Sisterhood What an amazing year Sisterhood has had during this second full year of the pandemic! I’m not sure that sounds correct, but it is. In March of 2020 everything came to a crashing halt and none of us knew what to do. How do we go on? How do we capture our audience? How do we help those in need? How do we approach the next day? These were all things that we had to figure out and we needed to do it fast. Fast forward two years later, and I can’t believe that we are still adjusting our lifestyle to the newer variants of COVID, that continue to take us down. I just looked back to my summer bulletin article from 2021. So many things sound the same, yet I have high hopes that we’re coming out of the pandemic stage. I must admit that I am very proud of Sisterhood for all that we have done to help sustain the temple and provide for our community. Since May of 2020 we have successfully managed in the virtual world. Highlights of this past year include: • Rosh Hashanah Honey Sale • Repair the Sea with the Climate Committee • Brotherhood/Sisterhood Holocaust program with Beth Lane • Sukkah City Dinner and Movie • Comedy and Deli Night w/Brotherhood - presentation by Seth Front • Sidewalk H.anukkah candle sales drive • Soup, Sips and Smore’s Havdalah with the Ladle Fund • Tenement Museum in NYC virtual tour • Torah Fund Event Honoring Terri Swartz Russell with Seltzertopia program presented by Barry Joseph • Mishloah. Manot support to the Religious School • Dick Wissoker panel donation of $1800 • Sound system donation of $5000
And many more financial donations to the religious school (USY, Grade 3 Siddurim, music program, support for aides, USY program and sponsoring the Etz Hayim gift to B’nai Mitzvah students’ w/Brotherhood) and by making further donations to Temple Emunah’s operational budget. It is most important to mention that all of our sponsored programs were FREE of cost to the participants. So many members of the community have shown support to Sisterhood through donations and flower sponsorship. That has helped us to make all of this happen. If you wish to support Sisterhood, you can do so by making a direct donation to Sisterhood, by flower sponsorship (contact Sheila Kojm at or by adding your name to membership ($36.00) on your due’s commitment forms. Sisterhood’s Operating Committee will continue to work over the summer to come up with a 2022/23 calendar of events and will continue to add additional programs throughout the year. Although I like to say 2023 will be better than 2022, I’m not sure I can – as 2022 turned out to be a great year with all your support – which I know will continue into 2023. Looking forward to many more program ventures and to meeting in person again soon! L’Shalom, Janet Goldberg, Sisterhood President
Rosh H.odesh Group Thursday, June 16 at 8:00 pm Rabbi Kling Perkins will present The Jewish Perspective on Reproductive Rights Open to the entire congregation (men and women)
June 4-6 Join us for Tikkun Leyl Shavuot All-night Learning, Food, Friends & Fun Saturday, June 4, beginning 9:00 pm