Technical Periodical for Breweries, Malt Houses, the Beverage Industry and Partners
No 5 – International VLB Edition I/2017 | 15 May 2017 | ISSN 0179-2466
Beer flavour stability – A perspective Determination of yeast cell concentration Benchmarking your
empty bottle inspection machine
Transporting beer through the
Gotthard Base Tunnel
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September 11–15, 2017 Messe München, Germany,
VLB Research Institute for Raw Materials: Vorwerk succeeds Rath / Gerhard A. Schreiber: Appointed Head of Finance of VLB
5 VLB General Meeting 2016: Positive financial statement for 2015
Due to the development of more dis tant markets, many breweries face the issue of flavour instability. With expert know-how, the VLB Berlin can be a valuable partner to improve flavour stability of beer
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 6 Beer flavour stability – A perspective 9 MegaPec – A specific medium for the detection of Pectinatus and Megasphaera / VLB enhancing its biological expertise 10 Comparison of different methods for the determination of yest cell concentration 14 Benchmarking your empty bottle inspection machine
16 Transporting beer and beverages through the Gotthard Base Tunnel 18 Calculation of the required amount of “speise” (feed) for bottle fermentation
What kind of forces act on beverage cargo loads transported through the tunnel by rail? The VLB Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM) sought to answer this question by conducting a study in Switzerland last year
104th Brewing and Engineering Conference in Munich received great response
22 Learning, tasting, networking – Craft brewers attend VLB seminar at Beviale Moscow 23 Craft Beer Italy – New joint project of NürnbergMesse Italia, Doemens and VLB Berlin
24 VLB course offerings 26 Recent VLB international activities
18 high-profile lectures, a successful supporting program as well as a visit to the new Paulaner Brewery – that is the brief summary of the recent VLB Spring Meeting from 6 to 8 March 2017. The event at the Munich Sheraton Hotel attracted 380 participants
Imprint / VLB institutes and departments – contacts
28 VLB international events 2017/2018
24 Cover: VLB MicroBrew Symposium in South Africa, September 2016 photo by Jan Biering, VLB
Since its foundation in 1883, the VLB has also been a brewing school. In co-operation with the Technische Universität Berlin, it offers regular study programs for brewers
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
VLB Research Institute for Raw Materials: Vorwerk succeeds Rath The current Head of the VLB Research Institute for Raw Materials (FIR), Prof. Dr. Frank Rath, announced this summer that he will retire at the end of 2017. The matter of his succession has now been resolved. Henrike Vorwerk, who has served as a research associate at the FIR since 2009, will take over leadership of the institute in 2018. (oh) The search for a successor to the management position at the Research Institute for Raw Materials at VLB Berlin has ended. The statecertified food chemist Henrike Vorwerk (33), who has been working as a research associate at the FIR, will assume this responsibility on 1 January 2018. Vorwerk was born in the Münsterland region of Germany and studied food chemistry
at the University of Münster. After completing her education at the State and Veterinary Inspectorate (CVUA) Münster, she joined VLB in 2009. Her scientific work as a research associate of Prof. Dr. Frank Rath has focused on special analysis and mass spectrometry. Most recently, she played a key role in the successful EBC/Euromalt project to develop and validate a new Henrike Vorwerk
Gerhard A. Schreiber: Appointed Head of Finance of VLB On 1 February 2017, Gerhard Andreas Schreiber took over the commercial management of VLB Berlin. He succeeded Manuela Hauffe, who left VLB of her own volition at the end of December 2016.
Risk Management and Transfer. Since that time, VLB has significantly increased generation of third-party funding from national and international funding programs. As the new commercial manager, Schreiber is responsible for fi(oh) Gerhard Andrenancial accounting, as Schreiber (56) human resources, studied geology at the management Justus Liebig Uniand optimization versity Giessen and of commercial procompleted an appcesses (including renticeship as a mareporting), and renagement assistant search coordination. in the field of data “We are glad to have processing. Over the been able to quickly course of his profesfill the gap after Ms. sional career, he has Hauf fe’s sudden held various madeparture. Gerhard Gerhard A. Schneider nagement positions Andreas Schreiber at leading industrial is an excellent, procompanies. He has been respon- fessional successor,” said VLB’s sible for commercial operations, Managing Director Dr. Josef Fonamong other things. He is also an taine. “As a result of his previous expert on EU research projects. activities, he is well familiar with our processes and internal strucResearch Coordination tures, which in turn ensures the Schreiber joined VLB Berlin in continuous operation and further 2012, where he took on the po- optimization of our commercial sition of Research Coordination, department.”
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
method for the safe prediction of the gushing potential of malt and beer. This topic will form the basis of her doctoral thesis this year. “I know that by succeeding Professor Rath, I have big shoes to fill. However, I am happy to accept this professional challenge and would like to continue to develop the Research Institute for Raw Materials as he intended,” says Henrike Vorwerk. Internal recruitment from within VLB “After weighing different options to address this issue, we have finally come to the conclusion to give a chance to a young scientist who comes from our own ranks,” commented VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine. For Professor Rath, this is a coherent solution: “It is very important for me to hand over my institute into competent hands. Miss Vorwerk has proven herself over the last seven years, and I have full confidence in her abilities. Over the remainder of the year, I will do my best to coach her to handle her future responsibilities.” The VLB Research Institute for Raw Materials has 25 employees. It is regarded as a valued partner for the brewing and malt industry as well as for plant breeding on both a national and an international level.
VLB General Meeting 2016: Positive financial statement for 2015 The General Meeting of VLB Berlin was held in Berlin, Germany, on 24 October 2016. The agenda included the presentation of the annual financial statement for 2015, which reported a surplus of €271,000, as well as an election to the Administrative Board. The meeting was chaired by VLB President Ulrich Rust. (oh) Dr. Josef Fontaine, Managing Director of VLB, reported on the 2015 fiscal year. The major developments can be summarized as follows: • Total revenues in 2015 amounted to € 10.4 million (–2.7 %). Slight increases in third-party research and event/education management were offset by declines in donations and consulting services. Revenues from analysis and membership contributions were almost constant. In total, VLB Berlin reported a surplus of € 271,000 for 2015, which will be transferred to reserves. • The personnel capacity amounted to an annual average of 148 employees, including 79 working on research projects. • In 2015, VLB had a total of 374 members, including 331 company members. The total income from membership subscriptions developed positively. About 40 % of membership fees came from international companies. • The ‘Construction of the VLB training centre’ project was ongoing during this period. In 2015, the shell construction was finished
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and the interior work began. Currently, the training centre is scheduled to be completed in April 2017. • The 100 % subsidiary VLB LaboTech GmbH posted a positive result for 2015. The annual financial statements for 2015 were audited by KWP Revision GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, and received an unqualified audit opinion. The 2016 General Meeting unanimously approved the actions of the Administrative Board and management. The Managing Director’s statement ended with an optimistic outlook for the current year, 2016. According to current business trends, revenues of more than € 11 million are expected in 2016. However, VLB President Ulrich Rust issued a warning regarding projected growth and demanded further systematic searches for growth prospects and cost reductions. On behalf of the VLB Board, he thanked the Managing Director, Dr. Josef Fontaine, the Head of Finance, Manuela Hauffe, and all the VLB employees for their commitment and hard work.
Co-optation to the Administrative Board Another item on the agenda was the co-optation to the Administrative Board. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Administrative Board is one of the three bodies of VLB. It consists of a maximum of seven members and decides on all important matters relating to VLB. With regard to the composition of this body, the statutes recommend that the two chairmen of the Technical-Scientific Committee (TSC) and the Business Committee (BWA) should be represented there. The General Meeting passed this recommendation and elected the TSC chairman Dr. Dietrich Mönch of Tivoli Malz, Hamburg, who has been in office since March 2016, to the previously vacant seventh seat without any objections. The further composition of this body remained unchanged.
VLB President Ulrich Rust chaired the General Meeting 2016
Next Meeting 2017 The next General Meeting of VLB Berlin will take place on 16 October 2017, as part of the 104th VLB October Convention in Berlin.
Beer flavour stability – A perspective Dr. Jörg Maxminer, Research Institute for Instrumental Beer and Beverage Analysis (FIBGA) of VLB Berlin
Due to the development of more distant markets, breweries from craft to global players face the issue of flavour instability. Since beer contains more than 600 volatile compounds, beer flavour change is a complex field of research and the improvement of flavour stability and the extension of beer shelf life remains a top priority. With the know-how of our experts and the availability of a wide range of analytical techniques, the VLB Berlin can be a valuable partner to improve flavour stability. Beer, as manufactured, is not at chemical equilibrium and undergoes complex chemical reactions during storage which can lead to undesirable changes in its sensory characteristics. On one hand, the expectations of more and more educated beer consumer for a fresh and consistent product increase and on the other hand the brewing industry develops more distant markets. Therefore beer flavour stability is now one of the most critical quality problems faced by the brewing industry. Consequently the understanding of the underlying mechanisms known to cause flavour changes during aging, and the use of quality control mechanisms and quality assurance techniques to evaluate, control and improve beer flavour stability are very important goals for the brewing industry.
