AweSome Magazine Issue No.12 August 2016

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“Great words come from great minds, Greater ideas & knowledge come from awesome source”

Publisher AweDin Group Limited Mabatini Rd, Kijitonyama P.O. Box 79422 Dar es salaam Tel: +255 688 569 169

Welcome to AweSome 12

Editors Rumisho Shikonyi Malika Nginilla


You Were Not Born Just To Work And Die

Sales & Marketing Seuri Kuoko +255 712 011 332


Calling A home A home

Art Director & Design Msumari, James V. +255 717 475 496 Contributors Anthony Luvanda Rogers E. Katuma Aneth David Elly David Darrin Salle Japhet Naftal

In8 this AweSome How To Start Your Business In 9 Days 10

It’s Your Responsibility




Stand Out, Be Different

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24 Be The Best Not The Rest


You Were Not Born Just To Work And Die

ost of us are coming from poor families which money, health, good food, happiness and belief were very scarce. But it is painful to see we are living our lives in such a way it is obvious that we are going to create another family like that or poorer than that.

Knowing your purpose is one thing and having one is another thing. I believe we were all born with a purpose and mission in this life, and I am sure having a boring job, creating a poor family and die with regret are not among them. The moment you know your purpose you will start living different, you will stop acting the way the community programmed you, you will be ready to sacrifice some few pleasures and fun in the present to fulfil the purpose and mission. It is okay if you are not sure what is your purpose. Keep on finding it, when you are ready it will find you. We have been programmed that our fate is going to school then getting a job then we create a family. But no one told us after creating a family and having the job to retirement what we should do, I believe they didn’t put dying with regret as part of the option. No one focused on the quality of education you were receiving or the satisfaction of the job you are having or the quality of life you will create for your family. We end up studying courses we fail and don’t love, applying and accepting jobs we don’t love and having families with no love, affection and strength (most ending single parent families). Do not be like everyone, try to spend some time and ask yourself do you deserve to be where you are? Do you love the job you are doing? Do you see yourself lf having the family you envisioned? Do you see the satisfaction of waking up every morning happy and feeling blessed? Some people are cowardly enough to say am not ready to face all the risk, rejection, failure and disappointments if I follow my purpose despite knowing it. Please spare humanity by not creating another single parent family, with no guarantee of food, good place to stay and cannot afford quality education and experiences. Do not join the cycle from where your upbringing ended. That reminds me of the saying by Phil Knight the founder of NIKE Inc in his memoir saying “The cowards never started, the weak died on the way and that leaves US”. Find your purpose champion.

Rogers Emmanuel, Managing Director, MobiAd Africa | Dressed by Kali Elegance “Your expression is the most important thing you can wear” - anonymous Quote dedicated by Anafii Badokufa Mussa


AweSome 12

August 2016

August 2016

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Calling a home, a home

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August 2016

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2016/06/07 10:55 PM

How to start your business in 9 Days dividends. Social media is easiest and cost effective way for any start-up. Day 8. Prioritize: When your workload becomes too heavy it is always advisable to prioritize earning income first over indirect income generating tasks, which can be completed at any time. This will help you focus on the most important tasks instead of wasting time on minor details. Day 9. Celebrate:


usiness is what brings you profit and ultimately financial freedom but the process of starting and making it profitable in a matter of weeks is tough. However, believe it or not, it can be done in 9 highly focused days by following these simple steps. As Jim Rohn once said “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” Day 1. Plan Your Business: A business plan is critical whether it is written on a napkin or as a detailed 25page document because it shows what kind of business you plan to start and how you intend to run it. But don’t stay in your head too much, try not to over-think or over-plan everything. Some people aim…aim…aim and never shoot. Don’t be one of them. Day 2. Do Your Home-Work on the Market: It’s very important to study the market and learn how your product or service differs from what is available, who your target market is. Marketing research always give you a picture of what kinds of new products and services may bring a profit. Day 3. Establish Your Brand: A brand identity including a name and a logo fetch instant legitimacy and in almost all cases, you will also need a website or blog and a social media presence to solidify the brand. A brand will not only attract attention but also


AweSome 12

August 2016

distinguish the product or service from others of the same nature. Day 4. Register Your Idea: Registering your business idea and acquiring the license to operate legally is a critical stage for the take-off. Also the nature of your business will dictate the extent to which you must rely on an attorney to incorporate it, to trademark ideas and to formalize agreements. Always a fully incorporated business has many advantages including the ability to operate not only domestically but also beyond borders.

