The Beaver Tree 2022-2023 | July Edition | Issue 3

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JULY 2022


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Editor's Note Reminders Board Remarks Division + District News International News August Calendar Articles Upcoming Events Find the Buckys? Word Search Club Pledge Closing

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EDITOR'S NOTE hey tech key! I'm Siri, your bulletin editor for the 2022 to '23 service year. This is our third issue of the Beaver Tree for this service year. It is full of the information you need about upcoming events, past events, and Key Club at our school and internationally. Even though we are on summer break, Key Club is still working so make sure to keep up with Key updates and sign up for summer events! While you look over this issue of the Beaver Tree look out for pictures of our mascot Bucky (if you've forgotten what our beloved beaver looks like you can find one of him at the bottom of this page). If you found them all, you get +5 points! Also, there is a Word Search at the very end that includes Key Clubbing words. If you complete it, you get another +5 points (remember to screenshot your finished puzzle). There is a proof form on page 34/35 for both activities. Do one or both! This is the July 2022 issue! I hope y'all had an amazing first month of summer break and had the time to rest in your favorite ways. Remember to drink loads of water and load up on sunscreen. You can contribute to our next Beaver Tree issue with articles and/or pictures from events. Articles are +10 points and pictures are +5 points. We always need more material so help us out! the link is:

REMINDERS summer sign ups are UP! Use this sign up IF you were not an official member last year to start volunteering with Key Club before the school year starts (upon filling out the form, you will be added to our email list and you can do summer events). This applies to you if you fall in to one of the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4.

incoming freshmen students who are interested in joining Key Club non-official members who did not pay dues last year An official member in a previous year, but were not an official member for the 2021-2022 service year and you're looking to rejoin

If you're already a member who has PAID DUES for the 2021-2022 service year, please DO NOT fill out this form, as you will have a chance to rejoin in the fall! If you're a current member, this is an opportunity to earn points! Promote our club to your Tech friends who are not members! When they fill out this form, ask them to put your name and OSIS when it asks if someone referred them to Key Club to receive +5 points! You can receive a max of +25 points! SUMMER SIGN UP form: (again, this is ONLY for NEW members)

BOARD REMARKS Our Executive and Cabinet board members sent in messages about their work so far and future plans!

BOARD REMARKS Jennifer Li president Hey guys! As the temperature rises outside, Brooklyn Tech Key Club is also heating up! I truly believe Key Club is so unique for the diverse opportunities it offers. Between our new single service project revolving waste and our major emphasis project helping children, it is an amazing time to be a member! I have worked with all the departments and am so excited for the upcoming weeks. We have been working closely with each other and other schools to give you an fantastic summer of service and fun. So get excited for new fundraisers, service events, and webinars!

Cyrus Castellanos co-vice president Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Cyrus, a rising senior in the math major who will be serving as one of your co-Vice Presidents for this service year! I can’t wait to see how successful we will be and witness the incredible impact I know we will have on the world. I hope that I can foster an even closer community this year and really make sure that everyone loves their time being a part of this family. Key Club has been such a big part of my life and I’m so happy to be serving you all!

Susan Wang co-vice president Hey everyone! I’m Susan and I am so excited to be serving as one of your VPs this year!! Last year, Cyrus and I served as your member representatives, and since then, we’ve both fell in love with Key Club. With our initiative to bring up young leaders for our community, I’m so excited to bring you all fun events and fundraisers where you can have fun with your friends while raising money or awareness for important causes. Through my contributions as VP, I hope to inspire current Key Clubbers to become more involved with our club and to also share the unforgettable experiences and lessons that being a part of Key Club has brought me. I'm looking forward to see you all at our future events! Happy Key Clubbing

BOARD REMARKS Frankie Negri co-executive assistant Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Frankie, I’m a rising senior in the BioSci major and I’m super excited to be serving alongside Miehema as one of your co-executive assistants! I’ve been a member of Key Club since I was a freshman and had fun last year serving on the executive board as club Bulletin Editor. I hope that you’ve all been enjoying your summer and if you’re ever looking for any spare time to kill I highly recommend checking out some of our upcoming in-person events and fundraisers! I look forward to getting to work with our lovely exec and cabinet board this year as well as meeting more of our wonderful members! I also want to give a quick shout out to Siri for all the beautiful Beaver Tree newsletters!! If you participate in any events definitely make sure to submit an article and pictures to get featured in an upcoming issue :) Stay cool in this ridiculous heat and feel free to contact me anytime with Key Club related inquiries at

