Travelers Guide to Weddings in Mexico

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Gran Ex Hacienda Chautla

Puebla Puebla de los Ángeles, World Heritage City, is one of the most requested wedding destinations in recent years in Mexico due to its cultural, historical and gastronomic The richness. The city has idyllic settings of beautiful baroque Scenery architecture to celebrate magnificent banquets, as well as a variety of churches, talavera-covered facades, convents and beautiful spaces that will create unique moments for that special day. Its location is another of its privileges, since it is an hour and a half from Mexico City, so solving any organizational issue will be very easy. Another of its advantages is its cuisine that boasts dozens of moles and stuffed peppers, ideal dishes if you want to give your wedding menu a truly Mexican touch. Its offer of accommodation ranges from beautiful boutique hotels in the center, to haciendas in the surroundings, as well as a pleasant temperate climate.

Puebla de los Ángeles, Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad, es uno de los destinos de bodas más solicitados en los últimos años en México debido a su riqueza cultural, histórica y gastronómica. La ciudad, posee idílicos escenarios de bella arquitectura barroca para celebrar magníficos banquetes, así como una gran variedad


de iglesias, fachadas cubiertas de talavera, conventos y bellos espacios que crearán momentos únicos para ese día tan especial. Su ubicación es otro de sus privilegios, ya que se encuentra a hora y media de la ciudad de México, por lo que resolver cualquier tema de organización será muy fácil. Otra de sus ventajas es su gastronomía que presume decenas de moles y chiles rellenos, platillos idóneos si desean darle a su menú de bodas un toque verdaderamente mexicano. Su oferta de hospedaje abarca desde bonitos hoteles boutique en el centro, hasta haciendas en los alrededores, además de un agradable clima templado. A must visit is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, its most outstanding monument is of Herrera style (similar to the Monastery of El Escorial, During in Spain) and the baroque mural of its main dome your Stay is spectacular. Another unavoidable temple is the Chapel of the Rosary, decorated with intricate altarpieces covered with gold leaf. Surprise yourself with the collection of the Palafoxiana Library, an enclosure that houses more than 45,000 books, many of them



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