October 2021
Official Magazine of the Motor Trade Association SA/NT
Over 2,000 Capricorn Members told us what they really think about the automotive industry. Find out what they said and how your business compares.
State Of The Nation
Available now at cap.coop/caphub
SA’s Minister for Energy and Mining, Dan van Holst Pellekaan brings diverse experience to the portfolio, including being an owner/operator of outback roadhouses for seven years and an oil industry executive for a decade. DEFINING CASUAL EMPLOYMENT
The 95th Annual General Meeting of the Motor Trade Association of South Australia and Northern Territory was held on Tuesday, 21 September 2021. The Industry Advisory Council (IAC) meeting was held prior to the AGM throughout the afternoon. 04 Chair’s Report 05 CEO’s Message 06 A Call for Safer Vehicles for All 07 New Member Profile: Lucky Automotive Services 08 Member Profile: No Stopping the Fearless 10 COVID-19 Vaccinations 12 Opportunity Knocks for NextGen 14 Skills and Training Update – Providing (Aur20520) Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology for Schools 16 MTA Member Businesses 18 National Scheme Makes It Easier to Work Interstate 20 MTA Annual General Meeting 21 Zone and Divisional Representatives
22 IAC Guiding the SA and NT Automotive Industries in the Transition to New Technology 23 2021 SA PPG Colour Matching Competition 24 Plan Now for Green-Tech, Urges Minister 26 Apprentices at Work
SKIP TO ARTICLE In March 2021, the Federal Parliament passed legislation making changes to the Fair Work Act 2009, in response to intense scrutiny arising from two Federal Court decisions. BACK IN THE DAY WITH MTA
28 Careers and Employment Update – MTA Expanding School Pathways Program 29 Defining Casual Employment 30 An Employer’s Guide to ‘Stapling’ 32 Business Partners Index 33 Back in the Day with MTA: October 1991 34 Member Classifieds
SKIP TO ARTICLE We’ve dusted off the archives and stepped back in time thirty years to take a look at what was making news in our October 1991 edition of the Motor Trade Journal.
In these uncertain times, it was a privilege to get together in person for the 95th Annual General Meeting held at Adelaide Oval – a much more personable occasion than last year’s online version! The proceedings were well received and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) officially oversaw the election of the board, which has remained unchanged from our transitional 2020 board. We also had the chance to acknowledge our long-term members who had reached the 25, 50 and incredible 75 year milestones in the past 12 months. A Life Membership Award was presented to Clive Polley of Independent Components, nominated for his dedication to the various divisions and sub-committees he has tirelessly aided over the years. Although, he can be commended for more than his vocal advocacy work – Clive also has a great passion for growing industry by employing apprentices and for our training organisation, which he has contributed countless hours in developing courses, as well as donating training equipment. Prior to the AGM, the Industry Advisory Council (IAC) met to discuss how activities to combat our prioritised issue of skill shortages were progressing. The IAC then shifted focus to future technology and how best we as an industry can prepare for the inevitable rapid change. You can read more about how the meeting unfolded on page 22 . One common theme through all of our IAC discussions is the need to promote our industry through schools as a genuine pathway into an exciting and secure future for young people. We have entered into an agreement with the Department of Education as a preferred training provider for their new VET in Schools program, VETRO. Not wanting to waste any time, we have already formally signed a new agreement to deliver Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (AUR20520) to St Patrick's Technical College students from next year and a separate agreement with Underdale High School. There are plenty more prospects on the horizon to assist
in the training of students and encourage the pipeline of future skills, but the major positive we want to influence for young people are job outcomes. For too long, students have been steered towards university courses by school pathway advisers without understanding or experiencing a taste of how rewarding a career in the automotive industry can be.
“One common theme through all of our IAC discussions is the need to promote our industry through schools as a genuine pathway into an exciting and secure future for young people.” As industry professionals, we know the many opportunities afforded to those with determination to succeed in the automotive world – there are endless success stories of MTA apprentices going on to start their own business, slowly expanding into a busy enterprise and then coming full-circle by hiring their own apprentice one day, helping kick-start the next generation of auto experts. If you’re in the position to hire an apprentice, there’s never been a better time with the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements subsidy saving you up to $28,000 in wages. The subsidy can even be used to halve the wages of a new mature age apprentice, so get in quickly before the program finishes in March 2022. I look forward to seeing our industry grow and I wish all members the best for their business endeavours as we approach the end of the year.
As we creep ever closer to the end of 2021, it’s evident this year hasn’t quite been the reprise from the turbulent 2020 we had all hoped for.
Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct in South Australia, with a robust mediation process and penalties for breaches.
Further lockdowns and tough restrictions have hit South Australia, while continuing issues on the eastern seaboard have resulted in ongoing stock supply problems for many members.
The Bill has passed South Australian Parliament’s lower house with support from Labor, independent MPs as well as some MPs within the Liberal Party. An amendment was also introduced by the Labor Party to compel insurers to clearly state whether an insurance policy has a choice of repairer option. This amendment was also passed by the House. The Bill will now enter the upper house where the MTA will engage with members of the Legislative Council to push for this Bill to become law in South Australia.
The entire MTA team has kept their finger on the pulse to ensure members have access to the best information possible when making important business decisions during this period. If you haven’t already, our online COVID-19 Business Portal is regularly updated to answer your vital questions about trading through current restrictions and provide useful resources like downloadable signage and information on government grants. Trying not to get consumed by the day-to-day hurdles of this pandemic, we have still witnessed impressive innovation and adaptability from many businesses, along with great advocacy wins and developments over the past few months.
COLLISION REPAIR INDUSTRY BILL INTRODUCED In a big step forward for the collision repair industry, the Member for Waite and former presiding member of the Economic and Finance Committee, Sam Duluk MP, introduced his Bill in SA Parliament to mandate the Motor
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY In September, we submitted our response to the draft South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy to 2031 which aims to reduce road deaths by 50% and serious injuries by 30% by 2030. Our key message to the government is that ‘all South Australians deserve the safest car they can afford’. To read more about our submission, turn to page 6 .
EXPANDING AUTOMOTIVE FRANCHISING REFORM A discussion paper released in August by the Federal Government is looking at potential further reform of the automotive franchising code of conduct. This reform is part of a wider consultation process the Government is undertaking to make
the interactions between automotive businesses and manufacturers fairer. We hope these potential reforms will consider whether motorcycle, farm machinery and heavy vehicle dealers should be included in the recent significant reforms gained for new car dealers. It is clear that the Government has been listening to our calls and we hope to lobby further for these reforms to benefit a wider crosssection of members.
UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS DRAFT LEGISLATION The Government has released the Unfair Contract Terms (UCT) exposure draft legislation and Explanatory Memorandum. On preliminary reading, the proposed changes address significant concerns regarding the availability of UCT protections to most automotive businesses. The lifting of the employee number threshold to 100 from 20 will still see most businesses eligible for UCT protections. However, there is ambiguity around pathways for small businesses to raise concerns and have them acted on, which still requires additional clarity through a submission from the MTAA. As an MTA member, if any or all of these issues are impacting your business, I encourage you to get involved at your next division meeting or contact us on 8291 2000 or mta@mtasant.com.au to find out how you can help advocate for change. We are stronger together.
