The Beaver Tree 2022-2023 | June Edition | Issue 2

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JUNE 2022

Editor's Note




Our Boards


Division News

10 11 12

District News

International News



Upcoming Events


Find the Buckys?




Club Pledge





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updates and resources!


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DISCORD Brooklyn Tech Key Club




EDITOR'S NOTE hey tech key! I'm Siri Waxenberg, your bulletin editor for the 2022 to '23 service year. This is our second issue of the Beaver Tree for this service year and it is jam packed with the information you need about upcoming events, past events, and Key Club at our school and internationally. Even though the school year is ending, Key Club is still going through the summer so make sure to keep up with Key updates!

While you look over this issue of the Beaver Tree

look out for pictures of our mascot

Bucky (if you've forgotten what our beloved beaver looks like you can find one of him at the bottom of this page). If you found them all, you get +5 points! Also, there is a Wordle challenge at the very end that will rely on your knowledge of our club. If you complete it, you get another +5 points (remember to screenshot your process). There is a proof form on page __ for both activities. Do one or both! This is the June 2022 issue so

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! I hope y'all had

an absolutely amazing month and had the time to go to least one pride event or celebrated in your own special way :)

You can contribute to our next Beaver Tree issue with articles and/or pictures from events. Articles are +10 points and pictures are +5 points. We always need more material so the

help us out!

link is:

REMINDERS key clubbers can choose what they sign up to volunteer for so: 1. Check your

emails (If you

haven't been getting our emails, check spam and dm us if you don't find anything) 2. Follow our

Instagram and look

out for our stories 3. Submit

articles about the

events you go to 4.

Invite friends to events (this is good for ANY event but an extra special thing is: people not in Key Club can go to our fundraisers so you can bring a whole group if you want!)


Mamoona Hassan



Susan Wang

Muhtadi Islam

co-vice president


Cyrus Castellanos

Siri Waxenberg

co-vice president

bulletin editor

Frankie Negri

Ochen Ou

executive assistant


Miehema Mishi

Yijin Dong

executive assistant

public relations head

Alexandra Shatan

Nina Tamoshunas


project manager

Sera Ng

Willem Long


project manager

CABINET BOARD Khandaker Abid event coordinator

William Magalong event coordinator

Yoobin Oh member representative

Jason Jiang member representative

Kristine Jiang single service head

Maria Olivarez single service head

Keith Ngo advocacy head

Xin Yi (Cindy) Chen advocacy head

Rachel Lu visual media head

Tao Chen visual media head

Nathan Cao school service head

Tristan Albano school service head

Chloey Lin fundraising head

Hadeel Alsabri fundraising head

Genesis Li interclub head

Derrick Lin interclub head

Sharon Lu major emphasis head

Anthony Chen major emphasis head

Brooklyn Tech Key Club is part of DIVISION 9!

What's been going on in our division?


Our first divisional! Our Lieutenant Governor Amy Wu hosted our first divisional on June 7th at the Il Centro Italian-American Cultural Center. Most of the schools in our division were present and each of us presented our achievements and goals. There were fabulous snacks and we got to meet people from other Brooklyn Key Clubs.

We decided divisions goals with the help of all the clubs and our Advisor Leonard Gioia:

Service Hour Goal: 80,000 Fundraising Goal: 45,000

New Divisional Board Our Lieutenant Governor Amy Wu has also elected two board members to assist her at the divisional level. There is a new secretary and executive assistant.

Midwood High School

Secretary - Ochen Ou

Brooklyn Tech High School

Divisional Newsletter The first issue of the Divisional Newsletter came out this month! It covers all the important Divisional Updates in much more detail. You can read it here:

follow the D9 Instagram: @nydkcd9


Exec Assistant - Kate Sum

District-Wide Goals For this service year, our district goals are:


Fundraising Goal: $185,000 Service Hour Goal: 175,000 hours We can totally surpass these goals if we all work hard this service year! Please continue participating in events (and be on the lookout for division-wide events!)