Take a breath, thank everyone who helped you and seek feedback from your customers and friends. When you reach the finish line, it is always good to take a step back and think about what you have achieved. In short, you have successfully started a business in nine days! Remember…!! “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” Jim Rohn

Day 5. Minimize Costs of Production: Make it as cost-effective as possible by avoiding unnecessary expenditure including expensive furniture and save on rent by working from home. Because labor is expensive, it is preferable to hire interns. Day 6. Shout Out Loud: Make sure you spread the word and let all the people in your network know that you are in it. You will also attract more customers if your product or service is unique and distinct from anything else on the market. Day 7. Work the Media: Media relations are essential for the growth of your business because without recognition or exposure your business will not succeed. It is also one of the best ways to stimulate quick and substantial

Anthony LUVANDA Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur +255 754 088 461

BUBERWA’S PRODUCTS MADE FROM NATURAL HERBS & ORGANIC MATERIAL FORMULA Natural Products Hub for Human Beings Health Mimea ni Zawadi bora kutoka kwa Mungu 1.

DFP - tiba na kinga ya meno (dental diseases treatment & prevention herbal product


mushana & cunix - tiba ya malaria na malaria sugu (malaria & chronic malaria herbal products)


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majeraha ya moto (accidents & burns wound natural healing herbal product) 14. fractox - tiba ya kiasili ya mifupa iliyovunjika kuunga haraka (fractured bones quick healing natural herbal product) 15.

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herbex - tiba ya kiasili ya vidonda vya tumbo (peptic ulcers treatment herbal product)



prostax - tiba na kinga dhidi ya tezi dume (benign prostate hypertrophy (bph) treatment & prevention herbal product)

nurex - tiba ya kukojoa kitandani kwa watoto na watu wazima (enuresis treatment herbal product)


rizex - sabuni maalum ya kiasili ya kukomesha magonjwa ya ngozi kama fangasi, mabaka na kulinda ngozi (special herbal soap for skin care & skin treatment)


nopax - tiba ya mvurugiko wa homoni za kinamama waliokoma hedhi (menopausal syndrome herbal product)


filopex - tiba ya uvimbe kwenye kizazi na kuziba kwa mirija kwa wanawake (fibroid & blocked falopian tubes herbal product)


femasexbb & bg - dawa kwa ajili ya kupata mtoto aidha jinsia ya kike au kiume badala ya kusubiri kuzaa jinsia kwa kubahatisha (family planning-sex selection herbal product)



tanzax - tiba na kinga ya figo (kidney treatment & prevention herbal product


camax - tiba na kinga dhidi ya magonjwa ya ini (liver treatment & prevention herbal product)


menorox - tiba na kinga ya maumivu ya tumbo la hedhi kwa wanawake (menses pain/dysimenorrhea solution herbal product)


woundex - tiba ya kiasili ya kuponyesha vidonda vinavyotokana na ajali ikiwemo


kansax - (mafuta maalum yanayokinga kansa ya ngozi na kansa ya mifupa, pia yanafaa kulinda ngozi ya albinism (special herbal oil for anti-skin canser, bones cancer & is suitable for albinism skins)


jco - dawa maalum ya kiasili ya kukinga kansa mbalimbali za ndani ya mwili – (canser prevention herbal product)


tunax - dawa ya kiasili ya kansa ya

matiti, koo, kansa ya damu na ya kizazi (treatment of breast cancer, oesophagial cancer, leukemia & cervical cancer herbal product) 26. nurosicol - dawa inayosaidia mfumo wa mishipa ya fahamu ambayo hudhibiti madhara ya kiharusi, kupooza, matatizo ya utindio wa ubongo na ganzi isiyopona (neurological disorders herbal product) 27.

lifex - fomula ya kiasili ambayo inaongeza kinga za mwili (cd4) na inadhibiti ongezeko la virusi vya ukimwi mwilini (immune boosters, anti-viral & viral load surpression herbal product)


tingex - dawa ya kiasili ya kunyoosha migongo ya wazee na kuondoa makunyanzi ya uzee


presox - tiba ya kiasili ya presha ya kupanda (high blood preusure (hbp) – herbal treatment)


nepanex - tiba ya kiasili ya kutibu tatizo la kuvimba mwili, miguu na kuyeyusha viuvimbe vyovyote vilivyo nje au ndani ya mwili bila ya upasuaji


detox - tiba asili kwa ajili ya kuondoa sumu na uchafu mwilini halikadhalika mafuta yaliyozidi.(natural herbs for body detoxification and removing cholestrol)


twinex - Dawa ya asili ya kuapata watotot mapacha


Mensex - Dawa ya kiasili ya kusuaidia nguvu za kijinsia kwa wanaume / Herbal& Organic Formula for men sexual enhancement supplement