A CALL FOR SAFER VEHICLES FOR ALL The MTA has submitted its response to the SA Draft Road Safety Strategy, explaining that relying on the sale of new vehicles alone will not be enough to achieve the government’s ambitious targets. The Association has presented a case to the Government that vehicle inspections at change of ownership must be considered to meet the Strategy’s goals to: • r educe fatalities by 50% and serious injuries by 30% by 2031. • zero lives lost on South Australian roads by 2050. “Our key message is that every South Australian deserves the safest car they can afford,” said Kaes Cillessen, the MTA’s Industry and Government Engagement Manager. “2020 and 2021 models with an ANCAP five-star rating cost between $28,000 and $55,000 and with current lending rates for new vehicles would result in $800 to $1,600 per month in repayments “Not everyone can afford a new cars. “We have close to 1.5 million vehicles on SA roads and with only 70,000 new cars being sold each year, what is happening to make sure that all vehicles on our roads are safe?” The MTA has argued that inspections at change of ownership should be introduced and this needs to be included in the SA Road Safety Strategy. “We are miles behind the rest of the country in terms of vehicle inspections,” said Kaes. “A lot of states are regulating the cost of this at well under $100.” The MTA also challenged the misrepresentation of research from the University of Adelaide’s Centre For Automotive Safety Research, CASR. The Strategy includes a single statement from CASR to paint vehicle inspections in a negative light. However, the reality is that CASR’s report did not make
actually determination one way or the other about whether vehicle inspections are effective or not. On the other hand, the MTA has researched this aspect in considerable depth, which revealed: • T he New Zealand Ministry of Transport reported that vehicle factors contributed to 11% of fatal crashes in 2019. • A Spanish study showed that their inspection results in saving 133 fatalities, 12,000 injuries and nearly 18,000 traffic accidents a year. • R esearch in Texas found considerable evidence supporting the link between safety and vehicle inspections. • V ictoria reviewed its change of ownership model. It stated the benefits of ensuring a car has got good tyres and brakes is important for stopping distance, which can be the difference between a serious injury and fatality, or serious injury and no injury at all. This is the second submission the MTA has made to the Strategy. It is hoped that the Association’s evidence and recommendations will be included in the final document. “From our perspective as the peak industry body representing the automotive retail service and repair industry, we are obviously very focused on vehicle safety,” said Kaes. “Historically, advancements in vehicle technologies have helped reduce the road toll. These include seatbelts, airbags, stability control, and now moving towards, Advanced Driver Assist technologies. “Changing driver behaviour – such as not drink driving, not using your phone, always wearing a seatbelt – is also important and the MTA will continue to support these road safety messages. “But we were concerned that the strategy does not take vehicle safety seriously enough.
Lucky Automotive Services
Can you tell us the history of your business? We started our business in November 2019. We started the business with two motor mechanics and now we have a total of three qualified motor mechanics. What services do you offer? We offer General Servicing, Brakes, Steering and Suspension, Battery, Clutch and Transmission, Cooling System, Diagnostics and Auto Electrical. How many employees do you currently have and what areas do they work in? We have three qualified mechanics, and they are experts in general servicing including Brakes, Steering and Suspension, Battery, Clutch and Transmission, Cooling System, Diagnostics and Auto electrical. Why did you become a member of the MTA? The MTA is a well reputed organisation in the Automotive Industry. With MTA membership, one can access a team of automotive experts who can assist in every aspect of our business. They also represent the business at a local and state level. MTA also provide support for all worker-related issues and complex matters, including awards and wages schedules; award and legislation; agreement-making; developing policies and procedures;
and performance management and terminations. What have been the greatest challenges in 2020/2021 and how have you responded? The greatest challenge was the global pandemic, COVID-19. We have followed all the necessary instructions to tackle the situation. How do you market your business? We market our business through our customer satisfaction, flyers, visiting cards, and social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Gumtree. What are the factors – including personal traits and business factors - that have contributed to your success? The major factor is customer satisfaction and sticking to the quality standards. The other factors are our affordable prices for parts and labour. Does your business help the local community in any way? We help people to keep their vehicle safe and secure on the road by doing proper maintenance and safety checks of their vehicles. How did you get into the motor trade? Our family has a great interest in the automotive sector. It’s a passion for us.
What do you enjoy most about working in the retail automotive industry? The most enjoyable thing for us is when we make our customers feel happy and satisfied with our quality service. One thing I remember is a customer from Mount Barker, one of his friends referred him to our workshop. We needed to replace the clutch for his Honda Jazz car. Being a small car, it had less space to work on. It was taking more time than expected and the customer was worried as he had to get back to his house. But when we finished the job, and his car was running good, there was a very beautiful smile on his face and that was the thing that paid us our reward. I can’t forget that smile because there was faith and satisfaction for us in that smile. Any hobbies or pursuits outside of work? Our Senior Motor Mechanic Mr Wing goes swimming on a regular basis after work and I am practising in the gym to keep myself fit for the job. During free time we listen to music. Anything else you would like to add? The MTA is doing a great job for the workshops and for the whole auto community. I am eager to see if we can attend the updated course for electric and hybrid vehicles.
Fearless Motorcycles
In a relatively short space of time, Allan Morrison and the team at Fearless Motorcycles have made a name for themselves across the Adelaide motorcycling scene and beyond. Specialising in all things Harley Davidson, the Somerton Park showroom offers repair, servicing, customisation and second-hand sales. “Fearless came about in April 2019 after just wanting to get out and do my own thing; I’ve always wanted to have a bike shop so when the opportunity was there to go and do it, I took it,” explained Allan. “I previously worked at Adelaide Bike Works on South Road, and I’ve always worked in motorcycle shops before that, it’s my number one passion and just wanted to have a crack at it myself.” With plenty of work out there, especially given the lack of international travel and many people subsequently focusing on other passions, business has ticked along well for Fearless, warranting a recent move to bigger and better digs. “We were in a small shed basically behind another shed, so we wanted to get out and find a bit more exposure out
on a main road – just somewhere a bit nicer and bit bigger,” said Allan. “We were a bit hidden beforehand, so it was just time to move on.” Greeted by a row of glistening Harleys and wall-to-wall accessories, you quickly realise the tidy sales area is just the beginning of what explodes into a warehouse workshop area overflowing with all types of bikes, bits and memorabilia – in other words, the ultimate Aladdin’s cave for those who know their Shovelheads from their V-Rods.
“A guy from Channel 7 who had recently been retrenched rang me and said he’d been following the shop and thought we had a brand we could market,” said Allan. “So he came down and did a few videos, one thing has led to another and it’s been huge for us!” With the number of views ticking over on each of their videos , if the shop doesn’t work out, Allan still might have a career as a YouTube influencer yet!
“We were really looking for a nice showroom area out the front, so the new layout works for us,” said Allan. “We’re looking at getting a dyno, which would be good, but for now really it’s just keeping busy and moving along in the shop.” One thing that has bolstered Fearless’ success is the huge following across social media that has ballooned since the business opened. Being part of the motorcycling fraternity and loving what you do certainly shines through when comparing Allan’s content to those who are just imitating others – and the number of ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ prove it!
COVID-19 VACCINATIONS There is a strong indication that State governments, with the Federal Government likely to follow, will require vaccinations in order to engage in certain higher-risk activities.
the idea that employees may be dismissed or refused work for failing or refusing to be vaccinated, even if they may hold a medical exemption.
If an employer has provided a lawful
Private businesses are likely to follow a similar model, requiring evidence of vaccination before allowing customers to enter premises or engage in activities, such as attendance at cinemas, theatres or other high risk or crowded locations.
