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Dear Bryant Class of 2023,

Congratulations on your graduation! Today marks the culmination of your hard work, dedication, and resilience. As you walk through Bryant University’s historic Archway to receive your diploma, you should be very proud of your accomplishments and lasting contributions to the Bryant community.

The college experience of the class of 2023 was like no other. You are graduating with a range of experiences unique to your graduating class – a global pandemic, a shift from remote learning and back, and a commitment to “Be Bryant Strong” and take care of each other.

Through all this, you pursued academic excellence, competed at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics, established lifelong friendships, and developed the critical 21st-century skills necessary to be real-world ready and make an impact at work and in your communities on day one. I know you will continue to excel in everything you do, and I am eager to witness your professional and personal success.

Bryant graduates are in high demand, and every sector of the economy needs your gifts and talents. Due to your diligence, many of you have already secured job offers, while others are headed straight to graduate school. Whatever your plans are, you should be confident in the quality of your education and know that your time at Bryant has established a solid foundation for personal fulfillment and economic mobility.

While graduation represents the end of your undergraduate career, it also marks a significant milestone in your relationship with Bryant University. You are now a member of a robust network of more than 50,000 proud alums worldwide. I hope that you will remain engaged and take advantage of the alumni network and services available to support your careers and life beyond Bryant. Lean into the relationships you have created here, attend alumni events, encourage others to attend Bryant, and continue to cheer our athletic teams to victory.

On behalf of the entire Bryant community - our distinguished Trustees, our dedicated faculty and staff, and your fellow students - allow me to commend you once again. We extend our best wishes for a lifetime of success built on the strong foundation of your Bryant education.

Congratulations Bulldogs!


Welcome to the 2023 Commencement Magazine, “Through The Archway.” The magazine you are reading was compiled using submissions from the Class of 2023. Thank you all who sent in reflections, memories, photos, and more!

Special thanks to Hannah Ratcliffe, Laura Field, Erin Wentzel, Jess Raffaele, and Katie Hughes-Pucci, as well as the student staff of the Office of Student Events and Orientation Programs, and Senior Class Committee.

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”

Today is a day of celebration and we hope that this booklet serves as a way to share in the joy and pride for our graduating class.

Congratulations Class of 2023!

A Tale of Two Archways

As newly minted alumni of Bryant University, graduating seniors enjoy the long-awaited opportunity to take their first steps through the cast iron archway situated in the middle of campus – an artifact excavated from the Old Providence campus when Bryant moved to Smithfield in 1971. It is a very exciting and sobering milestone in the Bryant experience that all students who pass though Bryant’s gates have the privilege of partaking in.

And while the archway that we know today is a remnant of that campus, its significance on the old Providence campus (which was sold to Brown upon the move to Smithfield) was virtually nonexistent. Instead a brick structure, named the South Portico, was the archway that all who came to Bryant knew about. It was under the South Portico, attached to one of the old campus’ main academic buildings, where students of the past would gather during inclement weather and sunny days alike to talk about the happenings on campus.

This tradition stands in stark contrast to the tradition of the purpose that the cast iron archway serves to current Bryant students, who are afraid to pass under it for superstitious fear of not graduating. So each time you walk under the archway, don’t just reflect on your four years at this institution, but also on the years that preceded it and the illustrious and unique history, tradition, and values that have both fallen away and re-manifested themselves in the annals of Bryant’s collective memory.

Through The Archway - Commencement Magazine Contents
Letter from the President...........inside front cover A Tale of Two 1 Senior 2 Senior 14 Favorite Spot on 41 Bryant Community Shout 43 Faculty and Staff Reflections 45 Tupper II 48 Senior 49 Senior Class 61 Commencement 62 Letter from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of 64 Letter from the Provost................inside back cover

Andrew Teixeira

There is a lot to reflect on while looking back at my time at Bryant University. I have gained a new perspective and appreciation for life. My freshman year self would look at me now and see an entirely different person. I started college with many different goals and aspirations, but life gets in the way of every good plan. It was impossible to predict the life changing curveballs that would be thrown during these four years, but man, it is one hell of a story. There was a period of time that I was not sure if I would even make it to the finish line. I stepped away from school and almost all of my responsibilities in life to properly grieve the loss of my best friend. She was one of my biggest supporters in life, and it felt as though I could not finish my own story without her being able to finish hers. After taking a semester off, I returned for my senior year. Although the break was 100% needed and justified, I knew that I could not leave this story unfinished. I came back stronger mentally than anyone could have predicted, including myself. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I would not have done anything differently if given the chance.

As this chapter comes to an end, a new one is beginning. I will always remember and appreciate the memories I have gained these past four years at Bryant. I have made friends that will last a lifetime, and connections that will be sure to lead to many great years ahead. I am endlessly grateful for the love and support from my family and friends that have lifted me up and helped get to this point. I would not have been able to make it without you all. But most of all, I did this for my biggest supporter who can’t be here. This one’s for you, Liv.

2 u Senior Reflections

“Be the best version of yourself”. It’s a pretty simple concept if you are just willing to embrace it. You don’t have to be the best or do the best; just try your best and do everything with positive intentions, while staying true to yourself and your values.

During fall of freshman year there were some ups and downs while trying to acclimate to campus life. I knew there were organizations I wanted to join and a few leadership roles that I was interested in applying for. I soon got one of my first reality checks of college when I was waitlisted for some of these positions. Then, just as I was starting to find my groove, boom, COVID. I found myself back home sitting on the couch and learning remotely, not knowing what to do. At first, I was frustrated because it felt like it was one negative thing after another, but I knew I had to turn that negativity into motivation, and I literally got myself off the couch and applied to be a math tutor in ACE, Treasurer of the Actuarial Association, and Head of Peer Mentoring for the Honors Council. I began my sophomore year having a positive mindset and excited to embrace these new roles. I decided to take any past challenges I had encountered and use them as opportunities for self-improvement, working on my personal growth.

During the past four years, I have taken advantage of the many amazing offerings that exist at Bryant. I am so thankful for all the leadership positions I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of from Orientation Programs to Student Government, Residential Life, and so many more. Having had the opportunity to serve in these positions helped me gain the confidence I needed to take the lead on large-scale campus events tied to the organizations I was affiliated with. One final accomplishment I wanted to see through in my college journey was to leave a legacy and help create something that would continue on past my time here. I am so proud that I have been a part of initiatives such as LinkedIn Learning and the STEM Student Speaker Series. It is my hope that the work I have put into these positions and events has been beneficial in helping to set up future Bryant leaders for success.

All of my involvements on campus have been highlights during my Bryant experience and have helped shape me into the person I’ve become. I am confident in my ability to be authentic and create positive change. Part of my journey has not only been one of personal growth, but to also find ways to encourage others to reach their full potential as well. I have learned the importance of collaboration, effective communication, patience, and forward thinking and it has been so rewarding to share what I have learned with those around me. All of these experiences have taught me important skills and life lessons which I will take with me.

I want to end this with a huge thank you to all my professors, mentors, staff, friends and family who have supported me along the way. A few of my goals upon entering college were to grow as an individual and leave a legacy and I feel that I have accomplished both. Ultimately, what has been the most meaningful part to me is aiding others in growing to be the “best version of themselves.”

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Colby Phillips

My four years at Bryant was truly one that was unforgettable. I have grown tremendously and feel that I have made the most out of my time here. I think that as my Bulldog journey narrows to an end, that it is important to reflect on all that was accomplished.

I remember that only four years ago, when I was a senior in high school, I had to make a decision of where I wanted to go to college. I applied to 19 different colleges and got into 18 of them. I was very indecisive and when it came to actually making a decision, it seemed like an extremely daunting task. I was nervous that I was going to have to settle for some random school that I did not love. When it came to choosing a college, I wanted a school that had strong academics and a vibrant community. However, my apprehensions about the entire college decision process faded when I first came to Bryant. I came onto campus for a tour and immediately knew that this place was for me. Bryant had everything, not just some components of what I was looking for in a school. I instantly knew that this place would be my forever home. I have held that feeling in my heart ever since that moment.

During my time at Bryant, I have joined many clubs, created many connections, and met many great people. I served on various executive boards of clubs, was a Resident Assistant, an Orientation Leader, and Student Ambassador. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would have had this great of an opportunity and experience as I did at Bryant. I came into college with an open mind and that allowed me to really connect with others and grow as an individual.

Fast forward to the end of my Senior year, I had definitely made the right decision to come here. Throughout my entire college career, I have always thought about the end of my college journey. The end of my college experience was represented by Graduation and now I have reached that milestone. I feel like I have made the most out of my college experience by stepping out of my comfort zone and by taking up new opportunities that I would not have had if I went to another school. I have met so many amazing people that have been there for me through it all and have truly impacted my life for the better.

Bryant University will forever hold a special place in my life and my memories here have been unforgettable.

