The Beaver Tree 2022-2023 | September/October Edition | Issue 5

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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 04 Editor's Note 06 Board Remarks 10 Division Updates 12 District + International 13 Articles 25 October Calendar 26 Upcoming Events 30 Find the Buckys? 31 Puzzle 32 Club Pledge 33 Closing 05 Sign Ups
S O C I A L M E D I A Follow for access to important club updates and resources! INSTAGRAM @thetechkey FACEBOOK Brooklyn Tech Key Club WEBSITE DISCORD Brooklyn Tech Key Club YOUTUBE BTHS KC


hey tech key!

I'm Siri, your bulletin editor for the 2022 to '23 service year. This is our fifth issue of the Beaver Tree for this service year. This issue holds all the needed information about upcoming events, past events, and Key Club at our school and internationally. The school year is speeding up so make sure to read updates and tell your friends about our club!

While you look over this issue of the Beaver Tree look out for pictures of our mascot Bucky (if you ' ve forgotten what our beloved beaver looks like you can find one of him at the bottom of this page). If you found them all, you get +5 points! Also, there is surprise game at the very end that relies on your guessing skills. If you complete it, you get another +5 points (remember to screenshot the final banner). There is a proof form on page 30/31 for both activities. Do one or both!

This is the September - October2022 issue! I hope the first month of school went well and that you take time for yourself. Seniors, I hope you ' re okay and feel loads of support in the college process.

You can contribute to our next Beaver Tree issue with articles and/or pictures from events. Articles are +10 points and pictures are +5 points. We always need more material so help us out! the link is:

There are tons of things that make Key Club a really special volunteer organization:

We are an international organization

Brooklyn Tech has the biggest Key Club in the world

We host fundraisers where you earn service hours by doing fun activities

We have an end of year Leadership Conference in Albany where you and our club win awards to honor our work

We have 9 executive positions, 9 cabinet board positions, and about 100 committee positions open every year!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SIGN UPS Key Club sign ups for this service year are out! AND tell your friends about our club!


Our Executive and Cabinet board members sent in messages about their work so far and future plans!


Jennifer Li president

Hey Guys!!

How was the first month of the school? I had such a fun the seeing my fellow key clubbers in the hall and hope you guys did as well! I know your inboxes are full of school email but don’t forgot to look out for our events emails!! We have fun and refreshing events every weekend and new fundraisers coming your way! So look out :)

Frankie Negri

co-executive assistant

Hey Key Clubbers! I hope that you ’ ve all had a good start to the school year and were able to relax at least a little bit during the four day weekend. I look forward to working with you all this service year and I can’t wait to get started on committees once member sign ups are complete! Make sure to continue checking our events emails and instagram to stay updated on any upcoming volunteer opportunities and fundraisers. And remember to send in articles and photos for any events you attend so that Siri can continue to make our amazing newsletter! As always, if you have any Key Club related comments or questions feel free to message me at


Seraphina Ng secretary

Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Seraphina, one of your secretaries for this year! The new school year has begun, so you know what that means! Key Club sign ups are open! New and returning members will be able to sign up with a link in our Instagram bio or an email which has already been sent to you. I hope you all have an amazing school year and enjoy all the upcoming events and fundraisers we have for you this year! If you have any questions about Key Club or anything in general, you can reach me through the secretary email: or my instagram: sassyphinaa

Mamoona Hassan treasurer

Hey everyone! My name is Mamoona Hassan, one of the treasurers. I hope you all are enjoying our fundraisers! Recently, we just had our Adventures at Governors Island fundraiser in collaboration with Stuyvesant HS and it turned out to be a major success!! I had really fun meeting new members and also making burger patties for members. Please do show your support to our future fundraisers especially since we have exciting events coming up!!!