This concept of a valid medical exemption will be important, as taking disciplinary action, including dismissal or refusing to provide work, could be discriminatory under various state and federal anti-discrimination legislation, or in breach of general protections under the Fair Work Act 2009.
could also ask the employee to
A number of private companies have also stepped up and mandated vaccinations for either all employees, or those at the highest risk (such as those in front-line customer service). The unions, while notionally supportive of the vaccination program, have expressed a great deal of caution and concern over mandating vaccinations in workplaces, and in particular
In the current circumstances, the overwhelming majority of employers should assume that they can’t require their employees to be vaccinated against coronavirus. Employers can direct their employees to be vaccinated if the direction is lawful and reasonable. Whether a direction is lawful and reasonable needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
the workplace because a co-worker
and reasonable direction to be vaccinated for coronavirus and an employee complies, the employer provide evidence of their vaccination. Even if no direction has been given, the FWO has expressed the view that employers may request details of vaccination. If an employee refuses to attend isn’t vaccinated, their employer can direct them to attend the workplace if the direction is lawful and reasonable. Whether a direction is lawful and reasonable depends on all the circumstances, including the employer’s work health and safety obligations.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Developed by Workplace Relations experts, our courses are available in-person or online via webinar – it’s never been easier to upskill and grow your business!
WHS & SafeWork Compliance
Paying Your Staff Correctly
Employment Contract Essentials
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Refund, Repair or Replace
Australian Consumer Law
Repairer’s Lien & Unclaimed Goods
If you’d like to know more, visit our training portal at www.mtasant.com.au/training or contact our team on: 8291 2000 or wr@mtasant.com.au
As an MTA member, you’ll save more than $100 on your chosen training course. You’ll also have access to our online resources, like downloadable templates to implement straight away in your own business.
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NextGen Automotive
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS FOR NEXTGEN It may have always been on the cards for former MTA apprentice Shaun Donoghue, but earlier this year the planets aligned for him to take the leap into owning his own workshop – helping another automotive stalwart close the door on a stellar career in the process… well, let’s just say the door’s ajar. “I found out about Ken’s situation, him looking to retire soon, so I started popping in regularly and forming a relationship with him, meeting his clients and as we drew closer to end of financial year it all started to get a bit more serious and I eventually took over in July,” said Shaun of NextGen Automotive. “Ken wanted to retire by 75 and he’s just turned 74, so when the opportunity came up he grabbed it and now if you see him, he’s got a massive weight lifted off his shoulders.” Ken Baines, who has solely operated Ken Baines Automotive in one form or another for decades up until the recent acquisition of the St Agnes location by Shaun in July, knows what it takes to build a successful business grounded in trust and quality workmanship.
Many clients still feel comfortable enough to call past for a chat or to book in their next service, creating a real sense of community – and more work for Shaun who has to explain the recent takeover each time! “I’ve got nearly 400 customers, so it would have been really unfair to just sell the plant, shut the doors and walk away – I just wouldn’t do it. 90% of them are friends, so it would have been really hard had I not been organised with a plan in place,” said Ken. Ken hits the nail on the head when discussing succession planning, something we unfortunately see all too often fall to the wayside in member businesses – establishing a smooth transition takes time and setting expectations from an early stage is critical in ensuring both parties benefit, one into the future and the other for their years of hard work. “The timing for him to take over couldn’t be better – I’ve still got time on my side to do things in life and I’m only local, so if he gets into trouble needing two people for a job I can help him,” said Ken.
“When Shaun was coming in to help diagnose jobs and speak to customers, I could look at his cars and get an idea of how he conducts himself and looks after his tools – you can see he keeps the place immaculate, so I had confidence in his abilities.” Shaun cut his teeth in well-respected workshops where clean-and-tidy workspaces were a given. He’s carried this trait through to his new venture and believes it’s a strong reflection on the overall brand if a customer can see how much pride he takes in servicing all types of vehicles. “It really hasn’t been daunting at all, I’d actually like to get bigger – it’s nice working by yourself, but having others to bounce ideas off is always good. There are people in the area Ken built relationships with that I’ve now continued on, so that’s handy,” said Shaun. “I’d like to sign on fleets that are willing to keep their cars up to scratch, maybe focus on marketing and attracting more customers – maybe some performance too, so a little bit of everything! “If I can be that one-stop shop for people and do everything in-house, making it easier for customers, especially older ones who don’t want to drive to three different places for different things, that’d be the goal.” It’s an exciting time ahead for Shaun, with plenty of opportunity to expand and mould NextGen into the business he has always envisioned.
“I’ve got nearly 400 customers, so it would have been really unfair to just sell the plant, shut the doors and walk away – I just wouldn’t do it. 90% of them are friends, so it would have been really hard had I not been organised with a plan in place,” Plus, Ken is always on call to provide guidance should a curly one roll into the driveway – a great understanding between the new taking the baton from the old. Ken did have one suggestion before inking the deal we can certainly get behind: “I recommended he carry on the MTA membership because of the backup, it’s not a lot of money for peace of mind – they’ve helped me in the past, instantly on the day I needed them actually, so I would not be without the MTA!”
MTA CEO, Paul Unerkov and St Patrick's Technical College Principal, Danny Deptula signing the new agreement.
SKILLS AND TRAINING UPDATE – PROVIDING (AUR20520) CERTIFICATE II IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING TECHNOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS As part of the State Government’s Flexible Industry Pathway Initiative, the MTA will be working with high schools to deliver the AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology for students. This is exciting news for the industry as we increase automotive pathways for high school students into the industry, preparing them for an apprenticeship in a range of automotive trades. In August, the MTA’s CEO, Paul Unerkov, signed an agreement with St Patrick’s Technical College for our RTO to deliver this training to their students.
St Patrick’s Technical College Principal, Danny Deptula said, “The MTA will be our training provider of choice in the automotive space in 2022.” “This will give us a lot of opportunities for our students and we’re looking forward to next year and working in partnership with the MTA.” The MTA will also be collaborating with a multitude of other schools to deliver the Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology making this training more accessible across both the Adelaide metropolitan and regional areas.
The latest batch of new apprentices, taking us to over 150 employed this year.
“This will give us a lot of opportunities for our students and we’re looking forward to next year and working in partnership with the MTA.”
The MTA is also working to accommodate this training with high schools who do not have the facilities to train Automotive at their facility. In these instances, our Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will be working with students and running groups at our facilities or referring them on to other partnering schools. The course will deliver units covering basic servicing operations, identifying vehicle faults, how to inspect various automotive systems, following appropriate WHS and more. As part of the training, it is essential that the industry gets behind this pathways initiative and provide real work experience for students. We are calling on automotive businesses who are capable of providing work experience to contact us: mtatraining@mtasant.com.au
St Patrick’s VET Manager, Steven Hicks, MTA SA/NT CEO, Paul Unerkov, St Patrick’s GM Business Development, Anthony Marzullo and St Patrick’s Principal, Danny Deptula.
Towing Services AGM
Mohammad Jafari Top Town Mechanic
Riverland Zone AGM and Business Growth Forum
The MTA is your Apprentice Recruitment Solution
The MTA is making apprentice hiring easy for automotive businesses so you can get on with running your workshop.
Portside Mitsubishi Service Manager, Dylan Morris said, “It’s easy taking on a MTA apprentice. Portside finds if we get apprentices through other avenues, they just aren’t as good.”
Our hosting fees will cover your apprentice’s superannuation, annual and sick leave, personal development, safety gear and tools, counselling services, wages and payroll tax.
