start a new product line or expand their market or take their customer service to the next level the first question I usually ask is “what do you want to give” or “which problem do you want to solve”? Again I want to put it clear it wasn’t your fault and actually it isn’t your fault up to this moment because that’s how we were programmed. Think at the country or government level do we have Giving Aid or Receiving Aid? But yet we know for sure all developed countries are giving countries. We can’t start by changing the government but we can change ourselves. Given the information I have just shared from this point forward, if we don’t shift the way we think and start thinking about giving it’s going to be our complete fault. We will remain poor and being referred as among the 3rd world countries. But guess what we have the power to change that. Regardless of your position, if you are an employee and you want that promotion so badly, stop complaining that you have been in that position for so long and start thinking

about what extra can I give (do) even without expecting returns for it. If you are a business owner whether a big or small business, put a stop on thinking about how can you make more money and start thinking about reaching more people, touching more lives and solving more problems with your product or service if you are just starting and you want to become an entrepreneur, you want to own your own business stop thinking about how can you maneuver , evade tax and make more money and start think about solving more problems I was so inspired to share my skills and experience in the area of customer care after catching myself complaining about the service status in our country every now and then. Probably most do not know how to give the best service, thus today I help more people more businesses to give the best customer service to their clients. If your relationship or marriage is going through hell stop for a minute and think when did you stop giving? Giving will enlarge you, nourish and flourish your life. It will give you happiness and fulfillment. If you give you will receive, it might not be today, neither tomorrow but it always come multiplied. Give and when you give, Give your Best.

By Japhet Naftal


| Awesome | April

“Our Audience, Your Customers” Advertise with Us


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AweDin Group Limited Maembe Road, Kijitonyama near Mabatini Police Station P.O. Box 79422 Sales & Marketing Office: +255 688 569 169 Seuri Kuoko +255 712 011 332 Rogers Emmanuel +255 714 010 008 Email: Online publication at


| Awesome | April

Interview with MobiAd Africa MD AweSome: So Rogers, what is MobiAd? AweSome: How can someone get the service? Rogers: MobiAd is a new service in Tanzania that Rogers: Through, visit offers a custom ring back caller tune.

AweSome: What do you mean by Custom ring

back caller tune? Rogers: When someone calls your mobile phone they either hear a song from various artists or information about services from either Tigo,Vodacom, Airtel, Halotel, Smart or Zantel. With MobiAd people will hear something customized and specific about your business, services, events or personal life.

AweSome: What do people hear when they call you?

Rogers: Thank you for calling Rogers, Managing

Director of MobiAd Africa. We offer custom ring back caller tune service. For more information ask me after I pick up.

the page subscription to register vor you can send a script/recorded audio and numbers you would love to subscribe through SMS or whatsapp at 067 5678910.

AweSome: Anything else? Rogers: Our service is only 167 tshs per day, less than a price of a banana. People can call through 067 5678910 for any questions.

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