Beer flavour stability Beer flavour is a combination of volatile compounds, bitterness, sweetness, ethanol and carbonation perceived by the gustatory, olfactory and trigeminal systems. Additionally mouthfeel and appearance of the beer consumed have an influence on the sensory per ception and the flavour perceived. The sensory quality of packaged beer is subject to constant change during shelf life resulting in predominantly unpleasant flavour changes. These changes include a decrease in bitter taste and more importantly a reduced quality of bitterness. Increased sweet, toffee and caramel notes, ribes/black currant, and sherry-like aromas are very common for aged beers. Additionally very unpleased flavour impressions like cardboard, leathery
or catty are associated to flavour instability. However, the absolute intensity and the time scale of these changes differs for different beer styles and the impact of staling on the taste of different beer types shows considerable diversity. Especially light lager and pale beers are generally of higher susceptibility than dark or strong beers. Addit ionally, the consumer preference is significantly influenced by gender, age, drinking occasion and tasting conditions and is quite often not correlating with the quality ratings of an expert tasting panel. Chemistry of beer ageing During the beer ageing process countless reactions take place resulting in formation and degradation processes of various compounds. A decrease of present flavour compounds can lead to the deterioration of the desired beer flavour, whereas an increase of flavour compounds during ageing can lead to an undesirable character. These undesired compounds can be formed in the packed beer during storage or be released from preformed compounds formed during the production process. These include but are not limited to the oxidation of higher alcohols, Maillard reactions, the Strecker degradation Fig. 1: Concentration of SO2 of three different lager-style beers over 18 weeks of storage at 26°C This figure was exchanged in this online edition due to a copyright issue. The Editor
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
of amino acids, aldol condensation, the degradation of iso-Îą-acids and the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. A comprehensive classification of the different reactions based on the impact on beer staling is nearly impossible. A good example for this complexity is the disagreement about the role of (E)-2-nonenal as a key component in stale character development, as the status of (E)2-nonenal as a key component has been questioned. The disagreement about the role of one compound illustrates the complexity of the chemistry of beer ageing. A total of 624 flavour compounds found in beer are described in detail in the ASBC flavour database [1]. This database includes flavour thresholds and typical concentrations found in beer. As it would go beyond the scope of this work to describe each of the compounds related to flavour instability, the database can be recommended as a very helpful tool to find information regarding beer flavour compounds. A detailed review of the possible reactions leading to their formation is provided in very detailed literature reviews [2, 3]. Main factors influencing flavour (in)stability Despite numerous studies, due to the complexity of beer flavour instability and the many factors contributing to beer ageing, forming a comprehensive picture of beer flavour instability remains a challenge. The main factors influencing the rate of flavour change during ageing are widely acknowledged, but much less is understood about the relative importance of each factor and the ways in which the factors interact to determine product stability. Major factors are raw materials used, brewing procedure and exposure to oxygen. These factors can be controlled by the brewer. Increased storage temperatures and time the beer is stored before consumption are also major
beer enemies but are usually out of control once the beer leaves the brewery. Oxygen One of the most extensively studied factors influencing beer flavour stability is oxygen. It is widely acknowledged that oxygen plays a very important, maybe the most important role in flavour degradation during beer ageing. Limiting the oxygen levels during packaging will help to reduce undesirable effects on flavour stability but negative effects of oxygen uptake can take place as early as the milling process. Therefore control of oxygen uptake throughout the entire brewing process is beneficial for flavour stability. Oxygen in its ground state is relatively non-reactive. The ground state oxygen must be activated by either increased temperature, light or a catalytic activity to be converted into reactive oxygen species. The higher reactivity of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) is due to a reduced coherence of the bonds between the two oxygen atoms and increases with their reduction status [4]. The use of Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (EPR) is a very powerful tool to detect oxygen related damage on flavour stability throughout the entire brewing process from mashing to final packaging. By measuring the antioxidative potential of wort and beer samples, a good correlation between EPR results and flavour stability can be drawn (figure 1). Additionally endogenous properties of different hops and malts used for the beer production can be identified by analysing the total antioxidant capacity of the beer produced. Introducing different other EPR matrices apart from lag-time and T150/T500 value, like area under the curve or others [5], will help to further understand the effects of different anti- and pro-oxidants on beer flavour stability.
Metal ions Metals play a very important role throughout the entire brewing process. They can influence pH adjustments, are directly linked to yeast health and positively influence foam stability. On the other hand, they negatively influence flavour stability. The formation of reactive oxygen species from ground state oxygen during the storage of beer is catalysed by the oxidation of iron (Fe2+ to Fe3+) and copper (Cu+ to Cu2+) via Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions resulting in formation of unwanted off-flavours. Manganese is also capable of catalysing oxidation mechanisms. All raw materials (brewing water, malt, hops, and yeast) introduce transition metals into the process. The concentration decreases during the brewing process, especially by trub removal after boiling and during fermentation by the yeast, but even trace amounts of transition metals will affect flavour stability. Additional iron uptake needs to be prevented during filtration and blending. The contact of beer with filter aids, such as Diatomaceous earth or the use of untreated liquor for blending can lead to increased iron concentrations. A well-established method to determine the metal ion content of beer is the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). This technique is capable to detect levels as low as 1 ppb of unwanted transition metals. Measuring the transition metal content throughout the process and controlling the levels of metals introduced by filter aids and blending liquor will help to improve flavour stability, as the levels of iron, copper and manganese should be as low as possible. The role of sulphur dioxide (SO2) SO2 found in beer is formed during fermentation as an intermediate product of sulphur-containing ami-
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Fig. 2: Concentration increase of three selected staling aldehydes during forced ageing determined using SPME-GC/MS
no acid synthesis. The yeast cells assimilate sulphate out of the wort and release excessive sulphite back into the fermented beer. The formation of SO2 during fermentation is depending on a large number of factors. So yeast health, pitching rate, pitching and fermentation temperature, wort aeration, wort gravity, lipid concentrations and amino acid concentrations can impact the SO2 formation during fermentation. Additionally SO2 can be added as a preservative during the brewing process. SO2 is one of the main antioxidants in beer and it can reduce the staling flavour impact of carbonyl compounds. The anti-oxidative properties are related to the reaction of SO2 with oxygen or with reactive oxygen species to produce sulphate. The effect on staling compounds can be described of SO2 reducing the formation of carbonyl compounds during ageing and the ability of SO2 to bind flavour active aldehydes through the formation of aldehyde-bisulfite adducts. The concentration of SO2 in packaged beer declines during storage at a rate determined by the storage conditions and the chemical composition of the beer sample (Fig 1). Elevated temperatures during storage will result in an increased degradation but the rate of degradation is product specific. Legislation requires that the concentration of total SO2 is limited to
20 mg/l in packaged beer and levels over 10 mg/l must be labelled according to the European Parliament and the Council Directive No 95/2/ EC (1995). Therefore the application of SO2 to improve flavour stability is restricted and a reliable and reproducible identification of the SO2 concentration is indispensable to guarantee costumer safety and to improve flavour stability. Aldehydes as staling indicators Undesirable staling off-flavours increase during beer storage. Some of these off-flavours can be directly related to different staling aldehydes present in beer. The extremely low flavour thresholds (sub ppb range) and accumulative effects produce undesirable flavour changes during storage. These flavours are attributed to the aldehydes and can be described variously as cardboard, papery, stale, oxidised, astringent, almond and bready. Therefore aldehydes can be monitored as staling indicators in beer. To monitor and further understand the role of different aldehydes related to beer flavour changes during storage, the reliable quantification of these aldehydes is required. The use of solid phase micro extraction (SPME) in combination with on fibre derivatization and GC/MS can be seen as a very suitable technique to quantify aldehydes related to beer staling (see figure 2). Monitoring the increase of staling
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
aldehydes during storage can enable the brewer to improve flavour stability. As the aldehydes are directly linked to certain reaction pathways (for example: furfural – heat impact, (E)-2-nonenal - oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, Strecker aldehydes – Strecker degradation), detecting increased levels of certain aldehydes will help to identify room for improvement in the brewing process. Overall, improving flavour stability is a major goal for almost every brewer. Increasing beer flavour stability can be an extremely challenging task, especially considering the complex mechanisms at play and without the availability of the right quality control techniques. In combination with consulting and an expert sensory panel, we will be able to provide well established analytical techniques to help to improve your beer flavour stability and reach the goal of providing every thirsty customer with the freshest product. References [1] Anonymous. 2017. ASBC Beer Flavor Database [Online]. [Accessed 01.03 2017]. [2] De Schutter, D. P., Saison, D., Delvaux, F., Derdelinckx, G. & Delvaux, F. R. 2009. The chemistry of ageing beer. In: Preedy, V. R. (ed.) Beer in Health and Disease Prevention. London: Elsevier. [3]Vanderhaegen, B., Neven, H., Verachtert, H. & Derdelinckx, G. 2006. The chemistry of beer aging - a critical review. Food Chemistry, 95, 357-381. [4] Bamforth, C. W. & Lentini, A. 2009. The flavor instability of beer. In: Bamforth, C. W., Russell, I. & Stewart, G. (ed.) Beer: a Quality Perspective: a Volume of the Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages Series. London: Elsevier. [5] Foster, R. T. 2009. Electron paramagnetic resonance comparison of the antioxidative activity of various hop components in beer and fruit juices. In: Shellhammer, T. H. (ed.) Hop flavor and aroma, proceedings of the 1st International Brewers Symposium. St Paul: ASBC, MBAA. Contact Dr. Jörg Maxminer, FIBGA of VLB phone +49 30 / 45080-262
MegaPec – A specific medium for the detection of Pectinatus and Megasphaera VLB LaboTech GmbH, Berlin, now offers a new culture medium for the detection of bacteria of the genera Pectinatus and Megasphaera in beer and beverages. (BF) Pectinatus or Megas phaera contamination can cause serious problems in the brewing and beverage industry. Both species are anaerobic, gramnegative, and also grow at pH values around 4.3. These bacteria have high beer-spoiling potential, and contamination can make the product non-potable. VLB LaboTech offers a novel and very selective medium for the detection of these microorganisms in the microbiological lab. MegaPec can be used to enrich gram-negative beer-spoiling bacteria. The simultane-
ous growth of gram-positive bacteria and yeasts is suppressed. The medium is easy to use: The sample is placed in the ready-made, closable glass tube with 12 ml of broth. The subsequent incubation is carried out anaerobically for 48 to 120 h at 30 °C (+/- 1 °C). Contamination is indicated by clearly visible turbidity and a color change. The medium is particularly suitable for the detection of Meg. Cerevisiae, Pect. Frisingensis, Pec. Haikarae, and Pec. Cerevisiiphilus. However, L. brevis and Enterobacter aerogenes cannot grow in the broth. MegaPec is available in ready-to-use tubes in packaging units of 20 x 12 ml or 100 x 12 ml. The shelf life of the medium is four months in a dark storage area at 2 to 8 °C.
