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Empire Planing Mill
"We make anything out of lvood and our middle name is Service," says Harry Gaetjen, President and General Manager of the Empire Planing Mill, progressive and prominent member of the millwork industry.
The Empire Planing Mill, located at 744-750 Bryant St., San Francisco, is equipped with complete mill machinery for the manufacturing of sash and doors and general planing mill. rvork. The company operates trvo drykilns in
The Empire Planing Mill, reorganized in 1919 with Harry Gaetjen as President and General Manager. Harry has been associated with the company since November l, 1906, when he went to work as draftsman, later filling the positions of Superintendent, and then as Manager of the concern untilits reorganization.
Harry is one of the best known members of the millwork industry in the West. He is the retiring President of the Millwork Institute of California, having served the Institute three years as President and under his leadership the industry in the state has made much progress. He is progressive, a tireless woiker and has always taken a keen interest in the activities of the Institute.
Harry didn't rvander very far from home when he became associated with the Empire Planing Mill, as he was born atFifth and Townsend Streets, just about two and a half blocks from the site of his present business opefations. He takes an active interest in the civic affairs of San Francisco and during the fiscal year 1925-26, he was foreman of the San Francisco Count-y Grand Jury.
Harry Gaetjen,
President and General Manager
connection with their mill operations that have a capacity of 75,000 feet per month.
Lumberrailroad Is Being Repaired
The Diamond Caldor Raihvay, twenty-eight miles in length, owned and operated by the California Door Company to transport logs from their logging camps at Caldor, where they have large holdings of virgin sugar pine, to their big electrically operated saw mill here, is being improved. Crews will be steadily employed all winter below the snow line filling in gulches and canyons, to replace the wooden trestles and short bridges. Short curves and bends in the railway will also be eliminated and the entire system placed in a readiness for the ensuing season of activity in logging and lurnbering. The season closed is said to show the greatest cut of lumber in the annals of history of the company. -
He is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West and during the California Diamond Jubilee in September, 1925,he acted as Grand Marshall. Harry is a great "joiner" and is affiliated with many organizations. He is married and has three very accomplished children.
Timber Deal Recorded
Announcement is made of the sale of 35,000,000 feet of pine lumber to Richard Hovey, San Francisco timber purchaser, involving a consideration of $100,000. The timber is in the eastern part of Klamath county.
Reports Good Year For Hardwoods
George H. Brown, the rvell knorvn East Bay hardwood dealer and President of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, in summarizing conditions in his territory during the past year, states that his concern has had a good year, that building operations in the EastBayDistrict have been active, and the hardwood demand has been satisfactory. J. O. Elmer, well known in hardwood circles.in California, is.sales manager of this.large hardwood concern.
The California Lumber Merchant
long white whiskers and was dressed in a gorgeous uniform decorated rvith white. Rod Hendrick played part of Santa Claus.
Hoo lloo Club No. 39 Hold Christmas Party
Nearly l0O attenrlecl the Christmas Party tTq, of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, held at the Athens LluD' O"i.iuna, onFiiday, December t'' J:. H' Mathews' Kier"un-grUl"rd Lum6er Co., was the Chairman of the Day' "Trt. n"". -EG;; eire" Lowther, of the First Methodist Cn"r.f-t, Oaklarid, rvas the speaker.of th-ei"l' H",,q?": an excellent address on the "Meaning of Chrrstmas" tnat was greatly enjoyed by the large. gathering' Ft8ria."i 1. 'n. Neigibor, Neigh6or's Lumber Yard' presided over ttie busines"s session of the meeting' P-uring the i ttr.tt"o.t hour, there was community singing' Nels 9utst and his singing lumbermen trotrbadours trom 'htaywaro ."tg ,",r..uti o*riginal songs that went over big' Annouttcement lvas mide at the meeting that Merrill noUitt.on and Harry Call, prominent East Bay lumbermen' were sick and unable to attend.
Fotio*ing the luncheon Santa Claus appeared and took his position- by the large Christmas tree that was beautttuity a".ot"ted and disiributed the- presents' Santa Claus irad e"erything buthis sleigh and reindeers; he had the
- Fred AndersorL won the attendance prize while the prize for the oldest Hoo-Hoo present lvas arvarded to W. E. Fry, No.987.
San Francisco Hardwood Club Holds Christmas Luncheon
The San Francisco Hardwood Club had their annual Christmas luncheon at the Commercial Club on Wednesday, Dec. 22. The following well known Bay District hardwood dealers attended: W. T. White, George Brown. Owen Gibson, Ifomer Maris, E. A. Howard, "Bud" Howard, C. Harry White, J. O. Elmer, Gus Dieckmann, Henry Kirchmann, Otto Wahlefelft and J. E. Higgins, Jr.
George Burnett Spends Holidaysin Bay District
George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, was a San Franciio visitor over the Christmas holidays when he called on the lumber trade. He was accompanied by Mrs. Burnett and they spent Christmas Day with relatives in 13erkeley.
The J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. of San Francisco have recently installed dry kilns at their new San Francisco yard. The kilns are specially constructed for the drying bf hardwood lumber to meet with California climatic conditions. Constrttction work on their new yard is progressing rapidly and when completed will be an ideal hardwood plant.