1 minute read
L. A. Beckstrorn
tion of officers, Oscar Miller, Knox Lumber Co., nominated the following who rvere unanimously elected for the ensurng year:
President, W. A. Waldren, Home Buildcrs' Lumber Co., Gridley.
Vice President, W. F. Knox, Superior Lumbei Co., Sacramento.
Secretary, C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento.
President McBride introduced the new officers, each making a fewremarks. President McBride then turned the gavel over to the new president, W. A. Waldren.
As an appreciation of their excellent work during the past year in the interests of the Club, President Waldren with a few appropriate remarks presented Retiring President E. S. McBride with a beautiful overstuffed chair. He also presented Secretary C. D. LeMaster with an excellent cocktail shaker set.
A resolution was passed thanking the entertainers.
Dancing was then- continued until late in the afternoon rvith the Anson-Weeks Senator Hotel Orchestra furnishing the music.
'The Arrangements Committee who furnished the program for the excellent meeting were C. D. LeMaster, Curtis Cutter, Chester Ferguson and J. W. Butler, Jr.