British Photographic Industry News April & May 2023

Page 12

Spring clean your photo business and get motivated for May with tried and tested tips and tricks to win and retain custom, whether locally or online IN THIS ISSUE… BUSINESS ADVICE P20 BPI News reports back from the 20th annual Convention & Trade Show hosted by The Societies and also reveals who won what in its yearly Trade Awards SOCIETIES REPORT P8 A new name for an old friend as Tetenal UK becomes ‘Dupli’. Our Big Interview with CEO Mike Fawcett examines the reasons behind the swap and what’s next INTRODUCING DUPLI P12 Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years APRIL / MAY 2023 • £5 Photographic British Industry news Transcontinenta UK is encouraging the trade to stock additional Tamron lenses to meet anticipated demand for its current voucher savings based promotion TAMRON ZOOM DEAL P14
GROWTH Gain a powerful vision of out-of-the-box solutions for growing your photo business, market share & customer base – INSIDE! BPI NEWS: YOUR ONLY PHOTOMAGAZINE!TRADE

art . print . planet

Want to champion a greener approach to print with no creative compromises? Find out more on 24 May at Dupli HQ in Leicester (or stream online).

We will be creating, road testing and experimenting with the production of Digital Fine Art prints using the Epson SureColor SC-P9500, SC-P8500 and SC-P6500 and Hahnemühle Natural Line Papers. You’ll also hear from our exclusive guest speaker. And nibble some locally sourced food! Visit or scan the QR code to register to be there.

24 may 2023



Gavin Stoker

Tel: 020 8274 0578

Tel: 07990 974 367


Michael O’Connell, Crocus Creative EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES

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BPI News (Print) ISSN 2634-1344

BPI News (Online) ISSN 2634-1352


With the biggest UK photo trade event of this year in the Societies Convention & Trade Show now behind us (see page 8 this issue), and having just returned from voting in this year’s TIPA Awards as I type (see next issue for more), it was great to be able to share ideas and feel a closer sense of community. Something we’ve much missed during the colder, darker, quieter months. Feeling you’re a part of something bigger, rather than just a cog grinding away in your individual machine, elicits a fresh sense of purpose and motivation. And that’s the spirit with which we’ve approached putting this issue together. Yes, as we’ve learnt from chatting with colleagues, times may remain challenging, but there is a real desire to rise to, and overcome, such obstacles.

Recent discussions with industry colleagues have also addressed the fact our market for photographic products is shifting from traditional photographers to ‘content creators’ – the buzz term that has been appearing with increasing

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frequency. It’s no surprise that we’re hearing of another device in the Sony ZV-E1 this month that, while outwardly resembling a traditional stills camera, is in fact a ‘video first’ product, the latest iteration of a product line only begun in 2020. Video does seem to be becoming as important a feature as stills when it comes to pitching a new camera’s specification – doubtless a lot of it down to how we currently share imagery. We’re told online engagement is better if sharing video than sharing a still –and of course video prompts the viewer to hover longer over our post while it plays out than a photograph does. Perhaps we should be renaming ourselves British Photographic & Video Industry News to reflect the shift? Answers on a postcard, or via email, to the usual address. It’s not all new ways of thinking though. Whereas once digital was trumpeted as a simpler alternative to analogue photography, the latter has undergone an unexpected resurgence. When it comes to making the most of its film and print heritage Fujifilm seems to currently have it sorted and followed the ‘keep it simple’ mantra with its Instax instant print cameras. Yes the idea is somewhat recycled from the Polaroid cameras of our youth – a brand also enjoying a comeback. So, ironically, in an industry where much weight and importance is placed on the ‘new’, it seems equally true there’s life in old ideas yet. Those who can take the best of the old, while spearheading the new, seem best placed to succeed.

01485 536200 Instant Film Polaroid i-Type Film Capture the beautifully imperfect on original, iconic Polaroid film. Made in the last Polaroid film factory in the world. For the Rebel Rebels Limited Edition Bowie Film Out now. N.A.S Starts from £7.49 with a Guide of £15.99 Distributed by International Ltd Editorial | April / May 2023 BPI News | April / May 2023 3 NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at
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Editor’s portrait by Mustafa Morad


The electronics giant is claiming it has ‘the perfect in-camera content creator’ in the Sony ZV-E1. Available from April at SRP £2,350 body only, or bundled with a 28-60mm zoom lens at £2,600, tell your customers this is a ‘video first’ camera powered by AI for improved subject recognition. We’re told this is made possible via an AI capable chip on the motherboard, so is a hardwarebased solution, not just software.

The camera features a 12MP sensor, expandable ISO80 to ISO409,600 light sensitivity range, plus the ability to record 4K 60P video; making it the first blog camera in Sony’s line up with this capability. Firmware promised for this June will add 4K at 120P for slow motion playback.

With a touch of its screen users can easily achieve a cinematic look in-camera, thanks to a Cinematic Vlog setting, says Sony. The camera further features focus breathing compensation, plus the ability to change the auto focus transition speed.

An obvious bonus is that purchasers of this interchangeable lens camera currently have access to 72 compatible E-mount

system lenses. It’s also compatible with the new Sony Creators’ App for smartphones, and, claims European Product Manager Julien Salazar, “is on a par with the latest smartphones in being able to change aperture and shutter speed via the screen.”

Described as ‘a lot like the existing ZV-


Retailers and manufacturers alike are always seeking ways to introduce standalone photographic devices to the younger generation. As a case in point, Fujifilm has launched its Instax Mini 12 instant print camera (shown with Fuji’s own Jeannie Corby) in a range of five pastel colours and, according to the brand, an ‘inflated bubble design’. The latest generation model, available now at £79.99 SRP, features a handful of new elements including control over the automatic flash, close up mode and a parallax correction feature, aligning the camera’s viewfinder with the lens for more distinctive results. Subtle design tweaks include that more bubble-like shape plus choice of colourways

in Blossom Pink, Mint Green, Clay White, Lilac Purple and Pastel Blue. Launched alongside the latest camera is the Instax up! Smartphone app, which claims to be a response to customer feedback in allowing photographers to digitally scan, store and share their photos all in one place. It’s available for free via the Apple Store or Google Play store.

Fujifilm Europe’s Senior Vice President for Imaging Solutions Shin Udono concludes: “The Instax Mini series has long been an incredibly popular choice to introduce the fun of instant cameras to photography lovers old and new, thanks to its playful design, ease of use and affordable price.”

E10’ in terms of form factor, Julien adds that the ZV-E1 should be pitched by retailers to customers as: “the ultimate content creation experience.” It can record 4K-resolution video at 30P when streaming, with data written to SD card (only). While the accent is heavily on high quality video here, the ZV-E1 can also shoot stills, but doesn’t have a mechanical shutter, just an electronic one.

Photographic British Industry news Supported by News 4 April / May 2023 | BPI News


Canon claims it has maintained number one position for global share of the interchangeable lens digital camera market (DSLR and mirrorless) for 20 consecutive years in a row. It puts this down to the core concept for its EOS series being ‘speed, comfort and high image quality’, plus a wideranging product line up that supports its customers’ diverse needs.

