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d Construction that is winning neu) dealers
EALERS are waking up to the fact that BUTTRESS WALL
L', BOARD is a newtriumph in building construction. It is superior to the many brands now on the market. And dealers haye begn_ quick to recogr,ir" itsfiner qualities. In fact so great has been the demand that we have hid to install new machinery and revise our system of production in order to double the output of our plant. Investigate its superiority.
Buttress Wallboard
Ir Strongcr
It Deadens Sound
It is More Flexible
It Defiee Fire
It ir Earier to Sell
Builderr have needed a superior wall board with definite dirtinctive qualitier. And we havc senccd thir demand.
So wc relected the finest materials availabl+pure mineral gypsum' combined with g cmall percentage of wood fibre to givc it reeiliency and nailing strength. Then to these a heavy chipboard covering. Then our rcientific manufacturing process wer perfected to give abrolute uniformity, etrength, dimenrionr and compoaitions. And after eubjecting BUTTRESS WALL BOARD to the most severc teatr for atrength, 6re reeietanee, Ilexibility and sound deadening propertier, we now have a produet that ig rccognized by experta as ruperior. The increacing demand attcats to itr popularity.
You can make more money on BUTTRESS. Write or phone for the raler rtory. Our salesman will call today.