Ochen Ou webmaster hi key clubbers! first off i wanna say it is amazing that ygs are coming together to join a club that truly brings students together in order to better the community. as webmaster this year, i hope to continually update members on new events, help with events, and more. i hope that key club becomes a place of comfort to new tech students, and continues to support existing members. feel free to text me or email me at anytime, about anything:) my insta is ochen.ou and my email will be

Yijin Dong head of public relations hi key clubbers! I'm Yijin Dong, a rising junior who will serve the club during this service year as the head of public relations. Since my freshman year, key club has occupied a large portion of my life. I had a great time at all of our previous events, and I can't wait to meet even more of our incredible members at upcoming events and fundraisers! This year, I want to improve our social media platform's aesthetics and develop close, friendly relationships among our members. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions<3 (email: instagram dm: _yijin_d)

BOARD REMARKS Seraphina Ng secretary Hello! My name is Seraphina Ng, and I’ll be a rising junior at Brooklyn Tech! I am so excited to be serving you as your 2022-2023 secretary!! I’ll be creating a Google Drive with all of our spreadsheets, minutes, and documents for easy access! I’ll also continue to update the “Points and Hours” spreadsheet for the 2021 and 2022 service year monthly, and update the “Masterlist of Events” for the 2022-2023 document consistently! I hope you guys attend our future events and our Governor’s Island fundraiser, which I will be baking cookies for!! Hope to see you there! <33 If you ever have a question or just want to talk you can dm me through my Instagram: @sassyphinaa

Nina Tamoshunas project manager Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Nina, I’m one of the project managers for this service year! I am super excited to be an exec for Key Club. This club does such amazing things and it feels very special to be a part of it. If you need to contact me, my email is and my instagram is ninatamoshunas!

Willem Long project manager Hello! My name is Willem and I am one of the project managers for the 20222023 service year, and I am super excited to help our club! I am in charge of making events for advocacy, single service, and major emphasis happen, as well as making sure our awards are in top shape. This year you can ask me anything about our club, our goals, and our contributions, and especially things about our passions! I hope you all are ready to help us defend our titles in our major emphasis award and help us continue to do great things by spending just a little bit of your time at our events! If you need to email me my email is!

BOARD REMARKS Mamoona Hassan treasurer Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Mamoona Hassan, a rising senior in the SSR Major. I’m so excited to be serving as one of your Treasurers for this service year. Being a part of Key Club for the past 4 years has definitely got to be one of my most memorable experiences ever. I had an amazing time contributing to our club’s service work. Last year, I had an incredible time working as a Fundraising CoHead. Now, my job is to plan awesome fundraisers for members and manage our club’s finances and membership dues. Thanks to your contributions at our fundraisers, we have been able to donate huge portions to our supporting charities! I am truly proud of how strong our club has been running and I definitely look forward to interacting with members at our events!! Feel free to reach me through Instagram: mamoona_h or email me at:

Kristine Jiang single services co-director Hey Key Club! I’m Kristine, a rising junior and one of the single services codirector. I’m very excited to be apart of Key Club and to be able to plan awesome events for everyone. I can’t wait for this upcoming school year :). Our theme this year is sustainability. My socials are @kristinejiaa & email is

Keith Ngo advocacy co-head Hey everybody! I’m Keith Ngo, a rising junior contributing to Key Club as an advocacy co-head. I’ve been participating in events here and there since freshman year and I finally made it official during my sophomore year. I never would’ve thought I’d meet so many amazing people regardless of whether they’re in Brooklyn Tech or not. My goals for this service year are to meet even more members of Key Club from a variety of places along, to gain more experience in leadership positions, and support great causes by hosting events and fundraisers to support people with disabilities. I’m always open to suggestions and you can reach me at @keithngo_ on instagram! Here’s to a great year!

BOARD REMARKS Tao Chen visual media co-head hey, key clubbers! I'm Tao Chen, a rising junior and your visual media co-head for this service year. I have been in key club since freshman year, and I'm amazed by the community this club built! This year, I plan on improving the graphics on our social media and include more photos of key clubbers at events. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at or my Instagram, in_activityy. If you see me at events, come say hi!