The manufacturer also recently ran a ‘Camera Store Week’ across the end of March/start of April, aiming to support enthusiast photographers throughout the UK and Ireland via talks and tips from professionals and tech experts, both in-store and online. Though the news of this proactive initiative arrived with us too late to flag up in advance, Canon UK’s Photo Specialist Channel Sales Manager Alan Horborne acknowledges: “The Photo Specialists have a wealth of knowledge to help customers pursue their dreams and support them on their photographic journey. Our aim [was] to celebrate those working in

store, whose knowledge and passion is undeniable, and whose advice and insight enables customers to become the photographers they aspire to be.” Less time sensitive is news of firmware updates to Canon’s EOS-1D X Mark III, EOS R6, R7 and R10 said to streamline

workflow and enhance compatibility with selected lenses and accessories. Tweaks are also available for the EOS R3 and R5 that offer Panning Assist for capturing fast moving subjects, and enhanced resolution up to 400MP respectively. Smartphone or tablet users can download the updates via Canon’s Camera Connect app.

Finally, the brand claims to be enhancing its product support for pros under its Canon Professional Services (CPS) banner by introducing new silver, gold and platinum membership plans designed to minimise downtime for members. Rates start at €100 +VAT per year. Those signing up are promised fast track servicing, a yearly maintenance service allowance, discount on services and repairs, access to a priority helpdesk and complimentary business coaching. For those not using its products in a pro capacity, a ‘Canon Club’ has been set up. This hopes to provide a lively online community of like-minded creatives.

Swains rings the ch-ch-chchanges with Bowie Polaroids

The distributor has been in touch with news that should delight fans of the late musical magpie and instant print photography alike. Polaroid has introduced a David Bowie special edition colour I-Type film pack, with each pack offering 8 colour shots for the princely sum of £18.99.

To find out if there really is Life On Mars or it’s just a Space Oddity, get in touch with your regional Swains Area Manager, visit the Swains website and enter code 146308 or call Swains direct on 01485 536200 and say it’s ‘Ground Control for Major Tom’, or words to that effect.

In related Polaroid news, the brand itself has just announced a ‘limited, experimental, sort of accidental’ Polaroid Reclaimed Blue 600 film, for which it assures no blue dye is needed. With the press release arriving in our in-box on April 4th suggesting that it’s not just a late April Fool, we’re told that young Polaroid chemist Brian Slaghuis was inspired by the challenge of using out-of-spec materials, with the creation of the limited edition

600 film involving ‘reclaimed elements’. Unlike other duochrome or monochrome films that require dye to make the colours stand out, this one is claimed to be the result of a chemical reaction, with Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) proving the magic ingredient when added to normal film paste.

is your mouthpiece to reach peers in the photo trade, so use it. Send ad

“Polaroid’s DNA is rooted in experimentation and unlocking the unexpected. Reclaimed Blue captures that essence – it’s science mixed with human perseverance and remarkable accidents,” marvels Polaroid Chairman Oskar Smolokowski.

releases to
@bpi_news BPI News | April / May 2023 5 News


Looking for what’s claimed as the smallest and lightest auto focus telephoto lens for Fuji X Mount cameras? Distributor Holdan is promoting a compact new Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 X prime lens, available now at a VAT inclusive £474 SRP.

The lightweight telephoto lens for Fuji mirrorless owners offers a full frame equivalent focal length of around 112.5mm. And, at only 257g in weight, it is claimed to be more than two times lighter than similar lenses on the market. Promising ‘refined and smooth bokeh’, the 75mm lens’ auto focus performance is described as being advantageous for shooting video. So that rain doesn’t stop play, weather sealing has also been applied in five different spots. Additionally a new Preset Aperture Control function allows users to control depth of field more smoothly and without noise or vibration when recording videos in AF mode.

Reg Atkins, Park Cameras 1949-2023

Just as we’d sent our previous issue to press, sad news reached us of the death of Park Cameras founder Reg Atkins, following a long battle with pulmonary fibrosis. Reg founded the photo specialist back in 1971 as an ambitious 21-year-old with £500 cash in his pocket, a range of used stock and an old banger for transportation. Building the business up to become one of the leading UK photo independents, Reg would spend more than 40 years at the helm before retirement, eventually in 2013 handing the business over to his son Roscoe. In 2021 Park Cameras transitioned to an employee ownership trust. It currently has two stores, one in West Sussex and the other in Central London. Reg will be remembered fondly as a larger than life character, sadly missed.


Venus Optics has announced a couple of new Laowa branded lenses.

On the lookout for something new?

Dupli is the new name for Tetenal. It’s a new name, but our growing team of photographic printing experts still offer the same trusted experience and knowledge.

We are on the lookout for a superstar Southern Account Manager to provide expert consultation and support to our customers in London and UK South East. If you love all things Inkjet (who doesn’t?), our vacancy for an Inkjet Product Specialist could be right up your street.

We have a vision to be the print and photography people that exceed the gold standard, and are dedicated to supplying the best brands, a wide range of technical support services and years of industry knowledge to help customers grow their businesses in their own way.

As the model name indicates, the Laowa 15mm f/2 Zero-D LM is designed for Leica M mount photographers and promises ‘close-to-zero’ distortion. This, its manufacturer suggests, makes the full frame lens ideal for capturing landscape, architecture, interior, street and astrophotography. With a lens construction comprising 12 elements in 9 groups with two aspherical elements, it’s also suitable

focusing distance is 15cm. A 72mm filter thread further extends creative possibilities, while a lens hood is supplied as standard. Laowa Argus 28mm f/1.2 FF, which is available in four different mount options; specifically the Canon RF, Nikon Z, Sony E and L-mounts. With the lens itself described as a modern take on a classic focal length, it’s been designed to work well as an everyday lens, while being as suitable for video as it is photography. With a 62mm filter thread provided, the lens weighs 562g and measures 68.5x106mm in size. Suggested uses for this travel friendly lens again include street, documentary, landscape, portrait and astrophotography. Meanwhile a 13-blade aperture is said to be capable of delivering ‘creamy round bokeh’.

BPI News is your mouthpiece to reach peers in the photo trade, so use it. Send ad bookings & press releases to 0116 289 3644 | |
it? Scan the QR code and see what we’re all about or get in touch on the details below.
6 April / May 2023 | BPI News News


BPI News visited the final March outing for The Societies of Photographers Convention and Trade Show before it returns to its regular January slot in 2024. We discovered an upbeat CEO in Colin Jones and positivity emanating from the photo trade

The second annual Societies of Photographers Convention and London Trade Show since the disruptive dark days of the pandemic – and its 20th such event in total – took place back at its regular venue of the Novotel in London’s Hammersmith last month.

Once again the Trade Show took over a floor of the hotel for a three-day stint, and BPI News visited on the Friday. With transport strikes earlier that week, this seemed to be the sensible choice. Fortunately, exhibitors we spoke to reported an encouragingly healthy amount of attendees on the Thursday too, with visitors and trade feeling the benefits of attending far outweighed any effort required to be there. It was good to be able to network with colleagues and peers we hadn’t seen in a while, and there was a real buzz on the trade show floor at what, for many, could well be their only opportunity to collectively mingle this year (although also see the box out on this spread about further Societies’ roadshows!).