Yijin Dong head of public relations

Welcome to our September newsletter! This service year, I’m serving as your head of public relations! My main duties are assisting visual media co-heads and member reps, promoting club events, and managing social media. I love attending Key Club events; you even see me pop up on other schools’ Key Club instagram posts :)) As I’ve mentioned in my previous remarks, I’m eager to build tight relationships between our members and the board. You should definitely check out the fun Instagram activities I'll be posting shortly. Also, if you are scared of going to events alone, I’ll be there for you! I always try my best to ensure every member feels comfortable and is involved in events. So DW! C U THERE<3

our board members are here to help! don't hesitate to let us know if you have any
questions or thoughts about key club!


Division Nine Update

follow the D9 Instagram: @nydkcd9

Second Divisional!

Division 9 is having their SECOND ever Divisional! Our lieutenant governor Amy Wu hoped you all had a good time during our June Divisional and hopes you consider coming to our next Divisional on October 18th at 5PM! It is IN-PERSON at 8711 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214.

The next divisional will have a similar structure to the last one but there will be some different things on the agenda, so please be on the lookout for further announcements. All announcements will be sent through email a week/couple days before the event and always on our Division Instagram.

You will receive points and hours for attending! We are so excited to see you there! Sign up: HERE

Divisional Newsletter

The August+September issue of our D9 newsletter came out this month! It details more important Divisional Updates. You can read it here

Fall Rally

The fall rally has come!

Join us on October 29th at LIU Brooklyn starting at 9:30AM for Fall Rally. We will be having many workshops, service projects, and provided lunch!

This event is a collaboration between Divisions 1 to 12. That means it will be a HUGE event for meeting fellow key clubbers and seeing the work of Key Club from across the city.

Don’t wait, registration is at $12 until October 20th!

From October 20th to 28th, it would then be $20!

Date: Saturday, October 29th

Location: LIU Brooklyn Time: 9:30 to 4:00

Sign up: HERE



NY District Goals Update

Service Hour Goal: 175,000

Fundraising Goal: $180,000

All of the clubs in New York State work toward these goals for the whole service year. We have made amazing progress through our first five months!

LTC Dates Announced

the Leadership Training Conference is an annual event to award hardworking clubs and members and it has been officially announced that it will be happening in person at The Desmond Hotel in Albany on March 31st to April 2nd.

Youth Opportunities Fund so what's going on globally...

Youth Opportunities Fund is offering grants from $250 to $2,000. Clubs and members can apply for this endowment from the Kiwanis Children’s Fund until October 15. bths will be applying!




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event spotlight articles

You can contribute to the next Beaver Tree here


august 31 + september 1

As summer came to an end, a new class of freshmen began their first 4 years at Brooklyn Tech. To help freshmen transition smoothly into our massive community, I volunteered on August 31st and September 1st at our school’s freshman orientation!

On the first day of orientation, I was assigned to be a student ambassador. I was paired up with another student ambassador and a Big Sib to guide the freshmen through the Amazing Race. In the Amazing Race, we followed the clues given to us to guide our group throughout the school, and throughout our tour, I explained additional information that would help the freshmen get a better feel of what daily school life would be like. Upon completion of the race, we headed back to our assigned rooms to go even more in depth about daily student life and what makes our school unique.

On the second day of orientation, I was assigned to be a floater. As a floater, I handed out planners and papers to freshmen entering the building, and made sure to be ready if extra help was necessary. While waiting to be deployed, I got to meet other floaters from various clubs within our school.

I enjoyed volunteering at orientation because it was the perfect opportunity to give back to my school community, while getting to know new students and people. Additionally, seeing how many students came together to support our underclassmen was very moving, and I loved working together with fellow members and faculty. I hope that all the upperclassmen’s efforts will inspire our freshmen to continue in our footsteps to help out the school and give back to our community. Overall, I enjoyed seeing our incredibly hardworking faculty and student body, and I am super excited to volunteer for more back to school events this year!