Chloey Lin fundraising co-head Hey Key Club! I’m Chloey Lin, a rising junior, and I will be serving as a fundraising co-head for the 2022-2023 service year! I hope to plan more fun and thrilling fundraisers for our current and new members. Key Club’s fundraisers has not only allowed me to enjoy my life outside of school but also helped me make new friends! I want to provide the same opportunities that Key Club has provided for me for the past two year in Brooklyn Tech and I am blessed to have this responsibility. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me via email or even dm! Excited to work with all of you :)) (email: (instagram: chlozzy.lizzn)

Sharon Lu major emphasis co-head Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Sharon Lu and I am a rising junior in the PharmD major. It is an honor to be serving as the Major Emphasis Co-Director this service year. Key Club has and will continue to be part of my high school journey. Through the countless activities and events, I have developed friendships and skills that will last a lifetime. I am so excited for the future of Key Club and can’t wait to be a part of this journey. Any questions, comments, suggestions are always welcome! Email: IG: sharonlxu

BOARD REMARKS Jason Jiang member representative HEY CLUBBERS! I’m Jason and I am a rising senior (woooo only one more year left) who will be one of your member representatives for the 2022-2023 school year. This is only my second year of being in key club but I’ve learned how fun the in-person events can be, especially the Japan-Fes event that I participated in. I hope to tighten the gap between members and the executive board so that everyone is satisfied. I also want to make a great impression on those that attend the in-person events so that they will come back for more. Keep an eye out for our member videos for updates. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on Instagram @ajason_45 for any questions. I promise I don’t bite!

Tristan Albano school services co-head Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Tristan Albano and I will be serving as one of your School Service Coordinators this year. I am currently a rising Sophomore and this will be my second year in Key Club. Last year, I was a member of the School Service Committee, and hope to continue my work on the committee. This year, I plan on incorporating Key Club into more events that already take place at Tech and allowing Key Clubbers to volunteer at these events. I am looking forward to meeting you all this year and having a great service year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. (email: Instagram: tristan_al_bano)

Anthony Chen major emphasis co-director Hey, my name is Anthony and I’m excited to work with key club as the major emphasis co-director this year. Our goal is to help the children because we understand that we can help kids that need it. If you have any questions, contact us at

BOARD REMARKS Nathan Cao school services co-head Hey everyone! I’m Nathan Cao, and I will serve as this year’s co head of school services. I’m very excited to see whats in store for key club! This year, I’d like to help connect our members more with the school administration and continue to build our relationship as well as strengthen our role in the school. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact: or dm me personally (@nathann.cao)

Derrick Lin interclub co-head Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Derrick and I’ll be serving as one of the co interclub coordinators for the 2022-2023 service year. I hope to make the most of my time working with you guys and am looking forward to getting many more great inter-club events and fundraisers out for the service year. If you have any comments recommendations or concerns you can always reach out as I am always looking forward to hearing from you guys. You can reach me by emailing: or by dming my personal insta: Looking forward to getting to know and working with everyone one of you!

Xin Yi (Cindy) Chen advocacy co-head Hey, key clubbers! I am Xin Yi Chen but many may know me as Cindy! I’m a rising junior who loves to spend quality time with friends and family. I am one of the co-heads of the advocacy committee. Our theme for this service year is disability awareness and we hope as a club can support and give back to our community! I am so excited to meet you guys as I will be attending as many events as I can and hope you guys will too! Here are my contacts: and @navacus on Instagram!

BOARD REMARKS Khandaker Abid events coordinator Hey! I’m Khandaker Abid, a rising senior who will be a co-head Event Coordinator for this service year of Key Club. My job is to send outreach emails to different organizations as well as speak with any club member who’s concerned or has questions about our events/club. If you have any questions related to the club or need help with any events, reach out to me :) (

William Magalong events coordinator Hi Key Clubbers! I'm William Magalong and I'll be one of the events coordinators for this year. I'm a rising junior and have been part of key club since freshman year. Key club has allowed me to meet others and find ways to enjoy high school. I'm really excited to meet and connect with more people through this year. Khandaker and I plan to have more in-person events that will help build the community that is key club and help keeps other engaged in volunteering. If you need anything I'm easy to contact. Email: Insta: @1il.willy

Yoobin Oh member representative Hi guys! I’m Yoobin, one of your member representatives for this year. Jason and I are looking forward to interacting with everyone and showing you how fun key club is! We’re going to implement this through our Instagram and during in person events so feel free to say hi when you see us! If you have any questions, feel free to reach us at or dm @thetechkey on insta!