“This year’s London Photo Convention was such a positive event. We’ve literally been inundated with photographers and trade members writing in to say how much they enjoyed the event and how beneficial it’s been to their business,” enthuses The Societies CEO Colin Jones.

“We are already full steam ahead for the 2024 Convention, which is scheduled to take place back in our usual January calendar slot – Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th January 2024 – at the Novotel London West, Hammersmith. Exhibitors have been quick to rebook their space, with 50% already booked or reserved for 2024. So if you are looking to exhibit, please do get in contact.


“Thank you once again to everyone who has helped make this year’s event the success it’s been. I really do appreciate everyone’s efforts.”

Also taking place on the Friday of the event, the annual Trade Awards saw the great and the good of our industry garlanded. There were 12 categories in total, with results selected from the votes of over 3,000 photographers, and the winners each receiving a trophy.

Best Professional Lighting once again went to Elinchrom, while another regular victor in Loxley Colour took Best Professional Lab and Best Professional Album.

Best Professional Paper went to Permajet Photo Art Silk 290, while the Canon EOS R5 was named Best Professional Camera two years in a row. The Canon RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM took Best Professional Lens and Best Professional Photo Printer went once again to the Canon ImagePROGRAF PRO-1000. Best Professional Accessory was Hand Painted Backdrops, while LSP Actions won Best Professional Software. Best Professional Training went to Kelly Brown.

Colin concludes: “I’d like to congratulate all the companies who have won an Award, voted for by our members and their customers. This is the 15th year of our trade awards, and they have become extremely popular both with the trade and with photographers who want to recognise these suppliers for the excellent services and products they bring to the industry.”

Next year’s show dates for your diary: Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th January 2024. Thinking of exhibiting? Get in touch NOW on 01745 356935 or email

8 April / May 2023 | BPI News BPI News Extra Make a note now of next year’s show dates for your diary: Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th January 2024
Canon: Best Professional Lens Permajet: Best Professional Paper Canon: Best Professional Camera Loxley Colour: Best Professional Service

Non-stop promotion: After a busy Convention & Trade Show last month it’s full steam ahead for January 2024, with more chances in between to engage with photographers at one of The Societies’ Roadshows - see right hand panel!

Not too late to hit the road with The Societies

Remember there’s no Photography Show this year.

Don’t miss the chance to exhibit to a captive audience of enthusiastic photographers. Roadshow events are planned throughout this year. Make a date of the following in your diary and get in touch to book exhibition space.


„ 9th May – Falkirk

„ 10th May – Newcastle Upon Tyne

„ 11th May – Wetherby

„ 20th June – Weston-Super-Mare

„ 21st June – Reading

„ 22nd June – Coventry

„ 19th September – Crawley

„ 20th September – Stevenage

„ 21st September – Thetford

With an average of 250+ delegates attending each roadshow, stand prices start from just £350 + VAT.

More info at: WANT

Or visit: roadshows/exhibit-at-our-roadshows/


@bpi_news BPI News | April / May 2023 9 The Societies Convention & London Trade Show 2023 at the Hammersmith Novotel. To
your exhibition
356935 or email
space call 01745
this QR code for details
Best Professional Printer Hand Painted Backdrops: Best Professional Accessory Kelly Brown: Best Professional Training LSP Actions: Best Professional Software
Best Professional Lighting


Sigma’s long-awaited first three prime lenses for the Nikon Z Mount are arriving this month in popular focal lengths of 16mm, 30mm and 56mm and should be on specialist retailers’ shelves soon.

BPI News drills into more detail

Mark April 21st on your calendar and alert sales staff to it, as that’s the newly announced on-sale date for the much-anticipated initial trio of Nikon Z Mount compatible, Sigma branded lenses. The lenses are the F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary 56mm F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary Bringing more choice when it comes to Nikon users’ choice of available optics, Sigma’s first Z Mount compatible lenses are described as exceptionally sharp, in possession of an ultra wide aperture, plus are portable with it, in collectively weighing less than 1Kg. Though designed specifically for APS-C sensor incorporating mirrorless camera bodies, including the Nikon Z50 and Z fc, they can also be used on Nikon’s full frame sensor models in crop mode. As well as being newly available for Nikon mirrorless cameras, the above three existing prime lenses are also available in five other mounts: Sony E-mount, Fujifilm X Mount, Canon EF-M mount, Micro Four Thirds mount and L-Mount. Don’t forget that Sigma has partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects and promised to plant a tree for every lens it sells in 2023 – with an additional tree being planted for every customer who signs up to its email newsletter – so sales of Sigma are good for the planet, as well as your bottom line.


As we’ve learnt in previous articles, Sigma’s Contemporary lenses offer excellent image quality, while being ideal for travel, or for photographers requiring compactness when it comes to their kit. The trade-off is a less wide maximum aperture than their Art equivalents. Most of the primes in the Contemporary series are f/1.4, including the newly available primes for the Nikon Z mount.

“We are delighted to be able to offer our first Nikon Z Mount lenses to the

Triple whammy: Sigma introduces its first three long awaited and much desired lenses for the Nikon Z system; no

photo trade,” enthuses Sigma UK General Manager Paul Reynolds. “Sigma being in this market opens up a whole new range of possibilities going forward.”

16mm F1.4 DC DN | (left) lens offers the equivalent of a wide-angle 24mm in 35mm terms, making it useful for landscape and travel photography. Lightweight and designed for everyday use, the lens’ structure comprises 16 elements in 13 groups and effectively minimises optical aberrations. Its stepping motor claims to deliver smooth autofocus when recording video, while the mount features a special sealing for a dust and splashproof design. The ‘DC’ in the model name, lest we forget, indicates that the lens is optimised for use on cameras with APS-C sensors. Weight here is 420g.

The 30mm F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary (left) is a standard lens for mirrorless cameras, combining outstanding optical performance, including a beautiful ‘bokeh’ effect, along with a compact design. Offering a 35mm equivalent focal length of around 50mm,

this lens has a construction comprising nine elements in seven groups. Suitable for stunning portraits and tabletop still life shots thanks to the shallow depth of field offered at its wide-open aperture, the lens weighs a very manageable 285g. Again its stepping motor allows for a swift and near silent AF performance. Perfect for portraits with a 35mm equivalent of around 85mm, the 56mm F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary (left) is described as the smallest mid tele lens in its class, while retaining the compact, lightweight and outstanding image quality concepts of the ‘Contemporary’ line up. With a build incorporating 10 elements in six groups, a smooth and quiet auto focus performance when recording video plus a dust and splash proof mount construction is further promised. Flare and ghosting is reduced courtesy of Sigma’s Super Multi-Layer Coating. The weight here is 295g. Please make a date with your local Sigma rep to discuss all these exciting options further.

All of Sigma’s lenses come with the benefit of a three-year limited warranty. Visit

10 April / May 2023 | BPI News BPI News Product Focus
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The Big Interview

Dupli – the new name for Tetenal UK

Effective as of March this year, long-standing partner to the fine art and photographic print industry, Tetenal UK, has a new name and branding as ‘Dupli’. We speak to CEO Mike Fawcett to discover what’s changed and why, in most regards, it’s ‘business as usual.’