Thank you Bryant for everything, Dana

4 u Senior Reflections

For the past 4 years, I have called Bryant University my home. I have had some of the best memories and experiences of my life. This university has allowed me to meet some of my best friends, and it has allowed me to grow in ways that I never thought possible. When I reflect on my time at Bryant, my memories are filled with happiness as well as challenges. This educational experience has been challenging, but it is something that has also been very rewarding and has taught me a lot about myself. From participating in The Bryant Steppers during my freshman year to going to endless Bingo nights, I will miss everything that Bryant has given me. My experience has been truly unforgettable, and I hope that as my journey continues outside of this University, I can bring all of my tools with me to allow me to continue to grow and excel. Although I do not know what the next chapter of my life will hold, I know that I am prepared and ready to tackle anything that is thrown my way. Thank you Bryant University for some of the best times of my life.

Megan Dignan

When I toured Bryant for the first time I knew it was where I wanted to get my education from. Literally the second I stepped on the campus. The way classes are run, the beautiful campus, and the amazing Professors made Bryant stand out to me. While I do not have many pictures from my time at Bryant, I have memories that will last a lifetime. I have learned so many valuable lessons here. The Professors I have met and learned from are incredible role models and mentors. I have so many great things to say about Bryant, I could go on forever. It feels like yesterday I stepped on campus for the first time for orientation, and now I am graduating. While I am excited to graduate and move on in the world I am also very sad. I am counting down the days for a different reason. That reason being I do not want to leave. I have learned so much about myself and grown as a person here. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things. Soon I won’t be able to do my homework in an AIC study room with a cup of tea, I won’t be able to walk through the beautiful campus every day or do anything that I’ve become so used to doing. Four years just simply isn’t long enough. As I walk through the arch and not around it, there will be a mixture of sad and happy tears. As much as I am excited about my next step, I’ll always miss the place that prepared me for it.

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Elise Wheaton

Patricia Adesanya

Over the course of four years, I have improved my leadership, professional, and interpersonal abilities by participating and trying my best in every class. As a senior at Bryant who has encountered many hardships during my college experience, I wanted to be remembered as a role model on this campus. I want to share my experiences and knowledge of what I have learned throughout my 4 years to people who can relate to me.

As a black female student, I have had the chance to advocate for other students of color, athletes, and women. By getting involved and being a good mentor, I believe I have helped my undergraduate community evolve to be a more diverse community. I also encourage other fellow students to be the best version of themselves and to take advantage of the opportunities around them.

My fantastic experience as a 4MILE counselor, an orientation leader, student ambassador, and a resident assistant has allowed me to share my experiences, share knowledge, and help peers who do not have the drive to change Bryant like me. I loved being that dependable asset, student mentor, and teacher to my fellow peers while making change at my current university campus. I was able to do this as a student leader on my campus and assist students over the course of my four years in becoming accustomed to the Bryant Campus. Finally being involved within Bryant’s Campus has inspired me to work in the field of DEIB specifically within athletics. I have a passion for this field of work and I would love the opportunity to excel and thrive to change the community one step at a time.

6 u Senior Reflections

I will never forget touring Bryant University as a senior in high school. The second I stepped on to campus I felt like this was the institution for me. I applied to seventeen universities across the country and after weighing out the options, I chose Bryant because of the tight knit, supportive community. I came into Bryant not knowing what I wanted to accomplish or what I wanted to do after graduation, but now reflecting where I am today, Bryant has provided me the resources I needed to succeed.

I completed three undergraduate internships in three different industries at State Street, Dell Technologies, and Hasbro. What made those experiences successful was the opportunity to network with industry leaders and learn how they got to where they are today. Those connections also opened doors for me and expanded my educational horizon. Not only did my internships open the door for me to connect with alumni, but the various sales and marketing competitions allowed me to meet new mentors.

I represented Bryant University at the National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC) in Kennesaw, GA twice, International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC) in Orlando, FL, and Selling with the Bulls at Tampa, FL. In preparation for each competition, I connected with Bryant Alumni like Nick Fratto ‘21 and Hannah Bloomwald ‘21 who have volunteered their time to coach and mentor me for each competition. It’s amazing to have alumni who are willing to volunteer their time to pay it forward to the next generation of Bulldogs.

Traveling has become a passion of mine over the years. When the COVID-19 health pandemic became a thing the week after Spring Break my freshman year, I thought that I would not have an opportunity to travel abroad. Having remote classes throughout the remainder of my freshman year and then hybrid classes during my sophomore year became the norm, and I didn’t see any hope of traveling abroad due to the uncertainty. That all changed when the school announced that they were piloting the first experiential learning opportunity that would take over Winter Break of 2023. I traveled to Italy for three weeks to major cities like Milan, Venice, and Florence to learn about Italian Culture, History, and Gastronomy. Professor Cedric Oliva provided juniors and seniors the opportunity to gain local experiences to enhance our experiential learning like visiting the Murano Glass Museum, tour the fashion district of Milan, and even participate in a pizza cooking class in Florence.

Freshman year I didn’t know what my Bryant legacy was going to be, but I am proud to say that my legacy lies in the student organization I led my junior and senior year, the American Marketing Association (AMA). When I first joined AMA my sophomore year, it was during the COVID-19 health pandemic and there were about 8 active members at the time. I saw the opportunity for growth and joined the Executive Board my junior year as the Director of Marketing. As the Director of Marketing, I utilized my access to social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram to show students the value propositions and the return on investment by joining the Bryant University Chapter of the AMA, which eventually led to the 600% membership growth that year.

That membership growth continued to accelerate into my senior year as I took on the role as Chapter President with about 90 active members by the end of the Spring 2023 semester. One of my proudest achievements is starting the Mentorship & Recruitment Program that allowed 10 incoming first-year students to be partnered with seniors on the Executive Board to obtain guidance for their journey at Bryant. It’s amazing to see the effects of an organized mentorship program and the effect it had on these first-year students.

Bryant University has provided me with some of the best friendships and mentorships that will last me a lifetime. One tradition that I will miss with my friends is our Sunday morning run to Cafe Such-A-Bagel or Coffee Connection down the street in Smithfield. For some reason, my friend groups classic go-to order is a medium iced vanilla chai with light ice and a bagel. I’ll also miss group outings to Friday night Bingo hosted by SPB and even supporting my other friends who are also Resident Assistants at their monthly community programs in their respective first-year hall they oversee. The last four years have been memorable, and I look forward to my new Chapter at Dell Technologies as a Financial Analyst in the Financial Development Program at the Hopkinton, MA office.

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Kylie Truong

Zach Zambarano

Throughout my four years at Bryant, I have learned to embrace change not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to grow and better myself and the community around me. Let me explain. If you had asked me if I would embrace change during my senior year of high school, I would have laughed and said you were crazy. Throughout my lower education years, I rejected change, often staying in my comfort zone, and developed a routine that restricted my creativity, and vision for my professional career and future. When I got accepted to Bryant, I thought I would stick to the script: drive to school, learn, do homework, go to bed, repeat. While I was involved in clubs and activities in high school, I knew I wanted to limit or cut out activities to focus on academics in college. While engaged in one or two clubs in my first year, I had a set picture of what I wanted to do in my four years at Bryant. But then, things changed in the spring semester of my first year. While the pandemic was a transition and challenge for all college students, it gave me time to reflect on the legacy I wanted to leave when I graduated from Bryant. Even though I was still seven semesters away from graduation, I realized there was more for me at Bryant and that this university is a special place to enhance my leadership and community-building skills. At that moment in my first year, I realized I had to get more involved and use Bryant’s resources to my advantage to gain a competitive edge for my future. In my sophomore year, I had an opportunity to be in Student Government as a Senator, and while the President was calculating the results, I was sure that I had lost. When they called my name, I knew it was only the beginning of many more opportunities in my quest to be a leader and mentor on this campus.

Being in Student Government was a real eye-opening experience because it showed me how powerful student voices are at Bryant University and how we can change the Bryant experience by voicing our concerns. As I got more involved in Student Government, Residential life, Ways and Means Commission, Fisher Student Center, and Student Ambassadors, and more in my junior year, I realized that I was the one that was helping make the change. It was then that I no longer wanted the same routine every day and wanted to be a change-maker on campus for the betterment of the student body and future generations of Bryant bulldogs. Fast forward to today, where I was the President of the Student Government, helping to facilitate the change along with the partnership of the Bryant administration. Along the way, I have learned lessons I will cherish forever, failures that turned into opportunities, and a supportive and inclusive community to any idea (even the blue-sky ones!). So, as I leave this place that I have called home for the best years of my life, here are a couple of lessons I have learned:

1. Change is good, even when you reject it. Change is inevitable, and while adjusting takes time, you see the benefits of that change. As you grow and expand on your leadership skills in college or professionally, you might be tasked to create the change, which might be downright terrifying! But use your resources and the

opportunities you have received to change aspects to better the lives of others. Bryant University has changed my life for the better, and I wouldn’t have had any personal growth if Bryant or the world hadn’t changed my first year.