- Susan Wang



september 10th

On September 10th, I attended the BTHS X FABSCRAP event at Brooklyn Army Terminal. At the event, I helped sort through different fabric samples and swatches separating them based on composition. The staff at FABSCRAP were extremely kind and led me through training, teaching me how to sort through the samples into different baskets and labels placed on the tables. Going through fabric samples was fun as I got to look at different patterns, textures, and designs. Throughout the sorting session, music was played and the staff at FABSCRAP was willing to answer any questions we had.

After sorting through the fabric for about 2 hours, we were allowed to “shop” around the FABSCRAP racks for 5 pounds of clothing! Unlike a conventional department store, FABSCRAP's rack items come from designers and brands who provide mendable items for repurposing. I selected a few items, including shirts and a coat which I plan to sew and customize! I loved volunteering at FABSCRAP as it was a fun and unique experience, and hope we ’ re able to host another session with them to reduce waste and live a more sustainable life!



september 17th

This year, I was lucky enough to be one of the coordinators for Chinatown Beautification Day. So on September 17, I woke up bright and early to get to the New York Chinese School to help set up for the event. I arrived around 9:30 because of extensive train delays and got to work immediately. After setting up the food and microphone system, I went outside to greet and sign in all the attendees. During the event I was running between the 5th floor and basement in order to greet all speakers properly and to make sure the event ran smoothly. During the card making event for Heart of Dinner, I was able to sit down at random tables with my fellow coordinator and we interacted with some of the attendees and I even met some Key Clubbers from Tech that I have never met before.

The beginning of the second day of the event was much more hectic than the first. Right before the event was about to begin, we were told we had to start the cleanup immediately and that we would have a surprise laundry painting event to welcome Little Amal, who represents refugees fleeing violence, to NYC. Although the day began with a rough start, the second day was less chatoic and more chill. We served lunch and then everyone painted some laundry. We also chose a raffle prize winner, who was very pleased to receive a boba plush! Everyone seemed to have an amazing time at the event and I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out!! Thank you to all those who attended and who knows, I may even help host it again next year!

Seraphina Ng



september 19th to 23th

I am the president of Girls Learn International, the organizer of the BTHS High School Voter Registration Drive. GLI collaborated with Key Club to attract volunteers because Key Clubbers have the service minded attitude we needed. Our drive was one of many for High School Voter Registration Week from September 19th to 23rd. The week was sponsored a non partisan organization called ey provided stickers, pens, posters very helpful for our drive.

Even though we didn’t meet our goal of 400 registrations, we helped about 60 people through the registration process and informed the Brooklyn Tech student body that they can register once they turn 16 so they are ready for politics when they turn 18.

The whole GLI board is super excited for the rest of this year. You can hear more about GLI, a feminist club connected to the United Nations, at our instagram @bthsgli.


- Siri


september 24th

On Sept. 24th, I volunteered in another NYSoM event NYSoM Superhero. I didn't initially plan to go to this event because I had to prepare cookies for the government island fundraiser that day. However, after I noticed only a few members had signed up for the morning shift, I hurried to fill out the form. I was scared to leave the members alone:( The park was quite close to my house, so l luckily arrived a few minutes early. The moment when I saw my friends from Bxsci, all my sleeplessness was gone! I ran up to them and immediately started to help them setting up the activity tables. I sprinted up to them and started helping them right away with setting up the activity tables. The tables were lowkey heavy, and I noticed that my muscles were gaining " superpowers ' ' Are you a workout person? Yes? Join key club lmaoo! Like usual, we then helped to hang up the decorations around the park and at the activity stations. Oh!! I had a really fun time when I worked on building a basketball stand with some adults who voluntarily signed up for the festival. I was so hyped during the construction, despite I don't even know how to play basketball... Even though we struggled to read the instruction manual, it was SO SATISFYING when we put all of the pieces together successfully!

- Yijin Dong NYSOM


september 25th, 2022

On September 27th, I attended the Adventure on Governors Island collab with Stuyvesant Key Club. This event ended up being tons of fun and was a major success! Arriving on the island, I helped set up for the barbecue by making burgers and preparing the grill. Once people started arriving, we started serving tons of great food. Besides the burgers, there were also hot dogs, homemade cookies, watermelon, and other snacks. Everyone was stuffed by the end of the day!

