13th Edition of the Workshops on Social Inclusion and Education in the Performing Arts The 13th Edition of the Workshops on Social Inclusion and Education in the Performing Arts will be held at Azkuna Zentroa on 3, 4 and 5 November. This event focuses on the impacts of artistic processes, with an emphasis on hybrid or blended artistic visions as well as the points of intersection where richness is reinforced by diversity and the contagion of mixing different artistic languages and different people and groups. An artistic and social diversity that characterises Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao, and which is the reason why this Centre has been chosen to host them. The theme of this edition revolves around two concepts: displacement and transit, focusing on the impacts of artistic processes with an inclusive look, on the way in which these projects resonate with the artists who create them, the people and groups who participate in them and the institutions that promote them. This edition will also reinforce the idea that the participation of the citizenry in the arts is a human right, including people and groups at risk of social exclusion, and that these rights that should be defended by those who have a responsibility to promote and facilitate them. "The creative process in these realities has repercussions for the artists who embark on the projects, for the people and groups that participate in them and for the institutions that promote or host them. In addition to the generation of positive synergies for creativity
and social impact, these processes also pose difficulties and challenges in terms of approaching, developing and accompanying them in order to achieve stable results," according to the organisers. This premise defines the institutions responsible for organising the Workshops: the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), the City Council of Murcia, the Andalusian Agency of Cultural Institutions and the Spanish Network of Public Theatres, Auditoriums, Circuits and Festivals. The three-day event will feature lectures, live performances, artists' forums, performative actions, and the presentations of projects and workshops. In addition to the extension of the Sessions, other activities will take place at the Centre, like the second-hand reference and audiovisual material market in the Atrium on 6th and 7th November (Saturday and Sunday). The money obtained will be used to publish new Easy Reading books in Basque. Part of the morning session on Friday, 5 November will be devoted to the presentation of papers by professionals, groups, artists and managers as well as public and private national and international entities. The eight selected projects present novel experiences, artistic creation or management processes and research in the field of inclusive performing arts and music that are currently being developed or managed at the national or international level.