2. Change becomes easier when you have support. As I always say to future student leaders: thank the people who got you to this point. These people have guided you through your journey and helped you change and grow into new skill sets that you will take with you forever. Trust and cherish these people to help you make the right decisions occasionally because often, a second opinion helps fuel the change for the better. Thank you to my mentors, faculty, staff, classmates, administration, and of course, my parents and family for steering me to greatness and excellence and allowing me to fail. Without your help, I wouldn’t have changed for the better, probably be in the same routine and not have the best college experience possible.

To the Class of 2023, we have seen many changes. We can say that we are the change-makers of Bryant University today and motivate the next generation to be the change-makers of our university tomorrow. Never forget our roots in Smithfield, Rhode Island, and all the opportunities Bryant has given us. It is time for us to leave, drive past the Bryant globe one last time and embark on our journey. While we may live far and wide, we will continue to be the change our world needs today. But remember that our journey together started here on a 435-acre campus with a vision and dream to think big and be great.

Congratulations, Class of 2023! We did it! Go Bulldogs!

8 u Senior Reflections

Maggie Salmon, Senior Class Committee

Committing to Bryant University is the best decision I have ever made. In my senior year of high school, I had no intention of committing to Bryant when I visited for Admitted Student Day with a few of my friends in late April for fun. Though I was looking forward to attending a bigger school, the sense of community, campus, and people at Bryant instantly changed my mind. I am so thankful for my decision and for everything that Bryant has given me, including a strong sense of community, lifelong friendships, work ethic and motivation, the opportunity for a successful future, and some of the best memories of my life.

Throughout my time at Bryant, I have become very proud to be a Bulldog and a part of the Bryant community. When I first started college, my experience was much different than many of my friends’ experiences at other colleges. Living in a 9-person suite, meeting many new people in the first couple of days, and seeing familiar faces all over campus, Bryant felt like home to me. I didn’t find it hard to adjust to college life. In classes, I loved that the professors always knew me by name, and I knew almost every student in my class. Having to do a group project in nearly every class, I have had the opportunity to get to know and work with a wide variety of students. I have loved getting to know so many people throughout my time here, and I know many of these relationships will continue forever.

Bryant has given me the experience to participate in realworld projects and be a part of some amazing clubs and organizations. One project experience I will remember forever was in my 2022 Design Thinking class with Lori Coakley and Allison Butler. We worked on a semester-long project for Fidelity Investments, worked alongside Fidelity representatives, and presented our final product to Fidelity Executives for a cash prize. It was truly amazing to see our project’s ideas turned into real projects and programs at Fidelity afterward. In terms of extracurricular activities, some of my favorite experiences at Bryant were being the event manager for the Bryant TEDx event (TED talk event), being a part of the senior committee helping to plan events for our senior class, and fundraising money for the class gift, and competing for the Bryant Sales team at the 2022 National Collegiate Sales Competition. I have also enjoyed working in the Alumni and Parent Engagement office and participating in the Omicron Delta Kappa honor society. Being around very motivated, successful, and likeminded people at Bryant has completely changed who I am by giving me a strong work ethic, motivation, and confidence that will allow me to flourish in the professional world after graduation.

Several faculty and staff have made a significant impact on my life during my time at Bryant. Going to Salmo every day while living in the dorms, greetings from Barb, and daily conversations with Miss P always made my day. Leon from the Archway Cafe and Don from Nick’s Place/ Tupper’s never

failed to put a smile on my face, no matter what type of day I was having. I have also loved all of my professors at Bryant. I am especially thankful to Dr. Coakley, Professor Lynch, Dr. Jayaraman, Professor Zammarelli, Dr. Boyer, and Professor Massoud for leaving the most significant impact on me, giving me some of my favorite college class experiences, and helping me prepare for the professional world.

At Bryant, I have been lucky enough to be blessed with the best roommates: Aly, Justine, Bailey, Taryn, Karli, and Jill. I will treasure our memories in Scituate Suite 420 and Townhouse J7 forever. We have had some of the best times together going to Finn’s on Thursdays, Moonshine Alley, visiting our friends at Oakland Ave in Providence and getting Golden Crust Pizza, Rentes trips, bowling at CW Lanes, brunch at Barnaby’s, and just hanging out in our house and suite. I will especially miss our weekly trips to Laura’s Bar and Grill for dinners, 3$ tacos, buffalo chicken dip, or to try the martini of the week. Some of my favorite memories from the senior class have been the senior spring break trip to Punta Cana, the senior softball league, hanging out at the townhouse volleyball court and PO Block, and senior Thursdays for karaoke night at the Thirsty Beaver. I will always miss Smithfield and everything that it has to offer.

Even though it feels like my first day of freshman year was last week, I have enjoyed every second of being a Bryany Bulldog. I am so thankful for my experience at Bryant University and the support I have gotten from my family throughout my academic career. These past four years have been the best of my life, and I am so thankful for everyone I have met during this journey! I want to thank Bryant for shaping me into the person I am today and setting me up for a lifetime of success! Thank you SO much, Bryant, and Congratulations, class of 2023!!! I can’t wait to see what everyone accomplishes!

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Megan Donnelly, Senior Class Committee

I chose Bryant four years ago because of the unique community here. I had been recruited for swimming at a few schools, and found no school as impressive as Bryant. While I only met the swim and dive team on my recruiting trip, I knew that the team’s attitude and grit would translate to the rest of the school. I was amazed at how hardworking and happy the team presented themselves. They were all excited to put forth their best effort in each practice. I chose Bryant because I wanted to surround myself with a community of people who valued their education, working hard to earn their success, and having a positive attitude while doing it!

I knew coming into Bryant that I wanted to get involved to make the most of my experience. Along with being a member of the swim and dive team, I have joined best buddies, student government, American Marketing Association, arts and creativity club, and senior class committee. I have learned about friendship and inclusivity, professionalism, the importance of networking, event planning, and advocating for my peers. Putting myself out there and being a member of these clubs allowed me to meet so many incredible people and try so many new things.

One of my favorite events at Bryant has always been the Pumpkin Fest. The annual festival began my sophomore year in October of 2020. It was the first time we had come together in a social setting since the pandemic started. I was told that the event was the University’s way of giving back to the students who had done an excellent job adapting to ever-changing situations. At the festival, there were several tables set up with pumpkins and carving tools. There were s’mores, food trucks, and a live band! In my opinion, nothing is better than live music. I loved this event so much because of the University’s kindness in bringing the students a fun experience after so much uncertainty and change. The event has continued since 2020, and each year, Pumpkin Fest has been a symbol of celebration through hard times to myself and my friends.

My friends and I often joke that “at the end of the day, at least we have our Bryant University education!” And it’s true! I feel as though our education at Bryant has prepared us to excel in our future careers. Some of my favorite classes have been women and gender studies with Thomas Roach, new product development with Tim Wolski, Spanish for business I and II with Jane Perry, my Spanish research directed study with Patricia Gomez, and personal selling with Stepanie Boyer. All of these professors went above and beyond to enhance my education and my ability to speak confidently on important topics. I am excited to continue to use my knowledge in these areas in the future.

After graduation, I will begin as a sales development representative at MemoryBlue. I am so excited to move to Boston this June and use my Bryant education to excel! Thank you Class of 2023 for making my four years here so memorable!

10 u Senior Reflections

Meghan Seligman, Senior Class Committee

Well, this is it. Four years at Bryant have gone by way too fast, but I enjoyed every step of the way. Bryant has taught me to have more confidence in myself than I ever imagined and most importantly this allowed me to change. Through this change and experiences over my four years, Bryant has taught me to grow and is one of the reasons I have become the leader I am today. Bryant has brought me amazing friends, created long-lasting memories, and brought me one step closer to my future. Starting at Bryant my freshman year, it was a normal year, and then at the very end, covid hit and we were at home for the remainder of the time. Sophomore year came along with being stuck within our pods and adapting to hybrid learning. Junior year was slightly getting back to normal with in-person classes and ending the year with no masks. Lastly, my Senior year, the year that was fully normal, was the most lively and energetic out of all of my years here at Bryant.

Starting my freshman year at Bryant was such a scary adventure, and that was not having my family at my side all the time. Although I knew I had their support back home, being “alone” was a scary change, but so exhilarating all at the same time. The first day we moved onto campus I remember going to the lighting ceremony around the pond with my roommate. It was the first day I met her, and I thought to myself, this is it, Bryant is my home for the next four years and I couldn’t have been more excited. Freshman year of course came with its ups and downs with just learning the ropes of college and trying to get my feet on the ground. I wanted to join clubs and get involved to be able to meet new people and make the most out of my time here. During my freshman year, I created a friend group where I was able to make some unforgettable memories. My freshman year consisted of learning my way around Bryant, getting to know professors, and trying to see what campus life was all about. It was a time of change, learning, and growing all in one. When we went home for Spring break we thought we’d be back in one week. Covid had other ideas and we never came back to finish off our freshmen year. Since we were stuck at home, my friends and I would Zoom very frequently to catch up and even play games. My favorite was Kahoot because we continued to bond and get to know each other. Freshman year wasn’t what I expected it to be, but it sure was a great year getting to know Bryant and my friends, and my feet were hitting the ground running.