After we were done eating, I got to explore the island with my friends. It was so much fun knowing that we were still fundraising for a charity as great as Soles4Souls even while we were running around playing games. I got to meet tons of new people from Stuyvesant as well. I really hope we can collaborate with their amazing club again! I know that we all really loved making so many meaningful memories together!

- Cyrus Castellanos


september 25th, 2022

The Governor's Island fundraiser as a collab of Brooklyn Tech and Stuy Key Club was such a fun and exciting event! Members arrived on the island on a ferry, my personal favorite part of the experience, and were greeted by many other members and fun activities. As the event started, we lined up for food with our meal tickets and brought our food back to our picnic blankets and tables. Besides eating, there were many activities like biking on Citi Bikes and renting out a surrey to ride around. Many members also enjoyed playing volleyball and badminton while some took pictures by the waters with the pretty view!

Chloey Lin


september 25th, 2022

On September 25th, I had the great pleasure of attending the Governor’s Island Fundraiser! It was an event that was a collaboration between the Brooklyn Tech Key Club and Stuyvesant Key Club. It was so much fun getting to meet Key Clubbers from another school. I grew up visiting Governors Island so when I saw there was going to be an event there I was so excited.

When I first arrived I was immediately greeted by executives from both schools. The first few hours were really relaxing, and it was nice to get to know so many new people. There was also delicious food. The burgers were truly amazing and all the desserts brought by Key Clubbers were very tasty. Even after it started to rain, everyone was still chatting, playing games, and riding bikes around the island.

When the event ended, we all took the ferry together back to Manhattan and the view was so beautiful. Overall, this event was probably one of my personal favorites, and I am looking forward to attending future fundraising events.

- Tristan Albano


september 25th, 2022

On September 25, 2022, I was able to attend the STUY X TECH Adventures at Governors Island Fundraiser! It was very different from usual events and I was super excited to go, especially because it was not only a chance to meet new people from Tech but also a chance to meet other students from Stuyvesant. There were plenty of delicious snacks and food options which was nice considering the fact that many people could have food restrictions.

There were also so many fun carnival games that I was looking forward to playing. When I arrived, everyone was hanging out with one another and it was very simple to spot our fundraising group! This event was very social and gave everyone a way to step out of their comfort zone in such a relaxed environment while enjoying themself. Although the plan for the event was not exactly followed, everyone was still able to have just as much fun while contributing to a great cause. Overall, the executives did a great job in managing the food, games and providing a sense of community and fun all wrapped in one!

- Hadeel Alsabri


september 25th, 2022

Yeahh! We finally held the gov island fundraiser last weekend on September 27th! It’s one of the biggest annual collaborations we had with Stuy Key Club this service year. We originally planned it as a summer event so even college students could attend. However, due to the warning of extreme weather, we had to postpone it… I was worried that this postponement would lead to the ultimate cancellation of the event. There were a lot of challenges we faced after deciding on the postponement. However, we finally overcame all of the barriers and processed it successfully! In the afternoon of the day before the fundraiser, after a nysom event, I started to bake levain cookies. I did not know that levain cookies required that many ingredients and that much time. I baked till 12:00am, and my whole pack of flour only made 40ish cookies.

The second day, I woke up super early in the morning to bake more brownies considering the large amount of signups we got. Then, I hurried to the flushing library to lead the meetup… Although I successfully led the way to Battery Park, we arrived there 5 minutes before the ferry departure. We ran around the plaza at an even faster pace than we ran pacers. But guess what? We didn’t make it to the 11:30am ferry.. we went to the wrong entrance 3 times… When we desperately arrived at the right entrance, the security guard told us that there’s one more ferry @12:00pm. THANK GOD…:') :') This news immediately lightened my life. The rest of the day went super well despite the sudden kdrama vibe drizzle. I had a great time exploring the island we found cannons, rode citybike, and played volleyball! Shout out to both schools’ executives for trying their best to plan and organize the event! Thank you for planning out this amazing event<3 Also, thanks to all of the members who attended the event! It was a huge success!

