The Beaver Tree 2017-2018 Thanksgiving Special Edition Newsletter

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A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Wow, we actually made it to Thanksgiving! It felt like forever.

This newsletter is going to be the first of many special editions to come. And I've planed that within these special editions, I'm going to have you guys write (1 because I'm tired of writing so much for these newsletters! But more importantly 2, I want all 600+ of you to be represented!) The prompt for this special edition was, "what are you thankful for in your home school and community?" And let's just say the amount of writing I received from you guys was incredible, and the content itself was so heartfelt and made me so emotional while reading it. What am I thankful for you say? Well, let's keep it short and sweet so you can go on and see the amazing work of all our members. I'm thankful for my parents who work so incredibly hard each and every day just so I can have a better life and work towards my dreams. I'm thankful for my friends for supporting me in my decisions I make every day and never failing to bring a smile to my face when I'm down. I'm thankful to be living in the most diverse place on the planet and going to school with such intelligent and good-hearted people and teachers who care about my success. Overall, I'm just so grateful for the life that I have now because I get to enjoy so many things. Although it can be tough on me sometimes, it always proves to be an adventure that I cannot wait to experience each and every day. That's all from me. Have an amazing Thanksgiving and enjoy the following work from the best key clubbers in the world! Yours in Caring Service, Ayan Rahman BTHSKC Editor 2017-2018


VICE PRESIDENT BTHS CLASS OF 2018 I am thankful for my boyfriend because he is the most caring and supportive person out there. He is always there for me and motivates me to become a better person everyday. I am also very thankful for my family because they do everything for my best interests. They support all my decisions and love me no matter what. I have amazing friends as well who do the dumbest things with me and make me laugh all the time. Lastly, I am very thankful to be the Vice President for a club as amazing as Key Club! Seeing so many people love Key Club and going to events make me so happy! Senior year is stressful for me, but all these things that I have to be thankful for, keeps me going.



Since I joined Key Club in my Freshman year, I have seen the obvious changes it has brought in me, and the new ones it continues to bring. I'm really grateful for the opportunities this club has provided for me. In my freshmen year, I was accepted into the events committee. This is something I really appreciate the past executive board for, whom have accepted me although I didn’t have much experience at the time. My experience in the events committee really help me in my knowledge of how Key Club works, and most importantly it inspired me to continue my journey in Key Club after freshmen year. Also through Key Club, I meet lots of caring and inspiring people, and I become friends with some. Lastly, we, the current board, also got a lot of help and support from the past board, and I can’t thank them enough for everything.

What are YOU most grateful for in your HOME, SCHOOl, or COMMUNITY ?


I am thankful for being accepted into Brooklyn Tech. The teachers, staff, and other students are all very nice and helpful and I am glad they can help me adjust to high school. Brooklyn Tech offers a lot of opportunities and I am thankful to my friends and family that brought me to where I am now. It’s also great that the classes are so big because you can know more people and have more contacts. I hope to have a good time at Tech for the next few years.

Winnie, Allie, and Riya


I am most thankful for everyone in my life who supports and loves me very much. My best friends, Winnie and Allie, are two very important people to me. They give me unconditional love and care about my well being so intently. I never believed I could be as close to people who weren't related to me, but then I met these two. I'm thankful for Allie and Winnie always motivating me to do the best I can in everything and bringing me up when I am down. Without this affection, I don't know how I would manage. The love and care I have for my best friends is something resembling the love I would have for a sister. Blood may not connect us, but the bond we formed is something that does. My life wouldn't be the same without the positive influence and upbeat attitude my best friends give me. Having friends by your side can make any difficult journey or time much easier. In my worst moments I can safely say Winnie and Allie have been there to help me out, they have been my shoulders to cry on. The memories I share with them are memories I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. I appreciate every little favor they do for me, even if it may seem insignificant. I'm greatly thankful to my best friends for making me happy each day and creating unforgettable high school memories with me. I will never forget the experiences I've had with them by my side.


I am most thankful for my wonderful best friends, who came into my life and never left. I never thought I would be able to share my whole life story with someone as fast as I did with Winnie and Riya. Although we met in school, our friendship is a bond that cannot be broken and will not be broken. These two girls always lead me towards the right path even if I tend to disagree, always support my every move, always cry with me, always laugh with me, and always love me. Without them, I don't think I would've known the genuine warmth and affection of a true best friend. I guess it's fair to say that they are my human diaries. I owe so much to them and saying I am grateful is merely an understatement. I love these girls to death and I hope one day they truly realize.


