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Orphans' Christmas Party Great Success
The December 23rd. meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Appropriate gifts were distributed, and each child was Club will be long remembered, it being the date of their delighted with his or her package. Watches, handkerchiefs, Annual Christmas Party for the orphans of Los Angeles. dolls, footballs, balloons and a host of other things were
Four hundred happy youngsters were entertained at the included in the gifts. meeting, held at the Elite Cafe. At 2 o'clock the meeting adjourned, and the kiddies were
Original plans were changed somewhat, on account of then taken for more rides, to the homeb of the members, to the hard rain thatfell on the morning of the event, and the beach, to the movies and other places. instead of a long automobile tripin the morning, the chil- Permission had been secured to keep them until 5 p.-. dren were taken direct to the cafe, where they were enter- and not a man returned his little flock until that time. tained for an hour and a half, with various games and sing- / T!. party was held under the direct supervision of Floyd ing, Mrs. Berne S. Barker lending invaluable assistance in 4/ A. Dernier as General Chairman, and he was assisted by this part of the program.
A.W. Koehl, A. L. Hoover, B. W. Bookstaver, Berne S.
The luncheon started at noon, as planned, with a few Barker. Frank J. Connolly, Sam T .Hayward, T. W. Jacobs, over four hundred of the happy orphans in their seats, each T. B. Lawrence, A. D. Teagarten, J. A. Thomas aria pnit group seated with the temporary "daddies", and looked B. Hart. a{ter by a dozen or so ladies from the offices of some' of All of the boys worked hard, for many days, on the plans, the members. and especial mention and thanks should be given to De:rnier,
Chicken, mashed potatoes, milk, ice cream and cake. A as well as to Al Koehl, Sam Hayward and Ted Lawrence. feast for the kiddies. Al collected the money, no mean job, and Ted and Sam
Then a show, all planned for young minds and heartily looked after the automobiles enjoyed by the applauding audience, as well as by the hun- Close to twelve hundred dollars was donated, in indidred members of the order who were there. vidual amounts of from one dollar to fifty.
Two midgets did a comedy boxing bout, Punch and Judy
The Los Angeles boys plan to make this an annual event, went through their flnny capers and then a magician made this being the second year that such a party has been pui the bunnies appear from the air. on, with such success.