- Yijin Dong


month of september

This month Brooklyn Technical Key Club walked for Soles4Souls. This is our Governor’s project and it is a great charity! Soles4Souls combats poverty by distributing collected shoes and clothing to people in need. They also support to small businesses in need. Through these efforts they reduce waste of shoes and clothing and they empower women!

Charity Miles has been an amazing find for Key Club and it adds meaning to every step I take. Because I am a senior, most of my weekends are spent touring colleges. Charity Miles makes it possible to serve causes I care about while I’m running around campuses exploring my future. The pictures I’ve attached at from September 24th at Yale University’s campus (intense). As of now our Charity Miles team has earned more than 38,000 miles for various charities and I know we will only do more through the year. I’m excited to see what charity we do next!

- Siri Waxenberg
sun 1 23 45 67 8 910 112 1 114 3 15 117 6 119 8 221 0 22 224 3 226 5 228 7 29 331 0 wthurstedmues on fri sat october 2022 CLICK on the yellow days to read about our Key Club opportunities!

JapanFes Ramen Contest(+10 pts)

We’re volunteering with Japanfes again on October 8 in East Village. Japanfes is a festival that celebrates Japanese culture through food, music and art Rooted in New York, this event brings cultures and people together! We need your help to make this event better. Members will help manage and guide visitors and hep set up the street festival

Due to special circumstances the sign up process will be different this time. Please fill out their form, which is a volunteer form for their website Only fill out the Key Club form if you RECEIVE a confirmation email from JapanFes. Confirmation forms will most likely be sent out tonight or tomorrow! There is a cap on the number of volunteers that will be chosen and emailed, so if you would like to participate please sign up ASAP! For this event, we will be giving points for the half day afternoon shifts.

Date: October 8

Time: 1:45pm 7:00pm

Location: East Village

Points: 25 points

Hours: 5 hours

Sign Up: Here (their form)

Our form: Here (Our confirmation)

Fill out this form after you receive a confirmation email!

Riversweeps (15 pts)

Come volunteer at Riversweeps on September 10th and October 15th. Riversweeps are volunteer events that gather citizens for a day of service to build community and raise awareness of the issues impacting our waterways. Part of being a good steward of public space includes keeping the rivers free from debris that can harm water quality, change the ecology of the river, and hurt marine wildlife Supply bags and gloves will be provided Sign up quickly as each event can only accommodate up to 15 people!

Date: October 15th

Time: 10:00 AM 1:00 PM

Location: Pier 35

Points: 15 points per shift (max 30 pts)

Hours: 3 hours per shift

Sign Up: Here (This is our form)

And on their eventbrite page

(You must fill out both forms!)



New York Chinese School (+10 pts)

Come volunteer at the New York Chinese School!

Volunteers duties include being a teacher’s assistant and patrol. The teacher’s assistant watches the students, brings the children to the bathroom, and helps the teacher if needed. Patrols walk around the school to ensure that the children are safe (i e not running around the hallways) and that no one that is not allowed in the school is inside the school. From Monday to Friday, volunteers will help and make sure that students have completed their homework from 3 pm to 5 pm. From 5 pm to 6 pm, there will be a Chinese class, so volunteers become teacher assistants and watch the students.

Preferable dates to volunteer are on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 4 pm to 6 pm. If some volunteers can come earlier, that would be great. If you cannot come on these days, you can also come whenever they are available. The school is open 1 pm 6 pm on weekdays and 9 am 5:30 pm on weekends.

On Saturday, there are morning and afternoon classes. Volunteers will be split from the morning and afternoon shifts The morning shift is from 9 am to 1:30 pm and the afternoon shift is 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. On Sunday, there is only a morning shift from 9 am to 1:30 pm. The volunteers coming in for the weekends will need to help with bringing students to their classes and also help with dismissal, where they have to make sure students are not running down the stairs and to make sure that students make it to their parents. Volunteers are expected to clean the classroom (mop, sweep, sanitize) after the students leave every day.