BOARD REMARKS Genesis Li interclub co-head hey key clubbers; i’m so excited to finally be able to introduce myself to everyone! You guys can call me Genesis or Gen. I’m a rising junior and currently serve as your Interclub Head. Key Club provides great opportunities for its members to meet new friends, establish connections, express your passion while having fun, and give back to our community! Interclub is a major part of Key Club. Unlike Tech based events, interclub events are usually on a larger scale and wilder. We collaborate with other NYC school to host events for you guys! (Ex. Laser tag and Ice skating, Coney Island). And as your new interclub head, I can’t wait to work with everyone to host fresh events and make this service year a lasting moment in your memories! Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions about events and school collaborations! email: insta: @planetgenn

Maria Olivarez single service co-head Hi everyone! I'm Maria Olivarez, a rising junior and one of the single service coheads for this service year! I'm excited to work with Kristine to host events and fundraisers this year under our single service theme of sustainability. Under this theme we hope to address different forms of waste produced in our daily lives! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions (email: or instagram dm: air.am24)

our board members are here to help! don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or thoughts about key club!

Division Nine Goals Update


Service Hour Goal: 80,000 Fundraising Goal: $45,000

24.1 % 18 %

All of the schools in our division are collaborating on these goals so attend as many events you can so we can reach them! We all can make a difference together :)

follow the D9 Instagram: @nydkcd9

Divisional Newsletter The June + July issue of our Division Nine newsletter came out this month! It covers all the important Divisional Updates in much more detail. You can read it here

NY District Goals Update Service Hour Goal: 175,000

29 %

Fundraising Goal: $185,000

37 %

All of the clubs in New York State work toward these goals for the whole service year. We have made amazing progress through our first five months!

follow the NY District Instagram: @nydkc

so what's going on globally... Past Event Spotlight: This annual conference was held in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton from July 6th to 10th. This conference united Key Clubbers from across the world to make our club as amazing as it is. A huge part of the agenda of ICON is installing the International Board for the current service year. Here are the amazing new board members: International President: Lilian Thai, Texas-Oklahoma District International Vice President: Layla Nguyen, Southwest District International Trustees: Ahmed Eldeeb, Florida District Shreya Mukunthan, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Taylor Petrofski, Ceorgia District Drew Reetz, Minnesota-Dakotas District Shanelle Relucio, California-Nevada-Hawaii District Hope Roundcount, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Leo Shen, Alabama District Kavya Sriram, Carolinas District Ava Stamatakis, Capital District Ayano Tamura, New Jersey District Shuban Tiwari, Pennsylvania District


77th Key Club International Convention (ICON)

event spotlight articles

CHARITY MILES month of july

Charity Miles is an easy way to keep not only track of your daily mileage, but also the monthly average that you walk. This has motivated me to walk more miles to donate to the charity selected for the month! This month, Key Club decided to contribute to Every Mother Counts and these donations would help mothers in need. This reflects on the recent changes made in our country but something as simple as walking, running, or biking can help. Charity Miles can easily be turned into a friendly competition amongst your friends to see who could obtain the most miles on a given day. It will not only be entertaining but it will also be going towards a great cause! I enjoy every minute of walking with Key Club on Charity Miles!

- Chloey Lin

CHARITY MILES month of july

This month, I was proud to walk for the “Every Mother Counts” organization. “Every Mother Counts” is a non-profit group dedicated to making pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother. Maternity care is a really important cause in our modern society. Every mother around the world deserves to have access to high quality and equitable healthcare. By walking for this charity, I hope to have an impact on their cause by helping raise the money they need for creating communities of support and improving the state of healthcare around the world. With school being over and having more free time this summer, I have never been able to participate in Charity Miles so frequently. Everyday I make it a point to get outside, enjoy the warmer weather, and go on a walk to support causes such as “Every Mother Counts.” Doing so is not only a great way for me to get outside and take advantage of the fresh air, but also a way for me to continue my work as a Key Clubber this summer and continue to raise money for charity. As Key Clubbers, we know that service does not stop at the end of the school year and I am proud every day to be continuing our mission through such an incredible service like Charity Miles.