VLB enhancing its biological expertise On 1 January 2017, VLB Berlin merged its Biological Laboratory with its Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Applied Microbiology. This provides VLB members and customers with a bundled pool of microbiological knowledge and services based on a wealth of experience gathered over more than 100 years. VLB made the decision to combine its two successful operating microbiological laboratories in order to further expand its services for the brewing and beverage industry. Now that they have been combined, the two VLB collections of yeasts and bacteria strains can be used more intensively
for research and development. This pooling of resources also bundles expertise on the availability, cultivation, and production of liquid and dry yeast, bacterial preparations, and the associated biological analysis. The new Biological Laboratory is now located in the Department of Bioprocess Technology and Applied Microbiology within the VLB Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water. It cooperates very closely with the VLB Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Production. “The decision to combine the two already successful laboratories into a powerful unit will strengthen VLB’s market position in this area,” said Dr. Josef Fontaine.
BREWING CONFERENCE BANGKOK 2017 Curious about Diversity – Challenges and Opportunities for the Brewing Industry in South-East Asia 11 to 13 June 2017 – Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC)
Sunday, 11 June + Technical Visit: Thai Bev Can / Heineken
Monday, 12 June + Technical Sessions: Process Technology – Brew House / Fermentation / Filtration + Welcome party “Art & Craft” at the “Tha Maharajt“
Tuesday, 13 June + Technical Sessions: Diversity & Sustainability – A Contradiction? / How to handle Diversity in Filling & Packaging / Product Development & Quality Aspects + Farewell Party Platinum Sponsor: Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors: The „Brewing Conference Bangkok“ is a joint project of the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG), Bangkok, Thailand, and the VLB Berlin, Germany
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Comparison of different methods for the determination of yeast cell concentration Dr. Martin Hageböck, Isil Cöllü, Sandra Dounia, Maximilian Schmacht and Dr. Martin Senz, all VLB Berlin, Department Bioprocess Engineering and Applied Microbiology The correct assessment of the yeast concentration and viability is of major importance for the evaluation of different manufacturing processes as well as for the quality of final products in food and beverage industries. Diverse methods with different validities on single cell and population level, e.g. cell count, viability and vitality, are available nowadays. Most of them are directly applicable for liquid (e.g. after direct sampling of water and bever age samples) or dry samples that were rehydrated (e.g. dry starters, food and feed samples). Microbial analyses of diverse products are daily routine in the laboratories of the VLB Berlin. In this contribution, different methods like impedance measurement, flow cytometry, image cytometry, cell counting manually via hemocytometer and automated via the Oculyze system,
and plating method, were applied for different yeast preparations and discussed comparatively regarding their respective properties. Material and Methods Two commercial dry Saccharomyces preparations (Yeast 1: S. cerevisiae, Yeast 2: S. boulardii) and three fresh cultures of different bottom fermenting S. carlsbergensis strains (Yeast 3 to 5) were used for the invest igations. Dried yeast preparations were rehydrated in 0.85 % sodium chloride (1 g in 100 ml) followed by a homogenization step by the use of an Ultra-Turrax® mill (3 minutes at 11600 rpm). Afterwards cell concentration and cell viability of the samples were evaluated by the Oculyze system, flow cytometry, Coulter Counter ® and plate count. Analyses were done by three operators each in triplicate, respec-
tively. Yeast suspensions of bottom fermenting strains were diluted in all malt wort and analyzed by the Oculyze system, hemocytometer and NucleoCounter ®. For a better illustration of live and dead cells, the samples of Yeast 4 and 5 were additionally heat treated briefly to enhance the concentration of dead cells. For the different methods it is important to ensure that the cell concentration is in the respective measuring range. Thus, where necessary, samples were diluted and the dilution factor(s) considered in the final calculation of actual cell concentration. Short descriptions of the used methods and relevant calculations are presented subsequently. Methodical and economical features of the methods are also comparable illustrated in Table 1 and 2.
Fig. 1: Results for the assessment of the cell concentration and cell viability of two dry yeast preparations after resuspension. (A) Yeast suspensions were measured via the Oculyze system; viability determination measurement was done by means of methylene blue staining. (B) Coulter Counter® measurement and plate count method were used to determine the concentration of total and viable (culturable) cells, respectively. Thereby, the illustrated number of viable cells is a subset of the total cell concentration (*) measured via the Coulter Counter® method. (C) The suspension was stained according to the protocol of the YeastControl™ Viability kit and analyzed by flow cytometry. Data represent the mean values ± SD of 9 analyses
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Spread Plate Technique With this method only culturable cells are detectable. A small amount (usually 0.1 ml) of an appropriate diluted sample is transferred to a solid (agar) medium in a petri dish. Here DifcoTM YM-medium (BD, USA) was used. The cells are distributed over the surface with a drigalski spatula. It is as sumed, that each viable cell that is able to replicate and grow on the medium forms an individual colony. Therefore each viable cell is detected as a colony forming unit (cfu). Dead cells are not detectable. NucleoCounter® The NucleoCounter® ( YC-10 0 T M ) (C h e m o m e t i c A/S,Denmark) is an image cytometer that consists of
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Fig. 2: Results for the assessment of the cell concentration and cell viability of three cultures of different bottom fermenting Beer Yeast cultures. (A) The concentration of the yeast cells was measured via the Oculyze system; viability determination measurement was done by means of methylene blue staining. (B) Manual counting of the yeast cells via yeast hemocytometer (Thoma chamber); viability determination was done by means of methylene blue stained culture. (C) The concentration of the yeast cells was measured by the NucleoCounter® system. Data represent the mean values ± SD of 9 analyses a camera and an integrated fluorescence microscope designed to characterize pre-stained yeast cultures. The method is based on the incorporation of the fluorescent dye propidium iodide (PI) into the double stranded DNA in the nucleus of the cells. The analysis is carried out by the use of a so-called NucleoCassetteTM, which acts as a pipette and already contains the immobilized fluorescent dye, which penetrates into cells that have lost their cell membrane integrity (dead cells). Fluorescent cells are identified and cell concentration is calculated automatically. For the measurement of the total cell concentration, the yeast cells have to be treated with Reagent YC-100TM, a lysis buffer that permeabilize the cell wall and thereby leads to an intercalation of the dye in all cells. Thus, for the determination of the viability, it is necessary to carry out two independent measurements. Hemocytometer The hemocytometer (here Thoma chamber: 0.1 mm depth, 0.0025 mm²) is a counting chamber, which is used to determine the number of cells by direct counting under the light microscope. This glass plate contains a cut grid which consists of 16 large squares. Each large square is divided into 16 small squares. All squares have a defined area and depth. Due to the specific placement of a cover slip over the grid, a cavity with a defined volume is cre-
ated between the cover glass and the middle bar. By filling this cavity with a yeast suspension, the yeast cells can be counted under the microscope in the respective squares. Based on the number of counted squares, the cell concentration can be calculated. To determine the viability of the yeast population, cells are pre-treated with methylene blue. Thereby the dye penetrates the cells. Living cells can neutralize the dye and appear colorless under the light microscope. Dead cells cannot neutralize the dye and appear blue. The data generated with the Thoma chamber are based on cell counts in 100 small squares. Oculyze system Basically, the Oculyze system (Oculyze GmbH, Germany) automates the Thoma chamber method for the determination of yeast cell concentration without the need of complex laboratory equipment. It consists of an App and a smartphone microscope with an automated image recognition system and a chamber to load the sample. The chamber can be used several times after cleaning. The Oculyze-App is used to record microscopic images which are forwarded to an image recognition server. The corresponding software enables an automated determina tion of the cell concentration and the viability of the respective yeast population. Five visual fields are analyzed for this propose. For the determination of the viability, the
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Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