I am most thankful for my best friends, Riya and Allie. These two girls have been with me since freshmen year. I remember the first time I've ever met them in Ms. Fein's DDP class. I remember Allie coming up to me and asking me if it was the right class and hating Riya because she kept dropping the ball in the name game, which resulted us in restarting the game until she learned how to catch a ball. I never thought that we would end up being as close as we are today. Riya and Allie are not really even my friends, they are my sisters. We treat each other as sisters and take care of each other as if we are. They are there for me through my ups and downs, and know me better than I know myself. They are people who I can always count on, with their shoulders ready for me to cry on. They are people that are with my every step of the way, even if they are not actually physically there. We are the perfect trio. People constantly tell me how our friendship is goals, but the only thing I could really react to that, is agree with them. We love and care for each other beyond so many other people's. They make my day and life so much better and have transformed me into not a different person, but a better me. We motivate and support each other with everything, grades, looks, and so much more. We keep each other on track and never let any of us stray away from it and when we do, they pull us back up. I really cannot imagine my life without them. I need them and they need me. We protect each other, to such an extent that if someone had a problem with one of us, they would have a problem with all us. We come as a package. One thing so special about our friendship is the fact that we are so genuine with each other. We keep everything real, but will NEVER talk bad about each other behind their backs. Our friendship is anything but fake. Some people describe us as the Mean Girls, Riya as Karen, Allie as Gretchen, and myself as Regina, disregarding the fact that none of our races are the same, which is actually one of my favorite aspects of our friendship. People say that when we are together, we look powerful as a group. I feel that the power comes from how strong our friendship is and how much we love and care for each other. I could really talk so much more about how thankful I am, but I constantly remind them of how lucky I have to have two amazing, beautiful, and smart girls as my best friends. If you two see this, which I know you will, I love you guys so so much, beyond the world and back:)))))))))

MARIAE JULIA (MJ) ROBIS BTHS CLASS OF 2019 The holidays are coming so soon and I’ve never been this excited. Thanksgiving has always been the time that reminds me that Christmas is near. This season never fails to make me happy and grateful for my friends and family. This year, I’m celebrating thanksgiving with the people that has always been by my side even if I wasn’t the best friend one could have. Moreover, I’m especially looking forward to these days because I am going to spend it with the person I love the most. If you feel thankful for someone, it’s never the wrong time to tell them; you’ll surely make their day with a simple appreciation.


"In my home I am most thankful for my family. I would not be here without them and I’m so lucky I have them by my side."


BTHS CLASS OF 2021 "I'm most thankful for my closest friends in Brooklyn Tech. They're the people that can make me laugh the most on my worst days and can listen to me complain for hours. I'd definitely be miserable without them. I'm so glad that they're there for me."



I’m thankful for the rushing flow of knowledge and writing that is available. There is nothing more exciting than being able to read and absorb information that enables one to open the world more and more everyday. I’m thankful to have a life. One that is endlessly being shaped by my family and friends. The clothes I have, shoes, healthcare, food, entertainment, books, and everything I could ever want is given to me and makes every day precious. I know that I have their loving support and praises to achieve my goals and make it through any hardships. I’m so, so fortunate to have had these opportunities and to be able to dream of so many more.



I am thankful for my friends. They always manage to make me laugh and will always laugh at my jokes and puns. I don't think I could survive Tech without them for they are the best part of everyday here. I am also thankful for my family for all the love and support they give me. I am thankful for both my parents for inspiring me to work hard everyday, because they have proven that's the only way you can get farther in life. I am thankful for the cutest dog in the world, Tuffy, for being the only person (yes, dogs are people too) to never fail to make me smile everyday. I am thankful for my big sister for always being here to lend a helping hand, even when she is six states away, and for inspiring me everyday to do better through her own accomplishments. I truly am blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!

