The Energy of Love in a Time of Crisis by Chrissie Blaze
When we pray for the healing of another person or help with a global disaster such as the invasion and declaration of war on Ukraine by Russia - what we are doing is channeling the Divine power of God Itself. This power is the great preservative force of the Cosmos – called LOVE or Spiritual energy. It is this great energy that can, at this moment, help to bring world peace and stability to Eastern Europe. It can inspire, protect and bring healing to the courageous people of Ukraine who are now fighting for their lives, for their freedom, and their country, as well as to the courageous people of Russia who are risking imprisonment and more by staging anti-war demonstrations in many cities. You may feel that you are only one person and that your effort to channel this energy through your prayers may be too insignificant to make a difference. However, never doubt that your prayers said from a heart yearning for Peace and harmony in our world can, and will, make a difference. Dr. George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society, taught that Spiritual energy is the most important energy in existence, far more so than electricity. It is a power that is entirely scientific but as yet defies scientific understanding on Earth. He also taught that the most important energy crisis we have to solve on this planet is what he termed The Spiritual Energy Crisis; the lack of love, harmony, compassion, and understanding that currently exists. Each of us can and should do all we can to help solve this crisis, and if we do, then all the other crises will, in time, resolve. March 2022
The Spiritual energy crisis is the main problem; there is enough to go around, but there is not the will or the heart to share. Every time we raise our hands in prayer, heal or give service in one of a thousand ways, we are helping to solve this underlying and major crisis. . How to Prove that Prayer Works What can we do right now, today, to help stop war and its terrible ramifications; and to bring world peace and stability is to pray. Whatever our religious affiliation - or none at all - one extremely powerful tool in the Spiritual arsenal of all people is prayer - or directed intention. First, we may need to be convinced that prayer really can make a difference. Some of us are already convinced and have seen its results. Others may need more convincing. One thing is sure; all of us who have the desire to see a better, more compassionate, more peaceful world are needed at this time. Your name is being called; your hands, your heart, your loving energy is the fuel - the only fuel that can save our world. It is quite simple for all of us to prove to ourselves that prayer works. We don’t need science to prove to us that spiritual energy is real because each of us has the ability to invoke and direct this simply by the power of our thought, through our directed intentions and prayers. All of us can learn how to do this, and many people can physically feel this energy in a very short time with just a little practice. However, even if you can’t immediately feel spiritual energy flowing through you, just know that when you request this, there it will be. “Where the mind goes, energy follows.” Visualization Technique to Direct Spiritual Energy
The Spiritual Master and Founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught a dynamic system of prayer. One technique is, before doing one’s prayers, to visualize the energy (and it is energy, just as real as electricity and more potent), moving out from your hands with your hands raised about shoulder height with the palms facing outwards. Just visualize the energy going right out to the horizon as far as you can see it go, and by doing this exercise, you can draw in more energy before you begin. The beauty of directing spiritual energy is that we are beginning to control and master our own emotions and our thoughts, as well as the great lifegiving pranas emanating from the Sun that are available to us all. Once we channel these pranas, and color them with our love and compassion, this brings to us a rise in consciousness. When this happens, we begin to more surely unlock the riches within us and realize more fully our Divine potential. Even more importantly, we also help the person or situation to which we are directing this beautiful, harmonious, and healing energy. The more we do this, the stronger we shall become until we are no longer subject to the whims of others or the manipulations of dark forces that are even today bringing confusion and chaos to the surface of our world. Once we learn how to control these Godgiven energies, we are now becoming the spiritual magicians and world healers that we really are, fighting with the energy of Love to bring Peace, healing, and enlightenment to our world. All the problems on our world can be solved by the power of Love because where there is Love, selfishness is overcome. Where there is Love, Page 7