1 minute read
BAGAC Flooring FOR,
delightful solos accompanied by Mrs. Joe Bairdon the plano.
Following the dinner, C. D. I-eMaster and Frank Trower rvere called on for a few remarks.
Toastmaster Bird then introduced Fred Roth, with J. H. McCallum, San Francisco, State Hoo-Hoo Counsellor for California, "Freddie" was given a rousing "nine,' when he arose to address the glthering. After paying some very fine -compliments to the Parson and the -City oi Stockton forits progressiveness, he discussed lumber- conditions in the state. He also discussed what the substitutes were doing and how they were making a profit and he urged the lumber dealers to create new demands for their pr-oducts. In his Hoo-Hoo message he stated that Hoo-HoL creates good fellowship and closer cooperation which are successful factors in working out the problems of the lumber industry. --Parson Simpkin_ was. the closing speaker of the evening. He spoke on merchandising idealsand he congratulated th"e Hoo-Hoo of the West foi what they have -done for the Order. The Associations_say, he statid, ,,that the hope for the lumber business is Hoo-IIoo." He spoke on the advantages of the Hoo-Hoo Clubs and what could be accom- plished through-them by promoting good fellowship and cooperation. The Parson intermiied his remarks' with several pleasing stories.
A telegram from Henry R. Isherr,vood, Hoo-Hoo Secretary, St. Louis, was read by Toastmaster Bird.
During the Concatenation, the ladies with Mrs. O. VWilson acting as hostess attended a vaudeville show. Hoo-Hoo Concatenation
Immediately following the dinner program, the Kittens rvere led through the mysteries of thi onion patch and all came through with their tails properly curled:
Oscar A. Lindberg, Pioneer Lumber^ Co., Stockton
(Continued on page 26)