Sophomore year then came along, and I was living in a suite-style housing with four of my closest friends that I knew would be my pod for the year. I had a rocky start to the year because I was placed into quarantine the day after I moved in and therefore I missed the first two weeks of my sophomore year. As the year went along, my friends and I were stuck together due to the pod rule and only being allowed to be with a certain amount of people at a time. To try and have fun, we would go off campus to get froyo, quite frequently, and make a suite bonding trip out of it. That was one of my most fond memories of this year, getting froyo, and although we went multiple different times, most of us would stick with our go-to flavors along with our go-to toppings. This is also the year I was able to get more involved and step out of my comfort zone. I joined Best Buddies as a general member, joined Community Council as a community advocate to get more involved with ResLife, and joined the Bryant Pre-Health Association as public relations director. By getting more involved, I was giving myself more things to do, and putting my foot in the door for even more involvement as I grew. This year was filled with spending many nights in with my roommates instead of going out, watching countless movies and shows while creating an unforgettable bond with my suitemates

Junior year, was a time of change. I was able to become a Resident Assistant in the Upper Village area. This was a big change because I

didn’t live with any of my friends, and instead four random suitemates. Being a Resident Assistant I tried to get involved with as much as I could within the position, community, and other involvements around campus as well. Being a Resident Assistant made me work hard to get to know my residents, and I even had the great accomplishment of completing all of my one-on-ones with my residents to truly get a connection and be a valuable resource for them. A great accomplishment of mine during this year was having the honor of being the Community Builder Of The Year from ResLife. This was a great honor because I felt truly recognized for the connections I was able to build and the safe and friendly community that I was able to get from it. At the very end of my Junior year, I was also able to create new connections and friendships because of my Resident Assistant role. It was with these friends that I was able to spend the most memorable year of my time at Bryant, my Senior year.

Going into my Senior year at Bryant, I decided to get even more involved to truly make the most out of my time and experience everything I could experience. I joined Student Government as a Senator and had many great opportunities in this role, such as helping plan the Fisher Patio grand opening event. I also was able to create so many great relationships with administration and faculty, most notably with Inge-Lise Ameer. Inge was a mentor and someone I could go to for guidance, but most importantly I consider her to be someone I could count on for advice and support. I also joined the Senior Class Committee which allowed me to help plan numerous different Senior events, the most exciting being Senior Week. I had so much fun doing this and it was such an amazing opportunity. I also was able to be a Head Resident Assistant for Middle Village and get to establish even more relationships with people at Bryant. One of my favorite memories at Bryant is when my friends and I have pond sits. This consists of eating lunch and dinner by the pond, sitting and listening to music, and just talking about anything on our minds. The pond sits are something we always looked forward to being able to do, no matter what time of day it is, and be out there for as long as we can. Bryant has led me to some of my best friends, and this experience has made it truly hard to leave.

Thank you Bryant and to my family and friends that supported me along the journey.

Class of 2023 Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 11

Michelle Singer, Senior Class Committee

Being a student during Covid-19 it has been very difficult to build relationships and connections with those in my grade. Being online for two years I was never there to have the fun I wanted with my class and create memories during my freshman and sophomore year. Having a major in international business takes a lot of group work and presentations, but having to do that work online made me feel less associated with the others in my major. When the opportunity was presented to me to join the Senior Committee, I did not hesitate to apply. I wanted to join the Senior Committee as a way to connect during my entire Senior year and with the Senior class, be able to build long lasting relationships, and provide a week long of activities that will meet everyone’s expectations. Being on the senior committee I have been able to put myself out there and get to know more people in the senior class that I never had the privilege to get to know beforehand. Bryant overall has given me the best relationships I can ask for whether that is with peers, professors, or faculty. Without Bryant I would not have been able to experience studying abroad to strengthen my international business skills, be a part of one of the best major programs in the country, and be able to build independence. Being at a place that provided me a great education to build my skills and future career, I can not name a place better than Bryant. I want to thank everyone who knows me and knows that I will not be where I am without you. All of this is for us; Senior week, graduation, it’s our time to celebrate, and our future started and will end with Bryant University.

Erin Doruska, Senior Class Committee

I came into Bryant feeling nervous. I did not know what to expect being so far from my hometown. I expressed my worries to my RAs and swim teammates, and they supported me during that first year. My friendships I created during my time at Bryant helped me grow as a person. I also learned that doing things outside my comfort zone has helped maximize my experience during the past four years.

One major organization I was a part of was the swimming and diving team. Competing at the Division I level was a challenge, unique to my prior 10 years of swimming. I learned how to enjoy practices and bond with my teammates. Throughout my entire swimming career, I had the most fun swimming at meets and experiencing success as a team at Bryant.

Bryant stands out among other Division I institutions because I was able to be a part of many other clubs in addition to my sport. Joining Catholic Student Association allowed me to explore the spiritual side of myself and let me further my connection with God and with students on campus. I was also able to give back to the community through various service projects with the organization. Being a part of the Senior Class Committee allowed me to connect with my class and help celebrate our four years at Bryant. Becoming a Peer Tutor at ACE helped me give back to my campus community and empower students in their courses. I am very thankful for my ability to participate in athletics and clubs and have an on-campus job during my time at Bryant. I was able to improve my time management and create lifelong friendships, leaving a long-lasting impact on me.

My favorite memory at Bryant was attending the Festival of Lights in 2022. I was participating in the event as a member of the Catholic Student Association. I got to celebrate the season of Advent, but also learned about the significance of light throughout other religions and cultures. The night showed me that even though we celebrate different religions or have diverse

cultures, we all cherish light and what light can do for us. I will remember that night forever.

As I leave with a degree from Bryant University, I leave a strong woman, able to balance busy schedules, solve problems through critical thinking, and have fun while doing it. To future Bryant students, do not be afraid to pursue a journey that no one has attempted before. This is a safe place to make mistakes! You will find that the results of seeking out a new experience will change you for the better.

12 u Senior Reflections

Nicco Davi, Senior Class Committee

Throughout my four years at Bryant, people have always asked how and why I chose to come to Bryant. Back when I was in high school, I had no idea where I wanted to go to school, and just like everyone else at the end of junior year into senior year of high school, all the advertisements came flooding in through the mail. Many of them were from big schools that everyone knows about until I got to the Bryant flyer. I did not know about Bryant prior to receiving the flyer in the mail, but the bright gold flyer caught my eye. Down the road, it was time to start visiting colleges to plan the next four years of my life, the first stop was Bryant University and the moment I stepped out of the car, I knew I was home. Fast forward a few years, millions of memories, and a lot of lesson learned, I am proud to have called Bryant my home away from home.

Coming in as a first-year student at Bryant, the thought of leaving home was unsettling, and I couldn’t imagine a “new” life away from my family and friends. Once I got to Bryant’s campus, however, all my worries washed away. The community and the people on campus create a strong sense of comfort and belongingness, which is what anyone hopes for. From the beginning, I was able to learn about the accounting program Bryant had to offer, the study abroad opportunities, the internship and career opportunities, the many clubs and organizations on campus and, of course, our amazing mascot, Tupper.

Being involved on campus was very important to me when I came to Bryant. This is a great way to meet new people, gain leadership opportunities, and much more. Instead of signing up for every club at the organization fair, I wanted to choose one or two that really stuck out to me and grow within them. The first organization that stood out to me was the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (Bryant CEO), an entrepreneurship club that is not just for one major, but open to the entire Bryant community. By joining CEO, I was able to learn about entrepreneurship, network with successful business owners and alumni, and overall, join a group of people I can call my family. Throughout my years, I was able to grow with Bryant CEO and eventually become President my senior year. This opportunity allowed me to give back to my members and E-Board members, mentor them just like I was mentored when I was an underclassman, and tailor the club based on our members needs. The CEO executive board is the greatest group of motivators, go-getters, and leaders that I have had the pleasure of working with and I have learned so much from every single on of them.

Bryant University’s Student Programing Board has also been a family to me since the very beginning. I joined SPB freshman year to help create & execute exciting and fun events to make campus even more enjoyable to all students. I was able to meet some of my closest friends, most of whom graduated already, but are still very much a part of my life. It was a pleasure being a part of an organization that made Bryant feel more like home.

To say I’m grateful for all that Bryant has given me would be an understatement, and even after we graduate, the impact that Bryant has had on us will last a lifetime. The past few years, I have been working tirelessly to reach graduation, as any accounting student knows, the last few classes can be difficult, but now that it’s here, I would definitely turn back the clock and live it all one

more time.

I want to thank all my professors, especially my accounting professors, for being such amazing mentors, in and out of the classroom, and for teaching me more then I ever could have imagined. I thank my mom, for always being my biggest supporter throughout my journey and always motivating me to work harder toward my goals in life, you have and always will be my biggest role model. I thank my Dad, who I know is looking down on me and guiding me when things get tough, my brother and sister, who are always cheering me on, my peers, for motivating me and challenging me while creating a fun work environment, and last but not least, my greatest friends, for making Bryant feel like home filled with great memories and laughter, and for having my back through it all. I couldn’t have done this without you.