As the leading supplier of photographic print equipment and consumables nationwide, any changes at Tetenal UK were always going to be big news. And yet the seeds of these changes were sewn as far back as 2019, with the management buyout of the UK subsidiary of Tetenal GmbH, based in Germany. Now, four years on, the independent UK distributor has opted for a name change to ‘Dupli’ and some fresh new branding to go with it. With this news reverberating through our industry, we thought it time to catch up with former Tetenal UK MD – now the new Dupli CEO – Mike Fawcett to find out what opportunities this will have for specialist photo retailers buying its products, and the wider photographic print trade…

BPI News: Is this a case of ‘our name may have changed, but our service remains largely the same?’

Mike Fawcett: It’s business as usual as far as we’re concerned. The team will still offer the same outstanding service to customers but with a powerful new brand and identity. It’s a testament to the strength of our team and our offering that, despite industry and market challenges, we had our best ever year in 2022. We’ve added Noritsu Green dry labs and become the official Noritsu partner for the UK and Iceland. We’re also committed to strengthening our relationships with Hahnemuhle, Epson, FujiFilm, Kodak Alaris and DNP. Plus, it’s worth adding that all of the Kodak Express stores in the country are still managed

by Dupli. Our team in Leicester has also grown. There’s 35 of us now, with more joining the team in the coming months.

Q: Why choose ‘Dupli’ as a new name and brand? It’s fair to assume that ‘Dupli’ is an abbreviation of ‘Duplication’?

A: Well, we invested in consultants who took us through an in-depth, iterative process where, with the team, we examined the things that make us different, and what’s important to our employees and our customers. We are really proud of our heritage, and it was time for us to embrace a new name and identity that reflects the modern and innovative company that we are today, taking the best of that heritage and experience with us. It’s the right time for us to further invest in our brand, our team and our business. Our rebranding as ‘Dupli’ includes a new look and feel logo, website and strapline: ‘Partners in

Your invitation to a day out with Dupli this May: On the 24th at Dupli HQ, the team will be getting experimental

12 April / May 2023 | BPI News
A collective effort: As well as the re-branding from Tetenal UK to the new name of Dupli, the size of the team has also grown and now numbers some 35 strong, with more joining in the near future

Print’. We wanted a name that suggests our company is continuing to offer the same superior printing services it has provided for almost 35 years.

Q: Who are Dupli’s core audience and its customers – and where do you see routes for expansion?

A: Without giving too much away, we have an event lined up for May to which we’re inviting the trade (See Page 2 for more details – Ed). We’ve exciting plans for development under the new identity, including growing the Dupli team and offering customers more support than ever before. We’ve invested heavily in our technical infrastructure to enable us to continually advance and improve our service levels. We also share common values with many of our key partners, such as Epson’s drive toward sustainability. We’re also looking to expand further into the fine art and events market. Hence the strengthening of our partnerships with brands such as Hahnemuhle and DNP, experts in fine art and events printing, makes perfect sense.

Q: The past few years have seen the photo industry face some of its biggest ever challenges but the last year was your most successful ever. What do you put that down to?

A: After completing our management buy-out in 2019, the coronavirus pandemic was certainly our biggest challenge to date. But – true to form –the team came together during a tough period to help us emerge strong and in a solid position to grow. Whilst some businesses chose to consolidate, we chose to invest in ours. Our investment in our brand is the next chapter in our business growth – one in which we aim to exceed the gold standard in delivering support to both loyal and new customers, thanks to our knowledge and expertise.

Q: Your existing partners in the trade will be relieved to learn that their points of contact remain the same for Dupli and that only the emails – and website address – have changed.

A: That’s right. Absolutely nothing is changing regarding our team. Our investment in our business and ambition for growth means that we believe that now more than ever, there is a great career path for all our Dupli colleagues, as they continue to help us lead the photographic and printing equipment markets with our experience and expertise. On a practical note, all email addresses now end in which is also the new address for our website (

Our trade partners should also update their records for future purchases from Tetenal Ltd to Dupli Ltd. The Company Registration and VAT numbers remain the same. Likewise, there’s no change to bank name or details. For suppliers the delivery address stays the same, and there is no impact on orders – customer deliveries stay the same. We’ve updated our website, stationery, signage, and packaging as well as all the ways we communicate. We intend to make the transition as ‘seamless’ as possible, but please bear with us if the odd rogue piece of communication slips through!

Q: For anyone who hasn’t previously ordered from or partnered with Tetenal UK, what’s your sales pitch as regards the newly minted Dupli Ltd?

A: We believe we have the best brands with the widest range of stock, including exclusive products and next day delivery. We offer peace of mind via install and aftersales support and technical knowledge. We can help you grow your business in your own way. We’ve experience of working on big projects but are equally comfortable helping out smaller operations. Our

Partnered in print: From L to R, new Dupli Board of Directors Louise Wilce (Chief Marketing Officer), Mark Norman (Chief Finance Officer), Mike Fawcett (CEO), Phil Barker (Chief Sales Officer) and Verity Adkin (Chief Operating Officer)

mantra at Dupli is: “We treat every customer like our biggest customer.”

Q: Any parting shot you want to leave your peers in the trade with?

A: We’re proud of both our heritage and expertise as well as excited about our bright future – hopefully we’ve created a brand positioning that encapsulates a unique blend of both. In the short-term yes we have a new name, but otherwise we don’t intend on anything else feeling different! Our team will still offer the same trusted experience and expertise, and customers will still have access to the best brands with next-day delivery on all products. Plus, we’ll still be offering favourable credit terms and a talented in-house Technical Support team to boot. As we settle into our new brand we will look to make improvements to our services and our communications, as a starter, but throughout we’ll make sure we talk to you and keep you informed.

Your key contacts at Dupli Ltd

Sales: Charlotte Spilane

Technical Support: Darren Whitmore

Customer Service: Lauren Canham

Hardware Sales: Chris Allsopp

Accounts Payable: Morgan Fawcett

Credit Control: Laura Spicer

Marketing: Craig Bird

Purchasing: Rebecca Isaacs

@bpi_news BPI News | April / May 2023 13 Dupli Advertorial –
in the name of sustainability
photographic print
and fine art. Check out page 2 for more info and to register.


Transcontinenta UK has a promotional push on one of its most acclaimed brands – lens specialist Tamron – this spring and summer. Starting now and running until June 30th, your customers have the opportunity to save up to £300 on various zooms. So all the more reason to order in sufficient stock to meet expected demand!

There’s an added incentive for photo specialists to stock and sell Tamron’s acclaimed lens line up this spring and summer. A promotional push via exclusive distributor Transcontinenta UK will see participating Tamron dealers entice extra custom, thanks to savings of between £100 and £300 on selected zoom lenses. The campaign, which is being offered using ‘Voucher Savings’ at participating stockists, kicked off on April 6th, and will run until June 30th this year.

There are four distinct lens specifications and seven lenses in total covered by this offer. These include the Tamron 150-600mm VC Di USD G2 ultra-tele zoom lens to fit Canon and Nikon mounts, plus the Tamron 150500mm Di III VC USD in Sony FE mount and the latest Fuji X mount version.

