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;"Wick" Announces New Nine for 1t/ Los Angeles Hoo Hoo

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Willapa Lumber Co.

Willapa Lumber Co.

( .The new Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles District Hoo IIoo, W_ B. Wickersham, has just announced his appointments fo-r the new "Nine" to ofificiate at the severil Concatenations planned for this year.

"Wick" has stated that Hoo Hoo will hold probably three Concats during the year, the first at Ventura, probibly in January, and the other two in or near Los Angeles, dates to be announced at a later date.

The Nine is made up as foliows:

Vicegerent: W. B. Wickersham, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.

Senior Hoo Hoo: J. C. Jenkins, San Pedro Lumber Co.

Junior Hoo Hoo: Hervey F. Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Co.

Bojum: F. M. Slade, S. E. Slade Lumber Co.

Scrivenoter: R. S. Edmonson, E. K..Wood Lumber Co.

Jabberwock: LloydE. Cole, Hammond Lumber Co.

Custocation: F. J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co.

Arcanoper: Max E. Landrum, Coos Bay Lumber Co.

Gurdon: W.W. Wilkinson. W. W. Wilkinson.

Lumber Firms Granted Leases

Four resolutions were adopted by the city council yes1e_rd1l authorizing leases on municipal tidelinds, south of I\{arket street,to the Western Lumber Company, the Klicka Lumber Company, the San Diego Pla;ing'Mill Cornpany and the San Diego Lumber Company.

These leases are to be granted on the "modified terms,' recently outlined to the council by the city harbor commission, and approved by the council.

The granting of leases to iumber company on this part of the bay front was vigorously opposed -by -an organization known as the Taxpayers' League.-San Diego ..-IJnion,,.


Lax regulations about smoking, matcheg cigaretteq rubbieh, waste, defective fluea, bad wiring, and all other kinds of careleesnegs with fire hazards, are juet like so much bait for fire. Why play with a 6ah you don't want to catch?


J. Frank Jones, sales manager of the Evergreen State Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Washington, is in Califo-rnia, whers he is making'a survey of shingle market conditions. After spending a few days in San Francisco, where he.conferred with H. B. Gammerston of the Reynier Lumber Co., he le.ft for T,o_s Angeles to spend a few days with W, W. Wil!_i1s9-1 of Los Angeles. The Reynier Lumber Co. and W. W. Wilkinson represent the Evergreen State Lumber Co,, specialists in cedar shingles, in the California territory. Mr. Jones_also g!a-nn9d to cali on the trade in the Imperiai Val- ley. He will be in California until the first of thi vear and Mr. Jones says he likes nothing better than touring the "Golden State". Mrs. Jones is accompanying him oi the trip.

Jeff Cockran From Trip To Mill

Jeff Cockran, Sacramento rep;esentative in the Vallev territory for the Owen-Oregon Lumber Co., has returned to his headquarters after spending three weeks at the company's -mill operations at Medford, Oregon. He reports that the work on_their new mill is progrelsing rapidly and that it will be ready for operation in a iew moiths^.


_ J.' M.Montgomery, Stockton representative for the Silver Falls Timber Co. of Silverton, Oregon, was a recent Bay District visitor where he spent a few days calling on thl trade. 'Monty" also attended the Chrijtmas pa-rty held by the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club on December l7'at the Oakland Hotel.

Lumber Mutual Policies provide ample against fire loss, but better etill, they help you to get thie troublc-luring bait and make e againat 6re ac you can make it.

any of our companies for spe"Lihe'Fishing for Fire !" 'ormation concerning Lumual Policies.

Agricultural Series. Bulletin No. 2-A

(By the California Reilwooil Ass'n.)

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