The school has also been registered as the Absolute Charter of New York Chinese School since 1909 and can provide a community service hours certificate. Finally, they can also issue a presidential volunteer service award, which is the highest honor a volunteer can get nationwide

Date: Varies

Time: Varies

Location: New York Chinese School

Point: 10 points for signing up

Hours: Varies

Sign Up: Here (Their form for registering volunteers)

And on our form (For points!)

*You will get hours through the NY Chinese School not through Key Club*

Pumpkin Patch on The Farm (35 pts)

Come volunteer on the Pumpkin Patch days at the Queens Botanical Garden. Your role will be to assist visitors greeting and assisting visitors with activities. Lunch will be provided! Be sure to dress for outdoor work and bring a water bottle. When filling out their form, be sure to put “Tech Key Club” as the organization

Date: October 22, October 30th

Location: 43 50 Main Street, Flushing NY 11335

Time:10am 5pm

Points: 35 points per shift (max 35)

Hours: 6 hours per shit

Sign Up: Here (This is our form)

And on their form

(You must fill out both forms!)

NYSoM Halloween Havoc (+10 pts)

Once again, we are back with NYSoM!! The events will take place in late October Volunteer duties will include being costumed Halloween costumed characters (costumes provided in clean and new conditions) and managing the themed activities. Each event can only accommodate a max of 20 volunteers so sign up quickly.

If you would like to be project captain (+10 pts), please email the events coordinators at and include the name of the event, your name, OSIS, phone number, and whether or not you can text. As project captain, you are in charge of taking photos, making sure key clubbers that attended the event are signed in/out, etc. If you have any questions about this position, feel free to contact us!

Date: October 29th

Time: 12:00pm 6:00pm

Location: East Harlem Tutorial Program 2050 2nd Ave New York, NY 10029

Points: 30 points

Hours: 6 hours

Sign Up: Here



NYC Walk with Us to Cure Lupus (20 pts)

Come volunteer with Walk with Us to Cure Lupus. Walk with Us to Cure Lupus is the Lupus Research Alliance’s signature national fundraising program devoted to finding a cure for lupus. This year they celebrate 20 years of memorable Walks around the country! Even through the past two years of change and uncertainty, our Walk community showed their commitment to one goal: supporting lupus research that will unravel the complexity of this debilitating disease so treatment and a cure can be targeted to each person.

For this event We will be helping out with various volunteer duties such as being Route Marshalls, helping with staffing tents (food, t shirt, etc), and generally directing Walk participants. By October 10th we will send them a list of those who signed up. However, it is also good to fill out the form on their website. Therefore you should fill out both their forms and our form.

Date: Saturday, October 22

Location: Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

Time: 7:30 AM 11:30 AM

Hours: 4 hours

Points: 20 points

Sign Up: Here (This is our form)

And on their form


(VIRTUAL) Ocean Hero (up to 30 pts)

Description: Ocean Hero is a web extension that lets you help save the oceans by opening new tabs! Every time you open a tab, you receive shells. For every 100 shells you earn, you recover a plastic bottle from the ocean!!


1. 2.

Download the web extension: and begin opening tabs!

For every 100 shells you earn, you recover 1 plastic bottle from the ocean. Submit a screenshot with how many bottles you removed visible

Points: 10 points per 5 bottles (max 30 points)

Hours: 30 minutes per 5 bottles (max 1.5 hours)

Proof form:

must fill out both forms!) U P
here this is my FAVORITE virtual event!
FIND THE BUCKY'S Did you find all the hidden Bucky's? If you think found them all, do this form You'll get +5 points if you really did find them all!
WORD GAME! screenshot your attempt and submit here p l a y t h e w o r d g a m e h e r e HINT: A FUN WAY TO EARN KEY CLUB POINTS


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

thank you for reading!


the beaver tree

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