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LoeAngeles :: SanFrancisco :: Oakland :: Pordand :: Seattle
There isa new and profitable business awaiting many farmers who own land along the highway, and in this new business there is an excellent opportunity for lumber dealers to increase their winter sales of lumber.
This business is building and operating Tourist Cabin Camps. The time to sell the farmer on the p-ossibilities of this business is not next spring when the weather is good, but right now, during the winter months, while he has time to give some lhought to the location and building of a camp. Then when spring comes he,will be ready to accommodate the early toqrist trade and begin to cash in on his investment.
After making a study of a number of privately owned tourist camps, the manner in which they were operated and the profits derived fromtheiroperation, the Long-Bell Lumber Company has published a booklet which will assist the retail lumber dealer in selling more farmers on the idea of operqting tourist cabin camps.
This new booklet is- now ready and is being sold to lumber dealers. It is entitled "Tourist Cabin Camps-How to Build Them." It should aid in increasing the dealer's winter sales if he has customers and prospects owning favorable tourist camp sites along the highway.
This practical booklet contains 16 pages, each page printed in two colors (brown and green). The page size is 6rlx9/s inches. There are 30 illustrations. Cabins suitable for use in every part of the United States are pictured and described. Page 2 of the booklet is devoted to the advantages of using short length lumber. The balance of the booklet is devoted to cabins, camp bath houses, and tells something of the profit-making possibilities for the farmer. No provision is made for imprinting the dealer's name in type, but a special presentation formis provided on the back page for writing in the dealer's name and that of his customer, thus making the distribution of this booklet more of a personal matter.
The launching of a project on end-matched softwood lumber was announced by Mr. Axel H. Oxholm, Director of the National Committee on Wood Utilization, Department of Commerce. Secretary Hoover; the Chairman of the Committee, has appointed Mr. William F. Chew, Managing Director, the Builders' Exchange of Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, as the Chairman of this Subcommittee, which consists of nine representatives of builders, contractors, architects, lumber distributors and lumber manufacturers. A report will be prepared by this subcommittee, and later on issued by the National Committee on Wood Utilization, in which a full discussion on the advantages of endmatched softwood lumber will be given.
Harry Officer Recovering From Recent Injury
Harry Officer, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, suffered a very painful injury a few weeks ago when he broke one of the bones in his wrist. He has discarded the cast and states that the injury is convalescing nicely. Withfn a few weeks, he hopes to have the full use of his hand again.
Harry Cole Back From Eastern Trip
Harry Cole, vice-president and general manager of the Little River Redwood Co., at Crannell, has returned to the Coast after spending a few weeks in the east on business. His trip included stops at New York, Buffalo, Havana and New Orleans. Before returning to the mill, he spent a few days at the company's San Francisco office, where he conferred with W. D. Dunning, manager oftheir San Francisco office.