District Project Of the three final candidates for the district projects, Key Clubbers across New York district chose

Pencils of Promise for our

district project. It is a nonprofit that builds schools and works for educational equity. It is focused on Ghana, Guatemala, and Laos.

Governor Project Our governor chose

Soles4Souls as her

Governor's Project. It distributes used clothing and shoes to people in need and assists the creation of small businesses that sell clothing. The organization works internationally; at the moment, it is providing shoes to Ukrainian Refugees.

so what's going on globally...

Upcoming Event Spotlight: This annual conference is going to be held in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton from July 6 to 10th. The deadline to sign up has passed but this conference unites Key Clubbers from across the world to make our club as amazing as it is.

Goodbye Graduates From Key Club to Circle K

Key Clubbers globally are moving out of high school and into college. They don't need to loose their part of the K-Family because they can join or form a Circle K club and continue their service. Circle K is the college equivalent of Key. if you're a graduate who's interested sign up here


77th Key Club International Convention (ICON)

event spotlight articles (

thank you for submitting


You can contribute to the next Beaver Tree here

THE HAPPENING june 5th, 2022

On June 5th, I attended the Happening which occurred at White Street in Lower Manhattan. The Happening is an annual Block Party held by Church Street School where kids and their parents are invited to partake in all kinds of activities from fabric art to even a mini concert. My friends and I arrived two hours prior to the start of the event to help set up the various stations and to make sure everything looked pretty for the guests to enjoy! We were given breaks whenever requested and coffee and bagels with cream cheese were provided as lunch which I undoubtedly indulged in. When the event began at 12pm, my friends and I helped out at the stations where we met many kids and their guardians while helping them create fabric art as well as keeping check of all the supplies. My favorite part about this event was that even though the Happening was catered to children, I was able to feel like a child when I was drawing on the floor with chalk and making my own fabric art during the downtime which was very messy in a good way. Most of the volunteers were my friends and overall it was a great bonding experience for all of us. After the event and signing out with the project captain, Ochen Ou, I was very tired, but I was also very satisfied with the work we had done. To celebrate, we all went to get food!

- Keith Ngo

THE HAPPENING june 5th, 2022

The Happening event that occurred on June 5th, 2022 focused on the interest and entertainment of kids, including booths like coloring with crayons and even tie-dying pieces of cloth (what I helped with!). The process of setting up this event by bringing out benches and putting up tents was enjoyable, especially with other Key Clubbers around to help me along the way. I met Key Clubbers ranging from freshmen to juniors and I found it fascinating how different classes at Brooklyn Tech can help together as one. After the event started, many children showed interest in the booth I was helping out and it provided a learning experience for me as it expanded my ways of communicating with the younger generation and their guardians. This engagement taught me patience and ways of thinking of creative alternatives to make the kids as happy as they can be. The excited expressions we could see on the children's faces made it all worth it!

- Chloey Lin

JUNE DIVISIONAL june 7th, 2022

On Tuesday, June 7th we brought in the new service year with the first inperson divisional meeting since the start of the pandemic! This meeting, which consisted mainly of executives from Key Clubs all over our division, was a way for us to all connect and reestablish our goals. It was truly a great way to hear about the amazing accomplishments of other Key Clubs and also share how successful we have been over the past few months.

This event was not all business though, as we got to freely interact with each other as well. We played trivia with girl scout cookies as a prize, socialized while snacking on Little Bites, and shared our excitement for the rest of the year together.

By the end of the meeting, we had established ambitious, but achievable goals for us to pursue during the service year. Additionally, we shared the Key Club experience with one another which, to me at least, is what Key Club is all about. Our first in-person divisional of the year was a huge success and I can’t wait to see everyone again at the next one!

