Jahrbuch 2006

Page 27

C h r i s t o p h G u g e r, M a r k u s Ta n n h e i m e r, S t e f a n K r a u s e r t , Wo l f g a n g D o m e j , G ü n t e r E d l i n g e r

Veränderungen des EEG, EKG und der Konzentrationsfähigkeit mit der Höhe in simulierten Bedingungen, am Kilimanjaro und im Karakorum Changes in EEG, ECG and mental concentration with altitude in simulated conditions, on Kilimanjaro and in the Karakorum S U M M A RY With increasing altitude, the concentration of oxygen in the air remains constant but its partial pressure drops. In order to describe how this affects the body, experiments were performed in a hypobaric chamber (4.000 m), on Kilimanjaro (5.896 m) and in the Karakorum (6.304 m). The subjects had to perform a reaction time task at different altitudes. The EEG and ECG were recorded simultaneously. Additionally, the oxygen saturation of the blood was measured at different altitudes. The subjects filled out a Lake Louise questionnaire that describes the degree of altitude mountain sickness (AMS). On Kilimanjaro, the group also performed the d2-test of attention to quantify processing speed and concentration at different altitudes. This work explains the study design, the performed measurements and the planned signal analysis. Keywords: high altitude medicine, EEG, ECG, Lake Louis Score, d2-test

Z U S A M M E N FA S S U N G Mit dem Anstieg der Höhe bleibt die Konzentration des Sauerstoffs in der Luft konstant, allerdings sinkt der Sauerstoffpartialdruck ab. Um den Einfluss dieses Effektes auf den menschlichen Körper zu untersuchen wurden Experimente in einer Unterdruckkammer (4.000 m), am Kilimanjaro (5.896 m) und im Karakorum (6.304 m) durchgeführt. Die Versuchspersonen führten in verschiedenen Höhen einen Reaktionstest durch. Simultan wurde das EKG und


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