- Cyrus Castellanos

CHARITY MILES month of july

- Jason Jiang

a favorite walk:

During the monthly Charity Miles event in July, I walked a lot to support Every Mother Counts for Charity Miles. I actually hung out with people I haven’t seen in years and I also got to go to some cool places with my new friends. I actually also went to New Jersey and Pennsylvania with my dad and one of my friends to visit colleges. Despite it being an “educational trip” I got to see many cool views and rural areas. The picture I took was of downtown Pittsburgh and I was shocked at how well it came out to be because I thought of Pennsylvania as desolate and very very rural. Charity Miles has motivated me to go explore nature because I am fighting for a cause by just walking!

CHARITY MILES month of july Charity Miles is simply put one of the best things ever to happen to Key club. A way to volunteer without even having to step foot in an unfamiliar place, or a way to bolster one's impact simply by going. Even while in Baltimore, 200 miles from any of our wonderful in-person events, I have been able to make an impact simply by walking to physics class or jumping to catch a Frisbee. Not only can anybody make a difference from anywhere, but we work together in doing it, accumulating more than 23,000 total miles as a team. As someone who is typically quite active regardless, it feels nice knowing that my work goes to something good, so when walking with dad or running with my friends there is always a drive to take just a few more steps because every mile counts. Along the way I have not only contributed to a host of different causes, this month being Every Mother Counts, but I have also made some closer friends while on the track. Running gets me talking, and being able to connect while my phone chugged away in my pocket kept me going for lap after lap. Charity Miles is an event that every Brooklyn Tech Key Club member should watch monthly, as it makes a difference, no matter how small the amount of effort applied is.

- Willem Long

BROOKLYN BOOK BODEGA july 20th, 2022 On Wednesday, July 20th my past co-head Alexandra and I volunteered at the Brooklyn Book Bodega. Their mission was to have at least 100 books in the homes of every child in NYC, and that mission seemed attainable seeing the hundreds of boxes of books strewn about the floor. Our task mostly consisted of stamping and categorizing books ranging from preschool fiction to high school representation biographies. The other volunteers present were very helpful, we exchanged friendly questions and comments as well as collectively sitting in silence simply reading through the blurbs. Alexandra and I also loaded carts with boxes of donated books dropped off by multiple donors. Some of the work was physically demanding, but I felt really energized throughout the entirety of it, possibly because I knew I was supporting a notable cause. My favorite part of this experience was the fact that the supervisor let us take as many books as we wanted. I personally brought four used books home, but they were in great condition. Through this, I got a sense of their generosity and passion towards increasing access to literature for kids around the city, something that some of us take for granted. I would volunteer for this organization again in the future.

- Yoobin Oh

SERVE A HOT MEAL TO THE HOMELESS july 23th, 2022 On July 23rd, I attended the Serve a Hot Meal to the Homeless event at the Manhattan Church of Christ. At the event, volunteers were in charge of serving and distributing meals to members of the community. The event started at 9:00 am, and we began by serving coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and an assortment of cookies. Initially, there weren’t many people in line, and there was a pretty slow pace to the event, with most of us taking turns serving hot drinks. However, as time passed, the line of people waiting grew as we began to serve lunch which consisted of chicken, hot dogs, green salad and macaroni salad. We organized ourselves by assigning different roles to one another, some continued serving hot beverages, others packed meals, while four of our members served food. My favorite part of the event was speaking to the different people on line and working with Ines and Veronica to package meals. Through this event, I was able to meet other Key Clubbers ranging from freshmen to juniors and had a lot of fun talking to them. Carl, the event manager, also offered us ice cream (chocolate and vanilla!) and water to stay hydrated! Volunteering at this event was a learning experience for me as I communicated and worked with others to make an impact together as one.