yeast cells are stained with methylene blue previously (as described beforehand) and differentiated by the used image recognition. Both values (total count and viable cells) can be determined simultaneously. The user receives the result within seconds on the app. Coulter Counter® The here used Beckman Multisizer™ 3 Coulter Counter ® (Beckman Coulter GmbH, Germany) is an instrument for counting and sizing particles like yeast and bacteria cells using impedance measurements. Therefore, a small volume of the culture is diluted Tab. 1: Characteristics of the here used methods for the assessment of yeast culture concentration and viability. in an electrolyte and cells are On the right side, typical measurement results of the corresponding technology are illustrated. automatically drawn through a (a) Colonies on agar plate, (b) Microscopic picture of methylene blue stained yeast cells on a Thoma chamber, capillary with an adequate di(c) Automated image recognition of methylene blue stained yeast cells, (e) Histogram of the cell diameter of ameter (here 30 µm) whereby a yeast population, (f) Dot plot diagram of a PI (abscissa: dead cells) and FDA (ordinate: viable cells) stained each particle causes a displace yeast culture of a volume at the exhaust emitted light (after excitation) of an concentration of total and viable of the capillary. This causes (culturable) cells, respectively. a short-term change in the impe- added fluorochrome integrated in Thereby, the number of viable cells dance across the aperture which the cell. Over the last few years, kits (plate count) is a subset of the tocan be measured as a voltage or designed specifically for the flow tal cell concentration measured via current pulse. Thereby pulse height cytometric analysis of microorgaCoulter Counter ® method. is proportional to the volume of the nisms have become available. Here, sensed particle. The data from the the viability measurement was perResults Digital Pulse Processor (DPP) were formed applying the YeastControl™ Studies with dry preparation converted to size features using Viability kit (Sysmex Deutschland All methods used for analysis of the Multisizer™ 3 software version GmbH, Germany) and using the Cy3.53. Flow Cube 8 (Sysmex Deutschland the rehydrated yeast preparations For the measurement particles of a GmbH, Germany). 1 and 2 achieved comparable total specific chosen size-range are anacell concentrations (Figure 1). For Yeast 1, a range between 6 and lyzed, whereby statistically funded Calculation of total cell concentradata from around 50 000 cells are tion and viability 7 x 1010 cells ml-1 and for Yeast 2 between 2 and 3 x 1010 cells/ml utilized for the calculations. In case The methods hemocytometer, Ocuof samples with populations of dif- lyze system and NucleoCounter ® was detected. As expected for dried products, in both tested preparaferent sizes (like bacteria and yeast are based on the specific detertions a certain percentage of dead in mixed culture), often the quanti- mination of dead cells combined cells were apparent by all methods. tative differentiation of these po- with an additional detection of total Thereby, determination of viabilipulations is possible, additionally. cells within the sample. For these procedures viability was calculated ties differed slightly according to as followed: the method. Flow cytometry Flow cytometry is a technique for Generally, the lowest deviation was visible in flow cythe rapid analysis of a large set of concentration of dead cells • 100 viability [%] = 100 – single cells in a fluid stream. Light tometry analysis. It was posconcentration of total cells sible to show good compascattering and fluorescence properties of the cells are analyzed rability of viability between the Oculyze system (Yeast 1: 80 %, as every single cell passes a laser For the flow cytometric measurebeam. Besides cell counting, the ments the concentration of viable Yeast 2: 75 %) and flow cytometry (Yeast 1: 71 %, Yeast 2: 70 %). In light scatter provides information cells were determined directly and on the size and structure of the divided through the total cell concontrast, the viabilities calculated via combination of Coulter Councell. Further information can be centration, whereby latter is the obtained by fluorescence signals. sum of all measured cells in a preter ® and plate count results were lower (Yeast 1: 45 %, Yeast 2: 58 %). Hereby, several different (physio- defined range of characteristic parlogical) characteristics of each cell ticles. Furthermore, Coulter CounThat might be due to additives like protective substances in the comcan be analyzed by measuring the ter ® measurement and plate count autofluorescence of a cell or the method were used to determine the plex matrix of dried yeast formulati-
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
on that can lead to some deviations during impedance measurement. Furthermore it is known that cfu detection involves the risk to undercount the number of living cells present in a sample because clumps and aggregates of cells be detected as single colonies [1]. Because of stress effects affected by drying procedure it can be expected, that a certain part of the cell population is not culturable (intact cell growth and division) even after rehydration [2]. These viable but nonculturable cells (vbnc) can be analyzed by other methods like flow cytometry. Studies with yeast cultures Concerning the determination of the cell concentration, the results gained with the Oculyze system are comparable to the counts and calculations of the Thoma chamber method (around 2 x 107 cells ml-1 for Yeast 3 to 5; see Figure 2). The results gained from the NucleoCounter ® were partly lower compared to the other two systems. Concerning the viability, the different measurement methods barely showed any differences for high viabilities. To compare the methods for cultures of low viability, Yeast 4 and 5 were treated with heat. Here, differences in the viability determination or rather in the amount of analyzed dead cells via different methods were noticeable. The results from the Thoma chamber (viability Yeast 4: 64 %, Yeast 5: 68 %) and the Oculyze system (viability Yeast 4: 68 %, Yeast 5: 67 %), where methylene blue was used for the staining of dead cells, are closer to each other, compared to the NucleoCounter ® system (viability Yeast 4: 84 %, Yeast 5: 90 %). Furthermore it can be seen that for Method
the methylene blue methods (Figure 2 A and B) the standard deviation of the viability measurement increases with decreasing viability (i.e. the proportion of the dead (blue) cells increases). This may be due to the different intensity of the blue staining when a high ratio of dead cells is present. Same effects were found with increased age of the yeast by White et. al (2003) which postulated deterioration of the cell wall and/or plasma membrane [3]. Due to the different principles of the NucleoCounter ®, Thoma chamber method and the Oculyze system, the results may differ partially. One advantage of the latter two methods is that every single cell (also connected cells) can be considered for counting, so the risk for an underestimation is lowered. Conclusions The choice for a method that is used for the analyses of a yeast contain ing sample, e.g. during the quality control of a yeast preparation or as process analytical technology (PAT), depends next to its validity on many practical and economic factors (see Table 1 and 2). Based on the here performed investigations following conclusions can be drawn: All tested methods for determination of cell concentration were applicable for analyzing both used matrices (liquid yeast culture and rehydrated dried yeast formula) The combination of particle analyses and classical determination of colony forming units is a convenient combination for a valid assessment of cell concentrat ion and viability in adequate pure cell suspensions.
Flow cytometric technology is a
fast and powerful method with possibility of getting significant results by using multiparametric staining in one run. The results of the Thoma chamber are closely comparable with those obtained using the Oculyze system. Thus the latter represents an adequate automatization of the microscopic method. Thereby both measurements are not influenced by particles within the wort. Acknowledgement The authors thank Sysmex Inc. for the technical support. Further, the authors thank the Oculyze team for the good cooperation during the system verification. References [1] R. Hazan, Y. Que, D. Maura and L.G. Rahme (2012): A method for high throughput determination of viable bacteria cell counts in 96-well plates. MC Microbiology 2012, 12:259 [2] M. Salma, S. Rousseaux, A. Sequeira-Le Grand, B. Divol and H. Al exandre (2013): Characterization of the Viable but Nonculturable (VBNC) State in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLOS ONE, october 2013, vol. 8 (10) [3] L.R. White, K.E. Richardson, A.J. Schiewe and C.E. White (2003): Comparison of Yeast Viability/ Vitality Methods and Their Relationship to Fermentation Performance. in: Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance: Second edition Chapter 13 Contact Tel: +49 30 450 80-157
Expenditure of time
Running costs
Error by operator
Usually not
High (incubation time)
High (depending on operators experience)
High (depending on operators experience)
Oculyze System
Coulter Counter®
Flow Cytometer
Low to high (depending on dye)
Minimal (but method validation necessary)
Plate Count
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Tab. 2: Economical comparison of the here investigated methods
Benchmarking your empty bottle inspection machine Have you asked yourself lately whether your empty bottle inspection machine (EBI) is still state of the art? Can it securely identify glass splinters of relevant size? How about semi-transparent objects behind bottles with emboss ing? Or how about validating detection rates of a newly installed EBI? An answer to these questions could be VLB‘s “benchmark test for EBIs”. Why benchmarking EBIs? The optimised performance of empty bottle inspection machines is crucial in guaranteeing that beverages are filled in clean and flawless containers. Over the past decades the detection performance of inspection machines has been continuously increased and modern EBIs can provide a very high level of detection accuracy for a variety of failure types. Detection performance however strongly depends on the hardware of an EBI, the analysis algorithms and the chosen detection parameter settings. With a “benchmark test for EBIs” it’s possible to evaluate whether the detection performance of an installed EBI still fulfils the expectations towards a modern and secure inspection machine or if it is time for updating or replacing the EBI. For newly installed as well as older EBIs a “benchmark test for EBIs” can provide specific information about failure types and fault areas where the initial factory settings or the parameter settings by the user could be further optimised. The first “benchmark test for EBIs” was performed by the VLB Berlin in 2010. The manufacturing years of the tested EBIs range from 1991 (meanwhile replaced) and 2017. Until now more than 130 benchmark tests have been performed, providing a huge database for evaluating the detection performance and identifying optimisation potential.