POP JOSLAINE MANOS BTHS CLASS OF 2021 Being new to a huge and different environment like Brooklyn Technical, I found that I’m more grateful for the things in my life that I didn't seem to care much about before. First and foremost, I am grateful for sleep. I mean, being a student attending Tech, WHO DOESN'T APPRECIATE SLEEP? My constant desire to lay in bed all day is what drives me to accomplish my work faster. I’ve always loved sleeping, but I love it more now for sure. Other than that, I am very grateful for the teachers that I have this school year. Not only are they fun in class, they can teach really well. Having such an engaging lesson and learning at the same time are things that a student needs. I have acquaintances who complain about their teachers and that only makes me grateful for the ones that I have. I would be lying if I said that I’m not grateful for my friends. Both friends from middle school and friends that I have just made, I am very thankful to have met them. They are what keeps me sane in a crazy world like this. They know when to cheer me up and when to yell at me to get back up my feet. I have always had a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to when I’m down under the weather. Without them, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Last but definitely not the least, my family. Before I go any further, may I just say that I am very grateful for my loving, precious dogs: Leo and Joey. Whether it’s licking my tears away or calming me down when I’m stressed, I can always count on them to make me smile. Like I said before, being in a new place with new systems can be very overwhelming. That is why I am very thankful for having such a supportive family that cares about my every need and concern about school. They can be circus animals sometimes, but I love them for it. These are just some of the many aspects of my life that I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving year. :)D

AANA HOWLADER BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I am most thankful for the family I have to support me at home. They give me love and I give respect. At school, I'm grateful for my peers as well as my teachers to make sure that I am able to learn properly and have an education that will help me in my future. The community is something to be thankful for because everyone is apart of a big puzzle. each individual is always giving in towards the whole which is more due to commitment and trust. happy thanksgiving!Â

YOUSSEF ELMOSALAMI BTHS CLASS OF 2020 What I am most thankful for is my family. It really is your family that takes care of you and makes you the person you are today. It's the experiences that you have with them that shape your personality. The support that they have for you that shapes your confidence and the love that they have for you that shapes your empathy and sympathy. The second most thankful think is being able to excel in school. Having understanding teachers who know that I have other classes not being as giving for homework or assignments. In addition to being able to not stress too much about classes has made life as a highschooler much easier. Leaving me time to talk with family

GIANNA PALMIOTTI BTHS CLASS OF 2020 This Thanksgiving I give thanks to a simply phenomenal anime, Naruto. This show has displayed the great "friendship" between Naruto and Sasuke. Despite the large quantity of filler episodes, we're still able to see their relationship develop as rivals to clearly closer to that. Their relationship is absolutely interesting and I would like to leave you all with a quote stated by Naruto to Sasuke, "I will shoulder your hatred and die with you! Because I'm your friend!"


This Thanksgiving, and every thanksgiving, I am the most thankful for my family and my closest friends. They are always here to support me whenever I need them and even during my times of happiness. I am also thankful to be at Brooklyn Tech where I am learning something everyday, both inside and outside the classroom. At Brooklyn Tech, I am challenged to do the best of my ability, which I am really thankful for. I am thankful to live in a peaceful neighborhood to where I can come back everyday and have a peaceful night after a tiring day.


I'm most thankful of instagram models to be honest. Last year, I barely drank water so my skin was so blemished and red. Like, it wasn't as bad as 7th grade when the pimples were just popping on their own, but it was still horrendous in my opinion. Then, these instagrammers appear out of nowhere and they reintroduce water?! At first, I never gave these "baddies" any attention because I would rather look at dog videos (2nd thing I'm thankful for by the way) but then I got curious about how nice their skin was. And lord and behold, they gave tutorials on how to get flawless skin! As stupid as it sounds, they encouraged me to drink tank loads of water and now my skin seems to shine brighter than the chorus room floor, even though I still got some redness. Thank you, instagram "baddies" for making me use the bathroom every other hour.



In my 15 years of life the one person I have always been thankful for is my mom. She is and always will be my rock. My mom has always been there for me through my failures and my successs. She is selfless, caring, hardworking, and above all the best mom ever. She is constantly putting the needs of everyone else above her own. She also has never once complained about the hardships in her life, she chooses to rise above and deal with it head on. My mom is the also the most sensitive person I know. I once asked her why she does not like to attend PTCs and she replied “every time a teacher says something nice about you and your brother, I can’t help but tear up.” I love that about her and I love how much she loves us. This thanksgiving and every other thanksgiving I am thankful for my mom, Shirley Chan.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I am most thankful for my family who have supported me through my hardest times especially when I felt the pressure coming to me and I was unable to control it. I love how they always had my back especially my dad who would shower me love with his wisdom and long lectures as well as my mom who would welcome me with warm hugs and massage my head to prevent the "stress from conquering the intelligent mind that I have." Thank you to my siblings for talking nonsense and making me laugh after a long day at school. Honestly, there can be nothing better than a loving and caring family who you can always return to at the end of the day when life is just not the way you have expected.



