1 minute read
Willapa Lumber Co.
Sales Office: Gasco Bldg., Portland, Ora
Abcdan Lubc & Shnlrllo Co.. Aberd*a. hrh.
.Anaiu Mtrl Co.. Abcrdeo. Wasb- Hoqqim_lgnFa & Shlnglc_€c, Hoquirn, WuL
Prcrpa MIU C... Prorocr. Ore.
Rrymmd IJEbc Co., Raymood, Warh.
Columbla Bq & Lunbcr Co- South 8cnd. Werh. Hdb.rt Mill Coo Abcrden, Warb-
Milb & Tlnbcr Co- South Bcod. Weslu
Co., South Bcad. Werh.
STEAMER9 Edna Janc Chrlstcnson
Carmel Annle Chrlrtenron
Use These Substitutes
Cooperation for criticism.
Performance for argument.
Enthusiasm for apathy.
Common sense for common gossiP.
The Authormust Have Been Disappointed In Love
He tookthe peacock's vanitY, , The cunning of the fox, The chattering of the bluejay, The dumbness of the ox, The sweetness of the honBy, The greeness of the grass, The swagger of the ibex, The braying of the ass, The vengeance of the viper, That lives in Hindustan, He made them into WOMAN' And presented her to man.
The Little Niles
"Now, Johnny," said the Sunday school teacher, "Come and tell me what is the name of the principal river in Egypt."
"The Nile, please teacher" said Johnnie.
"Ah, that's right," said the teacher. "And now can you tell me the names of the smaller tributaries?"
"Oh, yes, sir," replied Johnny,-"Juveniles."
Folks And Me
It's a funny thing, but true, Folks you don't like, don't like you. I don't lmow why this should be so, But just the same I always knowIf I'm sour, friends are few; If I'm friendly, folks are too. Sometimes I get up in rtrorn, Wishing I was nwer born; Make of cross remarks a few, Then my family wishes, too, That I'd gone some other Place, 'Stead of showing them my face. But just let me change my tune' I Sing and smile, then pretty soon, Folks around me sing and smilg Su:e, it's catching, dl the while. Yes, it's funny but it's true, Folks you like will sure like you.
She Played Safe
A woman went into the bank and asked for a new check book.
"I lost the one I got yesterday," she said to the Teller; "but it doesn't matter. I took the precaution of signing all the checks as soon as I got the book, so, of course, it's np good to anyone else."
Preacher-"The meek shall inherit the earth."
Cynic,-r"Yes, and the women that made them meek will soon take it away from them."
Luckand Labor
Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes aqd strong will, will turn up something.
Luck lies in bed and wishes the postman would bring him a legacy.
Labor turns out at seven a. m. with a busy pen or a ringing harnmer and lays the foundation for a comPetence.
Luck whines
Labor whistles"
Luck relies on chance. Labor on character.