1 minute read
Butldlng Fr "r tomorrowts Gallfornla wtth McGornrtck
lumber !
GREAT industrial projects and construction programs demanding special dimension timbers and quick delivery can be gr*t every cooPera' tion through McCormick facilities.
Dealers will find a rcal advanage in getting in touch with us for special quotations. Our four Seat mills in the heart of Amedca's great timber Jand, our own vast holdings, loggitg camps and dock facilities, our own fleet of steamships in the coast-wise trade-a[l cooperate to put the cream of America's finest lurrber directly within your reach. You can replenish your yad stocks di' rctly from our convenient distribution yards.
CalI or write our nearest represmtative ot sales ofi.ce. We vill gladly quote you on straight or mixed cars, or on special ordqs.