1 minute read
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Annual Meeting
W. A. Waldren Elected President
The annual meeting and Ladies' Day of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club was held at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, December 18. During the luncheon hour Harold Cloughley of the Sacramento Lumber Co. led the community singing, several delightful songs were rendered by Mitch Landis and Will F. Peterson, with Miss Peterson acting as accompanist at the piano, and several orchestra numbers were played by the Anson-Weeks Hotel Senator orchestra.
President E. S. McBride presided over the business session.
Secretary-Treasurer C. D. LeMaster made the Treasurer's report, which was unanimously indorsed and showed the Club to be in excellent financial condition.
The speaker of the day was Russell Galloway, Sacramento, who read an interesting paper onhis recent trip through the Panama Canal, Havana, Florida, New Orleans, New York, Boston and other eastern points. He described conditions in Miami, Florida, after the recent hurricane and although the damage to buildings there was great, he stated that he did not observe one shingle roof that had been destroyed by the windstorm.His address was very instructive and much enjoyed by the gathering.
In reporting for the Nominating Committee for the elec-