REACHING FOR THE SKY Helping exceptional students function at their highest level
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program aims to ensure students (usually identified as immigrant students) become proficient in English. The ESL program helps them develop high levels of academic achievement in English and meet the state educational content expected of all students. The ESL program provides services to over 75 schools in EBR Parish. Several languages are spoken throughout the district, including Spanish, Arabic and French. In addition, the ESL program assists parents with registration and provides professional development.
EBRPSS offers a variety of programs to provide quality education for students with disabilities. This includes intellectual disabilities, autism, speech/language impairments, hearing and visual impairments, other health impairments, orthopedic impairments, and emotional disturbances. The Exceptional Student Services program helps these students function at their highest potential in an ever-changing society by providing specialized instructions in 12 adult learning centers, including the civics/citizenship program, and the High School Equivalency Testing Center. The program serves more than 2,200 adults each year and is ranked among the Top 10 best-performing programs in Louisiana.
I Care service provides prevention education to students and staff in public, parochial and private schools in the Baton Rouge community. The organization educates students about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, violence awareness, crisis response and management, and trauma-informed care. I Care delivers a three-tiered approach to prevention, providing a focused program that helps students in need in group and individual settings. It empowers students to help them become healthy, safe and drug-free.
e b r s c h o o l s . o r g | E A S T B AT O N R O U G E PA R I S H S C H O O L S Y S T E M