1 minute read
Double Wall Type
NOTE: Cover all cracks wltJ:. )4' t3' or 1t x 3' Redwood battens. Use "all-heart' redwood throughout.
HE above illustration indicates a type of structure embodying the use of Redwood throughout. which has been adopted as standard for rvoocl type at the University Farm, Davis, California'
This suggestion, as well as Single Wall Gate illustrated in Buttetln No. 2, is made available through the courtesy of S. H. Beckett, Associate Professor of Irrigati,on Investigations and Practice of the College of Agriculture, University of California.
Regarding these suggestions, Professor Becket( says:
"These structures are rised in the delivery of water from field laterals to border or basin checks. We recommend the single wall headgate for the heavier soil types, that is the loams, clay loams, and clays. For the lighter soils, such as sands, sandy loa_ms' etc.' we recommend the use of the double gate' We have had both of these types of strubtures in use on the IJniversity Farm for a number o{ years and it is our opinion that the designs and dimensions are approximately correct."
Dunenrr-rrv or Reowoo>-"If it had no other merits. Redwood would deserve a wide use on the farm because of its great natural resistance to rot and fire. Heart Reclwood when placed in contact with the ground should have an average life of 25 yeats, whereas some other native woods whiclr could be bought a little cheaper, perhaps, rot out in a few y-ears."-State Forestei M.-B. Pratt in University of California Bulletin No. 299.
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