Open Calls and redisencies 2020-2021 Babestu. Extraordinary programme to sopport contemporary creation.
experiences, biographies and life stories, among others.
June 1> July 31, 2020 Azkuna Zentroa launches in June an extraordinary call to support the creation so that artists, creators, organizations and / or entities belonging to the artistic context of the Basque Country can continue developing processes and investigations that have been seen affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Through this call, framed in the Lantegia space. Laboratory of ideas, projects that explore new ways to develop artistic practices will be selected, in dialogue with Azkuna Zentroa programming lines: contemporary art, live arts, cinema and audiovisuals, digital cultures, literature and society. BIdeOtik, attending to other audiovisual narratives June 15 > September 30, 2020 Azkuna Zentroa - Alhondiga Bilbao launches un June the Call for Entries to participate in its programme entitled BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives, which forms part of their film and audiovisual season to be held in February and March 2021. The Call for Entries is aimed at artists and video-creators whose artistic output in terms of video expression is channelled through the audiovisual medium. BIdeOtik aims to provide inclusion for those creations which are different vis-Ă -vis other ways of recording and representing the audio-visual lexicon, tackling topics related to personal
Komisario Berriak (KB) 19 June to 10 July 2020 Komisario Berriak (KB), opens a new call in order to continue its curatorship support function by making visible projects which address the artistic practices related to the Basque Country, which have emerged over the last decades. Komisario Berriak (KB) is a collaboration project of the Department of Education, Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government shared between Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao), Artium (Vitoria) and Tabakalera (San SebastiĂĄn) which seeks to develop the curatorship practice in the Basque context and foster the emergence of new professionals. Each of the centres participating in the project proposes a distinct line of work. As regards Azkuna Zentroa, we suggest a type of curatorship capable of displaying an artistic conception from which any exhibition or other device or methodology functions as a transit chapter, although permeated with prior research and knowledge. A curatorship which bears in mind the space and time of the exhibition, but at the same time, manages to transcend them. This call is intended for persons with a curatorship related background and other research field professionals. Projects must be submitted from 19 June to 10 July