is simulated by opaque, semitransparent and transparent failures in different areas of the bottle (below the sealing surface, above the bottom, on the belly and in the shoulder area as well as behind the embossing, if present). The failure sizes are 2 x 2 mm and 4 x 4 mm for the opaque and 8 x 8 mm for the semi-transparent and transparent failures. Dirt on the bottom of the bottles is simulated by objects of similar size and composition, located either in the middle of the bottom plate or above the knurling marks of the bottles. Damages on the bottom are simulated by chipping a several centimetres wide segment of the knurling marks of the bottom plate. A selection of test bottles is shown in figure 1. Objects in glass bottles are represented by glass splinters in the shape of cubes, plates and needles. The needles have a length of 7 to 8 mm and a length to thickness ratio of minimum 2:1. Other objects included in the standard set of test bottles are bent paper clips lying above the knurling marks and transparent plastic foil from cigarette packs. The standard sets are completed by bottles with water and edible oil for testing the HF and IR residual liquid detection of EBIs. How does it work? Before starting the “benchmark test for EBIs” all bottles have to be tested individually to make sure that the failures are detected by the specific detection system and that there is no secondary failure or dirt on the test bottles that could trigger the rejection of the test bottle. For example: a test bottle with a sealing surface damage should only be rejected by the sealing surface detection. The response of any other detection system is usually connected with unintended damage or dirt on the bottle.
Fig. 1: Selection of test bottles with opaque and semi-transparent failures as well as sealing surface damage
Standardised set of test bottles The “benchmark test for EBIs” is based on measuring the detection rates of specially prepared failure bottles in a set of standardised test bottles. This standard set of test bottles contains sealing surface damages on the inside, outside and across the sealing surface. Dirt on the inner sidewall of a bottle
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Once the specific detection was checked, all test bottles are placed on the conveyor belt before the EBI and are inspected by the EBI. Detected bottles are rejected and can be placed on the transport before the EBI again for the following detection run. Test bottles that were not detected and therefore not rejected continue on the conveyor belt towards the filling machine. The failure type of these bottles is identified by VLB personnel and noted in the protocol. This procedure is repeated until 100 bottles of each failure type are inspected by the EBI. With the gained information the detection rate in percent for each failure type can be calculated. The duration of a benchmark test for one EBI and one type of bottle is approx. 3 hours. Benchmarking The “benchmark test for EBIs” is designed to assess the detection performance of an inspection machine compared to other EBIs installed in bottling plants throughout the beverage industry. The key figure for benchmarking is the machine index. This machine index is the arithmetic mean of the measured detection rates of all failure types in the standard set of test bottles. For each type of bottle processed by the tested EBI a separate “benchmark test for EBIs” has to be performed. An EBI therefore has an individual machine index for each type of bottle that can be processed. These machine indices of an EBI can vary strongly between two different types of bottle, depending on the detection parameters of the EBI as well as the physical characteristics of the bottles (shape, colour of the glass, embossing etc.) A representative selection of 30 machine indices out of more than 130 performed benchmark tests so far is shown in figure 2. Each point stands
for one machine index. It becomes apparent in the diagram that inspection machines installed since 2011 have a significantly higher average machine index than EBIs installed before 2011. However, updated and well-adjusted EBIs manufactured before 2011 can still compete with new EBIs. For benchmarking and assessing the detection performance of newly installed EBIs (red point in figure 2) a comparison group of EBIs installed since the year 2011 and later is chosen (curly bracket). For EBIs built before 2011 the machine indices are compared with the results of all other inspection machines, regardless of the year of manufacturing. This allows evaluating whether the detection performance of the EBI is suitable for updating or if the machine should be replaced (green point). Furthermore the “benchmark test for EBIs” can also be used to visualise the effects of optimisation (orange points). Optimisation potential “Benchmark tests for EBIs” performed in recent years showed that the factory settings of new EBIs usually provide high or even perfect detection rates for most of the failure types in a standard set of test bottles. However, in each benchmark test performed so far single detection rates were below the expected optimum. By comparing the detection rate of each failure type with the results of a comparison group the detection performance for each failure type can be evaluated separately. This allows identifying the individual optimisation potential for each failure type. For more specific results the comparison group (see curly bracket in figure 2) can be further specified, e.g. by filtering the detection rates according to manufacturer and/or type of bottle. This increases the relevance of the results. However, at the same time the data basis for comparison is reduced. As standard procedure an appropriate compromise will be chosen automatically. Validation of new EBIs Guaranteed detection rates by the EBI manufacturers can be validated using a standard set of test bottles. However, for this the standard set of test bottles have to be made available to the manufacturer of the EBI
before installing the inspection machine, thus allowing the manufacturer to give guaranteed detection rates specific for the standard set of test bottles. Guaranteed detection rates that are based on other types of test bottles cannot be validated using the standard set of test bottles. Guaranteed detection rates will usually be validated using a separate EBI program with “validation settings” which are different from the regular programs with “production settings”. Detection systems of modern EBIs can be adjusted in a way that only new and almost perfect containers pass the EBI. However, depending on the given quality of the empties these “validation settings” would lead to an increased false rejection rate, e.g. when used on poor bottle quality or old returnable glass bottles with intense scuffing. In general a poor bottle quality will reduce the selectivity of an EBI. With one-way glass bottles or high quality and frequently exchanged individual bottles the selectivity is usually higher than with returnable pool bottles. Special requests Apart from the standard set of test bottles further test bottles could be used within “benchmark tests for EBIs”. For example the detection accuracy of glass splinters could be evaluated more intensely using an extended matrix of glass splin-
ters compared to the given shapes (cubes, plates and needles) sizes and dimensions in the standard set of test bottles. If further detection systems are installed in an EBI, specific test bottles could be provided (e.g. test bottles with an underchip at the sealing surface).
Fig. 2: The blue points represent a selection of 30 machine indices out of more than 130 performed “benchmark tests for EBIs”
Summary The “benchmark test for EBIs” is a sophisticated way to assess the detection performance of empty bottle inspection machines. Until now more than 130 benchmark tests have been performed, providing a huge database that can be utilised to evaluate whether the detection performance of an installed EBI still fulfils the expectations towards a modern and secure inspection machine or if it is time for updating or replacing the EBI. The “benchmark test for EBIs” can also be used to validate the detection rates of new EBIs or to identify optimization potential on new as well as installed EBIs. Dr. Georg Wenk Contact Dr. Georg Wenk Phone +49 30 450 80-258 Dr. Roland Pahl Head of Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Production (FIBGP) Phone +49 30 450 80-238
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Transporting beer and beverages through the Gotthard Base Tunnel What kind of forces act on beverage cargo loads transported through the tunnel by rail? The VLB Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM) sought to answer this question by conducting a study in Switzerland last year. The objective of the study was to measure the acceleration forces exerted on beverage cargo loads transported by trucks and semi-trailers loaded onto freight cars.
