1 minute read
California Looks Optimistically Into L927
By Jack Dionne
All authorities on national economics and finances agree that the State of California is one of the most prosperous spots on the map today. The majority of the state, according to the latest reports, shows unusual prosperity, and the remainder of the state is shown to be in good condition.
A good start for the new year.
It looks from every practical viewpoint as though 1927 were going to be an unusually fine year for California, and for Californians generally. The bankers generally predict that L927 will be a better year than 1926, and the dependable pointers agree with them.
The tourist crop so far this winter the biggest in several years, and the commonwealth is pretty well filled with visitors who come to dodge the rigorous winters of the north and east.
Building prospects look fine. San Francisco has closed one of her biggest years. Los Angeles has done worlds of building in L926, The entire state has built steadily. The fact that not enough profit was made by building material men during the past year, does not change the fact that much material was bought and used.
There has been a pretty fair house-cleaning going on in the lumber and building industry of California for the past six months, and it looks as though the lumber folks are due to handle their affairs better in the next year than they did in the last, and there will be a lot more money made in the lumber business in California next year. That's all that is needed to make this industry boom. We have had the volume of business for a long time, but over-keen competition has reduced the profit to an impractical basis.
Every fundamental industry in California is in excellent condition. Competition is keen, but business is good, and prospects are fine. Everything in agriculture looks good. Already the state has had sufficient rain to guarantee plenty of water and power for the coming year, and the winter just started. The oil business and the railroad business are in better shape than ever before. Manufactures and industry in California are growing apace, and practically everything California makes finds a wonderful market right at home.
It looks as though t927 will be the sort of a year when keen wits, sound judgment, practical vision and fine merchandising will bring home the bacon; but it is apparent that there will be plenty of bacon for the go-getters to bring.home, and thatis all that any good man asks for.