The second pair of lenses included in the money saving scheme are the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 and the Tamron 17-70mm f/2.8 Di III-A RXD, the latter available for crop sensor formats in both Sony E and Fuji X mounts, giving us seven lenses total. This trio covers a standard zoom range.

“We’re confident our stockists will get behind this fantastic opportunity to sell more Tamron lenses while saving their customers money on what are already great value, superb quality and highly acclaimed products,” says Transcontinenta UK Category Manager Jeremy Martin.

For the duration of the promotion, there will be savings on these lenses applied by participating stockists at the checkout in the form of Voucher code offers.

In the Ultra-tele zoom category, the Tamron 150-600mm VC Di USD G2 has a cool £300 saving for both Canon and Nikon mounts, and the 150-500mm Di III VC USD enjoys a £100 saving in Fuji X or Sony FE fit.

Within the standard zoom category, purchasers of the Tamron 28-75mm

f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 can get a huge £150 voucher based saving and then there is a massive £180 saving for the Tamron 17-70mm Di III-A RXD for the Sony E and Fuji X mount.


As regards which photographers and videographers will prove the perfect customers, when it comes to Tamron zoom lenses it’s all about versatility. That’s certainly the case with the 150-600mm VC DI USD G2 (right) in either Canon or Nikon fits, the focal range ensuring photographers will never be too far from their subject, whether it is a bird in flight, an aeroplane or a wild flower using Ultratele close up. Users can enjoy handheld shooting, thanks to the G2 version’s

enhancements to AF speed and Vibration Compensation (VC), which, according to CIPA testing, is equivalent to 4.5 stops and enables shooting with slower shutter speeds. Moisture resistant construction also adds peace of mind when shooting outdoors to help protect your lens in case you get caught out in a shower. Additionally, a Flex Zoom Lock allows the zoom to be quickly locked or unlocked at any position, simply by sliding the zoom ring. This helps to maintain a particular zoom position so you’re framed and ready when the action happens. The lens itself weighs 2010g.

Great deals that won’t leave you ‘foxed’: Sell more Tamron lenses via Transcontinenta UK these next couple of months thanks to ‘Voucher Savings’ on its award winning zooms (sample promo material shown left)

A lens to go ‘wild’ over: Canon and Nikon users will never be too far from a superb photograph thanks to Tamron’s 150-600mm ultra tele zoom offering

Until June 30th, save your customers up to £300 on four Tamron zooms: the 28-75mm G2, 17-70mm, 150-500mm

14 April / May 2023 | BPI News BPI News Product Focus

Next up, the 150-500m VC USD FE for Sony full frame models and the 150-500mm VC VXD (right) for the Fuji X mount both suggest a perfect balance between a high image quality and compact design. With a minimum focus distance of 0.6 metres and a maximum aperture of f/5-6.7, the lens in whichever fit is very comfortable and user friendly. Length is 209mm, maximum diameter is 93mm, weight is 1725g and minimum focus distance is 60cm. The ‘VC’ image stabilisation enables sharp and detailed results when shooting handheld. In fact a choice of three VC modes can be made to match the shooting conditions and user’s preferences. Lens construction is moisture resistant, while a linear motor suppresses drive noise and vibrations when focusing, thus making it ideal for both photos and video. Meanwhile, in the standard zoom category, the 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 (below) is described as a high-speed zoom lens delivering a creativity inspiring optical performance nothing less than ‘spectacular’. Marked improvements over the first generation of the lens are promised. Optical aberrations have been minimised thanks to the inclusion of LD (Low Dispersion) and GM (Glass Molded Aspherical) glass elements, with beautiful ‘bokeh’ effects achievable. Like other lenses in the line up, this zoom sees the AF drive equipped with Tamron’s VXD technology (Voicecoil eXtreme-torque Drive) to provide quick and accurate auto focus. The lens has a moisture resistant construction plus fluorine coating for extra protection. And with a close working distance of just 18cm at the wide-angle setting, highly detailed close-up shots are possible. Lastly as regards the current promotion, the

properties of the light and compact 1770mm Di III-A RXD (right), available for crop sensor cameras in Sony E and Fuji X fits, include a minimum object distance of 19cm at the wide end and 39cm at the telephoto end – with the lens being devised to achieve a broad zoom range (equivalent to approximately 26-105mm in full frame format) and excellent image quality. As the model name suggests it is also equipped with Tamron’s RXD technology (Rapid eXtra-Silent Stepping Drive), promising to deliver high speed and accurate auto focus. Once again, the lens boasts a moisture resistant build, gains extra protection from a fluorine coating and is bolstered by including Tamron’s VC (Vibration Compensation) image stabilisation. Weight is a highly manageable 530g making it a great companion with a crop sensor Sony or Fuji body, in providing a nice extended standard focal range.

“There’s plenty of choice whether your customers are Canon, Nikon, Fuji or Sony users when it comes to the lenses that fall under our ‘Instant Save’ style Tamron promotion,” Transcontinenta UK’s Jerry concludes. “Take advantage of this great opportunity to drive both sales and profitability” For more on the current Tamron lens promo, to request your stock and personally participate, contact Transcontinenta UK on 0203 966 5947 or email

and 150-600mm in a variety of Canon, Nikon, Sony and Fujifilm fits. For more, please visit

Transcontinenta UK / Tamron Promotion BPI News | April / May 2023 15 NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at


With a host of brand new Epson large format ‘P’ and ‘T’ series SureColor printers just released, official reseller the DPS Group guides us through the best fit for your own business

Official Epson reseller the DPS Group has long encouraged the UK photo trade to install an Epson large format printer in order to profit from print. Now a whole group of new large format models – nine in total if counting all the variations – has been a launched in the 24-inch SureColor SC-P6500E, P6500D and P6500DE; the 44-inch SC-P8500D; the 24-inch SC-T3700E, T3700D and T3700DE; the 36-inch SC-T5700D and the 44-inch SC-T7700D

Each of these workhorselike machines is geared toward providing retailers and minilabs with the ability to add to or expand their photo printing services.

Epson describes its 2400x1200 dpi

SureColor SC-P6500E, P6500D, P6500DE

(right) and SC-P8500D and DL (with 1.6 litre ink pack) printers as capable of delivering a print quality for large-scale photos and posters via their 6-colour ink set (shown below) that’s equivalent to other 8-colour printers on the market. Smart features keep operation simple, while we’re told high print speeds combine with low maintenance to improve productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. The printers have been designed with flat sides so they can be installed against walls, cabinets or in spaces with a shallow depth. Wi-Fi capability ensures they’ll operate anywhere.

The printers’ UltraChrome Pro6 pigment ink set includes a new grey ink to broaden the colour range. Dual roll models can load two different media types

or sizes and automatically and effortlessly switch between them. A 4.3-inch touch panel is conveniently positioned for easy access to printer functions, while the devices are ready to use out of the box with no assembly required.