Fig. 1: The test drives departed from Altdorf in the Swiss canton of Uri
Germany exports approximately 15 million hectoliters of beer each year. Although trucks have always been the primary mode of transport used to convey this beverage, container ships and rail transport are becoming increasingly popular options. European rail transport in particular has gained traction following the completion of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel last year. The tunnel, which was officially inaugurated on 1 June 2016, has been open to passenger and freight transport since mid-December 2016. Numerous test drives were conducted beforehand in order to ensure safe rail operation within the tunnel. VLB Berlin participated in one of these tests. The task at hand was to analyze the behavior of beverage cargo loads when traversing the 57-km tunnel. Measurements were taken on semi-trailers and entire trucks that had been loaded onto freight cars. Ten test drives were carried out in total. The Gotthard Base Tunnel The 57-km Gotthard Base Tunnel is located in Switzerland and passes
under the Saint-Gotthard Massif, among other formations. As such, it is the longest railway tunnel in the world. Moreover, it also has the highest rock cover of any tunnel on the planet; at its deepest point, it lies beneath 2,450 meters of rock strata. The tunnel, which cost approximately €12 billion and took 17 years to build, forms part of the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA). It connects the Germanspeaking Swiss canton of Uri with the Italian-speaking Swiss canton of Ticino. This north-south connection not only facilitates faster transportation of people and goods within Switzerland, but also benefits international freight transport. Accordingly, this connection will help shift truck transit – especially from Germany to Italy – off of roads and onto railways. The inclines inside the tunnel have been kept minimal, which means that longer and heavier trains can now also traverse this route. The tunnel consists of two singletrack tunnels (running east and west) that are spaced approximately 40 meters apart from one an
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
other at most points. These singletrack tunnels allow trains to cross over tracks at two locations. There are also 176 connecting tunnels (cross passages) that can be used for evacuation in the event of an emergency. What kind of forces act on freight units during rail transport? Under normal road transport conditions, trucks achieve short bursts of speed of up to 95 km/h. Air resist ance, road surface irregularities, and cornering generate peak loads; vehicles and semi-trailers need to be designed with this in mind. Rail transport involves lifting semi-trailers onto flatcars by crane (intermodal transport) or lifting entire trucks onto trains, creating a ‘rolling highway.’ These cargo loads then travel at speeds between 100 and 120 km/h on the trains for extended periods of time. During the early planning stages, there was talk of designing the Gotthard Base Tunnel to accommodate transport speeds as high as 140 km/h. Taking all of the above into consideration, VLB was asked to determine the speeds at which the truck superstructures would meet or exceed their load limits. Since trucks are sometimes loaded against the direction in which they are driving, VLB also had to analyze the behavior of these trucks when driving in reverse. The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB Cargo) sponsored this study. The study involved using the VLB sensor system to measure forces occurring during intermodal freight transport. The objective was to collect and document a wide range of data with the sensor data loggers. The results were then evaluated
Fig. 2: Vibration of the load – Comparison of transport at max. 100 km/h versus max. 140 km/h inside the tunnel
alongside measurements taken by other measurement teams (such as DEKRA). The study investigated the acceleration forces occurring on the cargo load and the superstructure, the vibration behavior of truck tarpaulins, pressure surges upon entering and exiting the tunnel, the temperature curve, and changes in humidity. Suitable beverage cargo loads were assembled in Germany for the purpose of the study. The Warsteiner brewery provided a 43-foot container with empties. Schmitz-Cargobull, a trailer company based in Altenberge, Germany, provided a test cargo load of filled units on a curtainsider semi-trailer. At the Limmattal classification yard in the Swiss canton of Zürich, VLB experts installed the sensor systems and action cams onto the cargo load and the transport superstructure. The first six test drives between Altdorf and Biasca (both in Switzerland) took place in January 2016. After each passage through the tunnel (which took between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on the travel speed), the trailers and cargo loads were inspected and the collected data was read out from the sensor systems.
section inside the Gotthard Base Tunnel is of excellent quality. The trains ‘glided’ across the tracks very smoothly and without excessive vibrations, shocks, or bumps. Moreover, the curve radii inside the Gotthard Base Tunnel are much longer than those involved in road transport. As a result, transport within the tunnel entails comparably low levels of lateral acceleration, even at high speeds. The maximum lateral accelerations measured during a track crossover from the east tunnel to the west tunnel at 135 km/h amounted to 1.5 m/s². Meanwhile, a comparison of vibration profiles indicated a significant increase in
amplitude for passage through the tunnel at 140 km/h versus passage at a mere 100 km/h (Fig. 2). The temperature at departure was –3°C and rose to 35 °C inside the tunnel. The travel time was approximately 30 minutes. Inside the semi-trailer, the temperature briefly peaked at 25 °C (Fig. 3). Taking all of these findings into account, the Swiss Federal Railways summarized the results as follows: “The test drives have shown that no significant irregularities are expected when traversing the tunnel at a speed of 100 km/h. In light of these results, the applicable specifications must be implemented, complied with, and checked before each train departure in order to ensure operationally reliable transport.” The transportation of beer and other beverages will continue to face new developments in the future. The VLB FIM has committed itself to addressing this topic and will continue to conduct its work in the fields of load securing, truck superstructures for the transport of beverages, and transport analysis. The goal is to continuously explore new opportunities to optimize beverage logistics. Norbert Heyer/ Ingo Pankoke Contact Tel: +49 30 450 80-139 Fax: +49 30 450 80-210
Fig. 3: Temperature curve during the test drive
Result Analysis of the comprehensive data collected during the study showed that driving through the tunnel quickly did not have any negative impact on the examined beverage cargo loads. Overall, the new track Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Calculation of the required amount of “speise” (feed) for bottle fermentation In the case of bottle fermentation, the fermentable residual extract at the time of bunging or the quantity and composition of the “speise” (wort collected before pitching yeast) dosed immediately before filling determines the quantity of CO2 that is formed. The following example shows the corresponding calculations. Given values: Original gravity of the “speise” and of the initial beer: St = 12.80 % Spindle reading of the final fermentation sample: Es,end = 2.30 % CO2 content of the final fermented, unpressurized base beer: cCO2 = ca. 2 g/L (1.9…2.4 g/L) Desired CO2 content in the end product (after bottle fermentation) cCO2 = 8.0 g/L Question: What amount of “speise” (wort) is required per 1 hL of finished product?
c) Calculation of possible CO2 formation Note: According to the Balling formula for beer fermentation the following is true as a result of fermentation: 1 g Ew/L = 0.4629 g CO2/L. At the complete fermentation of 89.2 g Ew/L: 89.2 g E 0.4629 g CO 1∙L w ∙ 2 ∙ = 41.29 g CO2/L wort. L L 1 g Ew d) Calculation of the “speise” quantity for 100 L (1 hL) finished product using the mixing formula: (100 L – x) ∙ 2 g CO2/L + x ∙ 41.29 g CO2/L = 100 L ∙ 8 g CO2/L 200 g CO2 – x ∙ 2 g CO2/L + x ∙ 41.29 g CO2/L = 800 g CO2 x ∙ 39.29 g CO2/L = 600 g CO2 600 g CO2 ∙ L x = = 15.27 L ≈ 15 L 39.29 g CO2 The mixture thus consists of 85 L of the base beer with 2 g CO2/L and 15 L of “speise” which, when fully fermented, yields 41.29 g CO2/L! Calculation check: 85 L ∙ 2 g CO2/L + 15 L ∙ 41.29 g CO2/L ≈ 790 g CO2/100 L finished product = 7.9 g CO2/L product If you calculate with non-rounded figures (15.27 L “speise”), the result is exactly 8 g CO2/L. Answer: With the given values, the following amout of “speise“ is required: 85 L base beer + 15 L “speise” or 100 L base beer + 17,6 L “speise”
Calculation: a) Calculation of the fermentable extract contained in the “speise” Content of the fermentable extract content in the “speise”:
Applied Mathematics for Malting and Brewing Technologists
Eferm = (12.80 – 2,30) ∙ 0.81 = 8.5 %
Technological Calculations, Benchmarks and Correlations for Process Optimization
Note: 0.81 = Balling‘s conversion factor of the apparent degree of fermentation or the apparently fermentable extract into the actual degree of fermentation or the fermentable extract. There are Eferm = 85 g of fermentable extract in 1000 g of “speise” (St = 12.8%). b) Conversion to volume Density of the 12.8% “speise”: ρ20/4 = 1.04982 kg/L 1,0 kg “speise” correlates to: 1kg ∙ L V = = 0.95254 ≈ 0.9525 L 1.04982 kg In 0,9525 L of “speise” there are 85 g of fermentable extract and thus in 1.0 L “speise”: 85 g ∙ 1 L = 89.24 ≈ 89,2 g Eferm 0.9525 L
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Gerolf Annemüller / Hans-J. Manger
From the content: + Basic and geometric calculations + Grain storage, care, tranportation + Malt production and milling + Brewing water and cleaning agents + Wort production + Fermentation and maturation of beer + Clarification and stabilization of Beer + Thermal preservation of beer + Energy content of beer and alcohol breakdown in the human body + Sample calculations for preparation of alcohol-free soft drinks + Product pipelines in the brewery + Utilities: Pumps / compressors / heat exchangers + Key indicators for plant planning + Units
1st English Edition 2017, 360 Pages ISBN 978-3-921690-83-3, 69 €
VLB Summer Party 2017 Friday, 7 July 2017, at the VLB Berlin The “ Vereinigung ehem. VLBer“ (VLB Alumni association) together with VLB Berlin is looking forward to seeing you at the VLB Summer Party on Friday, 7 July 2017, from 16:00 to 0:00 at our campus in Berlin. Contribution towards expenses: 10 €
A pre-registation is required. No admission without confirmed pre-registration!