Class of 2023, we are leaving Bryant with more then just a degree. We leave as a family, with memories that will last us a lifetime. I am excited to see where the next chapter of our lives takes us. This is just the beginning of something great. Thank you, Bryant… Bulldogs forever! We did it!!!

Class of 2023 Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 13
14 u Senior Portraits
Abby Acone Margaret Adams Patricia Adesanya Domenique Altieri Norberto Alvarado Tyler Amato Christian Amorotti Ashlee Anderson Jake Anderson Drew Anderson Sara Anselmo Ivy Antosca Drew Arnold Hailey Aspinwall Nicholas Awada Shayen Ayer
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 15
Angela Baack Dylan Baker Erica Barley Jake Barlow Louise Barro Tyler Bartlett Tristan Beale Alexander Bean Jared Beatman Kyle Beaton Ryan Bebyn Allison Beck Brianna Beland Mariana Bermúdez Valerie Blanchard Joseph Bouchie
16 u Senior Portraits
Dominic Boutot Garrett Briggs Gabriella Brown Ashley Brown Matthew Brown Colin Brown Joseph Buzdigian Stacey Caira Isabella Calcagno Erica Callinan Luke Caltabiano Jake Cardines Laurel Carey Hannah Carle Olivia Carle Sarah Casey
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 17
Sydney Cassell Domenic Castellano Brianna Catino Evan Celli Holly Chadwick Kyriana Chambo Raghav Chandak Blanca Chasco Masó John Chaves William Chiocco Danielle Chisholm Catherine Choi Jonathan Christopher Domenico Cincotti Wayne Cintolo Dylan Clark
18 u Senior Portraits
Paul Clarkson Kelly Clougherty Ethan Cohen Clara Cole Jacob Collyer Christopher Condon Benjamin Condon Julia Connelly Jessica Cook Kevin Copeland Alex Corey Jacob Corey Briannah Costa Aidan Costello Steven Cotreau Sophia Coveney
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 19
Declan Croston Perry Crovo Devon Cunningham Jr. Hayden Curley Alexandra Cusick Alexis D’Angelo Katherine D’Ordine Nicholas Davi Skylar Davies Emily Davis Austin Davis Christopher DeMarey Alexa DeMello Katelyn DiFabio Megan Dignan Nicholas DiPietro
20 u Senior Portraits
Michael DiSabito Ryan Dobrzynski Benjamin Dodge Jillian Doherty Jenna Donaruma Megan Donnelly Erin Doruska Keagan Downey Riley Downing Hannah Dreska Sophia Drezek Grant Dubiel Hannah Dufour Jillian Duhamel Courtney Dye Samantha Eastman
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 21
Jihad Edmond Anxhela Elezaj Olivia Emond Ryan Erickson Cynthia Farah Nathan Farkash Nathan Farnsworth Brian Farrell Connor Farwell Ayman Fawaz Gabriella Federico Olivia Fee Benjamin Fein Gabriela Ferré Emily Ferrick Manuel Ferro
22 u Senior Portraits
Natalya Fico Megan Finnigan Michael Fiorenza Ryan Fleck Alexandra Fluegel Liam Fluharty Daniel Ford Hayley Frank Anthony Frascogna Megan Freedholm Sofia Frei Justine Fritz Nicole Gallagher Declan Gallagher Aidan Gallagher Jenna Gardner
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 23
Lauren Gendron Jordan Gervasi Sofia Giarratana Bailey Gifford Manuela Gómez Estrada Luis Gonzalez Liza Gonzalez Jacob Goodman Maxwell Gorman Grace Greenaway Samantha Grenon Emily Grossman Aryan Grover Michael Gurney Emily Gustus Lindsey Guyton
24 u Senior Portraits
Molly Haberman Anne Harris Erika Hauser Brett Healy John Hedges Tracey Hellinger Madison Henry Trevor Herlihy Julia Herraiz Rachael Higgins Thomas Hill Aidan Hill Maya Hilliard Andrew Hinckley Marley Hines Skylar Hodgkinson
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 25
Jillian Hoey Melanie Homsy Raymond Howard Aleixandria Hudson Caitlin Hurley Christina Hydo Jonathan Iamarone Janelle Isaacs Carson Ivey Morgan Jackson Caroline James Emma Jasper Liliana Jessico Connor Jordan Joseph Juliano Dana Jurgielewicz
26 u Senior Portraits
Rebecca Kaminskas Alexandrea Kempf Kylie Kenney Matthew Kiernan Timothy Kiggins Angela Kim Lucy Kingkade Jacqueline Knight Brian Kostiw Emily Krawczynski Maikou Kue Amber Kulz Madeline Labance Emma Lacey Luke LaForest Lily LaGoy
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 27
Karli Lajeunesse Han Lambert Isabella Laramee Megan Lawlor Yen Le Andrew LeBlanc Alexander Leduc Katherine Lennon Alyssa Lentine Sara Letourneau Zhenying Li Jiaxin Liu Marco Loccisano Daniel Locke Allison Logan Adrian Lokko
28 u Senior Portraits
Samuel Louback Jayden MacLeod Aidan MacSweeney Emily Magri Stephanie Malachowski Daniel Mann Owen Manning Jacob Marchand Gabriela Martin Olivia Martucci Emily Marullo David McCain Cameron McCombs Daniel McCormack Shane McDonald Meghan McDonald
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 29
Jackson McDonough Grace McGovern Caitlin McGrath Nolan McLaney Julia McLaughlin Taylor McNamara Michael McNeil Peter Meade Julia Mechlinski Maria Medina Matthew Meinertz Oliver Mercier Jason Michaud Russel Mitard Amr Mohamed Hannah Morel
30 u Senior Portraits
Nicholas Murray Adam Newhall Alexander Newman Timothy Noll Grace O’Donnell Stephen O’Leary Louise Offersen Emily Oliver Anna Orticerio Darling Pagan Antunez Kenneth Page Arabella Pagliazzo Dylan Palinkas Christopher Pallante Dawson Pallotta Charles Panke
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 31
Haralambos Papadopoulos Aimee Parenteau Charles Payne Caroline Pearson Zachary Peet Jessica Pelletier Miranda Peña Xavier Perez Raquel Perez Alvarez Abraham Peterkin Spencer Peters Hannah Peterson Chi Phi Colby Phillips Audrey Pilotte Carolyn Pinchiaroli
32 u Senior Portraits
Alexander Pinho Raymond Pinto Gianny Pires Zachary Plante Sam Pollack Megan Polun Samuel Pool David Poretsky Jenna Pothier Jacqueline Prestininzi Caroline Queally Nicolas Quinn Chloe Raesly Ava Ranaldi Jacqueline Raymond Samantha Reardon
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 33
Haley Reed Melissa Reef Jessica Reid Ciara Reilly Dakota Reyes Sierra Reyes Jason Rhodes Meghan Rice Jacob Rich David Richardson Ryan Richardson Thomas Richardson Jessica Rinaldi Bo Rinkus Dante Ritchey Francine Roberge
34 u Senior Portraits
Michael Roberts Julia Robertson Emily Robinson Jason Rothman Taylor Rothwell Jenna Russo Alison Ryan Margaux Ryan Abess Sabbagh Olivia Sales Margaret Salmon Justin Salois Nicolas Santangelo Juliette Sasso Kristopher Schad
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 35
Emily Schuele Samantha Sczepanski Meghan Seligman Julian Serrano Julia Shaw Lindsey Shearstone Thomas Sheehan Madison Sherriff Kayleen Sickorez Matthew Sidell Victoria Silverman Matthew Silvia Michelle Singer Megan Skousen Mia Skowron Jacob Slide
36 u Senior Portraits
Chase Smiley Marc Smith Jordan Smith Lucille Smith Aidan Smith Olyvia Smith Nolen Smith Alyson Snell Marshall Spender Darren Stanton Samantha Stempel Isaiah Stephens Marissa Stern Cameron Stolpner Kyle Stone Tyler Stroili
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 37
Matthew Supczak Alexis Suprono Ethan Sussman Ashley Suzio Lily Swain Megan Swenson Oscar Taira Andrew Teixeira Cianni Thomas Madison Tinio Jack Tishkevich Caleb Tondora Madison Torrance Arana Torres Michael Trask Kylie Truong
38 u Senior Portraits
Chelsea Tsalapatanis Zachary Tucci Jillian Ulicki Laura Urgal Taylor Vahey Edoardo Valle Vanessa Majer Alejandro Vaquerano Carina Vaughan Jillian Vecchia Isabella Victoria Matthieu Vieil Kristina Vo Jaiyan Wadhwa Brianna Walker Veronica Wallace
Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 39
Taryn Walsh Jordan Walsh Henry Wang Courtney Wegrzyn Gabrielle Weiner Alexandra Weisheit Zoe Weiss Elise Wheaton Brian Wildman Thomas Williams Riley Wilson Rylee Wirtanen Saylor Wood Alysa Wright Grace Yost Zachary Zambarano