Available now via official reseller the DPS Group, MD Maneesh Patel advises: “The Epson SC-P6500E/D/DE and SC-P8500D/ DL are brilliant, cost effective replacements for the maybe thousands of Epson, Canon and HP large format printers out there at retail which are definitely due

delivering bright, precise and long lasting colours at high speed. A new red ink is provided to match the exact colour of red in corporate logos and accentuate red hues for food produce such as tomatoes and strawberries. The flat top surface of the printers serves as a proofing bench while their flat back, front and sides allows for tight installation against walls and cabinets, as does the fully integrated retractable catch basket.

The 24-inch SureColor T3700E features enhanced IT and security features including the facility for encrypted pin/ passwords. These capabilities are likewise offered by the T3700D/DE which add a dual roll facility, with the ‘D’ model available with worldwide imaging standard Adobe PostScript 3 and the ‘DE’ without.

“Epson’s new large format models will improve productivity while still providing high quality prints. The potential to profit from photo printing in-house has never been higher.”

DPS Group MD Maneesh Patel

an upgrade. Epson’s new large format models will improve productivity while still providing high quality prints. The potential to profit from photo printing in-house has never been higher.”


Meanwhile the SC-T3700E/D/DE, SCT5700D and the SC-T7700D (main image & top right) are described as large format printers equipped with stateof-the-art technology for reproducing detailed CAD drawings and, slightly more relevant to our own industry, point of sale material at retail.

The series features 6-colour UltraChrome XD3 all pigment inks

The 36-inch SureColor T5700D features a dual roll facility for increased productivity plus a new 2.64-inch PrecisionCore Micro TFP print head for high print speeds. Lastly the 44-inch SureColor T7700D features the 6-colour UltraChrome XD3 all pigment inks including the aforementioned red ink while its high print speeds and dual roll facility boost productivity. An alternative ‘DL’ model provides an integrated bulk ink solution with 1.6L UltraChrome XD3 all pigment inks. Interested parties are strongly advised to get in touch NOW about Epson’s latest large format printers via or by calling 020 8466 7230

16 April / May 2023 | BPI News BPI News Product Focus
Profit big from large format: call the DPS Group to install Epson’s 24, 36 and 44-inch printers via 020 8466 7230 or

New Leica lens & initiatives extend users’ creativity

Displaying excellence when it comes to image quality, whether that takes the form of a new lens or a photographic exhibition, is at the heart of what makes Leica tick

Having installed a new UK MD at the start of this year (see BPI News Feb/March) the luxury camera brand is cracking on with new products and initiatives. Aimed at both photographers and videographers is the new Leica Vario-Elmar-SL 100-400 f/5-6.3 telephoto zoom lens and Leica Extender L 1.4x

Described as the widest zoom in the SL system, the headline features of the former include a compact and lightweight design, optical image stabiliser to ensure blur-free images, plus precise auto focus for moving subjects, making it adept for nature, wildlife, sports and action photography. The lens features an Arca Swiss compatible tripod base and a lockable tripod clamp that allows it to be fixed securely at any angle, with the clamp locking every 90° for quick changes between landscape and portrait formats. Adding the Leica Extender L 1.4x extends the focal length even further to 140-560mm equivalent. It’s compact in size too, and weights just 182g. With the 100-400mm lens retailing at £1,190, the extender is £735. Both are available now from Leica stores, online and authorised dealers.


In related news, judges have been announced for the 43rd Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA). Due to deliberate this May at Leica’s headquarters in Wetzlar, Germany, and select their winners from over 60 entries and 30 countries, are Caroline Hunter (Picture Editor for The Guardian’s Saturday magazine), Whitney Hollington Matawe (Photo Editor at TIME Magazine), Francois Hébel (Curator), Luca Locatelli (Photographer) and Karin

Rehn-Kaufmann (Art Director and Chief Representative Leica Galleries International)

Since its inception in 1980, the selection of LOBA winners is based on proposals submitted by a panel of nominators, made up of photography experts from across the globe. The stipulation is that pictures must be documentary or conceptual artistic works dealing with the relationship of people to their environment.

Over the coming summer months the shortlisted nominees’ work will be presented on the LOBA website, with the award ceremony due to take place on 12th October 2023 in Wetzlar. The Main Award winner receives 40,000 Euros in prize money and Leica camera kit worth another 10,000 Euros, with the Newcomer Award winner getting 10,000 Euros and a Leica Q2. For more visit:

Last month Leica also marked International Women’s Day by announcing the fourth annual Leica Women’s Foto Project winners, which this year came from the UK, US, Canada and Mexico. Each winner received a Leica SL2-S camera, a Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70mm f/2.8 ASPH lens plus $10,000 to support their work.

The work of the UK’s winner, Anna Filipova, explores unique environmental and scientific topics in remote and inaccessible areas. For example her winning project ‘Arctic: The Darkest Hours’ explores Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, where the largest laboratory for modern Arctic research is housed, along with the research scientists who make up most of the population. This area has the cleanest air on Earth, but also receives circulated air from Europe and North America, allowing for extensive research of post global warming conditions.

“We were delighted to have the UK market join the fourth iteration of the Project and received a wide body of work from extremely talented photographers,” enthuses Leica UK’s Head of Marketing and PR Lydia Beagelman. “This award

highlights the female perspective and identifies the importance of capturing moments that bear witness to how we see and interact with our world.”

Speaking of photography documenting people’s relationship with their environments, the Leica Gallery in London is currently exhibiting a selection of photographs by Andy Summers, guitarist for The Police, which runs until April 30th. Entitled ‘Harmonics of the Night / A Series of Glances’ the shots were taken by Andy during his time travelling the world with the band, capturing street scenes across America and Japan, South America and Europe.

“The qualities I am looking for are musical,” he explains. “That is the condition. You think of music in terms of harmony, line, shape, volume, quietness and dynamics. I think all of those terms can be translated into photography.” Having had his interest initially stirred by the Leica M4-2, he adds: “I was hooked immediately. I felt that the Leica slowed down my picture taking; made it more meditative, made me think more before pressing the button. With this camera I felt as if I was finally stepping onto the true path.”

New for photographers from Leica: Vario-Elmar-SL 100-400 f/5-6.3 and Leica Extender L 1.4x

@bpi_news BPI News | April / May 2023 17 BPI News Extra
© Andy Summers: Over Rio, Rio de Janeiro 2015 ©Anna Filipova


Having made the switch to solely using Fujifilm printing products since 2021, Abergavenny based specialist retailer H Shackleton Photographic outlines the key benefits of becoming a Fujifilm independent retail partner

Back in 2021, family owned Abergavenny-based retailer H Shackleton Photographic sought out a fresh supplier for its printing services. After much deliberation a clear choice presented itself: Fujifilm. The shop decided to install several Fujifilm self-service print kiosks, along with four DE100 compact inkjet photo printers. It also made the switch to premium lustre and gloss photo paper. And now thanks to the business using solely Fujifilm products to deliver its print services, it was able to become a Fujifilm independent retail partner.

Shop manager Jonathan Griffiths tells us he has really felt the benefits since making the switch to Fujifilm and becoming one of its partners. Here he picks out the key advantages that would also benefit fellow members of the trade looking to do the same.