You don’t even pay the apprentice while they’re at Trade School or on Leave either. If you are looking for a well-supported automotive apprentice, the MTA’s GTO can assist you. by calling BACK TO CONTENTS
8241 0522 or emailing
jpolgreen@mtasant.com.au mtasant.com.au
Contact Jason Polgreen, GM Apprentice Employment Services,
NATIONAL SCHEME MAKES IT EASIER TO WORK INTERSTATE DINI SOULIO, COMMISSIONER FOR CONSUMER AND BUSINESS SERVICES A new scheme to automatically recognise interstate licences and registrations will make it easier for second-hand vehicle dealers and other workers to take up job opportunities across most of Australia. All states and territories, other than Queensland, have agreed to join the scheme. Workers will be able to use their current licence without having to apply for a new licence when working in another state or territory. The Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme applies to individuals, not companies.
COMMENCEMENT OF THE SCHEME The commencement date for AMR is different for each state and territory. On 1 July 2021 AMR commenced in New South Wales, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory for particular occupations. Some occupations will commence under AMR at a later date in these states and territories. The commencement date for South Australia is yet to be confirmed, but once AMR commences here it means interstate workers will be able to take up work opportunities in SA using their interstate licence/registration.
REQUIREMENT TO NOTIFY Before commencing any work in another state or territory, second-hand vehicle dealers will need to check with the licensing authority in that state or territory if they are required to give a notification. Interstate dealers who wish to work in SA must notify Consumer and Business Services (CBS). Each licensing authority that requires a notification will provide their own online notification form. There is no fee for notification.
highlighting particular requirements in SA – e.g. contract requirements, duty to repair defects, and cooling off rights for purchasers.
ELIGIBILITY Workers will not be eligible for AMR if they: • are disqualified or suspended from carrying on the occupation or have been refused a licence for that occupation
• a re subject to disciplinary, civil or criminal action or know they are under investigation
A number of safeguards will be in place to maintain standards. AMR workers must:
• h ave conditions placed on their home state/territory licence as a result of disciplinary or court action.
• h old a licence or registration in their home state or territory covering the work they want to do • o nly work within the scope and conditions of their existing licence or registration • o bey the local laws in the jurisdiction they work in, otherwise they may face disciplinary action, licence suspension or cancellation, and be excluded from AMR • m eet public protection requirements that relate to their occupation. Once interstate dealers have notified CBS that they wish to work in SA, CBS will provide them with a factsheet
OTHER OCCUPATIONS The CBS regulated occupations that will be covered by AMR include: • Builders • P lumbers, gas-fitters and electricians • R eal estate professionals and conveyancers • Second-hand vehicle dealers • Security and investigation agents.
FURTHER INFORMATION Updates to AMR information will be available at: https://www. cbs.sa.gov.au/news/automaticrecognition-licences .
Business support every step of the way. Whether you’re starting, running or growing your business, CommBank, proud Alliance Partner of MTA SA/NT can help you do business your way. Dedicated support for your business To help you take your business to the next level, MTA SA/NT members can benefit from direct access to a dedicated CommBank Relationship Manager and team of banking specialists. They’ll work with you through every stage of your business life cycle. You’ll also receive 24/7 Australian based phone support for all your business banking needs. Business products and solutions MTA SA/NT members may be eligible to access the latest innovative business banking products and solutions with preferential pricing applied, making it easier for you to do business. These include: No merchant joining fee
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To find out how CommBank can help you do business your way, contact MTA SA/NT by email mta@mtasant.com.au or call 08 8291 2000 and they’ll put you in touch with a CommBank Relationship Manager.
Things you should know: ^‘Same day’ includes eCommerce card sales before 5:30pm (AEST) and EFTPOS card sales before 10pm (AEST) and is available for eligible customers with a Commonwealth Bank business transaction account and a linked Commonwealth Bank merchant facility. Offers available to referrals made via MTA SA/NT. MTA SA/NT may receive a referral fee from Commonwealth Bank for each successful referral (excludes existing customers). Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s normal credit approval and suitability of the asset. Other fees, charges, terms and conditions may apply. As this information has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on the information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Please view our Merchant Agreement, Financial Services Guide and Operator and User Guides at commbank.com.au/ merchantsupport. To find out more about Daily IQ, visit commbank.com.au/DailyIQ. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945.
MTA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MTA SA/NT CEO, Paul Unerkov addresses the AGM attendees.
MTA SA/NT Chair, Frank Agostino awarding Clive Polley of Independent Components with his Life Membership.
The 95th Annual General Meeting of the Motor Trade Association of South Australia and Northern Territory was held on Tuesday, 21 September 2021 in the impressive William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval. Opened by MTA SA/NT CEO, Paul Unerkov, a great turnout both in person and online were welcomed and formalities got underway as last year’s minutes and the previous year’s financial report were received. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) officially oversaw the election of the board, which has remained unchanged from our transitional 2020 board.
We also had the chance to acknowledge our long-term members who had reached the 25, 50 and incredible 75 year milestones in the past 12 months. A Life Membership Award was presented to Clive Polley of Independent Components, nominated for his dedication to the various divisions and sub-committees he has tirelessly aided over the years, particularly in the CVIA area. Although, he can be commended for more than his vocal advocacy work – Clive also has a great passion for growing industry by employing apprentices and for our training organisation, which he has contributed countless hours in developing courses, as well as donating training equipment.
Frank Agostino (Chair) Agostino Group
Neville Gibb (Deputy Chair) Gibb & Sons Pty Ltd
John Hitchcock Dial A Tow
Mark McGuire Adelaide Car Parts Pty Ltd
Clive Polley Independent Components
Peter Roberts OG Roberts & Co
Tom Skothos Pro Paint ‘n Panel
Automotive Dealers Association (SA/NT) (ADA)
Mark Papillo
Automotive Repair and Engineering Specialists (SA/NT) (ARD)
Michael McMichael
Peter Stewart
Automotive Dismantlers (SA/NT) (AD)
Darran Van Der Woude
Raul Qasimy
Body Repair Specialists (SA/NT) (BRD)
Dario Tonon
Travis Rainsford
Commercial Vehicle Industry Association (SA/NT) - (CVIA)
Bill Lane
Cameron Morelli
Farm and Industrial Machinery Dealers Association (SA/NT)- (FIMDA)
Malcolm Eglinton
Davide Feltrin
Licensed Vehicle Dealers (SA/NT) (LVD)
David Vincent
Norm Cooper
Motorcycle Industry Association (SA/NT) (MIA)
Mark Flynn
Blair Freeth / Martin Guppy
Service Station (SA/NT) - (SS)
John Antoniadis
Andrew Perry
Towing Services (SA/NT)
John Hitchcock
Ralph Scutella
Tyre Dealers (SA/NT)
Marcus Baldacchino
Troy McCade
General (SA/NT)
Clive Polley
Teresa Shawyer
Hills and Murraylands
Paul Blenkiron
Eyre Peninsula
Dylan Pedler
Barossa, Light and Lower North
Wayne Marschall
South Coast
Anthony Norris
Yorke and Mid North
Chris Brown
South East
Paul Gazzard
Kym Webber
Northern Territory
Guido Merlo
Upper North
Neville Gibb
Far North
Tracy Butler
IAC GUIDING THE SA AND NT AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES IN THE TRANSITION TO NEW TECHNOLOGY The MTA’s Industry Advisory Council (IAC) has passed a series of recommendations designed to assist members navigate the impact of emerging and future technology on the automotive industry.
“But electric vehicles was undeniably a major topic of discussion, including when electric vehicle subsidies might eventuate and what form they will take.”
1. A need for a nationally consistent approach to incentives and taxes.
The Council heard from SA’s Minister for Energy and Mining, Dan van Holst Pellekaan, who outlined the South Australian Electric Vehicle Action Plan (see separate story on page 24 ).
2. Reinforce the importance of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles, particularly in rural, regional and remote areas and the heavy vehicle, towing and recovery industry.
Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Gwilym, provided an invaluable international perspective in markets which are well advanced in EV uptake.
3. A forward-thinking plan for training across industry, ideally conducted through the MTA.
“At the end of the day, Australia is a small country and what overseas governments are doing and how manufacturers are responding, will dictate a lot of what comes to us,” said Kaes.
The recommendations from its September meeting include:
“Our main goal going into the IAC meeting was to work through the products and technologies which are coming, try to better understand when they coming and finally what it means for our industry and the customers they serve,” said Kaes Cillessen, the MTA’s Industry and Government Engagement Manager. “The discussion was not confined just to electric vehicles. It also covered advanced driver assistance systems, autonomous vehicles, satellite telematics in agriculture and the raft of new technology going into vehicles.
“Geoff gave an insight into the overseas experience, including Norway where about 50% of its vehicles are electric. “Locally we need to learn from that. What does it mean for industry, including dealerships, servicing, repairs, service stations and so on? “How can that information help you plan the future of your business?” Prior to the IAC, the MTA canvassed 50 members across all divisions
and from regional and metropolitan areas to identify key issues from their perspective. Not surprisingly, training for future technologies was near the top of the list. “Training means different things to different members,” said Kaes. “Dealers will get a lot of it from the manufacturer and it’s brand specific. “If you’re an independent repairer, the new the new AUR32721 Certificate III in Automotive Electric Vehicle Technology qualification due at the end of this year will be a major step forward.”
INFORMATION SHARING Information Sharing was another major topic of interest. “The right to repair will be important for independent repairers, how they work on some of these high tech vehicles and the information they need to access it,” said Kaes. “Overall, we were providing information to members. They are there to tell us what the future direction of the MTA should be, not the other way around. “We’re also approaching a federal election, so it’s important that the MTA considers where it stands on these issues.”
Formed in 2020, the IAC consists of South Australian and Northern Territory Divisional Chairs and Deputy Chairs and Zone Chairs. It reports to the Board and its role is to assist in the development of the Association’s industry policy position for the interests of members. The members of the IAC have a key role in bringing forward the industry policy positions from their various Divisions and Zones for broader consultation and development of policy materials.
WATCH VIDEO In the face of restrictions and lockdowns across the country, the MTA was still able to hold the annual SA PPG Colour Matching Competition once again for 2021. For more than two decades, the annual PPG Colour Matching Competition has been giving Automotive Refinishing Technology apprentices an opportunity to hone their colour theory and practical colour matching skills. PPG Representative, Tyson Jak, said, “We were lucky in SA to be allowed to hold it.” “PPG has had a long partnership with the MTA to host this competition which gives apprentices an opportunity to show off their skills”, Tyson said. Each contestant was provided with all the equipment, paint and given set times to match two colours, a solid and a metallic / pearl. Contestants were then judged on their overall skills, safety, cleanliness and work practices.
What makes the PPG Colour Matching Competition challenging and rewarding for participants is they cannot use any electronic aids to match colours. Everything is done purely with their eye, best judgement, all backed up by skills they have learnt at the MTA. Think of it as a maths exam with the calculator taken away! Congratulations to this year’s winner, Mirza Skrijeli, MTA GTO Automotive Refinishing apprentice, hosted at MTA Member, Eblen Collision Repairs. Well done to the other participants on the day. • Katie Stewart • James Tucker • Mirza Skrijeli • Amber Jones • Benjamin McCormick • Elenn Sherene
PLAN NOW FOR GREEN-TECH, URGES MINISTER A key speaker at the MTA’s recent Industry Advisory Committee was SA’s Minister for Energy and Mining, Dan van Holst Pellekaan. He brings diverse experience to the portfolio, including being an owner/operator of outback roadhouses for seven years and an oil industry executive for a decade. He took the time to speak with Motor Trade about the government’s position on the future of automotive. Q.The Electric Vehicle Action Plan stated that the government wants all new passenger vehicles sold in South Australia to be fully electric by 2035, which is pretty ambitious. As the automotive industry plans for the future, is it reasonable for them to expect this ambition to be realised? A. I think it is. There's no doubt it's ambitious and it's not going to happen just because the state government has that ambition. One of the key drivers will be actual manufacturers’ decisions. There are significant international manufacturers that have said that they won't be producing anything other than electric vehicles from 2030, some from 2035, and some from 2040. I think the ambition will be realised not just because it's our ambition but because it will be what consumers expect. It will be what manufacturers will be offering as well. Q. What is it that you would really like to get across to the motor trade about that the Electric Vehicle Action Plan? A. We are trying to provide some leadership in this and we are trying to get the most for all South Australians out of this opportunity. But we're not trying to tell anybody what they have to have. To your key question, what would I like to have most?
I would like the motor trade and the broader associated industries to have their eyes wide open and prepare for the change that's coming. I don't want anybody to be caught out in two or 10 years’ time when this change has occurred, because it's starting already and it's only going to pick up pace. So, I want everybody who works in this industry to really take notice of what is coming and prepare themselves for it so that they can get the very most out of it for themselves and their organisations. Q. According to the International Energy Agency, incentives for EVs globally amounted to $19 billion, which is $6400 per EV sold. Do you feel the state government has the right mix of incentives against the proposed road user charge? And should plug-in hybrids also be made eligible? A. Yes, I certainly do but I also acknowledge that this will be any evolving space. It's hardly surprising that manufacturers want as much incentive as possible to be available for people to buy the new models that they're producing. That's perfectly logical. But similarly, it's perfectly logical that a state government needs to adjust a system - which is essentially the
one we've had set for decades and decades of tax on diesel and petrol being used to fund road maintenance. That funding will have to come from somewhere else. Our plan, on a per capita basis, provides more subsidy than the New South Wales and the Victorian plan. Q. Should hybrids be included? A. Well, hybrids are already selling very well. And in fact, we’ve seen hybrids as the mainstay of the taxi industry for well over a decade now. So I don't think that subsidies are needed for hybrids. Subsidies are needed for full electric, zero emission vehicles. So that's where our focus is in that regard. And of course, we're seeing the emergence of fuel cell hydrogen, electric vehicles, and seeing them in government and commercial fleets. Q. So what role do you see hydrogen technology playing going forward? And how does this interface with the EV and hydrogen action plans? A. While we have an EV Action Plan, we are also working incredibly hard at hydrogen in many other ways. South Australia has a fantastic opportunity to be a world leading green hydrogen exporter. And we want the opportunities that hydrogen present to flow through our entire economy.
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY A. They don't get frozen out. There's always been an important role for independents vehicle servicing and maintenance, and I'm sure that will continue. But I really want the independents to start focusing on this and start concentrating on this now. I would hate for a high quality, independent motor vehicle workshop to be caught off guard by the transition from combustion and compression engines to electric vehicles.
We're already putting hydrogen into the natural gas circulation network to 700 homes in Mitchell Park in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. So hydrogen is already becoming part of everyday life for those people and that will continue. With regard to transport specifically, the common expectation at the moment is that hydrogen will be a fuel source, whether it's hydrogen direct or fuel cells, that will be most suitable to heavy transport, buses, trains, trucks. Electric vehicles will be most suited light transport passenger vehicles. That's the common thinking, I think and I don't have any reason to differ from that. But it's not just about the fact that you’ve got to carry the fuel. It's about the recharging opportunities as well, whether it’s home-based recharging or out and about recharging, all of those sorts of things. Q. The industry report, Directions In Australia's Automotive Industry 2021, found that in Norway -which has that very high 50% of fleet of electric vehicles - industry experienced average tooling costs of $77,000. That’s in addition to 10 days of training and AV infrastructure costs of $165,000. So, from the MTA’s point of view, is the government considering further transitory support to industry beyond the charging network? A. Certainly, there's no doubt we’re considering that.