Nicholas Albanese

Grant Alix

Ariana Altuve Simon

Joseph Anastasi

Devlin Andrews

Shawn Antonson

Elimelec Aponte

Cicero Appiah

Dylan April

Jack Armstrong

Julia Aspromonte

Ahmad Assad

Jared Badger

Camila Baeza

Jack Banks

Liam Bannon

Andrew Baran

Mason Baron-Pinkowski

Matthew Bedard

Zachary Bertolino

Miguel Betances Pichardo

Jason Bishop

Nicholas Bisson

Hunter Boivin

Vincent Bono

Thomas Boukouvalas

Colin Bourne

Jack Boyd

Nicholas Brancato

Robert Bressan

Evan Broderick

Thomas Brosnihan

Reed Bryant

Ryan Burke

Andrew Buss

Jasmine Caballero

Mia Calegari

Hallie Campbell

John Cannon

Julia Cappellini

Dane Caron

Luke Cavalloro

Robert Cecala

Mia Cergol

Amanda Cesario

Katherine Champagne

Adin Mitchell Chapman

Joshua Cherian

Samuel Choiniere

Chase Chuckran

Tyler Chwalek

Samantha Ciancio

Pedro Cid

Michael Cipriano

Giancarlo Coelho

Nevan Collins

Jonathan Colon

Timothy Connolly

Matthew Cook

Craig Coombs

Kyle Cournoyer

Evan Coyne

Ryan Cronin

Veronica Cruz Torresola

Joseph Cuggino

Samuel D’Agostino

Dominick DaCruz

Adam Dahill

Stavros Damaskos

Isaiah Davis

Peter Day

Eric De los Santos

Joseph DeLellis

Isabella DeNuccio

Holli DePina

Seniors Not Pictured

Nicole DerAnanian

Shawn Deroy

Hanover Dill

Thomas DiTullio

Jarrod Dube

Patrick Duffy

John Duros

Kenneth Dyson

John English

William Enright

Jacob Estrela

Jack Ezold

Ashley Fafard

Reilly Fagnant

John Famiglietti

Ying Fang

Alex Favazza

Natalia Fernandez Rodriguez

Andrew Ferreira

Jack Field

Theodore Fleming

Christopher Flippin

Alyssa Florio

Patrick Flynn

Marshall Ford

Jayden Frageau

Robert Fraser

Benjamin Frazier

Anthony Frederick

Jake Gallant

Ana Gallardo De La Cruz

James Galleher

Troy Gamache

Nicholas Garbarino

Emma Garrity

Jenna Gauthier

Jack Gawreluk

Ryan Gesnaldo

Kameron Gilchrest

Brett Gioioso

Travis Gladstone

Sophie Glassman

Connor Gleim

Christian Gomez

Tristan Gordon

Griffin Gosule

Michael Gotti

Brittany Gouws

Grayson Green

Kevin Groeninger

Daniel Grzych

Tyler Guillemette

Thomas Guinee

Camerin Gumbs

Adibhav Gupta

Timothy Hackett

Abigail Hamilton

Logan Hammerstein

Hailey Hammick

Nsaiah Harriet

Brennan Hart

Nicholas Hasselman

Ethan Hayes

Robert Hayward

Kyle Henderson

Julian Ho

Nathan Hochberger

Christian Hubbard

Magielette Hudson

Matt Hulse

Claudia Hurtado

Maaz Hussain

Rebecca Jackvony

Riley James

Brianna Jankowski

Yezhou Jiang

Phoebe Johnson

Danielle Joyce

Brian Judge

Braden Juneau

Joseph Kasper

Michael Kearney

Michael Kenney

Christopher Kerrigan

Raj Khanderia

Carter Khoury

Christian Kjeldsen

Alexander Klowan

Alexander Kulasenski

Patrick Kumar

Kate Labrie

Steven LaPointe

Jason Larosiliere

Miles Latimer

John Lavanchy

Sean Lenihan

Joseph Leszczynski

Liam LeVangie

Mengyuan Li

Ian Loftus

Andres Lopez

Nicholas Lorenz

Jack Lowrey

Yilan Lu

Matthew Lusak

Matthew Maciel

Arinzechukwu Maduka

Delaney Maguire

John Mancuso

Owen Marandino

David Marani

Margaret Marani

Stephen Marano

Matthew Marcello

Morgan Marckres

Michelangelo Marcoccio

Timari Marinelli

Kyle Marrapese

Noah Marshall

Benjamin Martin

Tyler Marzocchi

Darryl Matvichuk

Jacquelyn May

Kaily Mayo

Cole Mazzaferro

Clayton McAlpine

Kyle McCabe

Colin McCarthy

Robert McFadden

Cole McGovern

Emma McGovern

Will McGuire

Sara McInerney

Bridget McQuillan

Christopher Meisner

Abbigail Mellor

Robert Melvin

Constantine Menadue

Carolina Mercado

Cesar Michi Trujillo

Shai Mitchell Young

Brandon Monheimer

John Morales

Ethan Morawski

Brett Mordas

Lauren Morgart

Carson Morrison

Ellie Morrison

Michael Morrison

Graysen Mortimer

Michael Murray

Christian Negrotti

Vincent Nemergut

Nicholas Ng

John Nicolazzo

Chidi Nna

Aidan Nolan

Arosh E Noor

Cameron Nuttall

Jessica O’Brien

Lily O’Connell

Camron O’Connor

Nathaniel O’Connor

Michael Ocheretyanny

Brian Oliver

Victoria Olivieri

Christopher Olney

Timothy Olsen

Fadi Arbain Oumera

Daniela Pacheco

Carmine Palmisano

Antonio Pardi

Ean Patry

Brady Paulus

Anthony Pellegatto

Alana Perkins

Jordan Perry

Liam Peterson

Nicholas Petracca

Ethan Phillips

Ricardo Ponce Acevedo

Jake Prall

Charles Pride

Matthew Prochaska

Anthony Puleo

Nicholas Quarella

Jared Quintiliani

Abigail Rae

Adin Rappaport

Taryn Rauff

Carolyn Reimer

Tyler Reynolds

Madalyn Richardson

Thomas Richmond

Donald Rick

Keith Ridley

Jonathan Riordan

Benjamin Rioux

Kyle Roberts

Tyler Roche

Diego Rodriguez

Bryce Rogers

Spencer Rogers

Leonelly Romano Sedeno

William Ronan

Halle Ross

David Roundy

Emma Rousell

Tyler Rozmus

Brody Rule

Sophie Russo

Jonathan Sadowski

Anthony Salameh

Ethan Salsbury

Ethan Savoie

Isabella Schmidt

Joseph Seaman

Aryaan Sen

Julian Serrano Camacho

Satrina-Mae Shannon

Darnel Shillingford

Skylar Simmonds

Samuel Sinisgalli

Brice Sinnett

Liam Sives

Abigail Slavik

Matthew Smidt

Derek Smith

Hayden Smith

Liam Smith

Matthew Smith

Trevor Smith

Henri Snyman

Joshua Soares

Ryan Soohoo

Alexi Sousa

Filipe Sousa

Madyson Sousa

Jake Spaulding

David Stafford

Mackenzie Stapleton

William Stearns

Tyler Stringfellow

Asher Stukelman

Brian Sugar

Kyle Sullivan

Peter Sullivan

Sean Sullivan

Nicolo Sullo

Ryan Sulvester

Sydney Swain

Eric Sweeney

Noah Tellez

Ryan Terlecky

Andrew Theriault

Connor Thompson

Dilan Torres

William Tosti

Jamie Travis

Joshua Turner

Kenneth Turner

Nicholas Umbro

Chad Vasquenza

John Vaughan

Joseph Vecchio

Vaishnavi Velagapudi

Talia Vicente

Daniel Vital

Elena Vittori

Sofia Vittori

Quinn Vontell

William Walsh

Yixin Wan

Renfu Wang

Yuheng Wang

Jamichael Watts

Connor Whalen

Kyle Wiggins

Ryan Wildgoose

Hannah Wildman

Maria Willerer

Jake Williams

Jack Woods

Xinyi Xing

Daxi Ye

Matthew Yeomans

Xiaolan Yu

Fanjun Yuan

Kai-Jia Yue

William Zawacki

Andrew Zeiser

Junhao Zhang

Daxin Zhou

Jiaqi Zhu

Shannon Zogalis

David Zorrilla

40 u Senior Portraits

What’s Your Favorite Spot On Campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the Bryant Pond. In between classes, I would expect a text from my Pond Sitting group chat because that’s one tradition my friends and I like to do when it’s a nice day out. The Bryant Pond is also a great place for student organizations to host events on the lawn, like having a bounce house during Spring Weekend 2022. - Kylie Truong

My favorite spot on campus is right by the pond at sunset. The picture does not do it justice!

-Megan Dignan

I love the Interfaith Center! It is a great peaceful place on campus!