- Cyrus Castellanos

JUNE DIVISIONAL june 7th, 2022

District 9 held their first in-person divisional meeting of the new service year on June 7th, 2022. The experience there was fascinating! I was really excited when I saw the social media sign-up post for the meeting! After spending so much time in quarantine, many members expressed to me how eager they were to see our amazing district board in person.

Although the meeting started at 6:00 pm on a school day, I didn’t feel tired at all. There, I made a ton of new and old school friends. We chatted and shared our recent event ideas while enjoying the tasty snacks that were provided by Amy - our new district governor! It was disappointing to see so many senior members graduate from high schools, but I was confident that the new board would take us to a new level. As usual, everyone in the district was very friendly and polite. They discussed their personal experiences working for the key club as well as some interesting anecdotes. I was more inspired to take part in our next activities after hearing their shareouts:)

- Yijin Dong

JUNE DIVISIONAL june 7th, 2022

On June 7th, New York District Key Club’s Division 9 held its first in person divisional of the service year. The event was organized and hosted by our lovely Lieutenant Governor, Amy Wu! After practically two years of virtual meetings it was so exciting to see members from different Key Clubs throughout the division come together to discuss the current state and future goals of our volunteer organization.

The divisional began with a series of presentations given by each of the present club presidents such as those from Midwood, Murrow, and our home club Brooklyn Tech (shoutout to Jen!!). After the club updates we discussed fundraising and service hours goals on both the divisional and club levels. Lastly, members got to compete for Costco girl scout cookie prizes in a fun trivia game which certainly put our Key Club knowledge to the test.

Overall, this month’s divisional was a wonderful experience and I highly recommend to all members to attend the next one regardless of whether or not you have a position on our executive/cabinet board. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity for members to get to know other NYC Key Clubbers, demonstrate involvement in our club, and enjoy some tasty free snacks!

- Frankie Negri

LASER TAG FUNDRASIER june 9th, 2022 I was so EXCITED when I heard about the Laser Tag Fundraiser from Tech Key! I’ve always wanted to play laser tag with friends, but most places require at least one adult to accompany by. Undoubtedly, the fundraiser was a great opportunity! It was way more impressive than I expected it to be. I asked many friends to go with me, and all of them were as thrilled as I was.

We enjoyed the pizza party and played many fun games besides laser tag. For example, the mini attraction was so cool! My friends and I were climbing on the floor to avoid the laser light and complete our “missions.” We were screaming and laughing like threeyear-old kids inside the little dark room. The laser tag was a friendly competition between Tech Key’s executive board and Bayside Key Club’s executive board. We grouped into two teams and wore heavy uniforms with laser guns attached to the belt. The “fighting” was very intense and exciting. Everyone was highly focused on avoiding attacks from the other team members. “Boom! You are out” I heard this ton of times throughout the activity. I would constantly get attacked by someone hiding in the dark after I revived. We were running around the place due to the great crave victory. In addition, I met so many new friends there and even developed friendships with Bayside High School Key Clubbers. My Instagram followers kept increasing during the event, haha~ I can’t way to join the events in summer!

- Yijin Dong


On Thursday, June 9th I got to spend 3 hours having the time of my life at Laser Bounce in Atlas Park Mall! When I first arrived I was greeted by the flashing lights of arcade machines and the sound of children running around celebrating a birthday party. I knew that as more and more Key Clubbers started pouring in, we would be having a fundraiser for the ages!

As a Key Clubber, I love how we always try to blend acts of service with creating a sense of community. At Laser Bounce I was able to meet tons of new people, including Key Clubbers from Bayside High School who collaborated with us and made the event even more of a success. Together we got to play classic arcade games, ride on VR roller coasters, share some pizza, and of course, play laser tag!

All of the funds raised at the event went straight to the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation. It’s great knowing that through collaboration and all of the hard work that went into organizing such a large event we were able to donate to such a great cause. I absolutely loved attending this event and am looking forward to all of the other successful fundraisers we’re gonna have in the future!

