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Parson Simpkin and State Counselor Roth Visit Redwood District
Seven Kittens Initiated at Eureka. Organize Hoo-Hoo Club
Arriving at Scotia on Friday Morning, December 17, Hoo-Hoo Chaplain Parson Peter Simpkin and State HooHoo Counselor Fred Roth. were met by Ed. Yoder of The Pacific Lumber Co. and after a hearty'breakfast spent the remainder of the morning inspecting the large redwood operations of The Pacific Lumber Co. The company's forest nurseries were also visited, and in speaking of the Redrvood reforestation work, Mr. Roth states "that the Redrvood industrv have no apologies to offer anybody for the excellent work they are doing in reforestation." He said that their nursery in addition to Redwood seedlings also contains Douglas Fir, Spruce and Port Orford Cedar seedlings.
Percy Brown, the well known Humboldt County lumberman, met the party here and a trip was made to the plant of the E. J. Dodge Co. mill near Fortuna, where they were shc,u'n over the plant by manager A. C. Nelson.
Crannell .was thenext stop where they were met by Harry Cole, manager of the Little River Redwood Co. The balance of the afternoon was spent in inspecting the Little River Redwood Co. plant. An excellent dinner was arranged for by Harry Cole at which the following' were present: Ifarry Cole, I-ittle River Redwood Co., Crannell; Fred Roth, J. H. McCallum, San Francisco; Percy Brown, Eureka; Chas. Balm, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell;
W. A. Stewart, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; G. L. Runckle, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; J. H. Quill, Redwood Export Co., Eureka; Walter Dalton, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka; J. F. Kenedy, Hammond Lumber Co., Samoa; Howard Libbey, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; Parson Simpkin, Hoo-Hoo Chaplain, St. Louis; F. L. Van Dusen, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; John Aldrich, Little River Redwood Co,, Crannell ; Jim Chase, Little River Redwood Co., Arcata; Nick \\rarren, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; John Johnson, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; C. A. Libbey, McKay & Co., Eureka; W. E. Bishop, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; W. J. Wrigley, Elk River Mill & Lumber Co., Falk; M. C. Knighton, Bayside R€dwood Co., Eureka.
Jim Chase, manag'er of the Little River Redwood Co. retail lumber yard at Arcata, acted as host to the visitors on Saturday morning. They were very much impressed with this model lumber yard which they stated is one of the finest yards in the state.
Saturday noon they attended the luncheon of mill officials at the Vance }fotel,Eureka. The following attended the luncheon: H. W. Jackson, The Chas. Nelson Co., Eureka; Ifarry Cole, Little River Redwood Co., Crannell; J. A. Rankin, Hammond Lumber Co., Samoa; Joseph Stewart,