But I think it's important to keep in mind that this transition, particularly of a service and a maintenance area, that is going to be led by manufacturers in the same way that it has for decades.
I'd hate them to be caught off guard by that. There will always be a place for independent vehicle workshops and in fact both my family cars are serviced by independents, but they do need to start preparing now for the transition that’s coming.
We've seen, particularly in the last 20 years, the service delivered by the branded dealer workshops, are being very tightly controlled.
So one of the key messages for me is, we all need to be ready for this, whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever our role in the industry is.
If you buy a modern vehicle, it's really necessity now to have the manufacturer produce computer equipment, the software and the hardware to be able to maintain that vehicle.
We have to start preparing now for what's coming.
So it is the manufacturers that are leading that transition and I'm sure that will continue to be the case with regard to electric vehicles. We've seen Tesla, for example, established its workshop down in Tonsley in the southern suburbs. Now that's a small workshop for a small number of vehicles at the moment. But it is very much a manufacturerestablished workshop to service and maintain its own vehicles. And I think that, as we get more and more new types of vehicles in the market, we'll see manufacturers leading the service and the maintenance of them even more than we've seen in the past. Q. So what about the independents? Do they do they get frozen out? Do they get assistance?
Q. Battery technology has come a long way but it's also posing a series of questions for the environment when they reach the end of their life. What do you believe needs to happen between now and 2035 to manage this growing issue? A. It is a significant issue that does need to be addressed. A lot of work has been done on that already and I'm very optimistic that the technology to repurpose batteries will evolve and grow very significantly. We will see also some very exciting recycling opportunities. A tremendous example of that is Nyrstar is preparing itself to be able to receive and recycle batteries, in the next 10 years or so, in a really smart, environmentally responsible way. So there are new opportunities that are being developed as we speak and I'm very optimistic that they will be in place in time for when they’re needed.
Martin Nachazel at Solitaire Automotive
Gage Hartup at Solitaire Automotive
Will Collins at Jarvis Ford
A P P R E NT I C E S AT W O R K Nicholas Van Kaathoven at Solitaire Automotive
Matthew Dawes at Jarvis Ford
New Starters in September
CAREERS AND EMPLOYMENT UPDATE – MTA EXPANDING SCHOOL PATHWAYS PROGRAM The MTA is expanding its School Pathways Program, with the introduction of a new School Pathways Coordinator. Welcome to Andrew Parkes, who is eager to start engaging with young people, parents and schools to promote the opportunities available in our evolving industry. Andrew brings with him an automotive background, combined with a drive for marketing and networking. Andrew said, “From being an automotive apprentice myself, through to working as a mechanic, I’ve always enjoyed the industry. There are so many opportunities to explore.” “While I’ve spent the last few years as an award winning mortgage broker, that role gave me the confidence to make long lasting relationships and rapport building.” “Using these relationship building skills and my passion for the automotive industry, I will be driving outcomes in schools, increasing the MTA’s presence at expos and online.” “If any members would like to get involved in our school pathways program, I am happy to take their calls to see how we can include you in promoting automotive opportunities. It is essential that we work together, highlighting to young people that the industry is experiencing rapid change and there so many different avenues open in the automotive space.”
The MTA also has exciting projects currently being set up, including the delivery of the (AUR20520) Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology, giving students the underpinning knowledge and skills they need for a full-on apprenticeship.
“From being an automotive apprentice myself, through to working as a mechanic, I’ve always enjoyed the industry. There are so many opportunities to explore.” Andrew said, “It’s important that kids see the pathways they can take, from sparking that interest at the expo level, obtaining key skills through a Certificate I or II, onto a four year apprenticeship and then into promising careers in the industry.” If your business would like to get involved in our expos and promotion of automotive trades, email Andrew .
DEFINING CASUAL EMPLOYMENT In March 2021, the Federal Parliament passed legislation making changes to the Fair Work Act 2009, in response to intense scrutiny arising from two Federal Court decisions. The Act's new s15A defines a "casual employee" as one who accepts a job offer from an employer knowing there is no firm advance commitment to continuing work with an agreed pattern, and introduces new NES casual conversion arrangements in Part 2-2 Division 4A. The amendment says casual status is "assessed on the basis of the offer of employment and the acceptance of that offer, not on the basis of any subsequent conduct of either party". This emphasises here for members is the importance of a clear contract setting out the casual nature of the employment at the commencement of employment. Since this legislation, one of the two Federal Court decisions was decided on appeal in the High Court, where the court ruled that contracts are decisive in determining employment types. This accords closely with the new definition of casual employment in the Act, and emphasises even further the importance of clearly establishing, preferably by use of a casual employment contract, the casual nature of the employment at or prior to the commencement of employment. While the clarification about the nature and definition of casual employment was a key component to address the uncertainty following the Federal Court decisions, it is the extension of casual conversion provisions to all employees that are likely to have a far bigger impact on employers. The Act provides that an employee may seek (and must be
offered, for a large employer) conversion from a casual to a permanent role after 12 months of casual employment, with at least the last six months being regular and systematic hours. Many Awards already had some provision for such casual conversion clauses, although the process and timing varied greatly. In order to ensure consistency between Awards and the Act, the Fair Work Commission was directed to make such changes as are necessary to all Awards. The joint Motor Trade Organisations (MTO) have made submission on changes to the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020, and monitored the approach to other relevant Awards. The MTO’s support what, at the time of writing, were the Commission’s provisional views, but which are likely to be implemented, which are that: • The definition of casual employment in the Vehicle Award is not consistent with the legislated definition, and should be replaced with reference to the legislated definition. • T he casual conversion provisions of the Vehicle Award should be removed and replaced with a reference to the NES provisions. A similar approach has been taken with the vast majority of other Awards. The review of the Awards must be finalised by the statutory deadline of September 27. Information about casual employee’s rights are contained in a new Fair Work Information Sheet which must be provided to all casual employees.
AN EMPLOYER’S GUIDE TO ‘STAPLING’ From 1 November 2021, Australian workers will be ‘stapled’ to their existing super fund or the first super fund they join. The new rules, announced as part of the government’s recent Your Future, Your Super reforms, will see workers automatically stay with their existing super fund when changing jobs — unless they actively choose a different fund. The change aims to reduce the number of super accounts Australians accrue throughout their working lives and eliminate unnecessary fees workers pay for multiple super accounts.
By reducing the number of duplicate super accounts, Treasury estimates Australians will save about $2.8 billion over the next ten years.
CHANGES FOR EMPLOYERS The new stapling laws will change how employers onboard new employees. The table below shows the current steps versus the new requirements from 1 November 2021.
If your employee chooses an eligible super fund, you must pay super guarantee contributions into that fund.
No change: If your employee chooses an eligible super fund, you must pay super guarantee contributions into that fund.
If your employee doesn’t choose an eligible fund, you pay super guarantee contributions into your default MySuper fund.
If your new employee doesn’t choose an eligible fund, you must search ATO online services to see if your new employee has an existing super fund. If they do, you must pay super guarantee contributions into that fund. This step can only occur after your employee has commenced working for you and you’ve submitted a Tax file number declaration form or Single Touch Payroll pay event linking them to you.
STEP 3 If your employee doesn’t choose a fund and your search of ATO online services shows they don’t have an existing super fund, you pay super guarantee contributions into your default MySuper fund.