- Maria Olivarez

COLOR RUN july 30th, 2022 During the event, we cleaned up at the happiest 5k on earth. We did many hands on tasks like moving the tents, flags, barricades and cinderblocks. There were many things to help with as there was so much to do at the event. We also made sure the surrounding area was free of litter. It was a lot of lifting, but at least we got snacks at the end :D

- William Magalong


COLOR RUN july 30th, 2022 One of the most exciting summer events I was looking forward to was the color run on July 30, 2022. My close friend finally joined Key Club this summer after I persuaded him for thousands of time. We hadn't seen each other for a month owing to summer break, so I was ecstatic to see him during the event. I first had a hard time to find “parking lot F” - the meet up place for volunteers. Citi Field, the event’s location, was a a sizable area with numerous parking lots. I finally made it to the location with the security guides after about ten minutes of wandering around. The weather that day was really hot. I and other volunteers had to constantly walking and running around to set up tents. Despite the extreme weather, my friend and I were picking up the garbage while playing our favorite summer vibe songs. I'll never forget the image of people jumping and yelling "I say 2, you say 2!" in the colored clouds. The runners' faces and everything of their clothing were rainbowcolored, which made them so adorable. At 12 o'clock, the employees and runners began to move slowly in the direction of the exist. The once-crowded parking lot abruptly turned very empty; all I could make out were piles of trash. We then began our endless journey to gather cones and empty water bottles! I was really proud to have made the place more orderly at the end:)

- Yijin Dong

GENERAL MEETING july 30th, 2022 On July 30th @6:00 pm, we had our SECOND general meeting of the new service year!! It was so exciting:) Although I was having a seafood dinner at my friend’s house, I went to her room to join the general meeting. It was a pretty funny experience hahaha~ We started off by introducing our advisor, who was super nice and cute! Then, key club executive and cabinet board members introduced the total amounts of fundraising money and members’ volunteer hours! I was really shocked by those incredibly huge numbers! Good job tech key>3 Then we had a quick event recap… For some reason, I was extremely nervous when I spoke this time…😭😭 I was sweating even the AC was on hahah~ Anyways! We concluded the meeting by introducing OUR SUPER DUPER COOL AUGUST FUNDRAISERS - gov island and Coney Island!!! I can’t wait to bake cookies for our amazing key clubbers!! C YOU SOON‼️‼️

- Yijin Dong

SAVE THE TREES virtual ongoing If you’ve been unable to attend any of our in-person events yet, you can still participate in service by going to the App Store and downloading a game called Save the Trees. This app, created by the mobile game developer, TippyTap, aims to give back to the environment by donating to the Arbor Day Foundation, a major nonprofit tree planting organization. That’s right, not only is the game a fun interactive pass time, it’s a way to help support a charitable cause! To clear each level players guide a friendly looking avatar (he kind of reminds me of the Lorax) from tree stump to tree stump. After you complete each stage the game displays a cute animated plant visual, congratulating the player on their success. It may not be the same as participating in a park clean up or a sustainability webinar, however, Save the Trees is still a fun way to help make a difference from the comfort of your own home.

- Frankie Negri

thank you for submitting You can contribute to the next Beaver Tree here

August 2022 sun

mon tues wed thurs


































if you are free on any of the yellow days, read the next few pages for Key Club opportunities

If you would like to be project captain (+10 pts), please email us at and include the name of the event, your name, OSIS, phone number, and whether or not you can text. As project captain, you are in charge of taking photos, making sure key clubbers that attended the event are signed in/out, etc. If you have any questions about this position, contact us!

(NEW) NYSoM Once Upon a Time (15 pts)

The August 20th event will take place in Irving Square Park in Bushwick NY. Volunteers are needed from 1-4pm. The costumes will be superhero themed! The August 27th event will take place in El Barrio Garden in East Harlem. Volunteers are needed from 1-4pm. The costumes will be Alice in Wonderland themed! Date: Saturday, August 20th | Saturday, August 27th Time: 1-4pm (on both dates) Location: August 20th: Irving Square park | August 27th: El Barrio Garden Points: 15 points for each shift you attend (max 30 points) Hours: 3 hours per shift Sign Up Here!:

(NEW) Serve a Hot Meal to the Homeless (15 pts) We’re back again with Serve a hot meal to the homeless. Come volunteer at the Saturday lunch program at the Manhattan Church of Christ. The goal of this is to provide hot meals with dignity and compassion. Help pack and distribute meals, socks, and drinks for those who are experiencing homelessness or live marginally. Wear masks, gloves and adhere to the wipe-down policy for this event. Date: Saturday, August 13th | Saturday, August 20th Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm Location: Manhattan Church of Christ, 48 East 80th Street Points: 15 points (max 30 points) Hours: 3 hours per shift Sign up Here:

