Jahrbuch 2006

Page 85

Wo l f g a n g D o m e j , G ü n t h e r S c h w a b e r g e r, T h o m a s Va l e n t i n , E r i c h F l ö g e l , C l e m e n s P i e t s c h , Christoph Guger

Asthma bronchiale und Höhe – Vorteil oder Risiko? Bronchial asthma and altitude – benefit or risk? S U M M A RY It is an old wives' tale that only healthy people can climb high mountains. Asthmatics mostly benefit from a stay at moderate altitudes (1,500–2,500 m). Up to 2,000 m, the reduction of pollen and fine particulate matter seems to be beneficial despite mild altitude hypoxia. The majority of patients with extrinsic asthma feel better at moderate altitudes. Due to an increase in catechola-mine and cortisol secretion, asthma symptoms will decrease with bronchial hyperresponsiveness. It was no coincidence that asthma clinics were built to utilize the benefits of climatic conditions. High-altitude climate therapy for asthmatics has a long tradition in Europe and is the successor to the century-old moun-tain climate therapy for tuberculosis. Depending on the altitude, exposure to hypoxic atmosphere may affect patients with lung disease, and very high altitude can compromise respiratory function in asthmatics. Nevertheless, patients with chronic stable asthmatic disease can enjoy such alpine sports as hiking, mountaineering, and skiing. Keywords: Asthma bronchiale, moderate altitude, high mountain-climate therapy, rehabilitation

Z U S A M M E N FA S S U N G Es ist ein Ammenmärchen, dass nur Gesunde hohe Berge ersteigen können. Asthmatiker profitieren meistens von einem Aufenthalt in mittlerer Höhenlage (1.500–2.500 m). Bis zu einer Höhe von 2.000 m dürfte der Vorteil durch verminderten Pollen- und Partikelflug trotz mäßiger Höhenhypoxie überwiegen. Der Großteil der Patienten mit exogen allergischem Asthma bronchiale empfindet bei einem Höhenaufenthalt eine deutliche subjektive Besserung der 85

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