Stapling won’t impact existing employees, and employers must continue paying compulsory super guarantee payments into the current nominated fund. It’s important to note that stapling requirements are the responsibility of employers — not employees or super funds. They’re also compulsory, and the ATO will be imposing penalties for employers who don’t comply. Recently the ATO advised that there will be a 12-month ‘introductory period’ from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022. Penalties incurred during this time will be reduced to nil if employers can prove they’re making reasonable attempts to comply. More information For more details about stapling, including the processes and requirements for employers to meet your super obligations, see spiritsuper.com.au/stapling .
For details about how to request stapled fund details for employees, see ato.gov.au/Business/Super-for-employers/ Setting-up-super-for-your-business/Offer-employeesa-choice-of-super-fund/Request-stapled-super-funddetails-for-employees/ . For details about the full suite of Your Future, Your Super reforms, see treasury.gov.au/publication/p2020-super . Any advice given in this article is provided by Quadrant First Pty Ltd (ABN 78 102 167 877, AFSL 284443) (Spirit Super Advice), which is wholly owned by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty. Limited (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238718), the trustee of Spirit Super (ABN 74 559 365 913). A copy of the Financial services guide for Spirit Super Advice is available at spiritsuper.com.au/financial-services-guide or by calling us on 1800 005 166. You should consider the Product disclosure statement and Target market determinations available at spiritsuper.com.au/pds or by calling 1800 005 166 before deciding if the fund is appropriate for you. We're giving you this information in good faith. It comes from sources we think are reliable and accurate. However, we don't accept any liability relating to any linked external websites.
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MTA Group Training Organisation
P: 8241 0522 | adminroyalpark@ mtasant.com.au
When you host an apprentice through the MTA, you don’t have to worry about advertising, interviewing, medical checks or being the legal employer for the Contract of Training. We shortlist based on the criteria you set, meaning we’ll find you an apprentice that is right for your business. Forget WorkCover, payroll tax, annual leave, sick leave, training fees, wages and super - we’ll take care of that. And there’s more - MTA Field Officers also conduct regular workplace visits and contacts to ensure you and your apprentice have the support you need.
MTA Print
P: 8440 2666 | print@ mtasant.com.au | mtasant.com.au/ print-stationery
P: 13 22 21
The MTA offers ultra-competitive EFTPOS transaction rates for members through our partnership with Commonwealth Bank. Please contact the Commonwealth Bank to find out the latest deal.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE Access Programs Employee Assistance Program
P: 8215 6799 | accesssa.com.au
Services to MTA members at the sessional rate of $135 (plus GST) without any retainer. Five convenient locations: Adelaide, Bedford Park, Elizabeth, Salisbury, Noarlunga. Phone appointments are also available.
P: (08) 8266 3600 | sossafetysigns.com. au
P: 8291 2000 | wr@ mtasant.com.au
MTA members can benefit from environmental compliance advice, briefings, training and on-site assessments. GreenStamp is an accreditation program that recognises and promotes businesses which have implemented sound environmental practices.
Spirit Super
P: 1800 005 166 | spiritsuper.com.au
MTA Registered Training Organisation
The Officeworks partnership gives business pricing only available to MTA members on a wide range of office essentials, by signing up to a 30 Day Business Account, as well as free delivery across South Australia including regional areas, excluding large or bulky items.
P: 8241 0522 | adminroyalpark@ mtasant.com.au
P: 1800 EASIER (1800 327 437)
The MTA can provide WHS & HR workplace inspections and provide recommendations and support to fill the gaps required. P: 8291 2000 | wr@ mtasant.com.au
MTA offers Upskilling courses to upgrade the skills of qualified automotive technicians. Courses include Air Conditioning, Forklift, Hybrid & Battery Electric Vehicles, Recognition of Prior Learning, SRS Airbags, and Wheel Alignment. Members receive a discounted price on courses.
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Spirit Super is the national industry-based super fund that has proudly served the motor trades and allied industries for over 25 years. We make administering super simple and efficient. It’s what makes us the preferred choice of over 40,000 employers. Call 1800 005 166 or visit spiritsuper.com.au/Employers/supportfor-your-business You should consider the PDS in making a decision.
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No matter the size of your workplace, safety signs are vital for ensuring the safety of your employees. Whether you are directing them where to go, restricting certain areas or alerting them to hazards, SOS Safety Signs has all your signage needs covered.
MTA Print is your one stop shop when it comes to your printing needs – we are more than just business cards! We are small run digital & offset specialists, with services including motor trades stock stationery, forms & products ($27 trade plate covers), an in-house graphic designer for your logos, printing, digital advertising and social media, special product sourcing (you ask, we find), books, pads, sequential numbering and perforation for invoice books, job cards, flyers, stickers (service & lube as well), booklets and training manuals. MTA members get a 20% discount on all products.
P: 8291 2000 | wr@mtasant.com.au
MTA offers courses designed to help manage people, ensure compliance, navigate the complex regulatory environment & tackle difficult workplace issues. Courses include WHS & Safe Work Compliance, Show Me the Money (Debt recovery in your business), Worker’s Compensation - The good, the bad and the ugly, Bullying - Behaving badly, Electrical Testing & Tagging, Emergency Warden (Fire Warden Training), HVNL (Chain of Responsibility), Employment Contract Essentials, Tough Talks, Workplace Relations, Paying your Staff Correctly, Refund, Repair or Replace (Australian Consumer Law) Training, Performance Management, Misconduct & Discipline and Christmas Essentials. Members receive a discounted price on courses.
We’ve dusted off the archives and stepped back in time thirty years to take a look at what was making news in our October 1991 edition of the Motor Trade Journal.
SIGN OF THE TIMES… 1991 highlights • Average price of petrol: $0.67 • Bathurst 1000 winners: Jim Richards and Mark Skaife (Nissan) • Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix winner: Wayne Rainey (Yamaha) • Top-selling car: Holden Commodore (54,259 units) • ARIA top single: ‘(Everything I Do) I Do It for You’ – Bryan Adams
AT THE HELM… President: D J Nancarrow Executive Director: Michael Delaney Buy from a Dealer? No risk! “What risk do you face when buying from a legitimate car dealer who is also an MTA member? Well, no purchase of something as complicated as a motor car is always risk free, but when you buy from a dealer your bet is covered by laws and the MTA.” Engine Rebuilding Competition Report 1991 “This year the Engine Rebuilding Competition was staged in the beautiful sunshine at the Whyalla Annual Show –
perfect weather for the occasion. Every team experienced trouble starting the engines because of the lack of compression brought about by the hydraulic tappets being slow to bleed back – something to think about next year. The winners were Bradford Motors with a time of 9 mins 11 secs, followed by M. J. Sherrins’ team with a time of 9 mins 19 secs.” Motorcycles: The road ahead “We have to rectify the situation with learner rider training, both in terms of making it simpler and quicker. We have to look at the moped laws for the long term future of the industry; if young people are allowed to ride mopeds, not only will it help our industry but it will also make them better car drivers.”
CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BOOKKEEPER/FINANCE = Full time position available in busy business in the southern area. Must have extensive experience of MYOB. Preferred knowledge of motor vehicle industry. Trustworthy, work diligently with directors. Above award wages. Applications email to ttri5700@ bigpond.net.au or PO Box 148 Lonsdale, SA 5160. Applications close 31 October 2021. RAA are currently recruiting Mechanics for various roles, expressions of interest can be emailed to recruitment@raa.com.au or contact Tanya on 0408 689 726. DIESEL/AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC - Mt Barker Truck & Bus Repairs Pty. Diverse range of work in workshop and field service. HR, Forklift, AC licenses and a general knowledge of electrical systems and repairs an advantage but not essential. Renumeration based on qualifications and experience. Full-time with overtime available. Over award payments. Resume to admin@ mtbarkertruckbusrepairs.com.au . Enquiries to 08 8398 3788 between 7.30am-4.30pm M-F. The Australian Motors Group is a successful Automotive Retail Dealer - Mazda, Mitsubishi, Isuzu UTE and Suzuki. ACCESSORY FITTER WANTED to work with all brands. Fitting experience required. QUALIFIED MECHANIC TECHNICIANS WANTED - previous experience required. Resume and cover letter for both positions to Thalita at tfabres@australianmotors. com.au . SERVICE MANAGER: Bascombe AutoAg are a family owned agricultural machinery dealership in Cummins, established in 2003. If you love being organised, are great with people and think you have what it takes to run a busy workshop, we would love to hear from you. Contact Scott 0427 762 980 or sales@bascombeautoag.com.au . Puma Jabiru is looking for an experienced mechanic to join our fully equipped workshop. Great outdoor lifestyle - camping, fishing, golfing, hiking, 4WD. Accommodation provided. Above award wages, tool allowance and additional AANT call out wages. 2.5 hours to Darwin. Wages negotiable for experienced candidates. Current HR Licence. Resume to manager@bpjabiru.com.au .
February 2022 Motor Trade magazine: Email your listing of no more than 50 words to Madelaine at mraschella@boylen by Friday 7 January 2022.
High Quality Car Sales are seeking a fully qualified Automotive Mechanic to join our growing team. We are a family owned and run dealership located in Somerton Park. With a newly renovated and RAA Approved Mechanic Department. For more details or how to apply please email hannah@hqcarsales.com.au . FULL-TIME WORKSHOP MECHANIC AND FLOOR MANAGER. Salary, allowances and overtime hours (if requested). Mechanical experience 10+ years and ideally some managerial experience. Contact Matt Raschella at matthewraschella1@ gmail.com or call 8262 3847. QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC WANTED Casual or full-time option available. Please contact 08 8465 7380 or pipli@pipli.com.au . ADELAIDE VEHICLE CENTRE is seeking sales trainees due to expansion. Please contact David Vincent at avcsales@bigpond.com . REDARC are seeking an experienced autoelectrician looking to progress from the workshop to a career at REDARC, working at the forefront as part of our customer service team responsible for providing the legendary support that keeps our customers exploring. To learn more, contact us at people@redarc.com.au Sprint Mufflers Exhausts & Mechanical is seeking a full-time qualified mechanic. Requirements are - team player, ability to work unsupervised, mechanically minded. Own tools a bonus. Please contact Steven Howell at sales@sprint7.net.au or 8952 7999. WSB Distributors has exciting employment opportunities for Apprentice Agricultural Diesel and Service Technicians. To apply, send your resume and cover letter to hr@wsb.com.au
WANTED TO SELL Holeshot Auto Supplies - Mobile Van Sales to Workshops ranging from - Consumables, Fasteners, Clips, Jlm Additives Specialising in Diesel, Uniwipers, Tools, Abrasives and More. Call Roc on 0422 290 817. BUSINESS FOR SALE: Freehold country garage in Port Vincent SA. 3 hoists, loads of tools and equipment, 2 Loan cars, 4 hire boats and 3 trailers. No competition, great sales figures and profit. Tyres, batteries, wheel alignment. Give Geoff a call on 0418 804 604 or email info@portvincentauto.com.au .
ALTERNATORS $45 HEADLIGHTS $42 DISC BRAKE ROTORS $28 RADIATORS $77 - UPULLIT. COM.AU - CHEAPEST PARTS IN SA - 7 Days a Week - Lonsdale, Elizabeth and Gillman. DOORS $103, TAILLIGHTS $41, GAS STRUTS $14. Stock list online at upullit.com.au . FOR SALE: 22-tonne air over hydraulic truck jack, very little use, and surplus to requirements. Way below cost of new $400. Call (08) 8349 9934. FOR SALE Turbowash Large Industrial 3 Phase, Parts Washer. No longer required, in good working order when put in storage. Any reasonable offer considered. Contact Saddleworth Motors on 08 8847 4185 and speak to Rod or Josh for more information. Mitsubishi Triton Dual Cab Body For Sale - Off Model MR GLX + Current model MR Triton in new condition. Complete body with lights and reversing sensors. White paint. $650 + gst delivered, depending on location. Call 0427 282 251. Business for Sale - Port Vincent Auto and Tyre Services. Including all plant and equipment, and free hold property. Lucrative hire boat business with 4 hire boats included. 3 hire trailers, 2 loan cars, Toyota Hilux field service vehicle and forklift. Fantastic sales and profit figures. Owners preparing to retire. Call Geoff on 0418 804 604 for more information. WHYALLA BUSINESS FOR SALE. Natrad Franchise. Radiators, air-conditioning, mechanical services and repairs. Including log book services to all makes and models. All enquires, call 0428 844 605. The Dirt Off Road Campers has Adelaide’s best and largest range of off-road hybrid vans. CCIASA Award Winning Dealer. For more details go to www.thedirt4wd.com.au or visit our showroom at 26 Light Cres, Mt Barker SA. SA OIL RECOVERY. Parts washer solvent 4 sale. Free waste oil collection. Rag and oil filter collection. Phone 0408 876 552. CARAVANNING & CAMPER TRAILER NEEDS Refurbishing a new or old caravan? Need parts or advice? Want to book a service or repair? Looking for a new or used van? Contact Dario Caravans & Repairs Ph: 08 8277 4388 or email: info@ dariocaravans.com.au . We are here to help with all your Caravanning & Camper Trailer needs.
WANTED TO BUY WRECKING PLUS MORE. One of South Australia’s largest auto recyclers. We recycle most makes and models from the 60’s to current. Always buying wrecked, defected, end of life vehicles, cars, trucks, buses, utes, 4x4 and SUV. Locations at Greenacers, Lonsdale, Port Wakefield and Port Augusta. Contact pw@wreckingplusmore. com.au or call 8369 1111. NISSAN & DATSUN DISMANTLERS. We have/ want NISSAN Pulsar * NISSAN Tiida * NISSAN Skyline * NISSAN Micra * NISSAN Bluebird * NISSAN Pintara * NISSAN Silvia * NISSAN Maxima DATSUN 1000, 1200, 120y, SUNNY 1600 180b, 200b, 240k Bluebird & Stanza models in all body types *NISSAN 4X4, van & utes. Wrecking late model NISSAN Xtrail, Daulis. FREE CAR PICK UP. Grand Auto Wreckers - NISSAN & DATSUN SPECIALISTS www.grandauto.com.au or call 8382 6066. U-PULL-IT PAYS CASH FOR CARS – UPULLIT. COM.AU – We want cars in any condition: crashed, damaged, scrapped, running or not running. FREE REMOVAL - Call Justin on 0408 782 480 for an instant cash price and same day collection. www.upullit.com.au/sell-your-car
ASSOCIATION INFO MOTOR TRADE ASSOCIATION CHAIR / Frank Agostino CEO / Paul Unerkov GM MEMBER SOLUTIONS / Darrell Jacobs GM APPRENTICE CAREERS / Jason Polgreen GM AUTOMOTIVE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT / Alana Sparrow Official publication of the Motor Trade Association L1, 81 Greenhill Rd, Wayville P (08) 8291 2000 Toll Free 1800 882 046 www.mtasant.com.au mta@mtasant.com.au
Advertising / sales@boylen.com.au Layout / Madelaine Raschella Elliott P (08) 8233 9433 boylen.com.au