Class of 2023 Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 41

Being able to play at Conaty Park and creating memories with the people that I call my family. Thank you Bryant University Softball. -

My favorite spot on campus is the Fisher Student Center. It is our campus living room! I love coming here to get something to eat, catch up with friends, and attend club meetings!

My absolute favorite spot on campus is my little shop located in Koffler basement! Between producing custom clothing and merchandising and showcasing my work is something so special to me that I will remember forever. You will most likely catch me either jamming out in the shop or hard at work with the press!

42 u Senior Memories
The squash courts in MAC. [Chace]

Which Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You?

The Sales Program Director and Marketing Professor, Dr. Stefanie Boyer impacted my time at Bryant University. I took her Personal Selling’s course Fall 2021 and it changed my education experience my junior and senior year. Her sales course helped me build basic foundations on effectively and efficiently networking with both my peers, alumni, and employers that I desire to connect with. Dr. Boyer has helped me coach through a number of sales competitions throughout the years, and it was a privilege to travel to four different competitions with her because it was my first time traveling to Kennesaw, Georgia, as well as Tampa, Florida. I never thought I would have the opportunity to go to Walt Disney World with my Professor, and I was able to after I competed in the role-play competition at the International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC) in Orlando, Florida Fall 2022! If I had to redo my undergraduate year at Bryant again, I would have taken Dr. Boyer’s class earlier because it set me up for success!

I want to thank Dr. Lori Coakley, Management Department.


Maggie Salmon

Thank you to ResLife, SEOP, the Student Ambassador Program, the Honors Program, and the AMICA Career Center for guiding me and making my entire college experience extremely memorable!

Mara Derdarian, Finance professor and head of the financial services department.

Mara is an amazing professor with a unique aptitude to help her students succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Without Mara, I would not be in the position I am to succeed upon graduating and will be forever thankful for her helpfulness throughout my college career.- Nicholas Santangelo

Thank you to:

Mary Anne Clarke

Jennifer Mier

Cindy Zdravkovic

Kirsten Hokeness

Susan Baran

Linda Barringer

Richard Holtzman

Valerie Carrigan

Valerie Leduc

Lori Coakley

Dennis Roderick

Allison Butler

Robert Massoud

Jeffrey Cabusao

- Patricia Adesanya

Thank you to Professors

Robert Massoud

Laurie Coakley

Maura Dowling

Mary Anne Clarke and Finance Advisor

Rebecca Senna

- Megan Dignan

Thank you especially to Professor Saslawski (IB Program Director), Professor Massoud (Management Department), Professor Coakley (Management Department), and Professor Perry (Foreign Language Department) ! - Courtney Dye

Class of 2023 Through The Archway 2023 Commencement Magazine u 43

Thank you, Professor Rich Holtzman, from the Politics Law and Society department, for helping me discover my passion for political science. Thank you, Jess Raffaele, the Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Experience, for being so dedicated in making sure we had the best experience possible from our first days in orientation until our last days during senior week! You are awesome! Thank you to Dr. Inge Lise Ameer, Vice President of Student Affairs, for making a huge impact on my life. Working with you during my time at Bryant was amazing, and you taught me valuable lessons on leadership that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Thanks to Joanne Robertson for being my mom at school. Thanks for getting me lunch, I really needed it.- Jake Anderson

Thank you to:

David Ciliberto, Senior Lecturer of History and Social Sciences

Christopher Roethlein, Professor of Management

- Drew Arnold

Professor Nigro made a big impact on what I thought about banking and really opened my eyes to how the future of banking will be and to be more knowledgeable on what is going on in the world of finance as well. -

There were so many amazing people who made me the person I am today and have left such an impact on me and my career. A few include but are not limited to:

-Adam Rubin/Professor/Entrepreneurship

-Isil Yavuz/Proffesor/Entrepreneurship

-Madan Annavarjula/Dean of College of Business

-Robin Warde/Alumni Relations

-Samantha Laundry/Admissions

-Joanne Robertson/Post Office

-Barbara from Salmo of course!

- Emily Grossman

Thank you Professor Massoud for being the absolute best teacher I have ever had.

44 u Senior Memories
- Jenna Donaruma

Mark Vozella - Faculty Reflection

I’ve been so touched by my nomination to write a faculty reflection for the class of 2023. When I found out, so many thoughts entered my mind. I will share some of those now. The adversity we have experienced over the last 4 years with the pandemic, vaccines and quarantines seemed like a monumental task to conquer. I can honestly say we have come through this experience with excellence. Some of you know me from GFOB. You were only 3 months out of high school when you showed up on campus, anxious about the whole experience, trying to make new friends and for some of you it was the first time away from family. The stress levels were high and for many a bit fearful. My goal was not only to teach you but to alleviate some of these concerns and make life here a Bryant a bit easier. We accomplished that through mutual respect, compassion, and empathy.

It is amazing to see students 4 years later showing maturity and confidence as you move on whether it’s entering the workforce or continuing your education. I am so proud of each one of you. My goal as a teacher is that something I’ve done or said whether in the classroom or a casual conversation in the roto, has had somewhat of an impact on you. If that has happened, I not only accomplished my goals but my dreams.

Hopefully, as all of you enter the next chapter in your lives you have gained insight into a better understanding of what other people feel and that you are able to see things from another point of view. As I mentioned in class many times empathy, perseverance and leadership are necessary in your continual growth.

Teaching all of you has been a privilege not a job! Congratulations!

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Michelle Cloutier - Staff Reflection

To the Bryant Class of 2023: Congratulations, you did it! It is my distinct privilege to offer a reflection on behalf of the staff of Bryant University. You have reached an exciting moment in your young lives, and as you reflect on your academic and personal achievements, allow me to share some thoughts with you.

Graduates, you have come a long way since you first stepped onto Bryant’s campus as freshmen. I can confidently speak to this as the Vice President of Enrollment Management because I have known some of you since you were still in high school, and I had the pleasure of reviewing each of your college applications. Because of this, I know firsthand what an impressive and talented group of students was admitted to Bryant four years ago. Watching you grow as individuals, students, and leaders has been an honor.

If there is one word that I would use to describe the class of 2023, it would be resilience, or your capacity to withstand and recover quickly from difficulties. During your first year, you came to Bryant full of hope and excitement to learn. But, while you got to experience the freedoms of college life, you quickly had to pivot to learn and socialize remotely. You lived through a global pandemic, returned to campus during a time of great uncertainty, and thrived.

As you leave Bryant University to begin the next phase of your lives, I encourage you to stay curious and continue learning. Be open to new experiences and take risks, even if they seem scary at first. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

I also want to remind you that your education does not end today. The knowledge and real-world skills gained at Bryant will serve you well, but they are just the beginning. The world is constantly changing, and you must be open to continual learning and adapting to succeed in your chosen paths.

Finally, I want to emphasize the importance of community. The bonds you have formed with your classmates, faculty, and staff will last a lifetime. So, stay connected with each other and with Bryant University because Bulldog pride will always be a part of your identity.

Congratulations again on your graduation. I wish you all the best as you embark on the next chapter of your life beyond Bryant. I know you can achieve great things, and I do not doubt you will positively impact the world.


46 u Faculty & Staff Reflections

Dear Bryant University Class of 2023;

Firstly, Archie and I would like to congratulate you all on this incredible accomplishment - you did it, guys! Enjoy this moment and know how unbelievably proud of you we all are.

Having started working at Bryant in 2019, this was the first class of students that I got to watch from the beginning, and it has been an honor and a privilege to watch you all go from eager freshmen - anxious about classes and fitting in in a new place - to seniors ready to go out into the world. It’s been a long journey, full of challenges and triumphs and late nights (I know you all don’t go to bed at 1 am!) , and I hope sincerely that it exceeded all the expectations that those wide-eyed freshmen had as they trudged their belongings up the stairs of their residence halls for the first time.

There was no way that those freshmen could have predicted that not six months later, a global pandemic would send them packing up those belongings and heading home, into a world of Zoom and isolation and uncertainty - a world in which despite the challenges, they persevered and even thrived. There was no way they could have known that their return to campus would be colored by testing protocols and pods, masking and social distancing. But still, the Class of 2023 was resilient and adaptable, willing to embrace new ideas and solutions and forge their way forward as individuals and as leaders, never shirking from the challenge as we all - every single member of this communitystared headlong into the unknown.

To be honest, I’ve been intimidated by this moment, and I’ve struggled with what, exactly, I want this send-off to be. There are so many things I want to say, so much advice for the future I want to leave you with. But here’s the thing - I think the most important lesson in life is one that this class knows better than anyone: no one, not even the adults in the room, knows what’s going to happen. That’s life. It’s as simple and beautiful and wonderful and terrifying as that - sometimes, all you have is a vision and the audacity to jump and hope you’re not met with a cliff. It is a life lesson that will come up again and again, in different shapes and contours, and it is one that should be highlighted and remembered throughout your lives, because how you embrace it will define you. Take risks, be flexible, and be prepared to make mistakesstupid ones, interesting ones, glorious and fantastic ones. Be brave and break rules (safely) and dream big - you’re the adults now, and it’s your turn to decide what that means. Leave the world a better and more interesting place for you having been here. Because the thing about the unknown, about the nature of life itself, is that you get to define it.