Fotos : WiK
VLB LABOTECH – YOUR EXPERT FOR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory equipment to analyse raw materials, intermediate and finished products Symposium for craft and as well as by-products formicro brewers from Germany & European
7 November 2016, Nuremberg, Germany + the brewing and malting
+ producers of soft drinks + distillers
+ the spirits industry VLB LaboTech GmbH, Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin – Germany Phone: +49 30 450 80-220, Fax: +49 30 453 55 17
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
104th Brewing and Engineering Conference in Munich received great response 18 high-profile lectures, a successful supporting program, and a visit to the new Paulaner brewery – that is a brief summary of the recent VLB Spring Meeting held from 6 to 8 March 2017. The event at the Munich Sheraton Hotel attracted 380 participants from 34 countries and 5 continents. The Paulaner brewery team under Dr. Stefan Lustig, Managing Director Technology, played a decisive role in the conference’s success. Over the course of seven lectures, they introduced the design of the new building, its technical equipment, and its energy supply, covering technology and logistics. As such, the Paulaner project “kind of took center stage at this years’ VLB spring meeting,” as Dr. Stefan Lustig explained. The Technical Scientific Committee (TSC) also met in Munich for its regular meeting, which is traditionally part of the VLB spring conference. The new Paulaner brewery A visit to the new Paulaner brewery in Munich’s Langwied district after the lectures on Tuesday represented another highlight. Visitors got to experience the impressive scope of the €300 million project in the flesh, as it were. It took about six years from drafting the first plan sketches to carrying out complete commissioning last year. Paulaner
has created an impressive 3.5 million-hectoliter brewery on 15 hectares. This brewery combines conventional technology with modern plant technology to brew beers that are exactly the same as traditional Paulaner products. ‘Nessi,’ technology, and raw materials On Wednesday, three other areas of focus were on the agenda. The first of these was dedicated to the innovative ‘Nessi’ lauter technique introduced by Ziemann Holvrieka. Then the latest trends in technique and technology were discussed. Finally, two presentations were held on brewing barley and yeast. Bavarian hospitality The 104th Brewing and Engineering Conference was rounded off by an accompanying exhibition at the Sheraton Hotel and two evening networking events. One of them took place at Paulaner’s Wirtshaus in the Westin Grand Hotel Munich. This event once again demonstra-
ted that the hospitality, culinary treats, and excellent beer for which Bavaria is known are appreciated worldwide (and rightly so). Many supporters The VLB Berlin thanks all supporters at the spring conference in Munich, especially Paulaner, Miho, Ziemann Holvrieka, Tensid Chemie, Pall, GEA, Pentair and Heuft. Fig. 1: The new Paulaner Brewery / Fig. 2: Paulaner Managing Director Technology Dr. Stefan Lustig, VLB President Ulrich Rust and VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine (f.l.) / Fig. 3: The lobby in the Sheraton Hotel offers a lot of space for discussions and networking / Fig. 4: Konstantin Ziller, Ziemann Holvrieka, presenting “Nessi“ / Fig. 5: The congress was supported by the Paulaner Brewery / Fig. 6: Brewing experts from all over the world attended the 104th Brewing and Engineering Congress in Munich, Germany / Fig. 7: Klaus Bonfig, GEA, one of the speakers / Fig. 8: The conference hall in the Sheraton Hotel
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
8O SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO DE VLB Tecnologia cervecera y del envasado 23 al 25 de octubre de 2017, Ciudad de Guatemala 3
Conferencia bilingue (español e inglés)
Temas + Materias primas: Situación del mercado y calidad + Lúpulo: Rendimiento e análisis / Nuevas variedades + Optimización del proceso cervecero
+ Fermentación y filtración: Aspectos de la actualidad 5
+ Sostenibilidad: Ahorro de energía y aspectos ambientales + Optimización en el procesos de envasado, embalaje y logística + Limpieza y desinfección En colaboración con
Patrocinadores Oro
Patrocinadores Plata
Instituto Cervecero de Investigación y Enseñanza (VLB) en Berlín Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin – Alemania Contacto: y
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Learning, tasting, networking – Craft brewers attend VLB seminar at Beviale Moscow From 28 February to 2 March 2017 Beviale Moscow took place in the Russian capital, for the second time. With its “Seminar for Brewers in Russia”, VLB Berlin once again took part in the supporting program of the trade fair for the Eastern European beverage industry.
1 (jr) About 80 brewers from the CIS countries as well as other European countries participated in the VLB „Seminar for brewers in Russia“ from 27 February to 1 March 2017. Parallel to the varied program, the participants took the opportunity to visit the Beviale Moscow, to cultivate and expand their networks and to enter into discussions on the seminar topics. Attractive program Among other things, the seminar delivered many lectures on current topics relevant to brewing. On the 1st day, there was an overview of the current situation on the craft beer market in Russia as well as about different hop varieties. The dry hopping process was illustrated by Andrey Zhuzhlov, the brewmaster of the Moscow craft brewery
“1516”. Afterwards, the welcome evening took place in their location with an own brew pub at the other end of the city. In small groups, the participants could view the brewing equipment, which was explained by Andrey. In the cozy upper floor of the “1516” delicious dishes and various beer specialties of the brewery were served. With a bus ride through the center of Moscow back to the hotel a successful first day of the seminar ended. The second day, with nine lectures, was probably the most intensive with regard to knowledge and information. Thematically, the journey went from raw materials and product development via technical and technological solutions specifically for craft breweries through to quality control.
Photos: jr
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Three further presentations on tapping technology and hygiene were on the agenda. In addition to the specialist presentations of the sponsors, valuable insights gained from VLB‘s research and extensive advisory activities in breweries along the entire production chain were also integrated into the seminar program. The lectures were held in Russian or consecutively translated from German into Russian. A highlight was certainly also the finish of the seminar, the beer tasting in the afternoon of the third day. Evgeniy Smirnov of the Bayka Brewery presented many Russian craft beers, while these were tasted by the participants. 2nd round of Beviale Moscow As in the year 2015, the VLB seminar was also part of the framework program of the Beviale Moscow 2017. This “was a fantastic success and the second edition gave us some idea of the kind of potential which may be exploited in the Russian market”, reports Thimo Holst, Project Manager at NürnbergMesse. Compared with 2015, this year the trade fair grew by 30 % with an exhibition area of 1630 m² with 130 exhibitors. The number of trade visitors increased by 50 % to 3984. The next Beviale Moscow will take place in spring 2018.
Fig. 1: Well-filled meeting room and tense participants on the first day of the VLB seminar for brewers in Russia Fig. 2: Big final of the seminar: extensive beer tasting Fig. 3: The visitors of the VLB stand were given beer and quas. Here: Norbert Heyer, VLB Berlin, Michael Schüschke, Fink Tec, Alexander Seefranz, sifin diagnostics (from left)
Craft Beer Italy – New joint project of NürnbergMesse Italia, Doemens and VLB Berlin For the first time in November 2017, the Craft Beer Italy will be held in Milan. The combination of exhibition and conference for Italian craft and home brewers will take place annually in Italy from spring 2019 onwards. (jr) In Italy, too, the craft beer scene has been booming for years. In the meantime more than 700 breweries are active there. A market has emerged, which is suited for an event format like the Craft Beer Italy. The focus of the Craft Beer Italy 2017 is on the knowledge transfer. The target group-oriented conference will be held on 22 and 23 November in Milan, Italy. For this purpose, the two well-known German organizations Doemens and VLB Berlin are working together with NürnbergMesse Italia to prepare a lecture and workshop program. On the
participants‘ side, the organizers mainly address representatives of the Italian craft and pub breweries. The concept provides for several consecutive lecture sessions on different topic blocks. At the same time, workshops will be held for a smaller number of participants. During the two days, for craft brewers relevant aspects from the fields of raw materials, sensor technology, quality assurance, brewing housework and yeast will be presented. The lectures and workshops will be held in Italian or simultaneously translated into Italian.
Accompanying exhibition with focus on craft beer The conference is accompanied by an exhibition. Here, suppliers and service providers from the areas of raw materials, machinery, logistics and marketing for the beer world will present themselves with the main focus on craft beer. This part of the project naturally benefits from the worldwide network of NürnbergMesse, the organizer of the BrauBeviale, which is, with its subsidiary NürnbergMesse Italia, responsible for the general organization of the joint project.
WE BREW FOR THE BEERS OF THE WORLD Roasted Malt Beers Malt E x trac ts Beer Concentrate Brewing Syrups L i qu i d Su g a r Brewing Adjuncts ASPERA BRAUEREI RIESE GMBH 45478 Muelheim-Ruhr, Germany Phone +49 208 588 980 Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
VLB course offerings Since its foundation in 1883, the VLB has also been a brewing school. In co-operation with the Technische Universität Berlin, it offers regular study programs for brewers. Furthermore, it provides different programs for education and continuing training in the field of beer brewing and beverage technology – also in English.
