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Boards like these do not come by accident. Somewhere back of them there is a glorious tree; numberless operations by skilled men; a knowledge of proper drying; and a purpose and intent tcl make them as perfect as is possible.

If you will look closely at the ends of the boards in the middle stack of lumb.i yorl will see the little diamonds enclosing- the trade-mark of HDE, the *.rk put on every stick to assure you that back ofthat stick there is a pride in proiuction and a guarantee of fitness for its purpose.

HDE offers you conflete stocks of Southern hardwoods, all as good as, thc board.s shbzun hcri, Cjtl)rcss, hardzaoods, pine,in straight cars or mited to sutt !ou.

White Brothers to Open Yard at Oakland

White Brothers. the well known San Francisco hardwood dealers, are opening a new yard at Oakland which will be located on High Street, between Howard and Commerce Streets. The yard rvill be 200 feet by 600 feet and work is now under way in constructing the plant. James H. Pedgrift is the contractor in charge of their new building operations. C. Harry White, general manager of the company, states that their shed will be the last word in lumber sheds, all gangways will be paved in cement with a spur track run ning through the center. The yard will be ready for business about February 1.

Owing to the growth of this concern's business, it was necessary to have more space, C. Harry White stated, and in addition to looking after the local business their wholesale shipments will be made from this yard.

W. T. White is President of White Brothers and C. Harry White is Vice President and General Manager. W. T. White is the son of the late Asa L. White who was one of the early pioheers of Oakland. It is expected that the new yard will be in charge of William T. Meyer and Walter J. Herkenham; both have been associated with their San Francisco yard for many years where they hold executive positions. The company name of this yard will be known as White Brothers, Oakland Hardwood Headquarters, and they will carry a complete line of hardwood stocks, together with complete stocks of Oregon Pine and Hardwood veneer panels, shipbuilding and boat-building material.


Progress in forestry under the provisions of the ClarkeMcNary law vyhich authorizes and directs Federal co-operation with the States, and which became eftective the past year, is evidenced by Col. W. B. Greeley, Chief of the Forest Service, in his annual report to the Secretary of Agriculture.

This movement to link the nation and the States in a united effort to devclop timber growing on the widest possible scale, especially on private forest lands which make up 80 per cent of our total forest area, has inspired many States to greater activity, according to the Forester. Fortyone of the 48 States and the Territories of Hawaii and Porto Rico are now co-operating with the Federal government under one or more sections of the law. Nearly $4,000,000 were available for forest fire control last year. Private landowners furnished nearly $1,500,000, the State, $1,800,000, and the Federal government, $660,000, excluding the amounts appropriated for fir.e control in the Federal forests.


/ The Central Lumber Yard at Stockton have started the construction of the first unit of their yard which is located just across the street from their preient location. When completed the new shed will be 300 feet by 150 feet and will have their office, warehouse and mill under one roof. The shed will have a cement floor, with two central driveways, and a spur track running into the shed.

The firstunit which will be 100,feet by 60 feet is now under construction and will be completed after the first of the year.

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