From the very moment that we reached out to the Fujifilm team regarding switching from our previous supplier, they have been nothing but kind, professional and have assisted us in ways that we never expected, writes Jonathan Griffiths

To ensure we fully understood the products before opening them up to the public, the Fujifilm team gave us two training sessions both onsite and off. They answered any questions we had, which ensured we were experts by the time we were done.

During the initial set up, the team was able to offer its input on our potential pricing structure, and even pointed out where our previous one was going wrong. While there was no obligation to take their recommendation on board, it was helpful to know what other Fujifilm partners charge for their services.


Before we received the kiosks and printers, our team attended a two-part training session, one taking place at Fujifilm’s Bedford site and the other at our own store. Once we had re-modelled

the store and the equipment was fitted, the team gave us a further two-day course to ensure the machines were running smoothly and we had everything we needed before re-opening to the public.

Although I’ve been in the industry for 32 years, I’m still learning how to best ensure our customers benefit from the best products and prints possible. As this was a new system for the entire store, having expert training was a huge benefit and made the transition easy for all.

The team at Fujifilm was incredibly knowledgeable and their support proved invaluable. Whenever one of our customers now needs our help getting their memories printed, or asks for our professional advice, we can offer the perfect Fujifilm print option to match their needs.


Ensuring our clients receive the finest products possible is something that, as an independent family run business, we go the extra mile to achieve. When we made the switch from our previous supplier to Fujifilm, we saw an instant

difference in the quality of our prints. Everything from the brightness to the feel of the paper was exceptional and continues to impress us to this day.

To discover how Fujifilm can inspire ideas and help boost the profile and bottom line of your own store or minilab, get in touch

18 April / May 2023 | BPI News
Minilab News

Partners with benefits: Shackleton

Photographic has quickly seen successful results since switching to Fujifilm products to deliver its print services and becoming a Fujifilm independent retail partner

Putting the customer first: The shop decided to install several Fujifilm self-service kiosks, along with four DE100 compact inkjet photo printers. As well as equipment and media, Fujifilm’s team was even able to provide advice on Shackleton’s pricing structure

When we started printing on Fujifilm paper, using the self-serving kiosks for five, six and eight-inch prints, or the DE100 for larger ones, customers told us how they could instantly see the difference in the quality. As a result, we have noticed a rise in the number of sales and repeat customers – a significant benefit for the business’ overall takings. Having a higher quality product has made us a first-choice independent supplier in our area.


Working with a brand that can provide excellent customer support is a must, especially when you are using their products on a daily basis. Whenever we have a question, no matter what it is, we can call the team at Bedford and someone will come back with a response

in under an hour. In many cases, the team has been able to respond in a matter of minutes, allowing us to continue without our day being disrupted. The expertise provided by the team has been an exemplary and vital factor in the smooth transition to Fujifilm. We are yet to give them a question that they have failed to answer.


As a Fujifilm independent partner, last October we were invited to attend a twoday partner conference held in Liverpool to learn more and to celebrate a year of hard work (see BPI News, November 22 issue). There were two workshop sessions, one on how to capture captivating content and the other on how to increase our social media presence using our own imagery.

Over the last decade social media platforms have become a vital marketing tool, allowing businesses, including ourselves, the opportunity to reach a larger audience. By giving us the tools to expand our reach beyond word of mouth, or local footfall, we can grow our brand and increase our revenue in partnership with Fujifilm.

The partner conference not only provided us with knowledge, but it also served as a great networking opportunity, with a chance to meet other Fujifilm sellers. We were able to compare pricing and products and discuss our experience working within the industry. During the final night, we won the Best Newcomer Award (above) at the Beatlesthemed ceremony in recognition of our breakthrough performance in high street photo retail and rapid business growth.

It was an honour to win this and it really made us feel welcomed into the group.

As well as all of the expertise and great memories the conference gave us, Fujifilm also gifted everyone in attendance an INSTAX Square smart phone printer.

As my colleague and I both attended, we came back with two! We decided to use this for a winter competition to encourage customers to print with us and see the quality for themselves.

In the six months since we made the transition to Fujifilm, we have never been happier with the quality of our prints. We have been supported through every step and continue to feel the benefits of the switch. If you’re looking for a supplier that has your businesses interests at heart, Fujifilm are the people for you.

For information on how you can become a Fujifilm independent retail partner and to discover how it could benefit your business, please contact Fujifilm at

BPI News | April / May 2023 19 NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at
with Fujifilm Photo Print Services at or by visiting
From the moment we reached out to the Fujifilm team regarding switching from our previous supplier, they have been nothing but kind, professional and have assisted us in ways that we never expected.”
Fujifilm Advertorial
H Shackleton Photographic Shop Manager Jonathan Griffiths


On our business advice pages we’re always suggesting ways to reduce expenditure while maximising potential for profit. This issue we briefly highlight where the Chancellor’s recent Spring Budget affects photo businesses – before throwing in some motivational spring-cleaning tips of our own

For once we had a Chancellor’s Budget in the UK last month that didn’t cause immediate economic carnage. Dubbed a boring budget for that very reason, some of the big news for business included the fact that a planned hike in corporation tax from 19% to 25% is still due to go ahead. This is in order, claims the government, to get debt falling. The impact is due however to be offset by other

supposedly growth promoting tax measures, including the fact that every penny a company now spends on IT equipment, plants and machinery can immediately be deducted in full from taxable profits – giving an incentive to invest in your business.

Smaller businesses also get an increased Annual Investment Allowance of up to £1M, meaning 99% of SME companies will be able to deduct the full 100%

value of their investment from taxable profits. As widely reported, it was also something of a ‘back to work’ budget too, with several measures around increased childcare in the future that may help parents afford to return to employment. However, as regards those in the trade with a high street presence, the Budget contained no new moves to reduce business rates or other retail initiatives – surely

Got your own ideas about how the photo industry can counter the challenges arising from the cost of living crisis,

Business Advice 20 April / May 2023 | BPI News

something that many were looking for. While it’s good news that threats of recession seem to have currently eased, inflation unexpectedly continued to climb last month and interest rates with it, weighing on household incomes and dragging on growth, meaning the overall picture still remains challenging. Interestingly for the tech industry, there was also mention of Artificial Intelligence in the spring budget, with the government pledging to award a £1 Million ‘AI Challenge Prize’ each year for the next decade to researchers driving progress in critical areas of AI. It’s been inspired to do this thanks to recent AI developments, including the launch of ChatGPT and the announcement of Google Bard, which are revealing the powerful potential of emerging technologies.


Political decisions such as the above over which we have no direct control can sometimes feel discombobulating. Fortunately though, we can take control of our own destiny and regain a surer footing by taking a long, hard look at our own business and seeing if there’s anything we need to change or expand on, to counter changes in our market and consumer habits alike. It’s no surprise to hear from the retailers we speak to that people are currently feeling the pinch. All the more reason to make sure your own business stands out that much stronger. If you’re stuck for fresh ideas, we’ve a few tried and tested ones that may just work for you…


It’s fair to suggest most businesses are now a mix of bricks and mortar and online presence. That’s especially true of retail. Though doing business via the Internet has typically been even more cutthroat than the high street, it’s important to not lose sight of the advantage a bricks and mortar photo retailer has over online-only box shifters: a local community to market to.