(NEW) Canarsie Beach Cleanup (10 pts) Hey Key Clubbers! Come Volunteer at the Canarsie Beach Cleanup. Cleanup a hotspot for fishing, paddling, and picnics. This spot also remains a hotspot for marine wildlife and birds. Gloves, garbage bags and pickers will be provided. Please be sure to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated! Date: August 13th Time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm Location: Canarsie Pier Canarsie Veterans Circle Brooklyn, NY 11236 Points: 15 pts Hours: 2 hours Sign up Here: HERE! (Our form) And here! aff=ebdssbdestsearch (This is their signup form) (You must fill out both forms)


We are back with two new NYSoM events!! The events will take place in late August on the 20th and 27th. Volunteer duties will include being costumed fairytale or superhero characters (costumes provided in clean and new conditions), managing the themed activities, and distributing school supplies. Each event can only accommodate 5-10 volunteers so sign up quickly.

Fundraiser! Adventures at Governors Island Saturday, August 6th

Every dollar we raise will go towards our Governors Project, Soles4Souls. This nonprofit organization distributes shoe and clothing donations from individuals, community donation drives, and retailers. Date: Saturday, August 6th Location: Governor's Island BBQ @ Nolan Park Field Games @ Parade Grounds Time: 12 PM - 5 PM Cost: $12 (pay in Cash or Virtual!) Points: +25 points Hours: +5 hours

Sign Up: Here 3 Options for Payment (FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS) In person at the event (suggested) Venmo: muhtadiislam (5110 last 4 digits if needed) Zelle:

**When sending e-payments, include the chicken leg in the notes** There are 2 optional ferry meetups before meeting at Battery Park Pier: 1. Flushing Meetup 10:30 AM 2. Atlantic Ave - Barclays Center 11:00 AM

Be at Battery Park by 11:30, otherwise, you will have to pay for the ferry and come to the island by yourself


Come to BTHS x Stuy's Governor's Island Fundraiser! This annual event was delayed for years due to the pandemic, so be sure to join us as we host this exciting event. The $12 dollar fee includes lunch (Halal and vegetarian options) and the field day games!

Fundraiser! Five-Borough Amusement Park Fundraiser Saturday, August 19th Get excited for our Amusement Park Fundraiser with four other schools, one from each borough! We have Bronx Science from the Bronx, Brooklyn Tech from Brooklyn, Stuyvesant from Manhattan, Bayside from Queens, and last but certainly not least, Tottenville from Staten Island!


This never before seen collaboration will be bringing people from all across New York City to enjoy a fun-filled day at Luna Park in Coney Island! There will be dozens of rides, mini-games, photo booths, and snack bars to explore There is also a beach right next door you can head to afterward to relax, take pictures, and watch the sunset! Anyone can come, even those outside of key club, and even families, so be sure to let everyone know about this opportunity!! Date: Friday, August 19th, 2022 Time: 2:00PM - 7:00PM Location: Luna Park in Coney Island 1000 Surf Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224 Prices: (The wristbands are usually $60+) $37 — for a 5 hr wristband that guarantees entree to all rides except Thunderbolt and Cyclone *Your time will start as you scan for your first ride, so you can come after 2* Optional: $3 raffle for TWO Cyclone tickets (usually $20 total!!) Hours: +5 hours Points: +25 points

Sign Up: Here 4 Options for Payment (FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS) Paypal: (SEND AS A PERSONAL PAYMENT) Venmo: @Melody-Jiang-3 Zelle: 959-215-2180 (the name should be “Eric”) In-person

*If sending money, include FULL NAME and a KEY EMOJI in notes*


Did you find all the hidden Bucky's? If you think found them all, do this form You'll get +5 points if you really did find them all!

try to beat my high score time:


w d c b s d w d v p

r f z x p g f s r s

j x r k v z z e q f

l y p m h c p a l z

b o g t g l y r t s

p u z h p u k c b h

c r x e h b p h n e

a h c d x q j ? p r

n v s b k h h f j e

c p o h e c w v t z

z g l r y x o s r w

k n v z b y r p y l

90 seconds!

h m e v p q d w h p

s p n f k p g k d n

y x p m n l m r b k

play our custom key word search here screenshot your attempt and submit here


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

thank you for reading!

CARING; OUR WAY OF LIFE the beaver tree

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