I am thankful to have my parents and my siblings awaiting my arrival at home and my mom cooking my favorite meals. I am thankful to being one of the Brooklyn Tech students #GoTech and having the grades that I have. And lastly I am thankful for living in a safe community and environment. #BrooklynÂ



At home, I’m thankful for the roof over my head and the family that lives under it who are always there for me despite any conflicts. In school I’m thankful for my friends and peers that make me smile everyday. Lastly, in my community I’m thankful for all the people, even the strangers, who help one another in their time of need.



"I am most thankful for my family and friends. I am also very thankful for the girls tennis team incredible win this year and coach Petersen!!"


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I am most thankful for my best friends. Despite going to four different schools, we still make time for each other through busy schedules and support each other with all of our stress. We’ve known each other for so long that I trust them with my life and all of my secrets. We’re four incredibly diverse, independent yet possessive, dynamic and complex individuals, and we still manage to stick together throughout the years. I feel so grateful to have found and kept such precious people. Sometimes we go though rough patches, but the point is that we go through them together. It’s not everyday that you find not one, but three people to love you like a sibling. I am so thankful to have watched them grow into three beautiful, intelligent, sometimes ridiculously extra young women. It’s been a wild ten years with them, and we fight often, but I love them more than anything and consider them family to me.



I am incredibly thankful for everything in my life. I am thankful for my amazing and loving family who have done everything in their power to make sure that I had an amazing life where I have always been surrounded with love and support. I am thankful for my school which has helped me grow mentally which will impact my future greatly. I am also incredibly thankful for my community because it reminds me greatly of home. You will never truly appreciate anything as small as friends, family, or ur community until you lose it all but I am grateful for everything that I have and I wouldn’t give any of it up for the world.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 This year I'm very thankful for the BTHS school community. So many people in this school are amazingly smart, and have helped me get through the rough beginnings of sophomore year. My friends and classmates work so well together that it makes the workload easy to deal with, and allows for me to have enough freetime to spend time with my family. I am thankful for my family this year. I didn't take any clubs or do any volunteer hours during freshman year, so I had a massive disadvantage compared to my classmates, but my family encouraged me to join clubs and go to volunteering events. Due to this, I have started the year of great by already accumulating 13 volunteer hours, and I have joined 3 clubs. Overall, my community and family have helped me get past through the beginning of this school year, and have made me feel more at home at Brooklyn Tech.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 "Im grateful for all the friends I have made at Tech in the last year. They make me happy and when I'm having a bad day I know I can always go to them for support. Asad, Salman, Wajih, Nahin, Nafi, and Shaima all make my days brighter."


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I am most thankful for the Tech community. I take part in many extra curricular activities and without the community I wouldn't have what I have right now or be the person I am. Last year, I was a member of the track team. I felt proud to be a member and I still am. This year, I made up my mind to quit running because like last year my injuries were really painful. As a runner, I felt so annoyed and angry at myself for being so weak. My teammates however we're really encouraging and made me feel like I fit in in this enormous, diverse school. They were the first friends I made. Even though I was quitting, I really wasn't. After the senior managers graduated last year, the position was open so here I am. Manager of the track team. Every year, the Track team has summer training or pre-season. During the first week, I saw on the BTHS Class of 2020 page that there was an internship for a campaign open. I was interested at first but I wasn't going to do it. One of my friends, also on track, encouraged me to do it because she understood how we had practice everyday and weekend meets, so it was really hard for us to volunteer. In the end, I ended up doing the campaign. In a way, I became a leader as well; those who were there know what I'm talking about. I know most of them didn't like me because I was their age and told them what they had to do. This was my first internship and it shows how being in Tech brings us a lot of connections and opportunities that other schools may not have. After that internship ended, I also began another one. Overall, I'm really grateful for the opportunities and learning experiences I've been given.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 "I am most thankful for the people I Â am surrounded by. All the amazing support and lending hands from my friends and family. My time at Tech so far has been full of adventure and laughter with the enjoyment of meeting new people and finding comfort in my friends."


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I am thankful for my parents because they are always there to support me. They have provided me with food, shelter and a method of transportation to go everywhere I need to go. Without them, I would most definitely not be the person I am today. My parents are central to my life. They have been responsible for feeding me, clothing me and supporting me. I am very lucky in the fact that my parents are able to provide these simple necessities for my sister and myself. Without my parents standing behind me, I doubt I would have the academic opportunities that I have today. They are responsible for pestering me until I do things, such as my schoolwork and studying. They always have my back and believe that I am capable of doing anything that I put my mind to. They always believe in me and take care of me and that Is why I love and am thanful for my parents.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 What I am most thankful for since coming to Tech last year would have to be the people who I have met and the friends I have made. I am so thankful for having these people in my life and I dont know what I would do without them. They always bring happiness to my day and bring me up when I'm down. I'm happy that we manage to all hang out, have fun, and make amazing memories(of which I would never trade for the world).