While you may want to post updates and deals to followers on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, think about getting involved with local groups, schools and clubs in the real world too. After all, they’re another potential source of new business – and one that you’re not competing with every photo retailer who has a web presence for. Try running a kids’ (or even Mum’s and Dad’s) photo competition, with a prize that is presented in your shop and which can be publicised to the local paper (if you’re fortunate enough to still have one published for your area), or

community website? The local press, radio, online publications and even podcasts love to feature local businesses, as they thrive on feel-good stories – and the closer they are to home, the better.

direct marketing, perhaps letting them know of a flash deal, a seasonal sale or new finance package – each designed, naturally, to encourage a purchase.

Remember that wherever you visit and whomever you talk to, a good rapport with potential customers will do more for the business than pushing products hard ever will. Be seen as someone who gives to the community: the more networking you do, the better your reach and the bigger your catchment area for custom. Positive word of mouth will provide you with the best advertising you’ve ever had.


As noted above, it’s possible to get so hung up with fighting retail battles online that we ignore the potential custom to be found on our doorstep – something that the recent pandemic highlighted, with a push for people to ‘shop local’ and support their communities in lockdown. Here doing things the ‘old school’ way can still have an impact: namely we can begin marketing to our local community via the medium of our shop window and exterior sandwich board.

And it’s easy enough to tie in a refresh of the shop, or shop window, with a seasonal theme. With summer on the way, high street photo specialists have a golden opportunity to visually lift spirits and encourage spend – and not just via cashbacks or voucher schemes from the usual suspects. Perhaps there’s a local fayre or festival that you could tie in a time limited promotion with, for some cross fertilisation. Or, with a royal coronation imminent at the time of writing, here’s an opportunity to attract attention to your store with a suitably themed promotion. Advise new customers that a dedicated digital camera is going to be better suited for high-resolution stills and 4K video of their street parties and celebrations than a smartphone, especially in low light, while pointing them towards the albums and frames you also stock on which they’ll typically be a much better margin for you.

Of course nothing is stopping us from also marketing our seasonal promotions electronically. Many stores do, with consent, gather lists of customers’ emails – which can then be used for

A clever way to build up such a database in the first place is to re-think your receipts. Can you send them by email? Not only do you save on print, you’ll be gathering a collection of contacts that can, again with consent, be marketed to.

Again here, it’s important to stand out. With the transparency of the Internet and widespread confidence in e-commerce, your customers have myriad choices when it comes to what they buy and where they buy from. You can help your business stand out by including demo videos on your website to give one example, to showcase that your business is a helpful and knowledgeable one –and that customers will gain something extra from shopping with you; along with excellent customer service.


We mentioned royalty – but how about loyalty? Offer promotions that reward loyalty in order to win custom rather than dishing out discounts, which can erode margin and ultimately kill off the business. A reward programme based on the frequency of customer purchases is easy enough to set up and can encourage repeat purchases.

Likewise, special shop events aimed at these same loyal customers – or first dibs on covetable new photography kit – can also help them feel extra special and cement those feelings of loyalty to your business in the long term. Customers can be fickle, but, equally, you can go some distance to preventing them from being so.

While e-commerce has greatly evolved over the past decade, with some clever ideas and promotions to encourage spend, there’s still a valued place for a high street presence. And of course rather than let your bricks and mortar store and the online world fight it out, you can make them work together – by offering a click (online) and collect (in store) service for example. If people want to pop into your shop, and get some face-to-face advice before buying, encourage that. But, at the same time, if they already know what they want, provide them with the opportunity to place an order 24/7. At the end of the day, in a changing retail environment, maintaining a flexible approach is crucial.

or care to share what’s working for you (without giving away trade secrets)? Then do get in touch direct via

@bpi_news BPI News | April / May 2023 21 Motivational tips for May
We can take control of our own destiny by taking a long, hard look at our own business and seeing if there’s anything we need to change or expand on, to counter changes in our market and consumer habits alike.”


Dupli, formerly Tetenal UK (see centre pages for the full story) is much in the news this month. As well as a new name it has announced a new charity partner from April in Alzheimer’s Research UK. Dupli will be promoting their ‘Think Brain Health’ campaign as well as collaborating on projects that highlight the role that photographic images can play in creating and stimulating memories, and the personal benefits this can bring to patients and caregivers alike.

With recent studies into the impact of dementia-related illnesses on society in general reporting we could be on the brink of what could be classed as a pandemic, with the rising cost of care crippling the economy, Dupli Marketing Manager Craig Bird explains: “Alzheimer’s and dementia are subjects very close to my heart and I’m delighted that Dupli can reach out into the photographic community to raise awareness of the vital work of researching treatments and cures.”

Dupli suggests the partnership further underlines its commitment to being a responsible employer, with the health and well-being of its team being top of the agenda. A ‘Think Brain Health’ test can be taken at: brain-health/think-brain-health/


Transcontinenta UK distributed lighting brand Zhiyun has some illuminating new products with which retailers can engage with the burgeoning ‘content creator’ market. The new Zhiyun MOLUS G60 and MOLUS X100 ultra compact COB lights are described as an ultra compact and portable range.

A case in point, the Zhiyun MOLUS G60 is claimed to be as small as a Rubik’s cube and weigh 300g, yet boasts up to 60W of power at maximum output. A flexible CCT range of 2700K to 6500K is offered, which is adjustable via Bluetooth, or an intuitive on-board brightness control. For added convenience, the unit can be powered up via a mains adapter or via USB-C port.

Big brother the Zhiyun MOLUS X100 itself weighs only 385g and delivers 100W of power. Again a CCT range of 2700K to 6500K is offered. On-thego content creators have three ways to power the light, choosing between a grip battery, DC adapter or 100W

DPReview ceases publication after 25 years

One time the biggest online camera review site out there, much lauded by the photo industry and courted by eager PRs and manufacturers, DPReview – or Digital Photography Review as it was originally known – is being shuttered by current owner Amazon. Founded in 1998 by photo enthusiast Phil Askey, in its early years the site was a one-man band, before gradually growing into a larger team operation as digital photography exploded into the mass market during the 2000’s. Bought by Amazon for a sizeable sum at the peak of the public’s interest in digital cameras as must-have devices, the decision to axe the site, once both admired and feared for its in-depth no-punches-pulled review style, now reportedly comes as part of wider cost-cutting by its owner.

PD fast charge. Again via Bluetooth or on-board controls the light’s colour temperature can be adjusted to gain the desired effect. A music mode also allows lighting effects to be triggered by sound.

Current DPReview General Manager Scott Everett posted a statement as we went to press suggesting the site’s material won’t disappear completely overnight and will remain available online as an archive. No further site updates were however due to be posted after April 10th.

Both these LED lights use Zhiyun’s new DynaVort cooling system, consisting of a gyroscope-modeled heat sink and a FOC fan to prevent overheating. Available now, prices range from £210.99 SRP for the MOLUS G60 to £404.99 SRP for a MOLUS X100 Pro Kit.

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22 April / May 2023 | BPI News News

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