Certified Brewmaster Course The VLB’s flagship training course for prospective brewers contains a six-month full-time program providing in-depth understanding of brewing technology with its related major fields of engineering, filling/ packaging and quality control. A lot of practical work in our laboratories, a visit of the VLB International Brewing- and Engineering Convention in March and a final excursion are included. To receive the VLB Brewmaster Certificate, the graduates have to finish the course and all exams successfully. In addition, they have to prove a minimum of 3 months practical work in a brewery before coming to the VLB. A reasonable group size guarantees an intensive and individual teaching. Traditionally, the Berlin brewmaster education is focused on a comprehensive, practice-oriented knowledge transfer and on a critical and open dialog with the lecturers. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 28 January – 29 June 2018 More information: brewmaster
Craft Brewing in Practice This is a ten-day full-time training course providing up-to-date know ledge in the field of pub and micro brewing. It covers the basics of beer brewing in theory and practice. The lectures will approach topics such as raw materials (water, malt, hops, and yeast), the brewing process, yeast management, fermentation, hygiene, sensory evaluation, basics of quality control as well as economic and legal aspects for starting a pub
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
brewery. In addition, one day of practical work in a Berlin pub brewery is on the agenda. The students can expect an intensive and individual training with maximum benefit. Starting with practical brewing on the first day, the participants will accompany their own brew up to the final product in practical quality control. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 18 – 29 September 2017 More information: craftbrewing-course
Brewing in a Nutshell This 2-day residential course covers the basics of beer brewing. It approachs the general principals of the brewing and malting processes, the raw materials as well as filling and packaging in theory. A professional beer tasting of several different beer types completes the program. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 12/13 December 2017 More information:
The VLB Berlin is an offically authorized provider of measures for employment promotion.
Applied Microbiology “Applied Microbiology” is a one-week full-time training course providing up-to-date knowledge in the field of practical microbiology with relevance for the brewing and beverage industry. It covers the basics of microbiology, laboratory techniques as well as microbial sampling in theory and practice. The course is conducted in the VLB’s microbiological training laboratory and in our pilot brewery. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 3 – 10 November 2017 More information: microbiology
Inhouse Training Courses On the basis of our regular training courses we also offer individual inhouse seminars customised on your demands in English, Russian and Spanish. The duration of those seminars is between one day and one week and depends on the topics and the level. Possible topics: ++ Raw materials (hops, malting barley, qualities, breeding, processing, quality aspects, analyses) ++ Malting technology ++ Water and waste water treatment ++ Sensory evaluation of beer, mineral water and spirits ++ Logistics ++ Microbiology ++ Brewing technology ++ Soft drink and beverage production More information: training/inhouse-training
Micro Malting in Practice The 8-day full-time hands-on course provides up-to-date knowledge in the field of malting. It covers the basics of malting technology in theory and practice. The lectures will approach topics such as malting barley and other relevant cereals (botanics, quality, varieties, enzymes a.o.), malting technology (steeping, germination, kilning, special aspects of small-scale malting, equipment) and practical laboratory work (barley and malt analysis, interpretation and assessment of different quality parameters). In addition, the participants will conduct and accompany a complete malting batch in our pilot malting. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 15 – 22 May 2017 More information: micromalt ing
“Real Craft Brewing” – Brewing like 1900 The Brauerei Vielau, located close to Zwickau in Saxony, Germany, was firstly mentioned in a document in 1538. After comprehensive restoration works it was re-established as a technical monument in 2012. The brewery uses traditional brewing technology such as wood heating, a coolship, Baudelot cooler and open fermenters. During our workshop “A real craft brewing experience” we offer you to take part in a complete brew with this traditional equipment. Physical fitness is recommended! Location: Reinsdorf/Vielau, Germany Next date: 6 – 8 September 2017 More information: realcraft2017
INTERNATIONAL MICROBREW SYMPOSIUM Market – Technology – Quality 11th September 2017, Munich
The International MicroBrew Symposium is an industry event that addresses professional brewers from brewpubs and craft breweries from around the world. Topics ++ Technological / Technical aspects ++ Overview of the international market trends ++ General concepts for small-scale brewery plants ++ Raw materials ++ Yeast ++ Quality control The symposium is co-located to the drinktec 2017, the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry. SUPPORTED BY
CO-LOCATED TO VLB Berlin, Seestraße 13, D-13353 Berlin – Germany Tel: +49 30 450 80-245, Fax: +49 30 450 80-210
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Foto: Bavaria
Recent VLB international activities
Inhouse training course on brewing technology with Bavaria in Tocancipa near Bogotá, Colombia, in November 2016
VLB Berlin had a booth at the drink technology India in December 2016 and organized the preceding MicroBrew Symposium in Mumbai
Another inhouse training course in Colombia was held with Central Cervecera de Colombia in Bogotá in January 2017
Jan Biering, VLB Berlin, gave a one-week seminar on craft brewing in Nanyang, China, in February 2017
Dr. Deniz Bilge from the VLB Berlin delivered two presentations on yeast management at the Craft Beer Conference Malmö in Sweden in March 2017
The Craft Brewers Conference and Brew Expo in April served as the setting for the 5th VLB international Alumni & Members Gathering at the Bluejacket Brewery & Restaurant, Washington, D.C., USA
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
VLB institutes and departments
Brauerei Forum
VLB Berlin, Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany + 49 (30) 450 80-0, ,
Managing Director
Head of Finance
Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine + 49 (30) 450 80-292
Gerhard Andreas Schreiber + 49 (30) 450 80-121
Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Production (FIBGP)
Research Institute for Raw Materials (FIR)
Dr.-Ing. Roland Pahl + 49 (30) 450 80-238
Prof. Dr. Frank Rath + 49 (30) 450 80-154
Testing Laboratory for Packaging M.Eng./Dipl.-Ing. Susan Dobrick + 49 (30) 450 80-242
Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water (FIBW) Dr. Katrin Schreiber + 49 (30) 450 80-168
Department for Bioprocess Engineering and Applied Microbiology (BEAM) Dr.-Ing. Martin Senz + 49 (30) 450 80-157
Research Institute for Instrumental Beer and Beverage Analysis (FIBGA) Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg + 49 (30) 450 80-106
Central Laboratory Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg + 49 (30) 450 80-106
ISSN 0179–2466 Publisher Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany Editorial Office Brauerei Forum Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany Phone: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-245 Fax: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-210 Email: Internet: Editorial Department Olaf Hendel, Editor-in-Chief (oh) Juliane Rahl (jr) Dieter Prokein (dp)
Dr. Sarah Thörner + 49 (30) 450 80-250
Advertising Sales VLB PR and Publishing Department Phone +49 (30) 450 80-255
Dr. Johannes Hinrichs + 49 (30) 450 80-236
Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Heyer + 49 (30) 450 80-139
Department for Water Quality, Management and Technology (WMT)
PR and Publishing Department/ Editorial Office “Brauerei Forum“
Johannes Fuchs + 49 (30) 450 80-233
Special Analyses
Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM)
Research Insitute for Spirits, Analytical Technology and Sensory Analysis (FISAS)
Information service of VLB Berlin
Brauerei Forum Advisory Board Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine, Dr. sc. techn. Hans-J. Manger
Biological Laboratory
Dr. Alfons Ahrens + 49 (30) 450 80-294
Technical periodical for breweries, malthouses, the beverage industry and their partners
Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Hendel + 49 (30) 450 80-255
VLB LaboTech GmbH + 49 (30) 450 80-220
IfGB Focus Spirits & Distilling Wiebke Künnemann + 49 (30) 450 80-270
Publication Dates Appears with 8 editions a year, in German plus 2 issues in English. Day of publication: 15th of May 2017 Subscriptions Domestic 95 € incl. VAT Abroad 95 € (+ shipping) Cancellation of the subscription in each case at the end of the year Westkreuz Verlag, Berlin Phone +49 (30) 7 45 20 47 Fax +49 (30) 745 30 66 Print and Distribution Westkreuz-Druckerei Ahrens KG Berlin/Bonn, Töpchiner Weg 198/200 12309 Berlin, Germany All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of VLB Berlin. We do not accept any liability of unsolicited sended scripts.
Brauerei Forum International – May 2017
Our next international edition will be released in September 2017
VLB Schedule 2017/2018
Workshop ”Micro Malting in Practice“ 15 to 22 May 2017, Berlin, Language: English
Seminar „Brewing in a Nutshell“ 12/13 December 2017, Berlin, Germany
Brewing Conference Bangkok 11 to 13 June 2017, Thailand
Certified Brewmaster Course 2018 8 January to 29 June 2018, Berlin, Germany Language: English
VLB Summer Party 2017 7 July 2017, Berlin, Germany
105th Brewing and Engineering Conference 5 to 7 March 2018, Dortmund, Germany
Workshop ”Real Craft Brew“ 6 to 8 September 2017, Vielau, Germany International MicroBrew Symposium 11 September 2017, Munich
VLB is exhibiting at the following international congresses and trade fairs in 2017/2018:
Workshop ”Craft Brewing in Practice” 18 August to 29 September 2017, Berlin
36th EBC Congress 14 to 18 May 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
104th VLB October Convention 2017 incl. 46th Int. Malting Barley Seminar 15 to 16 October 2017, Berlin, Germany
drinktec 2017 11 to 15 September 2017, Munich, Germany
8 Ibero-American Symposium Brewing and Filling Technology 23 to 25 October 2017, Guatemala th
Workshop ”Applied Microbiology“ 6 to 10 November 2017, Berlin
Craft Beer Italy 2017 22/23 November 2017, Milano, Italy BevialeMoscow 2018 Spring 2018, Moscow, Russia Craft Brewers Conference/BrewExpo America 30 April to 6 May 2018, Nashville, TN, USA