I am most thankful for everything in my life which shaped and allowed me to be the person I am today. This especially goes towards my friends which I love so much and can’t live without. Life has become so much better with these people whom I regard as brothers. They provide me with a safe haven from daily problems in my life and allow me to feel solace and joy around them. These are people with whom I can laugh or cry with, those who I can share hopes or dreams with and who fuel these aspirations. They will stand beside me no matter what the situation is and I can always depend on them for help. These are keepers of my greatest secrets and these are people who I would put before anyone. They accept me the way I am and love me no matter what. I cherish them with all my heart and they are my source of love, comfort and happiness. I hold these people in the noblest regard and the highest esteem. I love my brothers Wajih, Taohid, Salman, Nahin and Himel as well as my other friends and I am quite thankful that each one of you have become a significant part of my life.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 I’m very thankful for my friends and family. They are always by my side whenever I do stupid stuff and they are all very funny! I’m also super thankful for my girlfriend. She’s very supportive and she means the world to me. She’s my best friend and always knows what to say or do whenever I’m down. I don’t know what I would do without her.


BTHS CLASS OF 2021 "I am thankful for my parents who encouraged me with lectures which raised me well. I’m grateful to be born with a silver spoon to my mouth because my parents worked their best to survive and stay strong. :)"



I am thankful for the ones that went from being my school friends to what I now consider my family. They have been with me through thick and thin and know everything about me. I am thankful for the loving family which I am blessed to come home to everyday, always cracking jokes and watching a movie or two together. Lastly, I am most thankful for waking up every morning to a bright new day, and getting to spend it with the people I love the most.



This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for my family. I know it's been said thousands of times and it's cliche, but it's true. Without my parents, I wouldn't be able to learn by their example. Without my older brothers, my life would be very boring. They've been their since the day I took my first breath in this world. My family has helped and watched me thrive and find my way into the world. I am also very thankful for all my friends that I've made in this school so far. It's good to leave my old school and start a fresh chapter in my life. My new friends support me and help me whether its dealing with academic or more personal issues. Everyday they help me start on a good note. They've made my life ten times better by just being their true selves. I can never thank my friends enough for helping me make my life less stressful.


BTHS CLASS OF 2020 In my home, I'm most thankful for my sister for taking care of me for all these years. Our parents are always busy at work so it was my sister taking care of me while I was still in elementary school. When I was young, she would always cook, do the laundry, and housework all by herself. But now that I am 15, it's my turn to help her while she is busy with her college stuff. On a side note, I think we are both happy because normal people don't have to eat her food. For school, I really want to say that I’m not thankful for anything but can’t. Going to Brooklyn Tech is like a turning point to me. At Tech, I made multiple new friends, have attended great events, saw wonderful plays by students that are the same age or a little older than me. These memories are like things I will never forgot because memories are forever and I will definitely look back to them when i graduate from here. I want to thank the Tech Community fir everything they do for the students' benefits.


Throughout my middle school years, and currently my best friend, Jennifer Chen has been there through all aspects of my life. She's more than my best friend. She's seen me at my absolute worst, we've had our terrible moments and times when people thought we would fight over a boy but in the end we always just came back to each other. Jennifer is the most intelligent person I know, beautiful both inside and out. The only person I can ask the dumbest questions, without actually feeling dumb and to be honest, I don't wanna imagine where I would be today without her. The person I always have mini adventures with, whether its sneaking in somewhere to our crappy photoshoots or just long train rides, I'm the best version of me when I'm with her. The person I'll cry with for no real reason, just because the entire week of tech was hell. The person I'm thankful for, thank you for being there for me, Jennifer Chen.

JENNIFER BTHS CLASS OF 2020 With Thanksgiving coming up, I’ve come to realize that I have a lot to be thankful for that I could probably write a list longer than Santa could. But I’ll just focus my gratitude to one person, Noushin Shristi. She’s my best friend, or in better terms, soulmate. She’s done so much for me that I couldn’t possibly repay her. She’s has been with me through everything, from our horror movie marathons or low budget photo shoots to even little things like going over her place to take naps and eat her cookies. With her, I feel like I could do anything. She gives me the confidence to take risks and do things I normally wouldn’t do, like for example The Fashion Show. That was one memory that I wouldn’t have without her. Noushin is a constant in every aspect of my life. School, community, and home.

