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Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 Entertains Kiddies at Christmas Luncn'eon
Trventy-th1ee kiddies from the McKinley Orphanage, San Francisco, together with their matron, Mrs. Studley, wtlre the guests of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 at their Christmas luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, Dee 23.
Nearly 100 Lumbermen were present to enjoy the festivities and to assist the youngsters in having a day ofChristmas joy. Each youngster received a package con- -taining several gifts, apples and candy which were presented by A. J. "Gus" Russell, who acted as Santa Claus.
During the luncheon music was furnished by Sapiro's Palace Hotel Orchestra.
President J. Walter Kelly called the meeting to order and presented Matt Harris of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. as chairman of the day. After a few excellent introductory remarks by Mr. Harris, he then called on Dr. Ezra A. Van Nuys, who gave a splendid inspirational address on the meaning of Christmas and the ideals of club activities; h,e intermixed his remarks with several enjoyable stories and his entertaining and cheerful message wis thoroughly enjoyed by the large gathering.
State Association Meeting at Harbor
The Southern Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held a luncheon meeting at the California Yacht Club, Wilmington, on Saturday, December 11. Eleven of the fourteen Directors were present. Vice-president Charles Curran of Pomona acted as Chairman.
Ttt. meeting was the first under the new policy of havrrrg local sec_retaries attend,those presenf being R. E. Envoldsen, San Bernardino; E. Stefienson, Santa Ana; E,. D. Tennant, Los Angeles; George N. Swartz, Long Beach, and E. D. Heldman, Santa Monica. Full co-operaiion was pledged between the Directors and the local secretaries in efforts for the benefit of the retail lumber industrv.
Among subjects dealt with at the meeting were:'Cement situation; Sales by wholesalers direct to consumers; Membership meeting at Los Angeles January 22, and printing of a_ "Term!"poster. A Roofing Committee was ippoint-- ed for the South to work with the manufacturers toward the betterment of sales conditions.
A report was made of the services rendered by the Association in settling a recent community lumber dispute, and it was agreed that the Association should be atall times available for such work whenever requested.
A. J. "Gus" Russell was then introduced as Santa Claus and after presenting the kiddies with thejr presents, he brought forward his Christmas bag which contained presents for all the members present. "Gus" with his humorous presentation remarks was good and "OldNick" himself couldn't have done a better iob as Santa Claus.
At 2 p.m. the meeting adjouined and the kiddies, after enjoying a fine chicken luncheon with all the trimmings and their arrns heavily laden with Christmas gifts, were a merry littlelot as they started for home.
Matt Harris was the recipient of many excellent compliments for arranging for such an excellent program. In his arrangements he was assisted by J. H.'MCCallum, who arranged for the boys to be present at the luncheon; Harry Carter and his committee, who conveyed the youngsters to and from the hotel in their machines, and Fred Rotl, Floyd Elliott, Eddie Peggs and J. E. Martin, who made the holel arlangements and provided the presents.
_ The-ge-xJ rggular luncheon will be held on January 13. P. C. McNevin, the Pacific Lumber Co., will act as ihai"man of the Day.
Additional applications for membership have been received from East Bay.Lumber and Mill Company, Oakland; Sullivan Lumber Company, Montrose; Olson Lumber ComRajy, Alhambrir; Upland Lumber & Mill Company, IJp- lafd, and Bell Lumber Company, Oxnard.
\4. L. Hubbard Appointed Coast Counties Vicegerent Snark
Albert L. Hubbard, 38333, of Hubbard & Carmichael Brothers, San Jose, has been appointed Vicegerent Snark of the Coast Counties District to succeed Henry L. Wills.
The appointment was made by Supreme Gurdon Phil B. Hart of Los Angeles, and confirmed by Snark of the Univgrse Arthur A. Hood, on recommendation of State Counsellor Fred W. Roth and members in the Coast Counties District.
While he has been a I{oo Hoo only a year, I\{r. Hubbard is a veteran lumberman and widely known in his district.
For 22 years he has been a supervisor of San Jose and he was the first president of the Kiwanis Club of that city.