OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
“Say What?!”
Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as G-d’s will is no concern of this Congress.
MARCH 4, 2021
Notable Quotes - Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) in response to Rep. Greg Steube’s (R-Fla.) speech quoting the Bible, in an effort to thwart Congress’ radical “Equality Act”
Mr. Nadler has forgotten the Constitution. The Founding Fathers required Congress to avoid infringing upon the free exercise of religion, meaning it must be sensitive to what every religious tradition describes as G-d’s will. It is especially true that Congress must remain cognizant of the set of foundational moral principles – including valuing peace, human life, and individual liberty and responsibility – that America calls Judeo-Christian ethics. Graduates of this course will have the knowledge and skills to push themselves to new challenges while climbing safely and responsibly…. This class is for people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color.
B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M
– From a description of Cornell University’s Rock Climbing course, which is closed to white people because minorities have been underrepresented in the sport of rock climbing (Can overweight white people join? They have been underrepresented, too)
He said, “Hey, I didn’t see you after the game. I just wanted to tell you thanks and what a great journey and how much I appreciated everything you did.” The second thing he said: “I was just sitting here thinking, and I think we can really be better next year. I think we’re going to be a better team.” - Tampa Bay quarterbacks coach Clyde Christensen relating to the Tampa Bay Times what Tom Brady told him in a phone call the morning after Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl
- Statement by Rabbi Pesach Lerner, president of The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which advocated that Congress not pass this bill
Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law … for cancel culture. So that when the woke mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you’ll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who’s on the [canceled] list. – Bill Maher, HBO
Cancel culture is real; it’s insane; it’s growing exponentially, and it’s coming to a neighborhood near you. If you think it’s just for celebrities — no. In an era when everyone is online, everyone is a public figure. - Ibid.