Romanix - Dawa ya kiasili ya kusaidia wanawake kufurahia tendo la ndoa / Herbal supplement for woman sexual enhancement


BUBERWA”S natural Helathy Guide Book - For Diseases Knowledge, Preventions & Treatment by using herbs and organic Formula materials katika lugha ya Kiswahili na KIngereza

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0742 700 700 / 0753 185 543 | | August 2016

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salute you reading this article. It’s a good feeling to be able to catch up with you again here on this issue. l trust that God has kept you safe and sound. My prayers go out to everyone going through a hard time in life financially, family or health wise.



Responsible, is something everyone wants to be called by but few actually want to live for. Many times we try to put our hopes in people because we think they care a lot for us to do the things we would have done and by doing that, we have ended up blaming people when they don’t actually do what we could have done on our own. Lack of responsibility in our world has been the leading cause of un fulfilment in many areas of our lives today and the saddest part is that most people who are not responsible are people who have ability to be. Whatever comes between your decision to be responsible or not be responsible is what l would like to address in this article. Some people know what to do but it is sad that people don’t act what they know. I think we have to make some tough choices sometimes on ourselves to reach where we want to go. Take a moment to think about the time you had the ability to make a choice and act on it but you did not. Think about how many year you have wasted by not doing what you could have done longtime ago. Life demands our decision to be responsible. When we are not responsible it affects even those around us too. There are a lot of challenges we can overcome by making the choice to be responsible. It’s not easy sometimes but it is worth it. God bless.

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AweSome 12

August 2016

August 2016

AweSome 12



by Darrin Salle,

hat is motivation? My definition: a compelling desire to do something, where that desire is sufficient to get you started, and keep you going. You need to be motivated, either to reap the benefits of doing a necessary task, or to avoid the consequences of not doing it. “What makes you come alive? Go do that. What the world needs is people who have come alive.” - John Eldredge (author of “Wild at Heart”). Monday morning can be a challenging time for many people, as far as being motivated is concerned. The change of direction from weekend (rest and recreation) back to work (discipline and pressure) seems a difficult one to handle. I battled with this for years. In recent times I have determined to begin the working week with at least one hour of inspirational reading. Monday morning has been transformed from a difficult time of trying to build myself up to face the tasks of the day/week, to a time that I look forward to and enjoy. I encounter many helpful ideas during my Monday reading, and the transition into the working week is now a lot easier for me.


AweSome 12

August 2016

On a scale of 1-10, how motivated are you right now? Why? Having spoken to many groups of people, I have discovered that the main causes of de-motivation come back to a common list: 1. Harsh treatment by other people; 2. Bosses are quick to criticize and slow to praise; 3. Unrealistic/unclear expectations imposed by others; 4. Subjective and unfair appraisal systems; 5. Poor planning by others (that impacts on us); 6. Lack of opportunity to progress; 7. Tough circumstances (economy, living conditions); 8. Remuneration below expectation. The main motivators people have cited are: 1. Opportunities to develop and progress; 2. Recognition; 3. Significant work that makes a positive impact. Often, motivation levels are low because of the way we view other people and their actions toward us, or the way we perceive the circumstances we live in. We

can feel controlled and powerless. Nelson Mandela shared a valuable key to help you get free from being constrained by unpredictable people and circumstances. He was wrongly imprisoned for twenty seven years. Upon his release, the world held their breath to see how he would wield the power he now had. I was amazed to hear him express this principle: if we blame others, we give up the power to change. He was more interested in progress than recrimination. Who have you been blaming (for where you are)? Has blaming them changed anything for the better? As long as you blame others for your situation, you are waiting for them to make the first move to improve it. Take note: they may never make that move, and that could leave you trapped indefinitely. You must get out of that self-imposed prison. Don’t wait for someone else to motivate you; the reality is that others will seldom make a deliberate effort to motivate you. Don’t wait for circumstances to motivate you; the reality is that circumstances are seldom ideal. You are not trapped; freedom begins on the day you take responsibility for your own attitude. Don’t let things outside your control paralyze you. Determine to work on the things within your control. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have, and start now. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single minute before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank (Victim of the Holocaust, and author of “The Diary of a Young Girl”). Of the all things affecting your situation, can you name one thing you cannot change? Can you name one thing you can change?

