1 minute read
ByJack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 20 yeafs-Some less Some One Might See It You Know
The story of the country merchant who said that he used to sell ice creEun but had to quit carrying it in stock because everyone in the neighborhood ran him ragged and gave him no peace, ordering it, is something of the same thought in the following from good old London, don't you know.
There was an American advertising man in London, and in company with some Britishers he was extolling the merits of modern publicity stunts as exemplified in the United States. He gave several examples of American advertising campaigns that have attracted public attention by
Another Yard For Hayward
Sam T. Hayward, President of the Hayrvard Lumber & Investment Company, Los Angeles, has just announced the company's plans for establishing a new yard at Corona. Mr. Haylvard states that construction work will start immediately.
their outstanding successes, and then he turned to electric advertising by the sign route.
"You should see the wonderful electric signs on Broadway, New York," he declared with much enthusiasm to his hearers. "For instance, there is one on that street that is a whole block long, advertising Wrigley's GQm, and there are twenty five thousand electric 6ulbs of various sizes and colors used in that one sign."
"How many?" asked an astonished Britisher.
"Twenty-five thousand" declared the American emphatically.
"My word, old chappie," cried the open-mouthed Britisher, "BIJTISN'T THAT A BIT CONSPICUOIJS?"'
E. L. Moore, California Tie and Timber Co., Palo Alto, has recently purchased 1800 acres of Redwood timber from the Campbell Redwood Co. The deal involves about 4O million feet. Mr. Moore operates tie camps in'the vicinity of Palo Alto and at the Dresent time has a crew of about thirt-v' men working.
A system of continuous inspection during manufacture assures exact, unvarying unifonrrity for t'Everlast' ing" fooring. Operatorr are provided with gauges to check down to a haiCs breadth the width' thickness' tongue and groove. You can select any piece of "Ever' lasting" flooring fronr any bundle and f,nd that it matches perfectly, gide and ea4 any other piece from any other bundle.
Nichols & Cox Lumber Co., Grand Rapids' Michigan
All West Coast
Our Specialties
Vertical Grain Flooring Vertical or Mired Grain Hnieh Vertical Grain Stepping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory StocL Vertical Grain Shop
AII made fuom the tinest ot OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR of soft texture, dried in strictly modern dry kilns lf,illr: Raymond, Washington