- Cyrus Castellanos

LASER TAG FUNDRASIER june 9th, 2022 On June 9, 2022, I attended Bayside and Brooklyn Tech Key Clubs’ lasertag interclub fundraiser. This was our first interclub fundraiser with Bayside, and it was truly an amazing experience! Upon walking in, I was warmly welcomed by Bayside and Brooklyn Tech’s executive board. Each person was given a game card that offered an hour of unlimited arcade games, 2 glow in the dark laser tag games, and a mini attraction!

I loved being able to meet so many key clubbers from different boroughs and compete to win every game. There was such a wide variety of unique arcade games such as real life piano tiles, a 3D simulator, and water shooting games. Along with the games, we sold soda for $1 per can and $1 to guess the Hershey Kisses in the jar. My favorite part, however, was finally meeting key clubbers in person who I had interacted with online and making new friends from both schools. In total, we raised $836 for the Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation from donations and tickets. Overall, I loved the competitive, yet connected energy that every key clubber brough, and I’m excited for more interclub fundraisers in the future!!

- Susan Wang

JAPANFES june 19th, 2022

About a week ago, I attended JapanFes for the very first time. JapanFes is one of the largest street festivals in New York, which celebrates Japanese culture through food, music, and art. At first, I was not sure of what I was getting myself into as it had been one of my first in-person events since the start of the pandemic. However, from seeing the amazing posts and photos of other Key Clubbers that attended previous JapanFes dates, I was confident that this would be an event like no other!

Over the course of the day, I was able to meet so many new Key Clubbers, including those from other schools, such as Stuyvesant and Cardozo High School. It really gave me a chance to familiarize myself with people who shared a similar passion to me - Service! During the event, I spent most of the day walking around to advertise the JapanFes instagram to the event attendees. I also helped share a QR code that would allow people to access a form to express their opinions on JapanFes in exchange for free drinks. This was really fun to do since there were so many people at the event that we could interact with. It was especially heartwarming to see the excitement on people’s faces from learning more about JapanFes and its message, especially since there had been a rise in Anti-Asian hate crimes recently.

Overall, I’m really glad I attended this event because I was able to help grow my connection with KeyClub and meet so many amazing KeyClubbers. Not to mention, I got to learn more about Japanese culture and try a lot of new food! Thanks to Key Club, I will, without a doubt, be coming to volunteer again!

- Miehema Mishi


ONCE UPON A TIME june 25th, 2022 On June 25, Key Club and NYSoM collaborated a new event together again - NYSoM Once Upon A Time! I like each and every NYSoM event; they are all so adorable and heartfelt. This time, volunteers were in charge of managing a variety of entertaining activities, setting up decorations, and dressing up as characters from fairy tales.

As a big fairytale fan, I signed up immediately after reading the description. Unexpectedly, the event's day's temperature reached 90 degrees! In the park, volunteers were perspiring and continuously seeking water. To find some shades, my friend and I even hid under our serving table. We went to supermarkets and ice cream stores so many times to stay hydrated. When the event ended, I discovered that I had sunburns all over my back. This taught me to use sunscreen in the summer, which is a really essential lesson.

The event was nonetheless quite fascinating and successful despite the harsh weather! At first, my responsibility was to make colognes with essential oils. The amazing smell drew a lot of visitors, who were eager to make one themselves. I had a lengthy conversation with a pleasant woman. She continued to admire the volunteers as well as shared her adorable diffuser! After that, I proceeded to help with another activity: making Star Wars "life savers." When I got to the activity table, there were already a ton of kids queued up in front of it. Many of them struggled to speak English, but they did their best to communicate with me. They continued to look at me with their innocent faces while I was crafting the lifesavers with tape and stickers, which truly moved my heart:)

- Yijin Dong


ONCE UPON A TIME june 25th, 2022

Another day, Another fun NYSOM event! NYSOM events bring fun to the volunteers and the children! At NYSOM Once Upon a Time, there were many fun activities for the kids to do, such as lightsaber making, plant making, cookie decorating, and much more! There was even a magician that did tricks for the kids. He made a bird appear out of nowhere! I was with my friends and other key club executives and we all had a great time. Some of us had the privilege of dressing up as characters for the kids! There was Darth Vader, SpongeBob, Cinderella, Aladdin, and a Stormtrooper. It was a really fun event and it is always great to see kids having a great time! Whenever I see an NYSOM event, I always sign up because of the joy it will bring to me and the kids.