As you think about your college years and move forward, take everything you learned here and the connections you’ve made and carry them forward. Be brilliant and be Bryant Strong.

(And come back and visit! Archie will be sad if you don’t.)

I’d like to close with some words from Archie: “Woof woof woof ruff bark bark woof!” For those of you who don’t speak dog, that’s “Congratulations, Class of 2023! Make us proud!”

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Sarah Sirois and Archie - Staff Reflection

Tupper II Graduates!

Tupper II celebrates his 4 years at Bryant, just like you!

Here are a few of our favorite photos of Tupper from his “freshman,” “sophomore,” “junior,” and “senior” years!

Go Books! Go Me!

48 u Senior Memories

Senior Memories

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Class of 2023
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Class of 2023
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Class of 2023
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Class of 2023
60 u Senior Memories

The Senior Class Gift

The Class of 2023 has taken the Bryant experience to remarkable heights with their outstanding achievements and involvements. Our class should take pride in what they have accomplished; academically, athletically, and personally. Over the last four years, Bryant has been able to shape us into who we are today, by allowing us to have to grow and change. Coming to Bryant as once shy freshmen, we’ve now emerged to be confident graduates and we are all ready to take on and face any challenge that approaches us head-on.

The Class of 2023 will pay it forward through its Senior Class Gift to the areas of campus that mean the most to every Senior. Reflecting on all the skills we have gained from Bryant, we found that there is absolutely no substitute for the feeling of giving back.

Those who came before us and helped in guiding our paths to success; now as soon-to-be alumni, we feel the responsibility of helping those who follow us. This year, the Senior class has given incredible participation in hopes of beating the Class of 2019’s record of 71% class participation. The Class of 2023 is excited to shatter the previous Senior Class Gift record and leave its mark on Bryant’s history.

In an attempt to break the previous Senior Class Gift record, the Senior Class Committee had planned events throughout the year for their peers. It started with Bryant Giving Day and was then followed by celebrations for 100 days and 50 days until graduation.

These wonderful fundraising events could not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Senior Class Committee Co-Chairs and General Members; Meghan Seligman, Nicco Davi, Maggie Salmon, Megan Donnelly, Erin Doruska, and Michelle Singer. Their creative vision along with their thoughtfulness helped make our Senior year one to remember.

In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to our advisors, Hannah Ratcliffe, Erin Wentzel, and Laura Field. Thank you for all your time and commitment to helping plan the Senior Class Gift and Senior Week events. Your guidance has truly meant the world to us.

Congratulations to the Class Of 2023! It has been a true honor planning your Senior events this year.

Go Books, Go Bulldogs!

- Co-Chairs For The Senior Class Gift, Meghan Seligman and Nicco Davi

- Co-Chairs For Senior Week, Maggie Salmon and Michelle Singer

- General members, Erin Doruska and Megan Donnelly

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2023 Commencement Award Recipients

Award 2023 Recipient

The Achievement in Creative Expression Award: Danielle Chisholm

The Anna M. & Jere St. Angelo ‘61 Accounting Award (1): Erin Doruska

The Anna M. & Jere St. Angelo ‘61 Accounting Award (2): Chi Phi

The Bryant University Good Citizenship Award:  Zachary Zambarano

The Bryant University Scholar Award:  Angela Baack

The Cheryl Watkins Snead Award for Excellence in Global Supply Chain Management Robert Fraser

The Communication Department Award: Grace Yost

The Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key (1): Erin Doruska

The Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key (2): Ryan Dobrzynski

The Environmental Science Leadership Award: Joshua Turner

The Excellence in Biology Award: Nicholas Lorenz

The Excellence in Data Science Award Jason Michaud

The Excellence in Economics Award: Jake Barlow

The Excellence in Information Systems Award Matthew Kiernan

The Excellence in Marketing Award (1): Kylie Truong

The Excellence in Marketing Award (2): Jillian Ulicki

The Excellence in Psychology Award:  Ethan Cohen

The Female Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award (1): Abigail Rae

The Female Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award (2): Erin Doruska

The George J. Kelley Award: Erin Doruska

The George J. Kelley Award: Nicholas Lorenz

The George M. Parks Award:  Samantha Reardon

The Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Finance Award: Hannah Dreska

The Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Financial Services Award:  Thomas Williams

The Jeremiah Clark Barber Award:  Mia Calegari

The John Hancock Insurance Company Award (1): Marco Loccisano

The John Hancock Insurance Company Award (2): Lindsey Shearstone

The Leander Francis Emin Endowed Homestead Award: Kevin Groeninger

Legal Studies Award: Daniel Mann

The Literary and Cultural Studies Award: Megan Polun

The Male Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award (1): Nicholas Lorenz

The Male Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award (2): Ryan Dobrzynski

The Modern Languages Department Award:  Darling Pagan Antunez

62 u Senior Awards

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (1): Jacob Marchand

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (2): Cianni Thomas

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (3): Laura Urgal

The Pell Medal for United States History Award:  Reed Bryant

Political Science Award: Alyson Snell

The President’s List Sash (1): Ryan Dobrzynski

The President’s List Sash (2): Erin Doruska

The President’s List Sash (3): Nicholas Lorenz

The President’s List Sash (4):  Abigail Rae

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Achievement Award: Carson Morrison

The Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants

Award: Jared Beatman

The Roger W. Babson Award:  Louise Barro

The SAS Institute Award (1): Jake Cardines

The SAS Institute Award (2): Jordan Smith

Sociology Award: Anthony Puleo

Student Charge Meghan Seligman

The Student Senate Service Award (1): Patricia Adesanya

The Student Senate Service Award (2): Liam Fluharty

The Student Senate Service Award (3): Andrew Hinckley

The Student Senate Service Award (4): Dana Jurgielewicz

The Student Senate Service Award (5): Colby Phillips

The Student Senate Service Award (6): Kylie Truong

The Student Senate Service Award (7): Zachary Zambarano

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From the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Dear Class of 2023:

You have thrived in one of the most challenging times in higher education. You have been resilient and as I said you have thrived. You did not let this pandemic stop your education. You told the pandemic that it would not stop you. You took classes on-line and kept up with the community by attending on-line events. I am so proud of all of you. Resiliency is the word that describes for me your class. It was awe inspiring to watch you work through all of this – to test weekly, to go into quarantine when needed, to wear masks in and out of class, to stay in small groups, and to keep student events going virtually. You embodied the real meaning of community at Bryant. That experience and approach are gifts you will have for the rest of your lives and the gift you have given all of us who remain on campus for the next students to come. You are resilient, strong, innovative, and kind. The class of 2023 will always be known for those qualities. I hope for you, that you take those qualities and build and discover a life of hope without fear; of love; and of grace.

I also want to take this opportunity to personally thank the class of 2023. During some long COVID days and nights, your encouragement and support of the entire Student Affairs team has meant everything to us. You encouraged us not to give up with your spirit of continuation no matter the obstacles. It is an honor to watch you graduate. I entered Bryant on the same day you did in 2019, bright eyed and excited. You taught me everything special about Bryant – the spirit, the sense of community, the drive, and the innovative spirit. I will miss you much!!! Thank you for welcoming me and working with me on so many wonderful projects. You have left Bryant in such great shape and contributed to so much positive change. It has been an honor being a part of your class.

When life has hard moments as it will, remember the resiliency, strength, and innovation you displayed and let that give you hope.

Congratulations Bryant Class of 2023. I will remember you always for helping us all get through some incredibly challenging years. You did it!!!! Always hold on to that and be proud!!!


From the Provost

Congratulations graduates! You have successfully completed your college journey and are ready to embark on a new adventure. You have persevered through a global pandemic, social issues, environmental challenges, and political turmoil, and now you are stronger than ever.

As you move forward in this rapidly changing world where technological developments are fundamentally changing the way we live and will continue to transform business, markets, and the global economy, the ability to adapt and embrace change will be essential. To stay ahead of the game, you must be open to learning new skills, technologies, and approaches to problem-solving. Bryant education has prepared you for just that, with critical thinking, creativity, analytical reasoning, data interpretation, and communication skills. You have also demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity and empathy, which are qualities essential for success today. I am confident that you will use these skills and qualities to make a positive impact on the world.

As you enter the workforce, remember that building strong relationships is crucial to your success. Networking with professionals in your field can help you discover new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and build a support system. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to alumni to expand your network. These connections can be a source of mentorship, advice, and referrals, which can be invaluable in navigating the job market and advancing your career. Therefore, keep in touch with your professors, classmates, and others you meet along the way, as they can help you build a fulfilling and successful career.

You are the emerging leaders, and I am honored to have been a part of your journey. Your determination and grit, curiosity, and inquisitiveness have pushed us all to think differently and more inclusively about the problems we face. You have the skills and qualities needed to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. As you embark on new adventures and challenges, always remember the inner strength and sense of resolution that you have developed during your time at Bryant. Congratulations again, and I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors!

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