August 2016

AweSome 12



AweSome 12

August 2016


Kutana na mtaalam wa masomo ya Uhasibu (Accountant) Mr. Henry Touwa ana yapi ya kutujuza muhimu kabisa katika masomo mbalimbali ya kihasibu.


e umewahi kujiuliza ni kwa nini nikasome kozi za uhasibu katika chuo cha Lisbon Business College?

Kwanza kabisa Lisbon Business College ni chuo kinachotoa kozi mbalimbali kwa ngazi ya Cheti na diploma kama vile Kozi za: 1. Biashara (Business Administration 2. Ugavi na manunuzi (Procurement and Supply) 3. Uhasibu (Accountancy) 4. Kozi za matumizi ya program za kompyuta (Basic Computer Application)

pamoja na kozi nyingine za muda mfupi. Kwa kozi za uhasibu ni vizuri kusoma katika chuo chenye misingi imara na wakufunzi wanaojua mahitaji muhimu kabisa ya mwanafunzi na kufanikisha adhma yake ya kuwa muhasibu. Lisbon Business College inalitambua hilo na kwa wanafunzi wote wanaofika hapa chuoni tunahakikisha wanapata elimu bora na kwa wale wenye malengo ya kuwa wahasibu kwa ngazi kwanzia ya cheti na diploma tunawaomba wafike hapa chuoni na watafanikiwa. Kitu pekee ambacho mwanafunzi aliyehitimu Lisbon College anaweza kujivunia tofauti na mahala pengine

ni ubora wa elimu tunayoitoa na kwa gharama nafuu. Walimu wataalamu hujitolea kwa ajili ya kuhakikisha kila mwanafunzi anafanikiwa ikiwa ni katika kupata ajira, kujiajiri au kuendelea na masomo kwa ngazi za juu. Hayo yamewezekana kwa wahitimu wa chuo chetu na kuwa mifano mizuri kwa wale wanataka kujiunga na Lisbon Business College Chuo kina mazingira na vitendea kazi vizuri na vya kutosha kuweza kumfundishia mwanafunzi kuelewa na pia kufanya kazi katika sekta ama taasisi yeyote ile pia kuweza kujiajili. Uongozi wa chuo unapenda kuwakaribisha wote wanaotaka kujiunga na chuo kwa kozi zinazotolewa hapa chuoni kwa ngazi ya cheti na diploma kutuma maombi yao kupitia tovuti ya NACTE ambayo ni au unaweza kupata maelekezo zaidi kupitia katika tovuti ya chuo ambayo ni, pia kwa wale waliyopo maeneo ya jirani na Dar es Salaam mnaweza kufika chuoni Ubungo Riverside au tunaweza kuwasiliana moja kwa moja kwa mawasiliano tajwa hapo chini. Simu : +255 (0) 718 457 311 +255 (0) 765 970 641 Posta: 79422, Dar es Salaam B/Pepe: Tuvuti:


Stand Out, Be different

round this time, Tanzania workforce bulges as graduates enter the job market. It is a new frantic world and navigating it might be challenging. Three years after graduation, I learned a few realities that I thought worthwhile sharing. 1. Sell yourself Blow your own horn, leave the old adage that you should wait for others to declare how good you are. Competition has grown tough, if you don’t make efforts to stand out, you will go unnoticed. Sell your best qualities; stand out to the targeted audience, such as employers, funders, etc. Use all possible platforms wisely, including social media, projects and volunteering. Send emails to key people, participate in competitions and career fairs to make sure they know who you are and what you can offer, differentiate yourself from the crowd. That’s how you land on opportunities, such as job offers, scholarships or business opportunities. 2. Hone your communication skills Goes hand in hand with above point, top-notch communication skills are indispensable in today’s world. When communicating especially writing formal emails, application letters and CVs, maintain formality, avoid grammar and spelling errors and learn to express yourself clearly in as few words as possible. Errors show that someone is not keen and serious enough, and probably unfit for the job/opportunity. Maintain consistency among communication platforms, even on social media, because employers and funders may check on social media sites to get a feel of who they will be working with.


