Appendix A. City of Weatherford Style Guide The City of Weatherford logo is a trademark of the City of Weatherford and in order to protect and maintain the City’s image and brand the style guide provides specific instructions on how the logo may be used and displayed.
Appendix B. City of Weatherford Public Communication Policy City of Weatherford policy on how to ensure professional, accurate, and timely communication with the public and media. City of Weatherford departments, particularly those having frequent contact with citizens or members of the news media, should abide by the provisions set forth in all public communication settings. Specific policies are included for communications with news media, through the City’s official website, and via social media outlets.
Appendix C. City of Weatherford Social Media Policy Enacted in November 2016, these guidelines and policies are applicable to all City of Weatherford employees, elected and appointed officers, officials and to all members of City boards and commissions who utilize any social media directly or indirectly on behalf of the City. This policy also applies to all City of Weatherford personnel who personally utilize any social media or other internet activity that may impact the City’s credibility, reputation, employee morale, services or goals of the City of Weatherford as outlined in the Standards of Conduct Policy, 107.00, both on and off duty.
Appendix D. Emergency Communications Plan (ESF 15) The purpose of ESF 15 is to identify the internal and external departments responsible for External Affairs and Public Relations that may take place in an emergency. This ESF provides and coordinate resources (personnel, equipment, facilities, materials and supplies) to support External Affairs and Public Relations during an emergency or disaster.
Appendix E. Subject Matter Expert List List of City staff who serve as communication point of contact for media related incidences.
Appendix F. What Cities Need to Know to Administer Municipal Hotel Occupancy Taxes This abridged version gives an overview of how HOT funds can be allocated to promote tourism and the hotel and convention industry. 2021-2024 | STRATEGIC PLAN 25