Bike Europe, 2015, edition 1/2

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Volume 19, nr. 1-2 January/February 2015

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Trade Journal for the Bicycle, E-Bike & Scooter Market


Low Carbon Technology Gets EU Funding POTENTIAL FOR (E)-CYCLING PROJECTS


P. 27

President René Takens on New EU Industry Association CONEBI

P. 24


P. 8


P. 21

Sales and imports growing again after years of decline, with indication of s-pedelecs as future winner

European Bike Market Ready for Revival AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands – For the first time in years the EU bike market showed positive results in 2014. Finally the trend break is there. Eurostat’s latest statistics confirms this and indicate that speed pedelecs are gaining ground rapidly.


ast October, viewing the Eurostat bike import statistics for the first half of 2014, this trade journal reported that all signals are green. In particular because sales in some of Europe’s main markets picked up again.


19, nr.

y/Febr 1-2 Januar

gear the Bike Totaal shops saw their turnover grow by a big 9.6% compared to 2013. This big growth was not only due to favourable weather conditions and an improving economy, but also because of a last minute rush for new bicycles, as many Dutch still wanted to take advantage of a tax incentive ending in 2014. Furthermore, a survey among a high number of Belgian bike dealers indicated that sales in this EU member state shot up by 8% and that in particular e-bikes were bestsellers. The Eurostat 2014 bike import figures confirm that the market in Europe is

Limited Production of Internal Hub Gears Causing Supply Chain Troubles

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uary 2015

Like in Germany. At Eurobike, a 4% increase in bicycle sales was reported, totaling 2.8 million units in the first half year. Later a 6% growth in IBD trade was registered, while fine autumn weather in October and November, “has been very good for the bicycle business,” according to the German retailers’ organization VDZ. In the Netherlands, retail chain Bike Totaal, part of the Dynamo Retail Group, reported an 11.1% increase in turnover generated by the sales of new bikes in 2014 compared with 2013. Including parts, accessories and cycling

recovering. The years of decline resulting in an over 20% import drop in the period 2009 – 2013, have come to an end. In the first ten months of 2014 total bicycle imports (including e-bikes and s-pedelecs) into the European Union increased by 1.6%, to close to 7 million units. When comparing the relatively small import increase to the higher numbers of the reported sales growth in the named countries the conclusion is that inventory levels must have dropped. And with that the EU bike market is ready for revival. More on page 2

E-Bike Market to Exceed 40 Million Units by 2023






Trade Journ

Low Carbon Technology Gets EU Funding POTENTIAL

P. 24



AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands – Long before the start of the sales season, bike makers in European countries where city and e-bikes fitted with internal hub gears (IHG) are popular, such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Nordic countries, are confronted with extreme lead times.

President René Takens on New EU Industry Association CONEBI

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P. 21


P. 8




P. 27



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nr. 1-2





P. 27





the – For market Finally the Netherlands EU bike latthe in 2014. in yearsresults Eurostat’s AMSTERDAM, indicate time first positive is there.this and showed breakconfirms gai are trend the statistics bi est speed pedelecs Eurostat that the of 2 half si viewing first all the that for ast October, statistics reportedecause port journal trade In par green. of Europe’s


Low Te

Meet us at: Booth: P0009 4th floor



n February the delivery schedules of IHG bikes ran up to July. The reason for these delivery problems is the result of several market and business circumstances. Thanks to summer weather conditions in Europe lasting until the end of October, autumn sales were

relative high. The Dutch market was also faced with a rush on bikes in December as the government decided to end a tax incentive scheme for consumers to buy a bike for commuting. On the industry side both Shimano and SRAM had their own explanation for the rising lead times. SRAM announced it would stop the production of G8 and G9 IHG. “This is not related to any technical issue but the result of the market situation,” announced SRAM. When asked whether this decision created additional demand for Shimano, the company stated, “The main cause for the raised lead time is the unexpected growth of bike sales with the Nexus-7 hubs.” Continued on page 4


OULDER, USA – The US market is to follow swiftly the mature e-bike markets in Europe, where strong commuter cultures utilize e-bicycles for everyday use. As a result the worldwide sales of e-bikes are expected to grow from 31.7 million in 2014 to 40.3 million in 2023. This is reported by Navigant Research in its study analyzing the global market for electric bicycles. Along with technology advances, emerging trends in cities help the market accelerate its growth.

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