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/ "TTMBER TrM" To oPEN NEw sroRE
t / "Timber Tim," the well known trade figure used by H. G. - Larrick, head of the Lumber and Builders Supply Company, with yards at Encinitas and Solano Beach, is planning opening a brand new Modern Building Supply Store, at Del Mar.
The opening will be right after the first of the month.
Parsons Buys Pasadena Business
N. H. Parsons rvho, since he left Illinois has been with C. Ganahl Lumber Co., in the capacity of manager of their distributing yard at Avalon Boulevard and 59th Street will acquire the hardwood floor business of H. S. Groash at 241 N. Allen Ave., Pasadena, early in January, and plans to conduct a wholesale and retail flooring business there.
Previous to coming to California Mr. Parsons was in the retail lumber business at Rockford. Illinois. lor 25 vears.
The Grays Harbor Shingle Corporation, Aberdeen, Washington, the manufacturers of the "Grays Harbor Brand" red cedar shingles are distributing to their customers in the California trade through their agents, I{endrickson & Godard Lumber Co., attractive porcelain office signs advertising their 5-to-2 Clear Shinglis. The signs are 12 by 32 inches with a white background and green Iettering and shorv a bundle of shingles in brown.
r S. L. 'Weaver to Talk at Retailers Meet
Mr. Sylvester L. Weaver, head of the Weaver-Henry Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles, far famed composition roofing makers, has accepted an invitation to address the Annual meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, at Tacoma, in l-ebruary.
Mr. 'Weaver's subiect will be "Ideals of Western Business."
First Cargo Shipmentof Brazilian Hardwood Logs Arrive At San Francisco
_ The "City of Nome," a Norlvegian vessel, r,vith between 900,000 and 1,000,000 of hardwood logs from Brazil has arrived in San Francisco Bav. This is the first shioment of logs from Brazil to arrive bn the Pacific Coast. ihe shipment contains several species of Brazilian hardwoods; the so-called Brazilian Mahogany and Spanish Cedar; Macacahuba, a hard beautiful wood similar to rosewood: Lucupira, a brown hardwodo used for floors in Brazil; and Freijo, similar to oak and ash.
The logs are being sawed at the plant of the National Mill & Lumber Co. at Oakland and are being piled on sticks adjacent to the new Oakland yard of White Brothers. The logs are owned by Leonidas L. Banboza and Mr. Debritts, wealthy Bazilian planters.Both are engineers and are graduates of American universities. The logs came from about 1800 miles up the Amazon River and there are billions of feet of this hardwood lumber available in Brazil. They ai'e trying to introduce this hardwood lumber in thii market.
The "City of Nome" had several exciting experiences in reaching its destination. The boat was in distress at Para, Brazil, and Salina Cruz, Mexico. Owing to engine trouble, a tug was sent from San Francisco to Salina Cruz at a cost of $10,000.00 and the "City of Nome" was towed to San. Francisco.