AweSome 12

August 2016

3. Follow the canvas strategy Immediately after graduation the main focus should be on gaining skills and experience because what is taught in school is not nearly enough in the real world, even if you graduated top in class. Under the canvas strategy, serve someone you aspire to become like, or learn skills from. Be a good follower, and a great student, after gaining the necessary skills and experience you can now declare yourself competent. Master sales and marketing skills, even if you are a scientist. These skills are vital in career and business life, interviews, looking for funding and clients all involve sales and marketing. 4. Stop the blaming Most graduates complain or think; the government is not creating enough jobs, parents should be more supportive, your uncle at the ministry should link you up to a paying job. Well, none of the above might happen, and it’s not a ticket to slack. Leave the paper resumes and CVs and prove yourself in real life. Before you complain and blame anyone, ask yourself, are you doing your best? How hard are you hunting for opportunities? How hard are you working in your internship? Is your business idea the best

it can be? Everything is on your hands, do something significant and different, for the country, for other people, for your company. Prosperity will follow you. Opportunities are unlimited, but people are. I hope the advice above helps in increasing value and unlock new prospects. Good luck. By Aneth David FB: Aneth Davidd LinkedIn: Aneth David Instagram: @anethdavidd Twitter: @AnnDavd

August 2016

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August 2016

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August 2016

August 2016

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ave you ever thought of being the best at something? If you become the best in your career, the best in your relationship, in your business, best employee of decades, the best students, the best father/mother; how will you feel? How will your life look like? Will it affect your bank account? What about you relationship account? Will you feel more happy, loving and caring? People are dreaming of becoming not just good but the best at something but they do not know where and how to get started. The good news is am going to share with you step by step how you can be the best in those areas.


Decide to be the best. I have kept it at number one because of its importance. Being the best will not just come automatically. You cannot just be the best husband/wife accidentally. It all starts with a decision. 2012 I decided that I will be the Best husband and the best father. It was a conscious decision that I made. I decided that I will do whatever it takes to be the best husband to my wife and the best father to my children. It all starts with conscious decision. After deciding.


Develop the Reasons WHY? Remember being the best in your career, business, profession or Relationship is not going to be easy. You must have strong reasons why do you want to be the best in that area of your life? Remember if your WHY isn’t strong enough I can assure you, you might have decided to be the best but it will just be like many of the New Year Resolutions. A strong WHY will lead you to action.


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August 2016



Plan of Action What do you have to do to start your journey? Think about someone who is really good or the best at that area that you also want to be the best in. Do you know anyone? Can you imagine you being the best in that area? How do you look like? The magic is we often know what is holding us back and if we don’t we can find out. Take your note book and write down 3 areas that you want to be the best, and then write down three small actions that you are going to take. Think about taking baby steps.


Commitment Why are you not the best till today? Probably you decided a long time ago, you even wrote down the reasons why you should be the best, you have been developing different plans of action but you haven’t even started. I can tell you what my biggest challenge was. It wasn’t decision, not the reasons, neither plan of action but commitment. Commitment is doing what you said you will do after the excitement you said it in is gone. Commitment is what differentiates an actual plan from a New Year Resolution.


Never give up. To be the best is a process and not just an action. It starts today and it never ends. Every day it is another day to keep improving on your way of becoming the best. Keep on keeping on. Some people or circumstances will attempt to discourage you. Challenges will come, at least am sure about that. But challenges come to make us and not to break us. They come to make us the best and not the worst. Choose 3 areas of your life that you want to be the best and start your journey today.

Japhet Naftal Trainer Somy Consult +255 754 346688 +255 713 746927 Dar es salaam

August 2016

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You have the talent, We have the seat.

Singing | Dancing | Acting Playing Instruments | Drawing Acrobats | Drama | Craft | Comedy

You have a talent which you want a world to see then send a video of you performing you talent to:

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August 2016


art kingdom

“Your talent is your obligation to the world”

ADAM, THE POET I first realised my Talent back in 2000 when I was part of children community at the university chapel. In that year I recited a poem and acted in a drama skit in front of huge audience for the first time, and ever since I never looked back. All in All I found my life in poetry.

LILIO GREEN, THE MUSICIAN I am a university scholar pursuing medicine; Singing has been a part of me growing up. I do music basically for fun, much as I feel good doing it I am aiming at inspiring others too through it. My Family and friends have been so supportive. Music is my escape and I feel powerful when doing it.

IGOR, THE PIANIST I have always been that guy that likes to be different so I often came up with things other kids didn’t. I started playing the piano a few years after I moved to Sweden. I really enjoy making music but the piano is more of a hobby I’m also a person that thinks highly of everybody with passion for something because I know the power that comes with that

August 2016

AweSome 12


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