- Muhtadi Islam


ONCE UPON A TIME june 25th, 2022

The “Once Upon a Time” volunteer event by NYSoM was a fantastic way to serve the community. Taking place in an already packed Maria Hernandez Park on June 25th, 2022, dozens of key clubbers from multiple schools all pitched in to help make the fairy tale dreams of the young children that attended come true. Many Key Clubbers like myself even fought through the scorching heat to put on costumes to take pictures with and entertain all attendees. Other than costumes, the event also had key clubbers stationed at numerous booths, ranging from food and beverages to a station that gave attendees pots with plant seeds in them. There was even a station that allowed the attendees to make custom lightsabers out of pool noodles. The event included a magic show that would attract an even larger number of people to the venue. Overall, the event was a blast, and it was really fun getting into costume and engaging with the local community that showed up at the venue.

- Derrick Lin

CHARITY MILES june 2022 Along with our amazing in-person events, the Tech Key has monthly Charity Miles events that give money to a different charity each time. For June, we donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The foundation is the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to fighting blood cancer. Its mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and myeloma and improve patients' quality of life and their families.

It was really rewarding to be able to serve such a wonderful organization by just doing my normal adventures around New York City. Each day, I walked anywhere from 2 to 6 miles and, with 25 cents donated per mile, that equates to a solid donation to the Society.

As a club, we walked, biked, or ran 3,745 miles this month which is a huge accomplishment for our Charity Miles team of 139 Key Clubbers. Even though our members did this event individually via the Charity Miles app, I love these events and it makes each day seem more powerful as part of the Tech Key.

- Siri Waxenberg

If you would like to be project captain (+10 pts), please email us at and include the name of the event, your name, OSIS, phone number, and whether or not you can text. As

making sure key clubbers that attended the event are signed in/out, etc. If you have any questions about this position, contact us!

NY Mets (+30 points) Hey Key Clubbers!! Join the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation and the New York Mets out at Citi Field during the 2022 season. Purchase tickets through the link below for 40 dollars to these select games. The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation will receive $10 off of each ticket sold. (No need for a project captain for this event)


7/1, 8/31

Time: 7:10pm Location: Citi Field 41 Seaver Way Flushing, New York 11368 Points: 15 points Hours: 3 hours

Sign up here Proof form


project captain, you are in charge of taking photos,

Father’s Day Pop-Up (+15 Points)


Hey Key Club! Come sign up to volunteer at Grand Bazaar NYC’s Father’s Day Pop-Up, which will take place at the oldest and largest weekly shopping market. This event is to celebrate the awesome Dads and those who love to shop for them, and we need your help! Volunteers will help with various activities around the event, such as helping out vendors! As mentioned, this special themed event will take place at NYC's oldest and largest curated weekly shopping market, with over 140 merchants to discover and shop. 100% of Grand Bazaar NYC's profits are donated to four local public schools, benefiting over 2,000 children.

Date: Friday, Shift times:

July 15th

Shift 1 - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Shift 2 - 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Grand Bazaar NYC 100 West 77th Street New York, NY 10024

Points: 20 points Hours: Varies by shift Sign Up: Here!


Did you find all the hidden Bucky's?

If you think found them all, do this form

You'll get

+5 points if

you really did find them all!





















play our custom key wordle here screenshot your attempt and submit here

I pledge, on my honor,


to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

thank you for reading!

CARING; OUR WAY OF LIFE the beaver tree

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