SUNEHRA & BTHS CLASS OF 2020 At age 12, someone asked me what I wanted to be and I said I wanted to be happy. Now, at age 15, I realize that I’ve surrounded myself with people who make the world seem vibrant and alive. My friends and my family have given me laughter and support in everything I do and for that I love them so so much. I realize that it isn’t the things we have or the grades we get that make us happy. It is the people that we cry with and that we laugh with. It is the people who give us small things that are still so important. It is the people we love. I’m thankful for my mother and father, for giving me a better life in America and for supporting me through any decisions I make. I’m thankful for my little brother, because I can rant notes to him and he won’t act bored in the least. I’m thankful for the fact that Royta, Maliha, and I can laugh over the same inside joke for a whole Key Club event. I’m thankful for their conversations and I’m thankful for their love for tv shows. I’m thankful for the locker my teacher Mr. Decker gave me, because he thought I was carrying too many things. I’m thankful for the friends I have made during my time at Brooklyn Tech. The memories I make with them are the memories that make me smile whenever that 12 year old comes back. These people are the people that make up my whole life and for that I can never repay them.


Thanksgiving is a time to cherish all the things and people who make your life worth living, things you are thankful for- hence the name. There's a lot to be thankful for: food, grades, food, great parents, food, and yeah, friends. At the beginning of last year, I was freaking out over the fact that I would be starting high school without the people I've shared a classroom with for three years, because almost everyone in middle school went their own separate ways. Brooklyn Tech was (and still is) a huge school filled with so many people, and I knew I would dread waking up every morning to attend classes; Just like middle school, only farther away. I assumed that without my old friends, I would be a closed off bookworm. I wouldn't go out with friends, I wouldn't go to school events, and I certainly wouldn't leave the house for extra curricular activities. I was wrong, very wrong. I am so very thankful for my friends (both in class and out) who are probably the sole reason for me not turning into a shell of the person I am now. Without them, who else would I complain to about teachers and vice versa? Who else would I annoy by throwing their hats away from them? Who else would I get food with after almost every single club event? So yeah, nearly a year later, I'm still thankful to have them, and that I haven't driven them to hating me yet (especially after writing something to sappy).



I am extremely thankful to the Tech community for the innumerable opportunities to explore the different parts of myself like being a Weston Scholar, joining the orchestra, meeting memorable alumni, entering the New York City Science and Engineering Fair, etc. My SGO family accounted for an amazing year, especially my sophomore class council who planned the Fashion Show. Student government has shaped who I am. It took a lot of courage running for president as a freshman, but I have developed to become the person I am today. As a result, I’ve made tons of delightful new friends and joined many families. Science Olympiad really brings out the science nerd in me. I am also a writer of The Survey, a tour guide in the National Honor Society, a violinist in Tri-M, and a member of the Legal Outreach Council.

MS.MCKINNON KEY CLUB ADVISOR "I am grateful for being surrounded by so many bright, proactive, caring students who I know will carry on the torch of respecting their family, friends and other human beings in their lifetime!"


As Lieutenant Governor, I have several people I can express my deepest gratitude for. Besides my amazing family being the strongest support system I have, I am also thankful for the incredible people I have met throughout my Key Club journey. To point out a few, I am grateful for my Executive Assistant Josephine Wu for always being there for me, whether it be Key Club related or moral support in general. I am also extremely appreciative of my Kiwanis Committee Representative (KCR) Mr. Gioia, who steers me in the right direction in terms of my duties, and who has always helped to fundraise for me to be able to attend exciting opportunities such as the International Convention (ICON). Lastly, I'd like to acknowledge the hardwork and dedication from all of my clubs in Division 9 -- you truly are the future of this organization, and I hope that Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of how often we take things for granted, and how we need to step back and fully appreciate everything that we have. Happy Thanksgiving!

& JO'S I O N A L


At the moment, I am most thankful for all of the opportunities Key Club has given me as well. I don't consider myself to be outspoken, but I have hosted two workshops at DTC and Fall Rally, and constantly found myself in times where I had to step up and be a leader. I have developed some amazing friendships, and strengthened old ones. One of the best people I've met so far is our LTG, Patricia. We are so alike sometimes that it's scary, and doing my job as Executive Assistant doesn't feel so much like one because I'd do so many things for her in a heartbeat. And lastly, I'm grateful for all of the amazing members I've met who are so dedicated, many of who are from Brooklyn Tech. You all play a part in why I love Key Club so much, and I hope your love for it will grow too.

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