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drearebis Irfitlin re-rofinf,!

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WA I'{ T

WA I'{ T

Re,roofing sales, on the Poineer Re,roofing Plan, bring big profits to the "Iiae.wite" dealer at the the time of year when he nebds them most!

The rainy winter season may have a retarding e{fect on general building construction but it speeds up Pioneer Re-roofing sales!

With a little efrort on your part you can get your share of the great volume of Pioneer Re-roofing slles that will be developed during the next ferv months. . anil there's Profit for lou in euery sole!

The rainy season is waking thousands of people to the need of re.rmfing.... the Pioneer Time Payment Plan for Reroofing is turning these prospects into sales. Pioneer advertising, throughout Southern California, is telling hundreds of thousands about the time payment plan and the merits of Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles. Pioneer Rmfing Contractors and Pioneer Factory Reprerntatives are *llingjobs and putting the orders through the nearest Pioneer Dealers!

Writes us for full details ancl literature . get behind thc Poineer Plan and cash in on the profits!

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